IIS Request Count/ IIS Stop Gracefully - iis-8

Please help me to get number of IIS request currently being processed or that are in the request queue.
Basically I am trying to stop IIS gracefully, without impacting existing users/requests.


IIS 8.5 Request Management | Queue | Timeout problem

I have a WCF SOAP service that receives too many synchronous requests from other systems
I am having problem when too many request comes at that time IIS Queue will not provide proper result and server memory and CPU usage is gone high and discard request or time out
I did a normal Load test (100 requests with 100 concurrent user) and the IIS started to discard the requests after the maximum queue length reach as well as all the request coming delays to provide the response and Other requests coming in are delayed until the first one either times out, or responds.
Below is server configuration
WCF application code is tested with Resharper tool and there is no object or memory dispose issue
Is there any settings for setup application pool or worker process to manage queue ?
Can i apply web garden in Application ?
Please help me to solve this issue
Thanks in Advance

How Can I Attach a Remote Debugger to a .Net 4.5 WCF Service without Blocking Other Incoming Requests?

I'd like to attach a debugger to a WCF service without interrupting incoming requests which are not the one I intend to debug. I thought I could use a conditional break point to only break on specific conditions in the request coming from my machine. I used SoapUI to send the request with the specific conditions. When that break point was hit, I opened a different request in SoapUI, but that request was not processed until I released my break. My goal was to see if I could attach a remote debugger to a production server without interrupting other requests. Is there anyway to do this?

iis idle timeout and long running request on wcf service

I have to implement long running process which is starts via request to the wcf method (not start proces when application start)
I now that this is wrong solution, better will be windows serwis or something else for long running process, but for my situation it is impossible. I have to use wcf servis hosted on IIS.
I read about appdomain recycled and I can't figure out thing about Idle Timeout - appdomain restart if request run over 20 minutes. I know that this issue appears when is started background task in application start.
So will be my appdomain kill when (idle timeout is setup 20 minutes).
it is start one long running request, and after that will be not another request.
When process is started in application start IIS nothing knows about this task and this is for me clear that in this situation appdomain is closed
Does after 20 minutes IIS kill appdomain, besides that eier request still running ? I am confused, because IIS know about still running request and mayby does not do this.
What is true ?
Yes, IIS will kill the process because it works on a rolling horizon of requests, not what is running. A way around this might be to have the web service request itself while it is running to continually ping the server to let it know that it is still running. But on the whole, IIS will kill its processes when no requests are coming in.
Taken directly from MSDN: The worker process shuts down after it finishes processing its existing requests, or after a configured time-out, whichever comes first.
In your case, if your process is longer than the timeout, your process will never finish.

NT Hosted WCF Service With MSMQ fails to stop cleanly and Locks Up

This is a problem which has had me baffled for weeks now on a client's Live environment.
The WCF service is hosted on Windows Server 2003, and has both HTTP and MSMQ endpoints.
When placing the service in the test environment, the service cleanly starts and stops, and messages are passed without problems. However on the Live environment, the service starts fine, but does not exit cleanly.
When attempting to stop the service, the machine takes a long time to respond and eventually displays an error saying that the service could not be stopped. Inspecting the error on the event log, it says that it was unable to write to the MSMQ queue (access denied), however, the service is able read and remove messages from the queue. If one then refreshes the service manager, the service is in fact stopped.
The MSMQ queue is hosted on a different physical machine, and we have been unable to reproduce the error on the test environment.
We are not sure if it is related or not, but the service will also occasionally stop pulling messages from the queue. This has been solved by restarting the service. Again, we have not been able to reproduce the error.
Recently we experienced another error with the HTTP based client where upon midnight one night, the service suddenly started rejecting connections with the following exception:
The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Anonymous'. The authentication header received from the server was 'Negotiate,NTLM'. ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.
Even more curious, is that simply restarting the service seems to correct the problem.
If anyone has seen anything like this before or has any comments, it would be much appreciated!
Speaking to a colleague, apparently setting the ServiceModelEx throttling options all to "1" help with the lock ups on MSMQ based WCF services.

WCF Service polling hangs

I have 2 wcf services, 1 which polls the other service at regular interval.The service2 is hosted in no. of machines with the same configuration.
My problem is that whenever the poller service gets restarted, even though the service2 on other machines runs fine, i am not getting the response from those services (basically it gets timed out - getting SYSTEM.TimeOutException ). If I try to access the same service (service2) from some temp application (without restarting the service2) it gives response.
If I restart the service2, than it works fine, the service1 (poller service) gets the responses from all hosted services (Service2).
Dont know what is causing problem.
Attach VS to your wcf service which hangs. And find out if your connection is successful.
Do it with both services, so that you can debug the services at runtime.
If you're using a sessionful binding (netTcpBinding, wsHttpBinding), it's more than likely that you're not explicitly closing your client channel when you're done with it. This would cause the behavior you see, because the session takes a minute or so to time out if you don't explicitly close it, and the default max number of sessions is low (10)- the server will let new sessions stack up until old ones close. You can also adjust the service throttle on the server side binding to increase the max number of open sessions allowed, but you really should make sure your clients are getting cleaned up properly first.