inertial frame quaternions vs Body frame quaternions - quaternions

I have searched a lot everywhere, leading to more confusion, what is the difference between inertial frame quaternions vs Body frame quaternions, what DCM they represent and how to update both using gyro angular rates? Is this has something to do with quaternion left multiplication vs quaternion right multiplication..?

Difference that one represent transformation (of the 3d point) FROM body frame TO inertial frame and other FROM inertial frame TO body frame.
And B_I = I_B^-1


Compute absolute rotaion matrix from relative rotation matrix

Using a homography matrix, I am able to find a mapping from one image to another. From this matrix I can also compute a relative rotation matrix between the two images. How can I then compute an absolute rotation matrix? And what are the differences between these two matrices?
General points:
A general homography between images does not imply a camera motion that is a pure rotation.
However, camera motion that is a pure rotation, or one whose translation is very small compared to the distance from the camera and the scene, is well modeled by a homography.
Specifically to your question:
A "relative" rotation is just that, a motion from the orientation of the first camera to the one of the second camera.
An "absolute" rotation, or orientation, describes a motion with respect to a specified "reference" coordinate frame that is constant and independent of the camera motion.
As a special case, if you have only two camera poses, and you use the first one as the reference, then the relative pose of the second one is also its absolute pose.

Pinhole camera model - Finding rotation from optical axis

In the pinhole camera model, is it possible to determine the rotation required from the optical/principal axis (the axis which pierces the image plane) to intersect a given pixel coordinate (u,v)?
I have an image where I am detecting a marker in space, and have the intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters available. I am using the extrinsic parameters to cast a 2d ray into a separately constructed map (which is overhead and 2d), however I would like the ray angle to change depending on if the detected marker is to the left or right inside of the image.
My first thought was to use arctan utilizing the focal length and the u coordinate (x-axis on image plane from center of image) to determine an angle, however I don't think the units of measurement cooperate: one should be in real world meters and the other is arbitrary pixels.

Kinect - Map color and infrared 2D coordinates

Is there an easy way to convert the coordinates of a point from a color frame to an infrared in Kinect V2?
Infrareds seem to be trimmed on both sides (on the X axis).
The reason why your infrared frame seems to be trimmed on both sides of the X axis is because of this. Due to the frames not being captured of equal size, as you can see in the url, the infrared frame is slightly smaller than colour frames

Circular Motion of calibrated camera with given degree

according to this project (carving a dinosaur) I'd like to create a dataset with 36 images taken from an object and estimate the appropriate camera projection matrix.
Therefore I calibrated my camera once (extrinsic/intrinsic) for the first image with three chessboard patterns and now I want to add circular motion (rougly 10 degrees) according to the 36 images I've taken to get something like shown here:
My camera is static while the photographed object was rotated 10 degrees for every image.
How do I achieve this? Is it correct to create rotation matrices by hand and add it just to my camera projection matrix?
Thanks for advice
Modifying rotation matrices is not enough, you need to change position of the camera. In structure from motion problem it is assumed that scene is static, while camera is moving. You can consider such case because only relational movement is important.
Let the extrinsic camera matrix be A = R[I | -C], where C is position of camera center in global frame and R is rotation from global frame to the camera frame. Let Ra represent rotation by angle alpha about vertical axis in global frame. It can be written as (cos(alpha),-sin(alpha),0;sin(alpha),cos(alpha),0;0,0,1). Then the required camera matrix can be computed as A2 = R2[I | -C2], where R2 = R * transpose(Ra) and C2 = Ra * C.
However, you should ensure two things when using this approach. Firstly vertical axis of global frame must correspond to a real-world vertical direction. Secondly the origin of global frame must lie on the axis of the camera center rotation. The latter can be achieved by putting the object at the origin of global frame.
If angles are measured inaccurately or global frame is not centered well, then the computed extrinsic matrix can also be inaccurate. It can be used as an initial estimate for a structure from motion algorithm in this case. The other alternative is to calibrate the camera for each frame, not only the first one.

Remove gravity from IMU accelerometer

I've found this beautiful quick way to remove gravity from accelerometer readings. However, I have a 6dof IMU (xyz gyro, xyz accel, no magnetometer) so I am not sure if I can use this code (I tried and it doesn't work correctly).
How would someone remove the gravity component? It's a big obstacle because I can't proceed with my project.
What I have:
quaternion depicting the position of aircraft (got that using Extended Kalman Filter)
acceleration sensor readings (unfiltered; axes aligned as the plane is aligned; gravity is also incorporated in these readings)
What I want:
remove the gravity
correct (rotate) the accelerometer readings so it's axes will be aligned with earth's frame of reference's axes
read the acceleration towards earth (now Z component of accelerometer)
Basically I want to read the acceleration towards earth no matter how the plane is oriented! But first step is to remove gravity I guess.
UPDATE: OK, so what you need is to rotate a vector with quaternion. See here or here.
You rotate the measured acceleration vector with the quaternion (corresponding to the orientation) then you substract gravity [0, 0, 9.81] (you may have -9.81 depending on your sign conventions) from the result. That's all.
I have implemented sensor fusion for Shimmer 2 devices based on this manuscript, I highly recommend it. It only uses accelerometers and gyroscopes but no magnetometer, and does exactly what you are looking for.
The resource you link to in your question is misleading. It relies on the quaternion that comes from sensor fusion. In other words, somebody already did the heavy lifting for you, already prepared the gravity compensation for you.