toggle class conditionally in Vue.js - vue.js

Im trying to toggle a class of an element (the parent of the button being clicked) in Vue.js (which I've only started learning recently).
The idea is that the disabled class would be applied when included is not true.
I've created a toggleClass function, but even that is not being called it seems.
<div id="app">
<div class="item" v-for="item in items" :id="" :key="">
<button v-on:click="item.included = !item.included" v-on:click="toggleClass()">exclude me</buton>
<div id="total">total: {{ itemTotal }}</div>
var app = new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
items: [
id: 'item1',
included: 'true',
amt: 10,
className: 'disabled'
id: 'item2',
included: 'true',
amt: 20,
className: 'disabled'
id: 'item3',
included: 'true',
amt: 30,
className: 'disabled'
methods: {
toggleClass: function () {
if(this.included) {
// code to toggle the 'disabled' class here?
computed: {
itemTotal() {
return this.items.reduce(function (sum, item) {
if (item.included) {
return item.amt + sum;
return sum;
}, 0)

Managed to get it working thanks to Timothy's suggestion, that was almost there. It was just missing the .item portion.
So it should be
<div v-bind:class="{ disabled:!item.included }"></div>

<div v-bind:class="{ disabled:!included }"></div>
Maybe try using class binding :


Button component does not receive DataTable props

I am trying to add a button to my vuejs DataTable. I created a Button component and I can add it as a column in my DataTable, but I can't send it through props. I do not have full knowledge of vue, for sure I am doing something wrong.
Vue.component('edit-button', {
template: `
<button class="btn btn-xs btn-primary" #click="goToUpdatePage">Edit</button>
props: ['data'],
methods: {
goToUpdatePage: function(){
export default {
data() {
return {
numeroPagina: 1,
tiposNatureza: [],
utisMoveis: [],
list: [],
filtros: {
dataInicial: new Date().toISOString().split('T')[0],
dataFinal: new Date().toISOString().split('T')[0],
selectedUtisMoveis: [],
selectedStatus: [],
selectedTipoNatureza: [],
selectedTipoPesquisa: ''
tabela: {
columns: [
// <a data-toggle="modal" data-target="#ExemploModalCentralizado">${row.DESCRICAO}</a>
label: 'Descrição', representedAs: function (row) {
if (row.DESCRICAO) return `<a data-toggle="modal" data-target="#ExemploModalCentralizado">${row.DESCRICAO}</a> <button onclick="alertMe('TESTE')">TESTE</button>`
else return '<b>Sem informação</b>'
}, interpolate: true
label: 'Quantidade', representedAs: function (row) {
return `<p><span class="label label-primary" style="font-size: 17px">${row.QTD}</span></p>`
}, interpolate: true
label: 'Action',
component: 'edit-button',
data: 'row',
component_data: {
path: 'contact',
action: 'update'
rows: []
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-12">
<div class="ibox float-e-margins">
<div class="ibox-title">
<h2 v-if="quantidadeDeRegistros > 0">Foram encontrado(s) {{ quantidadeDeRegistros }}
<div class="ibox-content no-padding" style="font-size: 15px">
<datatable :columns="tabela.columns" :data="tabela.rows"></datatable>
<datatable-pager v-model="numeroPagina" type="abbreviated" :per-page="8"></datatable-pager>
I need to create a button that takes the information from the selected row (row.DESCRIPTION) and sends it to a method, where I will do some dealing in a modal. Thank you very much in advance.
Try using this to reference the component scope.
And remove:
props: ['data'],
You do not want a passed in prop called data. You want the component's defined data property

Vue.js: Including same instance of component multiple times in page

What I am trying to accomplish:
I have some filters that display on a page to filter the products that display on the page. In mobile, I want to hide these filters behind a button that, once pressed, will show the filters in a slide out menu from the side.
While I can duplicate the same components on the page twice, the components are not the exact same instance, that is, clicking on a filter will trigger that function to filter the products on the page, but it sets its own data attributes, which I am using to say "if data attribute 'selected' is true, add a 'selected' class to the component. When I resize the window, the other instance of the component does not have the 'selected' data attribute marked as 'true'.
I expect this, because, from the docs:
Notice that when clicking on the buttons, each one maintains its own, separate count. That’s because each time you use a component, a new instance of it is created.
...but what would be the best way to do this?
I played around with the idea of just setting a class 'mobile' on the component, and the .mobile css would style the components differently, but I need for it to break out where it is nested.
<!-- desktop -->
<!-- mobile -->
Here is my Vue component 'guitar-filters' that displays several components called 'instrument-filter':
Vue.component('guitar-filters', {
data: function() {
return {
isMobile: false
mounted: function() {
var comp = this;
window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
methods: {
setIsMobile: function() {
this.isMobile = (window.innerWidth <= 900) ? true : false;
template: `
<ul class="filters" :class="{mobile: isMobile}">
<instrument-filter filter-by="series" filter="All">All</instrument-filter>
<instrument-filter filter-by="series" filter="Frontier">Frontier</instrument-filter>
<instrument-filter filter-by="series" filter="Legacy">Legacy</instrument-filter>
<instrument-filter filter-by="series" filter="USA">USA</instrument-filter>
Body Shape
<instrument-filter filter-by="bodyType" filter="All">All</instrument-filter>
<instrument-filter filter-by="bodyType" filter="Concert">Concert</instrument-filter>
<instrument-filter filter-by="bodyType" filter="Concertina">Concertina</instrument-filter>
<instrument-filter filter-by="bodyType" filter="Concerto">Concerto</instrument-filter>
<instrument-filter filter-by="bodyType" filter="Orchestra">Orchestra</instrument-filter>
The instrument-filter component:
Vue.component('instrument-filter', {
data: function() {
return {
selected: false
props : [
methods: {
addFilter: function() {
this.$root.$emit('addFilter',{filterBy: this.filterBy,filter: this.filter});
clearFilter: function() {
this.$root.$emit('clearFilter',{filterBy: this.filterBy,filter: this.filter});
template: `
<li :class="{ 'selected' : selected }" #click="selected = !selected; selected ? addFilter() : clearFilter()"><slot></slot></li>
ul.filters > li > ul > li.selected::before {
content: "✔️";
The goal is to have a filter have the 'selected' class in both instances. If I click on 'concert' body shape, and then resize the window to mobile breakpoint, the other instance of that filter component will be selected also.
EDIT: I could hack this. I could move one instance of the component with javascript, but I'm learning Vue, and want to do this the Vue way and best practices.
There's a number of different ways you can handle this. It looks like you've started down the event bus path. Another option could be to use shared app state (see Vuex).
What I've done is similar to shared state, but just using app (same would apply to a common parent component) data. The shared object is passed to both instances of the component. If an item is selected, the appropriate entry is toggled. Since the object is shared, both components stay in sync.
If there was no common parent component, you'd have to look at events or state.
Take a look and see if that helps.
Vue.component('guitar-filters', {
props: [ 'data' ],
data: function() {
return {
isMobile: false
mounted: function() {
var comp = this;
window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
methods: {
setIsMobile: function() {
this.isMobile = (window.innerWidth <= 900) ? true : false;
template: `
<ul class="filters" :class="{mobile: isMobile}">
<instrument-filters :list="data.seriesFilters"/>
Body Shape
<instrument-filters :list="data.bodyFilters"/>
Vue.component('instrument-filters', {
props : [ 'list', ],
methods: {
toggle(toggleItem) {
let itemInList = this.list.find((item) => item.value === toggleItem.value);
itemInList.selected = !itemInList.selected;
template: `
<li v-for="item in list" :class="{ 'selected' : item.selected }" #click="toggle(item)">{{ item.label }}</li>
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
filterData: {
seriesFilters: [
{ label: 'All', value: 'All', selected: false },
{ label: 'Frontier', value: 'Frontier', selected: false },
{ label: 'Legacy', value: 'Legacy', selected: false },
{ label: 'USA', value: 'USA', selected: false },
bodyFilters: [
{ label: 'All', value: 'All', selected: false },
{ label: 'Concert', value: 'Concert', selected: false },
{ label: 'Concertina', value: 'Concertina', selected: false },
{ label: 'Concerto', value: 'Concerto', selected: false },
{ label: 'Orchestra', value: 'Orchestra', selected: false },
ul {
ul > li {
cursor: pointer;
ul.filters > li > ul > li.selected::before {
content: "✔️";
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<!-- desktop -->
<guitar-filters :data="filterData" />
<!-- mobile -->
<guitar-filters :data="filterData" />

Why does the change in this property not trigger a watch in Vuejs?

I need to figure out why a property that is changed is not triggering a watch in Vue.
I have 2 components Parent and Child.
Child has as 1 Prop (item) and item has 4 properties: id, text, isImportant, isCool.
The Parent has 2 lists that are populated using two computed properties which return arrays, one where the items's "isImportant" == TRUE and the other where "isImportant" is FALSE.
In the Child, isImportant and isCool are both bound to input[type=checkbox] elements.
I have a watch (deep) set to respond to changes in the item prop of the Child.
Changing "isCool" triggers the watch while "isImportant" does not.
Changing isImportant does update the collection and the property is updated but it does not trigger the "watch".
It seems to be related to the computed property but not sure why?
Vue.component('todo', {
props: {
item: Object
template: `
{{ item.text }}
<input type="checkbox"
Is Important?
<input type="checkbox"
Is Cool?
watch: {
item: {
handler: function (a, b) {
deep: true
'item.isImportant': function (a, b) {
new Vue({
el: '#app',
template: `
<div id="app">
<li v-for="item in important">
<todo :item="item" :key=""></todo>
<h2>Not Important:</h2>
<li v-for="item in notImportant">
<todo :item="item" :key=""></todo>
data: {
todos: [
{ id: 1, text: "Learn JavaScript", isImportant: false, isTicked: false },
{ id: 2, text: "Learn Vue", isImportant: true, isTicked: false },
{ id: 3, text: "Play around in JSFiddle", isImportant: true, isTicked: false },
{ id: 4, text: "Build something awesome", isImportant: true, isTicked: false }
computed: {
important: function () {
return this.todos.filter(function(todo) {
return (todo.isImportant == true);
notImportant: function () {
return this.todos.filter(function(todo) {
return (todo.isImportant != true);
The reason that the change to isImportant isn't caught by the component, is that when you change isImportant, the component is removed, because the todo-item is moved from one list to the other.
If you have just one list of all todo's (<li v-for="item in todos">), both listeners trigger just fine.

Vue.js reactivity inner mechanisms

Given the following Vue code, how does it know to render the v-for again when selected is changed?
It makes complete sense to me when todos is changed.
So, Vue notices that there's a method isSelected involved and then uses "reflection" to watch the selected value, since it's an instance value?
Is that what's happening under the hood?
<div id="app">
<li v-for="todo in todos" :class="{ 'selected': isSelected(todo.text) }">
{{ todo.text }}
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
todos: [
{ text: 'foo' },
{ text: 'bar' },
{ text: 'quz' }
'selected': 'bar'
methods: {
isSelected: function(text) {
return text != this.selected;
app.todos.push({ text: 'test' });
app.todos[0].text = 'change';
app.selected = 'foo';

vue.js How to add class to table row depending on property value

I am trying to add bootstrap classes (success, waning... ) to table rows depending on a propertys (overallStatus) value.
How would i implement this functionallity in the code below?
Thanks in advance!
<div id="people" class="col-md-12">
<v-client-table :data="tableData" :columns="columns" :options="options"></v-client-table>
Vue.use(VueTables.client, {
perPage: 50,
skin: 'table table-condensed'
new Vue({
el: "#people",
ready: function () { },
methods: {},
data: {
columns: ['deviceType', 'reasonForStatus', 'ip', 'monitorIsOn', 'freeSpace', 'cpuUsage', 'availableRam', 'statusTime'],
options: {
dateColumns: ['statusTime'],
headings: {
deviceType: 'Device Type',
ip: 'Device Ip',
reasonForStatus: 'ReasonForStatus',
freeSpace: 'Free Space',
cpuUsage: 'CPU Usage',
availableRam: 'Available Ram',
statusTime: 'Log Time'
templates: {
deviceType: function (row) {
return row == 0 ? "Stander" : "Monitor";
availableRam: function (row) {
return row.availableRam + " mb.";
freeSpace: function (row) {
return row.freeSpace + " %";
cpuUsage: function (row) {
return row.cpuUsage + " %";
selectedLetter: '',
tableData: tableItems,
You need to use v-bind:class directive (or shorter version :class). Take a look at docs here.
data: function () {
return: {
error: true,
errorType: 'alert-error'
<div class="alert" :class="{ errorType: error }"</div>
<!-- or static text assignment -->
<div class="alert" :class="{ 'alert-error': error }"</div>
This both would result in
<div class="alert alert-error"></div>
To bind multiple classes at the same time you can do like this:
<div :class="{ 'class1 class2 class3': error }"</div>
<div :class="['class1', 'class2', error ? 'class3' : 'class4']"></div>