Passing an inlined CArray in a CStruct to a shared library using NativeCall - raku

This is a follow-up question to "How to declare native array of fixed size in Perl 6?".
In that question it was discussed how to incorporate an array of a fixed size into a CStruct. In this answer it was suggested to use HAS to inline a CArray in the CStruct. When I tested this idea, I ran into some strange behavior that could not be resolved in the comments section below the question, so I decided to write it up as a new question. Here is is my C test library code:
#include <stdio.h>
struct myStruct
int A;
int B[3];
int C;
void use_struct (struct myStruct *s) {
printf("sizeof(struct myStruct): %ld\n", sizeof( struct myStruct ));
printf("sizeof(struct myStruct *): %ld\n", sizeof( struct myStruct *));
printf("A = %d\n", s->A);
printf("B[0] = %d\n", s->B[0]);
printf("B[1] = %d\n", s->B[1]);
printf("B[2] = %d\n", s->B[2]);
printf("C = %d\n", s->C);
To generate a shared library from this i used:
gcc -c -fpic slib.c
gcc -shared -o slib.o
Then, the Perl 6 code:
use v6;
use NativeCall;
class myStruct is repr('CStruct') {
has int32 $.A is rw;
HAS int32 #.B[3] is CArray is rw;
has int32 $.C is rw;
sub use_struct(myStruct $s) is native("./") { * };
my $s =;
$s.A = 1;
$s.B[0] = 2;
$s.B[1] = 3;
$s.B[2] = 4;
$s.C = 5;
say "Expected size of Perl 6 struct: ", (nativesizeof(int32) * 5);
say "Actual size of Perl 6 struct: ", nativesizeof( $s );
say 'Number of elements of $s.B: ', $s.B.elems;
say "B[0] = ", $s.B[0];
say "B[1] = ", $s.B[1];
say "B[2] = ", $s.B[2];
say "Calling library function..";
say "--------------------------";
use_struct( $s );
The output from the script is:
Expected size of Perl 6 struct: 20
Actual size of Perl 6 struct: 24
Number of elements of $s.B: 3
B[0] = 2
B[1] = 3
B[2] = 4
Calling library function..
sizeof(struct myStruct): 20
sizeof(struct myStruct *): 8
A = 1
B[0] = 0 # <-- Expected 2
B[1] = 653252032 # <-- Expected 3
B[2] = 22030 # <-- Expected 4
C = 5
Why does nativesizeof( $s ) give 24 (and not the expected value of 20)?
Why is the content of the array B in the structure not as expected when printed from the C function?
I am using Ubuntu 18.04 and Perl 6 Rakudo version 2018.04.01, but have also tested with version 2018.05

Your code is correct. I just fixed that bug in MoarVM, and added tests to rakudo, similar to your code:
In C:
typedef struct {
int a;
int b[3];
int c;
} InlinedArrayInStruct;
In Perl 6:
class InlinedArrayInStruct is repr('CStruct') {
has int32 $.a is rw;
HAS int32 #.b[3] is CArray;
has int32 $.c is rw;
See these patches:
If you are not building rakudo (and also NQP and MoarVM) directly from latest source from github, you probably have to wait for the 2018.08 release that will appear here:


SMHasher setup?

The SMHasher test suite for hash functions is touted as the best of the lot. But the latest version I've got (from rurban) gives absolutely no clue on how to check your proposed hash function (it does include an impressive battery of hash functions, but some of interest --if only for historic value-- are missing). Add that I'm a complete CMake newbie.
It's actually quite simple. You just need to install CMake.
Building SMHasher
To build SMHasher on a Linux/Unix machine:
git clone
cd smhasher/
git submodule init
git submodule update
cmake .
Adding a new hash function
To add a new function, you can edit just three files: Hashes.cpp, Hashes.h and main.cpp.
For example, I will add the ElfHash:
unsigned long ElfHash(const unsigned char *s)
unsigned long h = 0, high;
while (*s)
h = (h << 4) + *s++;
if (high = h & 0xF0000000)
h ^= high >> 24;
h &= ~high;
return h;
First, need to modify it slightly to take a seed and length:
uint32_t ElfHash(const void *key, int len, uint32_t seed)
unsigned long h = seed, high;
const uint8_t *data = (const uint8_t *)key;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
h = (h << 4) + *data++;
if (high = h & 0xF0000000)
h ^= high >> 24;
h &= ~high;
return h;
Add this function definition to Hashes.cpp. Also add the following to Hashes.h:
uint32_t ElfHash(const void *key, int len, uint32_t seed);
inline void ElfHash_test(const void *key, int len, uint32_t seed, void *out) {
*(uint32_t *) out = ElfHash(key, len, seed);
In file main.cpp add the following line into array g_hashes:
{ ElfHash_test, 32, 0x0, "ElfHash", "ElfHash 32-bit", POOR, {0x0} },
(The third value is self-verification. You will learn this only after running the test once.)
Finally, rebuild and run the test:
./SMHasher ElfHash
It will show you all the tests that this hash function fails. (It is very bad.)

What's the protocol for calling Raku code from C code?

2023 update The last person to edit this Q deleted the critically important "LATEST LATEST UPDATE" part that #zentrunix had added near the top. I'm reinstating it.
Please see my answer below.
Thanks to everyone who took the time to answer and understand this question.
Original question
Say I have my event-driven TCP communications library in C.
From my Raku application, I can call a function in the C library using NativeCall.
my $server = create-server("", 4000);
Now, from my callback in C (say onAccept) I want to call out to a Raku function in my application (say on-accept(connection) where connection will be a pointer to a C struct).
So, how can I do that: call my Raku function on-accept from my C function onAccept ?
ps. I tried posting using a simple title "How to call Raku code from C code", but for whatever reason wouldn't let me do it. Because of that I concocted this fancy title.
I was creating a 32-bit DLL.
We have to explicitly tell CMake to configure a 64-bit build.
cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" ..
Anyway, now that the code runs, it's not really what I asked for, because the callback is still in C.
It seems that what I asked for it's not really possible.
I tried to use the approach suggested by Haakon, though I'm afraid I don't understand how it would work.
I'm in Windows, and unfortunately, Raku can't find my dlls, even if I put them in C:\Windows\System32. It finds "msvcrt" (C runtime), but not my dlls.
The dll code (Visual Studio 2015).
#include <stdio.h>
#define EXPORTED __declspec(dllexport)
typedef int (*proto)(const char*);
proto raku_callback;
extern EXPORTED void set_callback(proto);
extern EXPORTED void foo(void);
void set_callback(proto arg)
printf("In set_callback()..\n");
raku_callback = arg;
void foo(void)
printf("In foo()..\n");
int res = raku_callback("hello");
printf("Raku return value: %d\n", res);
Cmake code for the
add_library (my_c_dll SHARED my_c_dll.c)
Raku code.
use v6.d;
use NativeCall;
sub set_callback(&callback (Str --> int32))
is native("./my_c_dll"){ * }
sub foo()
is native("./my_c_dll"){ * }
sub callback(Str $str --> Int) {
say "Raku callback.. got string: {$str} from C";
return 32;
## sub _getch() returns int32 is native("msvcrt") {*};
## print "-> ";
## say "got ", _getch();
# foo();
When I run
$ raku test-dll.raku
Cannot locate native library '(null)': error 0xc1
in method setup at D:\tools\raku\share\perl6\core\sources
\947BDAB9F96E0E5FCCB383124F923A6BF6F8D76B (NativeCall) line 298
in block set_callback at D:\tools\raku\share\perl6\core\sources
\947BDAB9F96E0E5FCCB383124F923A6BF6F8D76B (NativeCall) line 594
in block <unit> at test-dll.raku line 21
Raku version.
$ raku -v
This is Rakudo version 2020.05.1 built on MoarVM version 2020.05
implementing Raku 6.d.
Another approach could be to save a callback statically in the C library, for example (libmylib.c):
#include <stdio.h>
static int (*raku_callback)(char *arg);
void set_callback(int (*callback)(char * arg)) {
printf("In set_callback()..\n");
raku_callback = callback;
void foo() {
printf("In foo()..\n");
int res = raku_callback("hello");
printf("Raku return value: %d\n", res);
Then from Raku:
use v6;
use NativeCall;
sub set_callback(&callback (Str --> int32)) is native('./') { * }
sub foo() is native('./') { * }
sub callback(Str $str --> Int) {
say "Raku callback.. got string: {$str} from C";
return 32;
In set_callback()..
In foo()..
Raku callback.. got string: hello from C
Raku return value: 32
Raku is a compiled language; depending on the implementation you've got, it will be compiled to MoarVM, JVM or Javascript. Through compilation, Raku code becomes bytecode in the corresponding virtual machine. So it's never, actually, binary code.
However, Raku code seems to be cleverly organized in a way that an object is actually a pointer to a C endpoint, as proved by Haakon Hagland answer.
WRT to your latest problem, please bear in mind that what you are calling is not a path, but a name that is converted to a navive shared library name and also uses local library path conventions to look for them (it's `PATH' on Windows). So if it's not finding it, add local path to it of simply copy the DLL to one of the searched directories.
First of all, my apologies to #Håkon and #raiph.
Sorry for being so obtuse. :)
Håkon's answer does indeed answer my question, although for whatever reason I have failed to see that until now.
Now the code I played with in order to understand Håkon's solution.
// my_c_dll.c
// be sure to create a 64-bit dll
#include <stdio.h>
#define EXPORTED __declspec(dllexport)
typedef int (*proto)(const char*);
proto raku_function;
extern EXPORTED void install_raku_function(proto);
extern EXPORTED void start_c_processing(void);
void install_raku_function(proto arg)
printf("installing raku function\n");
raku_function = arg;
void start_c_processing(void)
printf("* ----> starting C processing..\n");
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
printf("* %d calling raku function\n", i);
int res = raku_function("hello");
printf("* %d raku function returned: %d\n", i, res);
# test-dll.raku
use v6.d;
use NativeCall;
sub install_raku_function(&raku_function (Str --> int32))
is native("./my_c_dll.dll") { * }
sub start_c_processing()
is native("./my_c_dll.dll") { * }
sub my_raku_function(Str $str --> Int)
say "# raku function called from C with parameter [{$str}]";
return 32;
install_raku_function &my_raku_function;
start { start_c_processing; }
for ^1000 -> $i
say "# $i idling in raku";
sleep 1;
$ raku test-dll.raku
installing raku function
# 0 idling in raku
* ----> starting C processing..
* 0 calling raku function
# 0 raku function called from C with parameter [hello]
* 0 raku function returned: 32
# 1 idling in raku
* 1 calling raku function
# 1 raku function called from C with parameter [hello]
* 1 raku function returned: 32
# 2 idling in raku
* 2 calling raku function
# 2 raku function called from C with parameter [hello]
* 2 raku function returned: 32
# 3 idling in raku
* 3 calling raku function
# 3 raku function called from C with parameter [hello]
* 3 raku function returned: 32
# 4 idling in raku
* 4 calling raku function
# 4 raku function called from C with parameter [hello]
* 4 raku function returned: 32
# 5 idling in raku
* 5 calling raku function
# 5 raku function called from C with parameter [hello]
* 5 raku function returned: 32
^CTerminate batch job (Y/N)?
What amazes me is that the Raku signature for my_raku_function maps cleanly to the C signature ... isn't Raku wonderful ? :)

How to write a Raku declaration for a C function returning a whole struct?

I have this C code:
typedef struct {
double dat[2];
} gsl_complex;
gsl_complex gsl_poly_complex_eval(const double c[], const int len, const gsl_complex z);
The C function returns a whole struct, not just a pointer, so I cannot write the Raku declaration as:
sub gsl_poly_complex_eval(CArray[num64] $c, int32 $len, gsl_complex $z --> gsl_complex)
is native(LIB) is export { * }
Any suggestion?
For that you need a CStruct. The P5localtime module contains a more elaborate example.
The problem
Some C APIs work with structs using a three-phase approach, passing around structs by reference, like this:
struct mystruct *init_mystruct(arguments, ...);
double compute(struct mystruct *);
void clean_mystruct(struct mystruct *);
This way the implementation hides the data structure, but this comes with a price: the final users have to keep track of their pointers and remember to clean up after themselves, or the program will leak memory.
Another approach is the one that the library I was interfacing used: return the data on the stack, so it can be assigned to an auto variable and automatically discarded when it goes out of scope.
In this case the API is modeled as a two-phase operation:
struct mystruct init_mystruct(arguments, ...);
double compute(struct mystruct);
The structure is passed on the stack, by value and there's no need to clean up afterwards.
But Raku's NativeCall interface is only able to use C structs passing them by reference, hence the problem.
The solution
This is not a clean solution, because it steps back into the first approach described, the three-phase one, but it's the only one I have been able to devise so far.
Here I consider two C functions from the library's API: the first creates a complex number as a struct, the second adds up two numbers.
First I wrote a tiny C code interface, the file complex.c:
#include <gsl/gsl_complex.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_complex_math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
gsl_complex *alloc_gsl_complex(void)
gsl_complex *c = malloc(sizeof(gsl_complex));
return c;
void free_gsl_complex(gsl_complex *c)
void mgsl_complex_rect(double x, double y, gsl_complex *res)
gsl_complex ret = gsl_complex_rect(x, y);
*res = ret;
void mgsl_complex_add(gsl_complex *a, gsl_complex *b, gsl_complex *res)
*res = gsl_complex_add(*a, *b);
I compiled it this way:
gcc -c -fPIC complex.c
gcc -shared -o complex.o -lgsl
Note the final -lgsl used to link the libgsl C library I am interfacing to.
Then I wrote the Raku low-level interface:
#!/usr/bin/env raku
use NativeCall;
constant LIB = ('/mydir/');
class gsl_complex is repr('CStruct') {
HAS num64 #.dat[2] is CArray;
sub mgsl_complex_rect(num64 $x, num64 $y, gsl_complex $c) is native(LIB) { * }
sub mgsl_complex_add(gsl_complex $a, gsl_complex $b, gsl_complex $res) is native(LIB) { * }
sub alloc_gsl_complex(--> gsl_complex) is native(LIB) { * }
sub free_gsl_complex(gsl_complex $c) is native(LIB) { * }
my gsl_complex $c1 = alloc_gsl_complex;
mgsl_complex_rect(1e0, 2e0, $c1);
say "{$c1.dat[0], $c1.dat[1]}"; # output: 1 2
my gsl_complex $c2 = alloc_gsl_complex;
mgsl_complex_rect(1e0, 2e0, $c2);
say "{$c2.dat[0], $c2.dat[1]}"; # output: 1 2
my gsl_complex $res = alloc_gsl_complex;
mgsl_complex_add($c1, $c2, $res);
say "{$res.dat[0], $res.dat[1]}"; # output: 2 4
Note that I had to free explicitly the three data structures I created, spoiling the original C API careful design.

Fortran decimal and thousand separator

Is there a way to change the period decimal separator for a comma?.
Also, how can I make the output numbers have a thousand separator?. This could be a comma, a period, a space ...
Use the Argument DECIMAL='COMMA' when opening a file
This will change the decimal to comma
You can write a C++ function which will convert the number in a string in you current locale for you.
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
class SpaceSeparator: public std::numpunct<char>
SpaceSeparator(std::size_t refs): std::numpunct<char>(refs) {}
char do_thousands_sep() const { return ' '; }
char do_decimal_point() const { return ','; }
std::string do_grouping() const { return "\03"; }
extern "C" {
void convert(char* str, double f, int len) {
std::string s;
std::stringstream out;
SpaceSeparator facet(1); //1 - don't delete when done
std::locale prev = out.imbue(std::locale(std::locale(), &facet));
out << std::setprecision(15) << f;
s = out.str();
std::copy(s.begin(), s.end(), str);
int i;
for (i=s.size();i<len;i++){
str[i] = ' ';
call from Fortran:
use iso_c_binding
subroutine convert(str, f, l) bind(C,name="convert")
character(c_char) :: str(*)
real(c_double), value :: f
integer(c_int), value :: l
end subroutine
end interface
character(len=100,kind=c_char) :: ch
call convert(ch, 123456.123_c_double, len(ch, kind=c_int))
print *,ch
On my machine it prints 123 456,123:
> gfortran locale.f90 -lstdc++
> ./a.out
123 456,123
Disclaimer: I am not a C++ programmer and he solution can be slow. Maybe the brute force approach in Fortran is better.
I used this answer as a base:
a quick and dirty fortran based approach:
implicit none
write(*,*) commadelim(123456.789)
write(*,*) commadelim(23456.789)
write(*,*) commadelim(3456.789)
write(*,*) commadelim(-123456.789)
write(*,*) commadelim(-23456.789)
write(*,*) commadelim(-3456.789)
function commadelim(v)
implicit none
real v
integer dp,p,z0,i
character(len=50) :: commadelim
write(commadelim,'(f0.12)') abs(v)
dp = index(commadelim,'.')
commadelim(dp:dp) = ','
z0 = 2 - mod(dp+1,3)
do i = 1, (dp+z0-1)/3-1
p = 4*i-z0
commadelim = commadelim(:p)//'.'//commadelim(p+1:)
if (v<0) commadelim = '-'//commadelim
end function

What does having two asterisk ** in Objective-C mean?

I understand having one asterisk * is a pointer, what does having two ** mean?
I stumble upon this from the documentation:
- (NSAppleEventDescriptor *)executeAndReturnError:(NSDictionary **)errorInfo
It's a pointer to a pointer, just like in C (which, despite its strange square-bracket syntax, Objective-C is based on):
char c;
char *pc = &c;
char **ppc = &pc;
char ***pppc = &ppc;
and so on, ad infinitum (or until you run out of variable space).
It's often used to pass a pointer to a function that must be able to change the pointer itself (such as re-allocating memory for a variable-sized object).
Following your request for a sample that shows how to use it, here's some code I wrote for another post which illustrates it. It's an appendStr() function which manages its own allocations (you still have to free the final version). Initially you set the string (char *) to NULL and the function itself will allocate space as needed.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
void appendToStr (int *sz, char **str, char *app) {
char *newstr;
int reqsz;
/* If no string yet, create it with a bit of space. */
if (*str == NULL) {
*sz = strlen (app) + 10;
if ((*str = malloc (*sz)) == NULL) {
*sz = 0;
strcpy (*str, app);
/* If not enough room in string, expand it. We could use realloc
but I've kept it as malloc/cpy/free to ensure the address
changes (for the program output). */
reqsz = strlen (*str) + strlen (app) + 1;
if (reqsz > *sz) {
*sz = reqsz + 10;
if ((newstr = malloc (*sz)) == NULL) {
free (*str);
*str = NULL;
*sz = 0;
strcpy (newstr, *str);
free (*str);
*str = newstr;
/* Append the desired string to the (now) long-enough buffer. */
strcat (*str, app);
static void dump(int sz, char *x) {
if (x == NULL)
printf ("%8p [%2d] %3d [%s]\n", x, sz, 0, "");
printf ("%8p [%2d] %3d [%s]\n", x, sz, strlen (x), x);
static char *arr[] = {"Hello.", " My", " name", " is", " Pax",
" and"," I", " am", " old."};
int main (void) {
int i;
char *x = NULL;
int sz = 0;
printf (" Pointer Size Len Value\n");
printf (" ------- ---- --- -----\n");
dump (sz, x);
for (i = 0; i < sizeof (arr) / sizeof (arr[0]); i++) {
appendToStr (&sz, &x, arr[i]);
dump (sz, x);
The code outputs the following. You can see how the pointer changes when the currently allocated memory runs out of space for the expanded string (at the comments):
Pointer Size Len Value
------- ---- --- -----
# NULL pointer here since we've not yet put anything in.
0x0 [ 0] 0 []
# The first time we put in something, we allocate space (+10 chars).
0x6701b8 [16] 6 [Hello.]
0x6701b8 [16] 9 [Hello. My]
0x6701b8 [16] 14 [Hello. My name]
# Adding " is" takes length to 17 so we need more space.
0x6701d0 [28] 17 [Hello. My name is]
0x6701d0 [28] 21 [Hello. My name is Pax]
0x6701d0 [28] 25 [Hello. My name is Pax and]
0x6701d0 [28] 27 [Hello. My name is Pax and I]
# Ditto for adding " am".
0x6701f0 [41] 30 [Hello. My name is Pax and I am]
0x6701f0 [41] 35 [Hello. My name is Pax and I am old.]
In that case, you pass in **str since you need to be able to change the *str value.
Or the following, which does an unrolled bubble sort (oh, the shame!) on strings that aren't in an array. It does this by directly exchanging the addresses of the strings.
#include <stdio.h>
static void sort (char **s1, char **s2, char **s3, char **s4, char **s5) {
char *t;
if (strcmp (*s1, *s2) > 0) { t = *s1; *s1 = *s2; *s2 = t; }
if (strcmp (*s2, *s3) > 0) { t = *s2; *s2 = *s3; *s3 = t; }
if (strcmp (*s3, *s4) > 0) { t = *s3; *s3 = *s4; *s4 = t; }
if (strcmp (*s4, *s5) > 0) { t = *s4; *s4 = *s5; *s5 = t; }
if (strcmp (*s1, *s2) > 0) { t = *s1; *s1 = *s2; *s2 = t; }
if (strcmp (*s2, *s3) > 0) { t = *s2; *s2 = *s3; *s3 = t; }
if (strcmp (*s3, *s4) > 0) { t = *s3; *s3 = *s4; *s4 = t; }
if (strcmp (*s1, *s2) > 0) { t = *s1; *s1 = *s2; *s2 = t; }
if (strcmp (*s2, *s3) > 0) { t = *s2; *s2 = *s3; *s3 = t; }
if (strcmp (*s1, *s2) > 0) { t = *s1; *s1 = *s2; *s2 = t; }
int main (int argCount, char *argVar[]) {
char *a = "77";
char *b = "55";
char *c = "99";
char *d = "88";
char *e = "66";
printf ("Unsorted: [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s]\n", a, b, c, d, e);
sort (&a,&b,&c,&d,&e);
printf (" Sorted: [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s]\n", a, b, c, d, e);
return 0;
which produces:
Unsorted: [77] [55] [99] [88] [66]
Sorted: [55] [66] [77] [88] [99]
Never mind the implementation of sort, just notice that the variables are passed as char ** so that they can be swapped easily. Any real sort would probably be acting on a true array of data rather than individual variables but that's not the point of the example.
Pointer to Pointer
The definition of "pointer" says that it's a special variable that stores the address of another variable (not the value). That other variable can very well be a pointer. This means that it's perfectly legal for a pointer to be pointing to another pointer.
Let's suppose we have a pointer p1 that points to yet another pointer p2 that points to a character c. In memory, the three variables can be visualized as :
So we can see that in memory, pointer p1 holds the address of pointer p2. Pointer p2 holds the address of character c.
So p2 is pointer to character c, while p1 is pointer to p2. Or we can also say that p2 is a pointer to a pointer to character c.
Now, in code p2 can be declared as :
char *p2 = &c;
But p1 is declared as :
char **p1 = &p2;
So we see that p1 is a double pointer (i.e. pointer to a pointer to a character) and hence the two *s in declaration.
p1 is the address of p2 i.e. 5000
*p1 is the value held by p2 i.e. 8000
**p1 is the value at 8000 i.e. c
I think that should pretty much clear the concept, lets take a small example :
For some of its use cases:
This is usually used to pass a pointer to a function that must be able to change the pointer itself, some of its use cases are:
Such as handling errors, it allows the receiving method to control what the pointer is referencing to. See this question
For creating an opaque struct i.e. so that others won't be able to allocate space. See this question
In case of memory expansion mentioned in the other answers of this question.
feel free to edit/improve this answer as I am learning:]
A pointer to a pointer.
In C pointers and arrays can be treated the same, meaning e.g. char* is a string (array of chars). If you want to pass an array of arrays (e.g. many strings) to a function you can use char**.
(reference: more iOS 6 development)
In Objective-C methods, arguments, including object pointers, are
passed by value, which means that the called method gets its own copy
of the pointer that was passed in. So if the called method wants to
change the pointer, as opposed to the data the pointer points to, you
need another level of indirection. Thus, the pointer to the pointer.