Using both Microsoft.Web.RedisSessionStateProvider and Microsoft.Web.RedisOutputCacheProvider - serialization

I have installed and used Microsoft.Web.RedisSessionStateProvider for a while and after looking at OutputCaching I thought of installing Microsoft.Web.RedisOutputCacheProvider as well but they both have Microsoft.Web.Redis.ISerializer interface which breaks my JsonCacheSerializer as it uses the ISerializer interface.
I am getting an error in VS 2017, which reads ...
"The type 'ISerializer' exists in both Microsoft.Web.RedisOutputCacheProvider and Microsoft.Web.RedisSessionStateProvider"
The JsonCacheSerializer code I use for SessionState is :
public class JsonCacheSerializer : Microsoft.Web.Redis.ISerializer
private static readonly JsonSerializerSettings Settings = new JsonSerializerSettings()
TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.All,
ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Serialize,
PreserveReferencesHandling = PreserveReferencesHandling.Objects,
Error = (serializer, err) => {
err.ErrorContext.Handled = true;
public byte[] Serialize(object data)
return Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data, Settings));
public object Deserialize(byte[] data)
return data == null ? null : JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data), Settings);
Does this mean one has to use one or the other, not both?

You may use extern alias feature of C#
Visual Studio example:
1) right click Microsoft.Web.RedisOutputCacheProvider and put following into Aliases field:
2) right click Microsoft.Web.RedisSessionStateProvider and put following into Aliases field:
then on top of your code file add:
extern alias redissessionstateprovider;
extern alias redisoutputcacheprovider;
and finally declare your class as:
public class JsonCacheSessionStateSerializer : redissessionstateprovider::Microsoft.Web.Redis.ISerializer


How to fill out Dynamic Dropdown in Hippo CMS with dynamic values?

I have document type which contains "Dynamic Dropdown" field, and I want to fill it with some dynamic data. I couldn't figure out how to do it (couldn't find any adequate information, documentation, example about this). From links that I found I was able to do following things:
1) I've created service called SitemapValueListProvider in /hippo:configuration/hippo:frontend/cms/cms-services, with following properties:
plugin.class = com.test.cms.components.SitemapService
valuelist.provider = service.valuelist.custom
2) In CMS project created class com.test.cms.components.SitemapService
public class SitemapService extends Plugin implements IValueListProvider {
private final static String CONFIG_SOURCE = "source";
public SitemapService(IPluginContext context, IPluginConfig config) {
super(context, config);
String name = config.getString(IValueListProvider.SERVICE, "service.valuelist.custom");
context.registerService(this, name);
public ValueList getValueList(String name, Locale locale) {
ValueList valuelist = new ValueList();
if ((name == null) || (name.equals(""))) {
System.out.println("No node name (uuid or path) configured, returning empty value list");
} else {
valuelist.add(new ListItem("custom4", "Custom Value 4"));
valuelist.add(new ListItem("custom5", "Custom Value 5"));
valuelist.add(new ListItem("custom6", "Custom Value 6"));
return valuelist;
public List<String> getValueListNames() {
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(1);
return list;
public ValueList getValueList(IPluginConfig config) {
if (config == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument 'config' may not be null");
return getValueList(config.getString(CONFIG_SOURCE));
public ValueList getValueList(String name) {
return getValueList(name, null/*locale*/);
3) In CMS project created class com.test.cms.components.TestPlugin
public class TestPlugin extends Plugin{
public TestPlugin(IPluginContext context, IPluginConfig config) {
super(context, config);
context.registerService(this, "service.valuelist.custom");
4) For field /hippo:namespaces/cms/TestItem/editor:templates/_default_/dynamicdropdown of document type provided following properties: (using console)
plugin.class = com.test.cms.components.TestPlugin
But still unable to obtain data dynamically. Nothing happens at all.
I'm using HippoCMS 10 Community Edition
you are totally on the right track and I can't spot any obvious reason why this is not working. Can you double check a few things?
look for an error in the logs, possibly at the early start of the CMS. Maybe there is an error during the bootstrap process.
activate the development mode in the CMS: this adds extra logging in the CMS.
you can also try to break the configuration by putting the wrong class name: if you don't have a ClassNotFound then you know your configuration is wrong and/or not picked-up.

Cast route parameter in Nancy is always null

I have a Nancy module which uses a function which expects as parameters a string (a captured pattern from a route) and a method group. When trying to pass the parameter directly it will not compile as I "cannot use a method group as an argument to a dynamically dispatched operation".
I have created a second route which attempts to cast the dynamic to a string, but this always returns null.
using System;
using Nancy;
public class MyModule : NancyModule
public MyModule()
//Get["/path/{Name}/action"] = parameters =>
// {
// return MyMethod(parameters.Name, methodToBeCalled); // this does not compile
// };
Get["/path/{Name}/anotherAction"] = parameters =>
return MyMethod(parameters.Name as string, anotherMethodToBeCalled);
public Response MyMethod(string name, Func<int> doSomething)
return Response.AsText(string.Format("Hello {0}", name));
public int methodToBeCalled()
return -1;
public int anotherMethodToBeCalled()
return 1;
Tested with the following class in a separate project:
using System;
using Nancy;
using Nancy.Testing;
using NUnit.Framework;
public class MyModuleTest
Browser browser;
public void SetUp()
browser = new Browser(with =>
public void Can_Get_View()
// When
var result = browser.Get("/path/foobar/anotherAction", with => with.HttpRequest());
// Then
Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, result.StatusCode);
Assert.AreEqual("Hello foobar", result.Body.AsString()); //fails as parameters.Name is always null when cast to a string
You can find the whole test over on github
I've had similar issues when using 'as' so I tend to use explicitly cast it:
return MyMethod((string)parameters.Name, anotherMethodToBeCalled);
Also I think there was a bug raised with the casing on parameters, but I think it's better to keep them lowercase:
Your code works for me with upper case and lowercase, using the explicit cast.

How can I use MEF to manage interdependent modules?

I found this question difficult to express (particularly in title form), so please bear with me.
I have an application that I am continually modifying to do different things. It seems like MEF might be a good way to manage the different pieces of functionality. Broadly speaking, there are three sections of the application that form a pipeline of sorts:
In it's simplest form, I can express each of these stages as an interface (IAcquisition etc). The problems start when I want to use acquisition components that provides richer data than standard. I want to design modules that use this richer data, but I can't rely on it being there.
I could, of course, add all of the data to the interface specification. I could deal with poorer data sources by throwing an exception or returning a null value. This seems a long way from ideal.
I'd prefer to do the MEF binding in three stages, such that modules are offered to the user only if they are compatible with those selected previously.
So my question: Can I specify metadata which restricts the set of available imports?
An example:
Acquision1 offers BasicData only
Acquision2 offers BasicData and AdvancedData
Transformation1 requires BasicData
Transformation2 requires BasicData and AdvancedData
Acquisition module is selected first.
If Acquisition1 is selected, don't offer Transformation 2, otherwise offer both.
Is this possible? If so, how?
Your question suggests a structure like this:
public class BasicData
public string Basic { get; set; } // example data
public class AdvancedData : BasicData
public string Advanced { get; set; } // example data
Now you have your acquisition, transformation and expression components. You want to be able to deal with different kinds of data, so they're generic:
public interface IAcquisition<out TDataKind>
TDataKind Acquire();
public interface ITransformation<TDataKind>
TDataKind Transform(TDataKind data);
public interface IExpression<in TDataKind>
void Express(TDataKind data);
And now you want to build a pipeline out of them that looks like this:
So let's start building a pipeline builder:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.Composition;
using System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting;
using System.ComponentModel.Composition.Primitives;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
// namespace ...
public static class PipelineBuidler
private static readonly string AcquisitionIdentity =
private static readonly string TransformationIdentity =
private static readonly string ExpressionIdentity =
public static Action BuildPipeline(ComposablePartCatalog catalog,
Func<IEnumerable<string>, int> acquisitionSelector,
Func<IEnumerable<string>, int> transformationSelector,
Func<IEnumerable<string>, int> expressionSelector)
var container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);
The class holds MEF type identities for your three contract interfaces. We'll need those later to identify the correct exports. Our BuildPipeline method returns an Action. That is going to be the pipeline, so we can just do pipeline(). It takes a ComposablePartCatalog and three Funcs (to select an export). That way, we can keep all the dirty work inside this class. Then we start by creating a CompositionContainer.
Now we have to build ImportDefinitions, first for the acquisition component:
var aImportDef = new ImportDefinition(def => (def.ContractName == AcquisitionIdentity), null, ImportCardinality.ZeroOrMore, true, false);
This ImportDefinition simply filters out all exports of the IAcquisition<> interface. Now we can give it to the container:
var aExports = container.GetExports(aImportDef).ToArray();
aExports now holds all IAcquisition<> exports in the catalog. So let's run the selector on this:
var selectedAExport = aExports[acquisitionSelector(aExports.Select(export => export.Metadata["Name"] as string))];
And there we have our acquisition component:
var acquisition = selectedAExport.Value;
var acquisitionDataKind = (Type)selectedAExport.Metadata["DataKind"];
Now we're going to do the same for the transformation and the expression components, but with one slight difference: The ImportDefinition is going to ensure that each component can handle the output of the previous component.
var tImportDef = new ImportDefinition(def => (def.ContractName == TransformationIdentity) && ((Type)def.Metadata["DataKind"]).IsAssignableFrom(acquisitionDataKind),
null, ImportCardinality.ZeroOrMore, true, false);
var tExports = container.GetExports(tImportDef).ToArray();
var selectedTExport = tExports[transformationSelector(tExports.Select(export => export.Metadata["Name"] as string))];
var transformation = selectedTExport.Value;
var transformationDataKind = (Type)selectedTExport.Metadata["DataKind"];
var eImportDef = new ImportDefinition(def => (def.ContractName == ExpressionIdentity) && ((Type)def.Metadata["DataKind"]).IsAssignableFrom(transformationDataKind),
null, ImportCardinality.ZeroOrMore, true, false);
var eExports = container.GetExports(eImportDef).ToArray();
var selectedEExport = eExports[expressionSelector(eExports.Select(export => export.Metadata["Name"] as string))];
var expression = selectedEExport.Value;
var expressionDataKind = (Type)selectedEExport.Metadata["DataKind"];
And now we can wire it all up in an expression tree:
var acquired = Expression.Call(Expression.Constant(acquisition), typeof(IAcquisition<>).MakeGenericType(acquisitionDataKind).GetMethod("Acquire"));
var transformed = Expression.Call(Expression.Constant(transformation), typeof(ITransformation<>).MakeGenericType(transformationDataKind).GetMethod("Transform"), acquired);
var expressed = Expression.Call(Expression.Constant(expression), typeof(IExpression<>).MakeGenericType(expressionDataKind).GetMethod("Express"), transformed);
return Expression.Lambda<Action>(expressed).Compile();
And that's it! A simple example application would look like this:
[ExportMetadata("DataKind", typeof(BasicData))]
[ExportMetadata("Name", "Basic acquisition")]
public class Acquisition1 : IAcquisition<BasicData>
public BasicData Acquire()
return new BasicData { Basic = "Acquisition1" };
[ExportMetadata("DataKind", typeof(AdvancedData))]
[ExportMetadata("Name", "Advanced acquisition")]
public class Acquisition2 : IAcquisition<AdvancedData>
public AdvancedData Acquire()
return new AdvancedData { Advanced = "Acquisition2A", Basic = "Acquisition2B" };
[ExportMetadata("DataKind", typeof(BasicData))]
[ExportMetadata("Name", "Basic transformation")]
public class Transformation1 : ITransformation<BasicData>
public BasicData Transform(BasicData data)
data.Basic += " - Transformed1";
return data;
[ExportMetadata("DataKind", typeof(AdvancedData))]
[ExportMetadata("Name", "Advanced transformation")]
public class Transformation2 : ITransformation<AdvancedData>
public AdvancedData Transform(AdvancedData data)
data.Basic += " - Transformed2";
data.Advanced += " - Transformed2";
return data;
[ExportMetadata("DataKind", typeof(BasicData))]
[ExportMetadata("Name", "Basic expression")]
public class Expression1 : IExpression<BasicData>
public void Express(BasicData data)
Console.WriteLine("Expression1: {0}", data.Basic);
[ExportMetadata("DataKind", typeof(AdvancedData))]
[ExportMetadata("Name", "Advanced expression")]
public class Expression2 : IExpression<AdvancedData>
public void Express(AdvancedData data)
Console.WriteLine("Expression2: ({0}) - ({1})", data.Basic, data.Advanced);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var pipeline = PipelineBuidler.BuildPipeline(new AssemblyCatalog(typeof(Program).Assembly), StringSelector, StringSelector, StringSelector);
static int StringSelector(IEnumerable<string> strings)
int i = 0;
foreach (var item in strings)
Console.WriteLine("[{0}] {1}", i++, item);
return int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

Mono.CSharp: how do I inject a value/entity *into* a script?

Just came across the latest build of Mono.CSharp and love the promise it offers.
Was able to get the following all worked out:
namespace XAct.Spikes.Duo
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
CompilerSettings compilerSettings = new CompilerSettings();
compilerSettings.LoadDefaultReferences = true;
Report report = new Report(new Mono.CSharp.ConsoleReportPrinter());
Mono.CSharp.Evaluator e;
e= new Evaluator(compilerSettings, report);
//IMPORTANT:This has to be put before you include references to any assemblies
//our you;ll get a stream of errors:
e.Run("using System;");
//IMPORTANT:You have to reference the assemblies your code references...
//...including this one:
e.Run("using XAct.Spikes.Duo;");
//Go crazy -- although that takes time:
//foreach (Assembly assembly in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies())
// e.ReferenceAssembly(assembly);
//More appropriate in most cases:
//Exception due to no semicolon
//e.Run("var a = 1+3");
//Doesn't set anything:
//e.Run("a = 1+3;");
e.Run("var a = 1+3;");
e.Run("A x = new A{Name=\"Joe\"};");
var a = e.Evaluate("a;");
var x = e.Evaluate("x;");
//Not extremely useful:
string check = e.GetVars();
//Note that you have to type it:
Console.WriteLine(((A) x).Name);
e = new Evaluator(compilerSettings, report);
var b = e.Evaluate("a;");
public class A
public string Name { get; set; }
And that was fun...can create a variable in the script's scope, and export the value.
There's just one last thing to figure out... how can I get a value in (eg, a domain entity that I want to apply a Rule script on), without using a static (am thinking of using this in a web app)?
I've seen the use compiled delegates -- but that was for the previous version of Mono.CSharp, and it doesn't seem to work any longer.
Anybody have a suggestion on how to do this with the current version?
Thanks very much.
* Injecting a variable into the Mono.CSharp.Evaluator (runtime compiling a LINQ query from string)
I know it's almost 9 years later, but I think I found a viable solution to inject local variables. It is using a static variable but can still be used by multiple evaluators without collision.
You can use a static Dictionary<string, object> which holds the reference to be injected. Let's say we are doing all this from within our class CsharpConsole:
public class CsharpConsole {
public static Dictionary<string, object> InjectionRepository {get; set; } = new Dictionary<string, object>();
The idea is to temporarily place the value in there with a GUID as key so there won't be any conflict between multiple evaluator instances. To inject do this:
public void InjectLocal(string name, object value, string type=null) {
var id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
InjectionRepository[id] = value;
type = type ?? value.GetType().FullName;
// note for generic or nested types value.GetType().FullName won't return a compilable type string, so you have to set the type parameter manually
var success = _evaluator.Run($"var {name} = ({type})MyNamespace.CsharpConsole.InjectionRepository[\"{id}\"];");
// clean it up to avoid memory leak
Also for accessing local variables there is a workaround using Reflection so you can have a nice [] accessor with get and set:
public object this[string variable]
FieldInfo fieldInfo = typeof(Evaluator).GetField("fields", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
if (fieldInfo != null)
var fields = fieldInfo.GetValue(_evaluator) as Dictionary<string, Tuple<FieldSpec, FieldInfo>>;
if (fields != null)
if (fields.TryGetValue(variable, out var tuple) && tuple != null)
var value = tuple.Item2.GetValue(_evaluator);
return value;
return null;
InjectLocal(variable, value);
Using this trick, you can even inject delegates and functions that your evaluated code can call from within the script. For instance, I inject a print function which my code can call to ouput something to the gui console window:
public delegate void PrintFunc(params object[] o);
public void puts(params object[] o)
// call the OnPrint event to redirect the output to gui console
if (OnPrint!=null)
OnPrint(string.Join("", o.Select(x => (x ?? "null").ToString() + "\n").ToArray()));
This puts function can now be easily injected like this:
InjectLocal("puts", (PrintFunc)puts, "CsInterpreter2.PrintFunc");
And just be called from within your scripts:
puts(new object[] { "hello", "world!" });
Note, there is also a native function print but it directly writes to STDOUT and redirecting individual output from multiple console windows is not possible.

Rhino moq Property.value constraint

My following straight forward test doesn't pass (Though I feel it should). Either I am missing something or is not clear of Property.value constraint. please help me in understanding concept of property.value constraint.
public interface ISomeInterface
void SomeMethod(string x, string y);
public class SomeClassTest
public void SomeMethodTest()
MockRepository mocks = new MockRepository();
ISomeInterface mockservice = mocks.StrictMock<ISomeInterface>();
using (mocks.Record())
mockservice.SomeMethod("xValue", "yValue");
LastCall.Constraints(Property.Value("x", "xValue"),
Property.Value("y", "yValue"));
mockservice.SomeMethod("xValue", "yValue");
Exception raised:
Rhino.Mocks.Exceptions.ExpectationViolationException : ISomeInterface.SomeMethod("xValue", "yValue"); Expected #0, Actual #1.
ISomeInterface.SomeMethod(property 'x' equal to xValue, property 'y' equal to yValue); Expected #1, Actual #0.
I would recommend you the following syntax (AAA syntax):
// arrange
var mockservice = MockRepository.GenerateMock<ISomeInterface>();
// act
mockservice.SomeMethod("xValue", "yValue");
// assert
x => x.SomeMethod("xValue", "yValue")
This sample class illustrates the options for asserting methods were called with appropriate properties:
public class UsesThing
private IMyThing _thing;
public UsesThing(IMyThing thing)
_thing = thing;
public void DoTheThing(int myparm)
_thing.DoWork(myparm, Helper.GetParmString(myparm));
public void DoAnotherThing(int myparm)
AnotherThing thing2 = new AnotherThing();
thing2.MyProperty = myparm + 2;
Using simple values for assertions may work for methods like the DoTheThing method which uses value types:
public void TestDoTheThing()
IMyThing thing = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IMyThing>();
UsesThing user = new UsesThing(thing);
thing.AssertWasCalled(t => t.DoWork(1, "one");
However, if you need to create an object in your method and pass it as a parameter like in the DoAnotherThing method, this approach will not work since you will not have a reference to the object. You have to check the property values of the unknown object, like this:
public void TestDoAnotherThing()
IMyThing thing = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IMyThing>();
UsesThing user = new UsesThing(thing);
thing.AssertWasCalled(t => t.DoMoreWork(null), t => t.IgnoreArguments().Constraints(Property.Value("MyProperty", 3))));
The new Rhino syntax would look like the following, but I am crashing VS 2008 when I use it:
thing.AssertWasCalled(t => t.DoMoreWork(Arg<AnotherThing>.Matches(Property.Value("MyProperty", 3))));