How to deal with in multi components to fetch data in Vue.js? - vue.js

In my Vue.js project, I have many components, in some of them, those component will all use a fetched data list, called it server_list.
I don't want to fetch it in every component who used it.
so, how can I optimize this?
only in one place to fetch it?
such as, In component_foo, I will invoke fetch_server_list(), in component_bar, I will invoke fetch_server_list() too.
How can I deal with in multi places to fetch server list data?
What's your best way to deal with this?

There are many ways to do that.
Props lets you pass data to child component.
Providers lets you pass data nested, more than one level.
Vuex stores lets you cache your data in $store object to use later, wherever you want.


Multiple requests from different components in Vue - best practice

My app consumes an self made - HTTP REST API. I use vueX for state management.
I have some nested components that needs access to the same http result as the parent, but I also use the component in other places where the parent does not fetch the result. Is there a way (pattern) to make sure a resource is not fetched multiple times.
I found this, and like the way of doing things, but I can't figure out how to make a new request to the server for updating the result.
and is this even best practice ?
anyone has a better way ?
Using vuex and checking if your state is already populated is good enough. If it's not, then call a vuex action. It will help you to have a state shared globally in your app.
Not sure about this part
how to make a new request to the server for updating the result
What would be the issue or calling the API a second time? If needed, you can use the suggested solution in the comment, like adding a ?refresh or even and id to it id={randomId}.

Self contained component data model vs master root data model

I looking for feedback regarding how I am implementing Vue components.
I have a Vue instance that contains a list of orders and a reference to the current order. Let’s call this root instance "orders".
When the current order is set (based on clicking on one of the orders in the list), I create a new component inside "orders" called "current-order". "current-order" has a property that the parent passes it called "order_id", this property is used within "current-order" to recall the data for the order and present an editable form.
Within "current-order", besides the meta-data associated with the order (customer, etc), I have a third component to contain a group of items, let’s call this final instance "item-group".
Here is the general layout of how these instances would look:
"orders" only saves a list of the orders; it does not save any order data.
"current-order" saves the meta-data associated with the order, as well as the item data.
Discussing this model with a co-worker, he explained to me that this is not the best-practice way to implement this. He felt that the proper way to implement this would be to save all of the data for all of the components on the root instance "orders", versus the way I implemented it - data saved at each level.
The model he explained seems less maintainable to me. "current-order" may be used on other pages of our application, so if I maintained its data in the root instance, I would have to do that in all of the root instances that I attach it to.
With the way I have implemented it, all you have to pass the component is an order_id, and it will fill itself with data.
He continued to explain to me that saving data on the component like I am doing can be reset by re-renders of the instance, which I didn't quite understand.
Both the way I implemented, and the way he described would work, but I'm trying to find out what the best-practice approach would be for maintainability.
Note: This is not a large SPA, and I don’t think Vuex would suite what we are trying to achieve right now.
Any feedback would be appreciated.
It all depends on what your child-components are responsible for. If a child is extending the functionality of your parent component then the state should always be maintained in your parent component. For example in a CRUD based situation instead of creating separate components for create and update you can write only one and maintain its state (updated/created) in your parent component.
If in your current-order you are not updating anything related to the order then no need to maintain its state in your order i.e. if meta-data can be treated as a separate entity of your order no need to maintain it in the parent. But in case both order and its meta is one single entity, you should maintain its state in your parent.

Vue best practices. What should I pass as prop to a component

For example I have simple TODO app.
Task represented by Task component. As storage I use Vuex.
For each task I store structure like
id: 999,
label: 'My super task',
done: true
Questions is what I have to pass to the component as property - only id (and then get other data from store) or the whole data array?
Passing whole data will make the your Task component independent from store.
Passing only ids of tasks will make your Task component dependent on store for tasks data.
Since Task is representing a single card, I think making it dependent on the store will increase the calls to the store since n number of tasks will call store for data.
It is better to get the data from store once and then enumerating the data using v-for directive and passing whole task object to your Task component.
So you can pass it however you like. Keep in mind, if you're using Vuex, you don't need to pass anything as a prop since you have a central source of truth. Instead, you can call straight from the state or use a getter.
Inside your child component, you can refer to the store with $store in the template and this.$store in the script.
For example:
const myTasks = this.$store.state.tasks (if tasks is an array or collection of some sort)
const myTask = this.$store.state.tasks[0]
Then you have, myTask.label, etc.
If you need a more specific example, please post more code and let me know.

Vue js 2 Persist a component's data *privately*

I currently have a Vue.js 2 SPA using Vuex for inter-component communication and Vuex-persisted state to persist my shared state.
However, I want to persist a component's local private data.
I tried the package vue-persist and it persists the component data fine, however, the variables are not namespaced and therefore shared between all component instances. I want to persist each component's data separately.
Does anyone know how I can achieve these 2 things in my Vue.js 2.x app?
1) Persistence of my local data (so it survives a browser refresh).
2) The persisted data is not shared with other components (perhaps name-spaced for each component instance?).
I'm not familiar with vue-persist, but it looks like you can pass a store name as the second argument to $persist. Choose a unique store name for the component instance (this will vary depending on the component).
created() {
this.$persist(['foo'], 'my-comp:' +;

Should I store all the data in vuex state

If I use Vuex, is that means it's better to store every data in the vuex/state?
I have a little confused, some data I get from API (for example UserDetail), I don't need it be shared in components or I counld easily pass it as props.
Should I keep that kind of data in Vuex/State?
Why not get the data by Promise or only use Vuex/Action/Promise?
Data should be kept as local as possible. That's a general principle that helps reduce complexity. Vuex should handle data that needs to be shared among not-closely-related components.