Defining variables on Excel VBA - vba

I'm starting a new project using Excel VBA and I would like to declare some variables to be loaded during the system's initialization, but during the utilization it may be changed. How can I do it?
When the system is loaded, the variable RADIO must be equal to "OFF", but during the utilization the user will change this value to "ON", and even to "OFF" again.
This information (RADIO) will be used during the system's utilization in some other pages.
How can I do it?
Thank you so much
Bruno Lelli

Like Tim Williams said, you need a global variable. Best practice is to have it declared in the declaration block (very first lines) of a code mudule.
To have it available within the code module only:
Private booRadio as Boolean
To have it available within the whole VBA project, i.e. all modules, user forms and for the workbook and worksheet events:
Public booRadio as Boolean
When VBA starts, all Boolean variables get initialized to be False (likewise, all Integer or Long get initialized to be 0, String to be "", etc.). This can be used to have a known initial status after system start.
Or - which is better to read in code reviews and like-I-feel more robust - you use an event to initilize the startup status. E.g. like ashleedawg said, you may use the workbook_open event for this. In that case, you need your variable dacelared with the Public statement, if you want to access it outside the ThisWorkbook code.
Copy this code into the ThisWorkbook code module:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
booRadio = True
End Sub
This will use the event Workbook_Open to initialize the variable upon every opening of the Excel file, because that event gets automatially raised then.


Variable in a form won't keep its value after being used in the call to another form

I have a form with a variable in it called "VigilTable." This variable gets its value from the calling string OpenArgs property.
Among other things, I use this variable in the call string when opening other forms.
But it only works the first call.
MsgBox VigilTable before the call will always show "Spring2022" or whatever on the first call but always comes up blank on succeeding calls (and I get "invalid use of NULL" when the called form attempts to extract the value from OpenArgs). The variable is dimmed as String in the General section of the form's VBA code.
So what's happening here? And can I fix it?
Ok, so you delcared a variable at the form level (code module) for that given form.
and we assume that say on form load, you set this varible to the OpenArgs of the form on form load.
So, say like this:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public MyTest As String
Private Sub Form_Load()
MyTest = Me.OpenArgs
End Sub
Well, I can't say having a variable helps all that much, since any and all code in that form can use me.OpenArgs.
but, do keep in mind the following:
ONLY VBA code in the form can freely use that variable. It is NOT global to the applcation, but only code in the given form.
However, other VBA code outside of the form can in fact use this variable. But ONLY as long as the form is open.
So, in the forms code, you can go;
MsgBox MyTest
But, for VBA outside of the form, then you can get use of the value like this:
Msgbox forms!cityTest.MyTest
However, do keep in mind that any un-handled error will (and does) blow out all global and local variables. So, maybe you have a un-handled error.
Of course if you compile (and deploy) a compiled accDB->accDE, then any errors does NOT re-set these local and global variables.
but, for the most part, that "value" should persist ONLY as long as the form is open, and if you close that form, then of course the values and variables for that form will go out of scope (not exist).
Now, you could consider moving the variable declare to a standard code module, and then it would be really global in nature, but for the most part, such code is not recommended, since it hard to debug, and such code is not very modular, or even easy to maintain over time.
So, this suggests that some error in VBA code is occurring, and when that does occur, then all such variables are re-set (but, the noted exception is if you compile down to an accDE - and any and all variables will thus persist - and even persist their values when VBA errors are encountered.
For a string variable, a more robust solution not influenced by any error, should be writing/reading in/from Registry. You can use the, let as say, variable (the string from Registry) from any workbook/application able to read Registry.
Declare some Public constants on top of a standard module (in the declarations area):
Public Const MyApp As String = "ExcelVar"
Public Const Sett As String = "Settings"
Public Const VigilTable As String = "VT"
Then, save the variable value from any module/form:
SaveSetting MyApp, Sett, VigilTable , "Spring2022" 'Save the string in Regisgtry
It can be read in the next way:
Dim myVal as String
myVal = GetSetting(MyApp, Sett, VigilTable , "No value") 'read the Registry
If myVal = "No value" Then MsgBox "Nothing recorded in Registry, yet": Exit Sub
Debug.print myVal
Actually, this proved not to be the the answer at all.
It was suggested that I declare my variables as constants in the Standard module but I declared them as variables. It appeared at first to work, at least through one entire session, then it ceased to work and I don't know why.
If I declare as constants instead, will I still be able to change them at-will? That matters because I re-use them with different values at different times.
I didn't do constants but declaring VigilName in the Standard module and deleting all other declarations of it fixed both problems.
While I was at it I declared several other variables that are as generally used and deleted all other declarations of them as well so that at least they'll be consistently used throughout (probably save me some troubleshooting later.
Thanks to all!

VBA- UserForm.Lable.Caption gets Error 91 Object Not Set

System Description: I have a userform that takes input on an item that is being returned. A user clicks the row of the item that needs to be returned and then clicks a "Check-In button"
My Attempt: I created a button checkin_cmdbutton on the spreadsheet that measures which item is selected by which cell is selected Application.ActiveCell.Row, writes the info into a userform Checkin_Form, the user finishes the rest of the check-in info, and clicks submit.
This code is the event for the button checkin_cmdbutton on the spreadsheet:
Private Sub checkin_cmdbutton_Click()
Set ItemID = Cells(Application.ActiveCell.Row, 1)
Set ItemDescription = Cells(Application.ActiveCell.Row, 2)
If ItemID Is Nothing Then
MsgBox ("ID is null, ending...")
Exit Sub
End If
Checkin_Form.itemid_dynamiclabel.Caption = ItemID.Value
Checkin_Form.description_dynamiclabel.Caption = ItemDescription.Value
Checkin_Form.checkin_datepicker.Value = Date
End Sub
Problem: The code throws an error 91 "Object variable or with block variable not set" at Checkin_Form.itemid_dynamiclabel.caption and the following 2 lines. Why is an object on a form throwing this error? I can't declare these, can I?
You shouldn't be explicitly calling UserForm_Initialize - that's an event handler, and there's a reason handlers are Private by default: they're invoked by the event provider, when the event provider deems it necessary - in this case, when the object instance is getting initialized.
The best way to ensure the form gets initialized properly, is to treat it like the object it is, instead of storing global state on its default instance.
A UserForm class is little more than a class module with a designer and a VB_PredeclaredId module attribute. This attribute makes VBA create a global-scope object variable named after the class, and that is how this code is legal:
Except, it shouldn't be.
You DON'T want to store global state in the default instance: that's the very last thing you want, especially if your form involves dynamic controls.
New it up instead.
With New UserForm1
'what follows only executes when the form is closed:
End With
For this to work, you must handle the form's QueryClose event, to prevent the object instance from self-destructing itself when the user clicks the [X] button.
For this to work, you must also avoid destroying the form yourself, e.g. with Unload Me (or worse, Unload UserForm1) calls - say, when the user clicks the [Ok] button. Instead, you Hide (or Me.Hide) the form, so that the caller (the code that New'd it up) can still access the object's state.
From the look of your code - i.e. with the .Show call being the very last thing your macro does, I can tell that you're having the form run the show: this is an anti-pattern that will keep creating problems every time you do that.
Forms don't implement application logic: forms present and collect data. Nothing more, nothing less. It's not the form's job to write to any spreadsheet, or even to know anything about worksheets.
Read this recent article of mine if you want more information about doing forms right.
Now, the actual problem.
Checkin_Form.itemid_dynamiclabel.Caption = ItemID.Value
If that label is dynamic (i.e. created at run-time), then I'm surprised accessing it like this even compiles. First, remove the underscore in the form's name: underscores have a special meaning in VBA - I'm sure you've noticed the pattern by now, of how VBA generates event handlers for a given object:
Private Sub ObjectName_EventName()
End Sub
If ObjectName or EventName has an underscore, you're asking for compile errors at one point or another - one day you'll want to use an Implements statement and discover that your code can't be compiled anymore, if you kept that underscore habit: better lose it now.
If the control is dynamic, you can't do what you're trying to do the way you're doing it.
Dynamic controls need to be accessed through the form's Controls collection:
Dim myLabel As MSForms.Label
Set myLabel = Me.Controls("NameOfTheLabelControl")
Otherwise, you need to keep a reference to the dynamic contols at module-level, in the form's code-behind - you could expose it via a property:
Option Explicit
Dim myLabel As MSForms.Label
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Set myLabel = Me.Controls.Add(...)
End Sub
Public Property Get ThatLabel() As MSForms.Label
Set ThatLabel = myLabel
End Property
Or better, use an actual model class, and let the calling code not be bothered with controls at all - see the previously linked article for details.
You're getting that error because your label object instance isn't initialized, i.e. it's Nothing. Since you aren't showing your form's code-behind, we can't really point out why that is the case, but my money is on the form's default instance making you yet another victim of the "hey look how easy it is!" VBA tutorials that teach things wrong.
Implement the worksheet-handling code outside the form, make the form collect data, make the calling code read this data after the form is hidden, and then make the calling code create and destroy the form instance.
Now, with all that said, I've no idea why you think you need a dynamic control for this.
Just shooting in the dark, as far as I really do not know the names of your variables and what they are (a few screenshots will be helpful). Try like this, if your code is in a form (as far as you have _Click I assume it is):
Private Sub checkin_cmdbutton_Click()
Set ItemID = Cells(Application.ActiveCell.Row, 1)
Set ItemDescription = Cells(Application.ActiveCell.Row, 2)
Me.itemid_dynamiclabel.Caption = ItemID.Value
Me.description_dynamiclabel.Caption = ItemDescription.Value
Me.checkin_datepicker.Value = Date
End Sub
And try at least declaring the variables (e.g. ItemID etc) and using Option Explicit on top.

Storing range reference in a global variable

I'm using several named ranges located in different worksheets. I need to read from and write to those ranges in many situations throughout my VBA code.
So my question is: what is the proper way to store those range references in global variables for quick access? Or is there a better way?
I tried declaring global variables:
Public WS_BOARD As Worksheet
Public RNG_BOARD As Range
and initializing them on Workbook_Open:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Set WS_BOARD = Worksheets("BOARD")
End Sub
This works okay except that if my code crashes those global variables are reset to Nothing and cannot be used any further (i.e. in worksheet event handlers).
Of course, I can always use something like
everywhere in my code but I think it will affect performance because it obviously needs to lookup objects using string names, let alone it being not DRY.
One way is to "load" them once into memory and then pass them as arguments into other subs/functions.
Passing Variables By Reference And By Value
Second, you can declare them as module-scope variables (something like public, but only in the module you declare them).
Scope of variables in Visual Basic for Applications
Third, your way.
Scope of variables in Visual Basic for Applications
Every worksheet has a Name property (the tab caption) and a CodeName property. If you use the CodeName in your code, you don't need a variable. Like a userform, a sheet's code name is auto instantiated when you use it. Select the worksheet under your project in the Project Explorer (Ctrl+R), go to the Propeties (F4) and change the (Name) to a meaninful CodeName. The Project Explorer will then show the sheet as
wshDataEntry (Data Entry)
if you made the CodeName wshDataEntry and the tab said Data Entry.
For Ranges, I used defined names in the spreadsheet. It's like a global variable that never goes out of scope. If you have, say, and interest rate cell that you need to read in various procedure, name it Interest_Rate. Then at the top of every procedure where you need it
Set rInterest = wshDataEntry.Range(gsNMINTEREST)
where gsNMINTEREST is a global string variable holding "Interest_Rate". If the cell ever moves, you only need to move your named range for the code to work. If you change the name to "LiborPlusFour" you only need to update your global variable. Pretty DRY.
Yes there is a slight performance hit making VBA look up the named range every time. I wouldn't worry about that unless you've calculated a performance problem and identified it as the drag.
One way that I keep global variables (of course I'm very judicious using them) in scope is an Initialize procedure.
Public Sub Initialize()
If gclsApp Is Nothing Then
Set gclsApp = New CApp
'do some other setup
End If
End Sub
Then I call the Initialize procedure at the top of any module I need it. If it's Not Nothing, then it doesn't reset the variable. I'm not sure the performance implications of checking for Nothing and just looking up a named range, though.
Global variables are generally not a good idea. In some cases they're necessary, but this isn't one of those cases.
I don't think you should worry about the performance impact of looking up a few ranges by their string name. I have sheets with hundreds of named ranges, and I have never, ever observed this having a negative impact on performance.
Do you have specific evidence indicating that this is slowing down your code? If not, then don't waste time worrying about it.
I often do this to define ranges:
Type RangesType
board As Range
plank As Range
wood As Range
End Type
Function GetRanges() As RangesType
With GetRanges
Set .board = Range("board")
Set .plank = Range("plank")
Set .wood = Range("wood")
End With
End Function
Then I use them like this:
Sub something()
Dim rngs As RangesType: rngs = GetRanges
rngs.board = "My favourite board"
rngs.wood = "Chestnut"
End Sub
Yes, ranges will get fetched by their name repeatedly if you have many subs, and no, this isn't likely to have any noticeable effect on performance.

MS Access: Assign variable for Form

I am trying to set up a global variable (as form) and set it = Form_MyForm
I have used the Form Load event to make the assignment and since it is a global variable I am expecting all my procedures can use this variable of mine without me retyping the assignment in different procedures
Problem is that sometimes it works while at others times it fails to recognise my variable, at which point I have to close my form and re-open it to refresh the assignment
I looked at the many Event for Access Forms but not sure what they are and how they can be helpful to my situation
Thanks for your help guys!
Define your global variable(s) in an Access module (not behind any form). This allows any object (form, report, macro etc.) to have access to them.
Initialize the variables inside a Public Function or Public Sub within the module and have the function/sub called by the database's opening form (i.e., main menu or switchboard).
Now, variables can be used in expressions, queries, VBA, and other areas.
**If the global variable needs to be redefined by various parameters, set that up in the function/sub and re-call it from a specific trigger event.
Had the same problem with user defined global variables, any time there is an error thrown or you switch to the development environment, you lose the set value in the variable.
You could try using a Session Variable, from the TempVar collection, which I find to be much more stable. It is stays set until you close the Database or you unset it.
MyFormName = me.Form.Name
'Load the data into Session variables
TempVars.Add "SessMyFormName", MyFormName
'Use the value elsewhere
SelectedForm = TempVars![SessMyFormName]
'Remove All Session Variables Set Earlier
TempVars.RemoveAll 'Destroy Session

Public variables are not REALLY public in VBA in Forms

Below is a question that I will answer myself, however it caused a GREAT deal of frustration for me and I had a lot of trouble searching for it on the web, so I am posting here in hopes of saving some time & effort for others, and maybe for myself if I forget this in the future:
For VBA (in my case, MS Excel), the Public declaration is supposed to make the variable (or function) globally accessible by other functions or subroutines in that module, as well as in any other module.
Turns out this is not true, in the case of Forms, and I suspect also in Sheets, but I haven't verified the latter.
In short, the following will NOT create a public, accessible variable when created in a Form, and will therefore crash, saying that the bYesNo and dRate variables are undefined in mModule1:
(inside fMyForm)
Public bYesNo As Boolean`
Public dRate As Double
Private Sub SetVals()
bYesNo = Me.cbShouldIHaveADrink.value
dRate = CDec(Me.tbHowManyPerHour.value)
End Sub
(Presume the textbox & checkbox are defined in the form)
(inside mModule1)
Private Sub PrintVals()
Debug.Print CStr(bYesNo)
Debug.Print CStr(dRate)
End Sub
However, if you make the slight alteration below, it all will work fine:
(inside fMyForm)
Private Sub SetVals()
bYesNo = Me.cbShouldIHaveADrink.value
dRate = CDec(Me.tbHowManyPerHour.value)
End Sub
(Presume the textbox & checkbox are defined in the form)
(inside mModule1)
Public bYesNo As Boolean`
Public dRate As Double
Private Sub PrintVals()
Debug.Print CStr(bYesNo)
Debug.Print CStr(dRate)
End Sub
mModule1 will work perfectly fine and, assuming that the fMyForm is always called first, then by the time the PrintVals routine is run, the values from the textbox and checkbox in the form will properly be captured.
I honestly cannot possibly fathom what MS was thinking with this change, but the lack of consistency is a huge suck on efficiency, learning idiosyncracies like these, which are so poorly documented that a Google search in 2013 for something that has likely been around for a decade or more is so challenging to search.
First comment:
Userform and Sheet modules are Object modules: they don't behave the same way as a regular module. You can however refer to a variable in a userform in a similar way to how you'd refer to a class property. In your example referring to fMyForm.bYesNo would work fine. If you'd not declared bYesNo as Public it wouldn't be visible to code outside of the form, so when you make it Public it really is different from non-Public. – Tim Williams Apr 11 '13 at 21:39
is actually a correct answer...
As a quick add-on answer to the community answer, just for a heads-up:
When you instantiate your forms, you can use the form object itself, or you can create a new instance of the form object by using New and putting it in a variable. The latter method is cleaner IMO, since this makes the usage less singleton-ish.
However, when in your userform you Call Unload(Me), all public members will be wiped clean. So, if your code goes like this:
Dim oForm as frmWhatever
Set oForm = New frmWhatever
Call oForm.Show(vbModal)
If Not oForm.bCancelled Then ' <- poof - bCancelled is wiped clean at this point
The solution I use to prevent this, and it is a nice alternative solution for the OP as well, is to capture all IO with the form (i.e. all public members) into a separate class, and use an instance of that class to communicate with the form. So, e.g.
Dim oFormResult As CWhateverResult
Set oFormResult = New CWhateverResult
Dim oForm as frmWhatever
Set oForm = New frmWhatever
Call oForm.Initialize(oFormResult)
Call oForm.Show(vbModal)
If Not oFormResult.bCancelled Then ' <- safe
There are other limitations to Public within Excel VBA.
MSoft documentation in states that public variables are global to the VBA project - it's not true.
Public variables are only global to the workbook within which they are declared, and then only across standard modules. Public variables declared within workbook code are not visible in standard modules, even though standard module sub's are - which are defined to be public.
Public variables declared in one workbook's standard modules are certainly not accessible from other workbooks in the same VBA project, contrary to the MSoft documentation.