how to select the most recent records - hive

Select id, name , max(modify_time)
from customer
group by id, name
but I get all records.

Order by modify_time desc and use row_number to number the row for id,name combination.Then select each combination with row_number = 1
select id,modify_time,name
from (
select id,modify_time,name,row_number() over(partition by id order by modify_time desc) as r_no
from customer
) a
where a.r_no=1

Ids are unique, which means grouping them by the id, will result in the same table.
My suggestion would be, to order the table by "modify_time" descending and limit the result to 1 (Maybe something like the following):
Select id, name modify_time from customer ORDER BY modify_time DESC limit 1

The reason you are getting the whole table as a result is because you are grouping by id AND name. That means every unique combination of id and name is returned. And since all names per id are different, the whole table is returned.
If you want the last modification per id (or name) you should only group by id (or name respectively).


Getting MAX of a column and adding one more

I'm trying to make an SQL query that returns the greatest number from a column and its respective id.
For more information I have two columns ID and NUMBER. Both of them have 2 entries and I want to get the highest number with the ID next to it. This is what I tried but didn't success.
The problem I'm experiencing is that it just shows ALL the entries and if I add a "where" expression it just shows the same (all entries [ids+numbers]).
Pd.: Yes, I got what I wanted but only with one column (number) if I add another column (ID) to select it "brokes".
Presuming you want the IDs* of the row with the highest number (and not, instead, the highest number for each ID -- if IDs were not unique in your table, for example).
* there may be more than one ID returned if there are two or more IDs with equal maximum numbers
you can try this
Select ID,maxNumber
(Select Max(NUMBER) from Tmp where Id = t.Id) maxNumber
Tmp t
Group By ID,maxNumber
The query you posted has an illegal column name (number) and is group by the alias for the max value, which is illegal and also doesn't make sense; and you can't include the unaliased max() within the group-by either. So it's likely you're actually doing something like:
select id, max(numb) as maxnumb
from table1
group by id;
which will give one row per ID, with the maximum numb (which is the new name I've made up for your numeric column) for each ID. Or as you said you get "ALL the entries" you might have group by id, numb, which would show all rows from the table (unless there are duplicate combinations).
To get the maximum numb and the corresponding id you could group by id only, order by descending maxnumb, and then return the first row only:
select id, max(numb) as maxnumb
from table1
group by id
order by maxnumb desc
fetch first 1 row only
If there are two ID with the same maxnumb then you would only get one of them - and which one is indeterminate unless you modify the order by - but in that case you might prefer to use first 1 row with ties to see them all.
You could achieve the same thing with a subquery and analytic function to generating a ranking, and have the outer query return the highest-ranking row(s):
select id, numb as maxnumb
from (
select id, numb, dense_rank() over (order by numb desc) as rnk
from table1
where rnk = 1
You could also use keep to get the same result as first 1 row only:
select max(id) keep (dense_rank last order by numb) as id, max(numb) as maxnumb
from table1

How to GROUP BY first column and choose string from second one depends on number in third one?

I have a problem with GROUP BY one column and choose second column that is string depends on Count number from column three.
So I have a table with ID's in column one, string in column two and Count in column three. I have ordered that by ID's and Count descending.
Most of the ID's are unique but sometimes id's occurs more than once. In this case I would like to choose only string with bigger count number. How can I do that?
SELECT id, string, count
FROM ...
ORDER BY id, count DESC
In BigQuery, you can use aggregation:
select array_agg(t order by count desc limit 1)[ordinal(1)].*
from t
group by id;
What this does is construct an array of the full records for each id. But this array is ordered by the largest count first -- and only the first element of the array is used. The [ordinal(1)].* is just a convenient way to return the record fields as separate columns.
The more canonical method in SQL would be:
select t.* except (seqnum)
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by id order by count desc) as seqnum
from t
) t
where seqnum = 1;

how to get latest date column records when result should be filtered with unique column name in sql?

I have table as below:
I want write a sql query to get output as below:
the query should select all the records from the table but, when multiple records have same Id column value then it should take only one record having latest Date.
E.g., Here Rudolf id 1211 is present three times in input---in output only one Rudolf record having date 06-12-2010 is selected. same thing with James.
I tried to write a query but it was not succssful. So, please help me to form a query string in sql.
Thanks in advance
You can partition your data over Date Desc and get the first row of each partition
SELECT A.Id, A.Name, A.Place, A.Date FROM (
FROM [Table]
) A WHERE A.rn = 1
you can use WITH TIES
select top 1 PERCENT WITH TIES * from t
order by (row_number() over(partition by id order by date desc))
As i can see from your example, duplicate rows differ only in Date. If it's a case, then simple GROUP BY with MAX aggregate function will do the job for you.
SELECT Id, Name, Place, MAX(Date)
GROUP BY Id, Name, Place
Here is working example:!18/7025e/2

select multiple records based on order by

i have a table with a bunch of customer IDs. in a customer table is also these IDs but each id can be on multiple records for the same customer. i want to select the most recently used record which i can get by doing order by <my_field> desc
say i have 100 customer IDs in this table and in the customers table there is 120 records with these IDs (some are duplicates). how can i apply my order by condition to only get the most recent matching records?
dbms is sql server 2000.
table is basically like this:
loc_nbr and cust_nbr are primary keys
a customer shops at location 1. they get assigned loc_nbr = 1 and cust_nbr = 1
then a customer_id of 1.
they shop again but this time at location 2. so they get assigned loc_nbr = 2 and cust_Nbr = 1. then the same customer_id of 1 based on their other attributes like name and address.
because they shopped at location 2 AFTER location 1, it will have a more recent rec_alt_ts value, which is the record i would want to retrieve.
You want to use the ROW_NUMBER() function with a Common Table Expression (CTE).
Here's a basic example. You should be able to use a similar query with your data.
;WITH TheLatest AS
SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY group-by-fields ORDER BY sorting-fields) AS ItemCount
FROM TheTable
FROM TheLatest
WHERE ItemCount = 1
UPDATE: I just noticed that this was tagged with sql-server-2000. This will only work on SQL Server 2005 and later.
Since you didn't give real table and field names, this is just psuedo code for a solution.
select *
from customer_table t2
inner join location_table t1
on t1.some_key = t2.some_key
where t1.LocationKey = (select top 1 (LocationKey) as LatestLocationKey from location_table where cust_id = t1.cust_id order by some_field)
Use an aggregate function in the query to group by customer IDs:
SELECT cust_Nbr, MAX(rec_alt_ts) AS most_recent_transaction, other_fields
FROM tableName
GROUP BY cust_Nbr, other_fields
This assumes that rec_alt_ts increases every time, thus the max entry for that cust_Nbr would be the most recent entry.
By using time and date we can take out the recent detail for the customer.
use the column from where you take out the date and the time for the customer.
SQL> select ename , to_date(hiredate,'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') from emp order by to_date(hiredate,'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss');

How to retrieve the last row of a table?

How to retrieve the last row of a table which doesn't has any unique id like
select * from sample where id=(select max(id) from sample)
select TOP 1 * from sample order by whatever DESC
There must be some sort (ORDER BY) criteria to define the last row, otherwise your request makes no sense. For example, the last row based on AddedDateTime column in the product table
select TOP 1 * from product order by AddedDateTime DESC