How to set multi level collapsible outlines using EPPlus - epplus

I was looking at the POST to create a multi level collapsible grouping in Excel using EPPlus, but I am not able to create a inner group within an existing group.
Please see the example file I am using here
It seems, I need to set the OutlineLevel for Row 14- 18 twice, first to set them at level 3 and also again to set them at level 2 as part of the larger group (Row 10 - 27), and it's only taking the level 2 value, not showing the inner level.
Let me know if there is a way to achieve it using EPPlus.
Thanks in advance!!

You can achieve this if you think of creating outer level first, then create inner level (using C#).
// 0. populate with basic data
worksheet.Cells[1, 1].Value = "outside"; // | outside | |
worksheet.Cells[2, 2].Value = "inside"; // | | inside |
worksheet.Cells[3, 1].Value = "outside"; // | outside | |
// 1. outter level
for(int i=1; i<=3; i++)
worksheet.Row(i).OutlineLevel = 1;
worksheet.Row(i).Collapsed = true;
// 2. inner level
worksheet.Row(2).OutlineLevel = 2;
worksheet.Row(2).Collapsed = true;


Force an Azure Resource Graoh to show 0 - KQL - Azure monitor

I want to create a pie chart showing the counts of open (not closed) alerts which is working. However, I want it to default to 0 in the chart when there is no alert for a particular severity
|extend Sev = tostring(parse_json(properties.essentials.severity)),
LastModifiedTime = todatetime(properties.essentials.lastModifiedDateTime)
| where tostring(parse_json(properties.essentials.alertState)) <> 'Closed'
| where resourceGroup =='ai-eazyfuel-eu-prd-rg'
| where Sev =='Sev0'
|where LastModifiedTime >=datetime(2022/07/26)
|summarize count() by Sev
Is this even possible because I understand there are no results to show but you know what end users are like
While it's feasible to write the KQL query:
Azure Resource Graph uses only a limited subset of KQL which makes the query syntax cumbersome.
Azure Resource Graph cannot display 0 size slice.
Please note the removal of unnecessary transformations of properties and the use of ISO format for datetime.
| take 1
| mv-expand severity = range(0,4) to typeof(string)
| project severity = strcat("Sev", severity)
| join kind=leftouter
| extend severity = tostring(properties.essentials.severity)
,lastModifiedDateTime = todatetime(properties.essentials.lastModifiedDateTime)
| where properties.essentials.alertState <> "Closed"
and resourceGroup == "ai-eazyfuel-eu-prd-rg"
and severity == "Sev0"
and lastModifiedDateTime >= datetime("2022-07-26")
| summarize count() by severity
) on severity
| project severity, count_ = coalesce(count_, 0)

How to detect if Tabular variable is empty in KQL

I have a dashboard populated with a number of Kusto KQL Queries.
Sometimes, my query below returns zero results (for instance if by miracle, there are no failures in the last 24 hours).
//my dashboard query
let failureResults = exceptions | where blahblahblah;
When there are no items that match the filters, my dashboard is filled with
'The query returned no Results'.
How could I go about checking if this variable is null and then doing a different op? For instance, if it's null, then I would just issue a print "No Failures for today, awesome!"; instead.
I have tried iff() statements and isempty(failures| distinct Outcome) and the like, but to no avail. For example, here is another one which didn't work:
failures | project column_ifexists(tostring(Outcome),"No failures where reported!")
Just thought on an improved solution based on pack_all() and the bag_unpack plugin
let p_threshold = ... ;// set value
let failureResults = datatable(exception_id:int,exception_val:int,exception_text:string)[1,100,"Hello" ,2,200,"World"];
| where exception_val > p_threshold
| as t1
| project result = pack_all()
| union kind=outer (print msg = 'No Failures for today, awesome!' | where toscalar(t1 | take 1 | count) == 0 | project result = pack_all())
| evaluate bag_unpack(result)
let p_threshold = 0;
let p_threshold = 300;
No Failures for today, awesome!
Well... Kind of...
let p_threshold = ... ;// set value
let failureResults = datatable(exception_id:int,exception_val:int,exception_text:string)[1,100,"Hello" ,2,200,"World"];
| where exception_val > p_threshold
| as t1
| union kind=outer (print msg = 'No Failures for today, awesome!' | where toscalar(t1 | take 1 | count) == 0)
| project-reorder msg
let p_threshold = 0;
let p_threshold = 300;
No Failures for today, awesome!

Take output from query and use in subsequent KQL query

I'm using Azure Log Analytics to review certain events of interest.
I would like to obtain timestamps from data that meets a certain criteria, and then reuse these timestamps in further queries, i.e. to see what else occurred around these times.
The following query returns the desired results, but I'm stuck at how to use the interestingTimes var to then perform further searches and show data within X minutes of each previously returned timestamp.
let interestingTimes =
| where TimeGenerated between (datetime(2021-04-01T11:57:22) .. datetime('2021-04-01T15:00:00'))
| where EventID == 1
| parse EventData with * '<Data Name="Image">' ImageName "<" *
| where ImageName contains "MicrosoftEdge.exe"
| project TimeGenerated
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
interestingTimes will only be available for use in the query where you declare it. You can't use it in another query, unless you define it there as well.
By the way, you can make your query much more efficient by adding a filter that will utilize the built-in index for the EventData column, so that the parse operator will run on a much smaller amount of records:
let interestingTimes =
| where TimeGenerated between (datetime(2021-04-01T11:57:22) .. datetime('2021-04-01T15:00:00'))
| where EventID == 1
| where EventData has "MicrosoftEdge.exe" // <-- OPTIMIZATION that will filter out most records
| parse EventData with * '<Data Name="Image">' ImageName "<" *
| where ImageName contains "MicrosoftEdge.exe"
| project TimeGenerated

How can I perform a similar UPDATE-WHERE statement on SparkSQL2.0?

How can I implement an SQL query like this, in SparkSQL 2.0 using DataFrames and Scala language? I've read a lot of posts but none of them seems to achieve what I need, or if you can point me one, would do. Here's the problem:
UPDATE table SET value = 100 WHERE id = 2
UPDATE table SET value = 70 WHERE id = 4
Suppose that you have a table table with two columns like this:
id | value
--- | ---
1 | 1
2 | null
3 | 3
4 | null
5 | 5
Is there a way to implement the above query, using map, match cases, UDFs or if-else statements? The values that I need to store in the value field are not sequential, so I have specific values to put there. I'm aware too that it is not possible to modify a immutable data when dealing with DataFrames. I have no code to share because I can't get it to work nor reproduce any errors.
Yes you can, it's very simple. You can use when and otherwise.
val pf =$"id", when($"id" === 2, lit(100)).otherwise(when($"id" === 4, lit(70)).otherwise($"value")).as("value"))

Zend JOIN clause return as array in the object?

I currently am using the following code
$select = $this->select()
->from(array('st' => $this->_name))
->join(array('sp' => 'staff_permissions'), 'sp.staff_id = and sp.pool_id = ' . $pool_id )
->join(array('p' => 'permissions'), ' = sp.permission_id')
->where('staff_id = ?', $staff_id);
return $this->fetchAll($select)->toArray();
It combines three tables and returns the result. The 'st' table corresponds to one staff (so one row), and the other two tables correspond to multiple rows. So what I was hoping was to get a single object back such that the other two tables are arrays inside the object.
So as an example, I get back $row, so that $row->first_name is the name, but $row->permission_id is an array with all the ids in it.
Can that be done using the JOIN clause?
This query should be done in the lowest layer in your application, the next layer up the stack will be your mappers. In your mapper layer you can map to your Entities, which will be a 'staff' entity (object) which contains a collection for 'staff_permissions' & a collection for 'permissions'
model diagram:
| service | // business logic
| mapper | // maps external data to internal entities (or vice versa)
----------- ----------------------
|dao (sql)| -> | zend table gateway |
----------- ----------------------
mapper example code:
$staffEntity = new StaffEntity();
foreach($response['staff_permissions] as $permission) {
$permission = new Permission();
// ... etc ...
// ... same for permissions ...
return $staffEntity;