Azure SQL DB Refresh From Production - azure-sql-database

Looking for the best practice on refreshing a QA/Test Azure SQL Database from a Production Azure SQL Database
The production database is on a different server and resource group. So just wondering the best method for getting the production data into the qa/testing database. What tools are available for a task like this?

The most common format of SQL Azure Database's is bacpac, and believe me when I tell you that it is AWESOME.
The easiest way to do this is using the Azure Portal or with SSMS.
This will however copy the entire database schema and all data. If you need something more specific, like excluding a table, look no further than sqlpackage.exe.
.\sqlpackage.exe /Action:Export /ssn:SERVER /sdn:ADB /tf:"C:\PATH\TO\FILE.bacpac" /of /p:TableData=TABLE /p:TableData=TABLE /p:TableData=TABLE
To create a database from the .bacpac you created above, all three of the aforementioned methods also support importing.
I would apply the KISS principle here and just use the portal/SSMS on both ends. Dropping the specific tables you no longer want/need.

You just need to copy the production database using the portal or PowerShell
New-AzureRmSqlDatabaseCopy -ResourceGroupName "myResourceGroup" `
-ServerName $sourceserver `
-DatabaseName "MySampleDatabase" `
-CopyResourceGroupName "myResourceGroup" `
-CopyServerName $targetserver `
-CopyDatabaseName "CopyOfMySampleDatabase"
You can also automate refreshing the development database by recreating it using Azure Automation and the following T-SQL statement.
AS COPY OF ozabzw7545.db_original ( SERVICE_OBJECTIVE = 'P2' );


Copy Azure Database Across Subscriptions

I am trying to copy my existing AzureSQL (singleton) database from PRODUCTION subscription into a NON-PRODUCTION database in a different subscription. I need to repeat this process every night so that our production support environment (non-prod) has the latest copy from production from the night before. Since overwriting database is not possible in AzureSQL, I would like to copy "DBProd" from PROD server as "DBProd2" on to my Non-Prod server (in a different subscription), then delete the existing "DBProd" from the destination server and rename "DBProd2" to "DBProd".
I have searched through this site to find answers and the closest I found was this link below...
Cross Subscription Copying of Databases on Windows Azure SQL Database
In that link user #PaulH submitted the below answer...
"This works for me across subscriptions without having matching SQL Server accounts. I am a member of the server active directory admin group on both source and target servers, and connecting using AD authentication with MFA. – paulH Mar 25 at 11:22"
However, I could not figure out the details of how it was achieved. My preference is to use power shell script to get this done. If any of you had done this before, I would appreciate a snippet of sample code, or any pointers to achieve this.
My other option is to go the BACPAC route (export and import), but I would only want to resort to that if copying of DB across subscriptions is not possible.
Thanks in advnace!
Went through the link...
Cross Subscription Copying of Databases on Windows Azure SQL Database
The Move-AzureRmResource cmdlet may be all you need. Below how it works.
Let's say you create a new Azure SQL Server on a different resource group.
New-AzureSqlDatabaseServer -Location "East US" -AdministratorLogin "AdminLogin" -AdministratorLoginPassword "AdminPassword"
Copy the source database to the newly created Azure SQL Server.
Start-AzureSqlDatabaseCopy -ServerName "SourceServer" -DatabaseName "Orders" -PartnerServer "NewlyCreatedServer" -PartnerDatabase "OrdersCopy"
Move the resource group of the Newly created Azure SQL Server to another subscription.
Move-AzureRmResource -DestinationResourceGroupName [-DestinationSubscriptionId ] -ResourceId [-Force] [-ApiVersion ] [-Pre] [-DefaultProfile ] [-InformationAction ] [-InformationVariable ] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] []
For more information, please read this DBAStackExchange thread.

Move data between two Azure SQL databases without using elastic query

I am in need of suggestion to move data from a particular table in one azure sql database to the other azure sql database which has the same table structure without using elastic query
Using SQL Server Management Studio to connect to SQL azure database, right click the source database and select generate scripts.
During the wizard, after have select the tables that you want to output to a query window, then click advanced. About half way down the properties window there is an option for "type of data to script". Select that and change it to "data only", then finish the wizard.
The heck the script, rearrange the inserts for constraints, and change the using at the top to run it against my target DB.
Then right click on the target database and select new query, copy the script into it, and run it.
This will migrate the data.
Please consider using the "Transfer SQL Server Objects task" in SSIS. You can learn all the advantages it provides on this article.
You can use PowerShell to query each database and move data between them as needed. Here's an example article on how to get this done.
Using PowerShell when working with Azure has a number of other benefits in what you can do and can control as well. It's a good choice to spend time learning.
In the source database I created SPs to select the data from the tables.
In the target database I created table types (which would be available in programmability) for the tables with the same structure as in the source.
I used Azure function to move the data into table type from source.
In the target database I created SPs to insert data into the tables from their respective table types.
After ensuring the transfer of data, I would be deleting those records moved to the target in the source database and for this I created SPs.

Azure SQL, Copy most of a database into an existing one (not new one) same server

I know I can clone DB into a new one with
CREATE DATABASE Database1_copy AS COPY OF Database1;
and this goes flawesly, except in Azure, where db properties are managed by Azure portal, so I am try to find a way to copy most of the schema/resources/data into an EXISTING DB
would be great for:
CLONE DATABASE Database_test AS COPY OF Database_production
[even first approach has been to "clone" the entire db, indeed few tables on destination db should be kept, so better approach would be to CLONE EVERYTHING EXCEPT ('table1','table2'). Actually plan to achieving this by scripting the few tables needed on destination db and overwriting them after import, but bet solution would be the other]
You can do this in several ways:
Through the Azure Portal
Open your database in the Azure Portal(
In the overview blade of your database select the "copy" option
Fill in the parameters, in which server would you like the copy
Using a sql server client and connecting to the server
Open your SQL Server blade in Azure
Select the "Firewall" option
Click on "Add client IP"
Connect to your database with your connection string and your favorite client, could be SSMS
Execute your sql query to clone the database in the same server
-- Copy a SQL database to the same server
-- Execute on the master database.
-- Start copying.
CREATE DATABASE Database1_copy AS COPY OF Database1;
The above SQL statement works perfectly fine as expected in Azure SQL Database.
Important Notes:
Log on to the master database (System Databases) using the
server-level principal login or the login that created the
database you want to copy.
Logins that are not the server-level principal must be members of
the dbmanager role in order to copy databases.
Use updated version of the SQL Server Management Studio

Copy SQL Azure Database to different Server

SQL Azure database supports copying whole database asynchronously with a single command as below:
I have been using to copy database within same server using
CREATE DATABASE [targetdb] AS COPY OF [sourcedb]
But when I try to copy database to a different SQL Azure server:
CREATE DATABASE [targetdb] AS COPY OF [source_sql_azure_server].[sourcedb]
But I get below error:
Cannot open server "source_sql_azure_server" requested by the login. The login failed.
How do I copy?
Although this question is very old, it's the one I came across when trying to find out if I could easily copy an Azure SQL database from one server to another.
It turns out that it's now as simple as navigating to the source database from then clicking copy and choosing the new destination server.
The whole process is explained in more detail in this article:
To execute DB copy between 2 different servers you must be connected to the master database of the destination SQL Azure server and have correct permissions.
The exact same login/password must exist on the source server and destination server and the login must have db_owner permissions on the source server and dbmanager on the destination server.
Read more about it here:
I guess there is also another way to achieve another copy in a different region. You can simply do an Asynchronous Replication to a different server and region and make that the primary.
This should solve your 5 year old problem! :)
$dblist = #("db1","db2","db3")
$sourceserver = "azureDBserversource"
$targetserver = "azureDBserverTarget"
$sourceRG = "mySourceRG"
$targetRG = "myTargetRG"
foreach ($db in $dblist) {
New-AzSqlDatabaseCopy -ResourceGroupName $sourceRG `
-ServerName $sourceserver `
-DatabaseName $db `
-CopyResourceGroupName $targetRG `
-CopyServerName $targetserver `
-CopyDatabaseName $db

How to Export data to Excel in SQL Server using SQL Jobs

I need to export the data from a particular table in my database to Excel files (.xls/.xlsx) that will be located into a shared folder into my network. Now the situation is like this -
I need to use SQL SERVER Agent Jobs.
2.I need to generate a new excel file in every 2 minutes that will contain the refreshed data.
I am using sql server 2008 that doesn't include BI development studio. I'm clueless how to solve this situation. First, I'm not sure how to export the data using jobs because every possible ways I tried had some issues with the OLEDB connection. The 'sp_makewebtask' is also not available in SQL 2008. And I'm also confused how to dynamically generate the names of the files.
Any reference or solution will be helpful.
Follow the steps given below :
1) Make a stored procedure that creates a temporary table and insert records to it.
2) Make a stored procedure that read records from that temporary table and writes to file. You can use this link : clickhere
3) Create an SQL-job that execute step 1 and step 2 sequentially.
I found a better way out. I have created a SSIS(SQL Server Integration Services) package to automate the whole Export to Excel task. Then I deployed that package using SQL Server Agent Jobs. This is a more neat and clean solution as I found.