How to display the next page number automatically in Datatables pagination in place of ellipses - datatables

My pagination having total 64 pages, when I am clicking on page 5 I want that page 6 button is displayed automatically in UI. As of now its showing ellipses after page 5.
Please help. Thanks in advance!

You can avoid displaying ellipses with full_numbers_no_ellipses or simple_numbers_no_ellipses pagination plug-ins.
See jQuery DataTables: Pagination without ellipses for more information.

By default, you should see the page number either side of the page you are on - so if your page is 5, you should see buttons for 4 and 6 (see example here). You can use the pagingType option for different options on how the page numbers are displayed.


Webkit Pagination: How to do pagination on a long HTML page

I'm using Vala for Webkit (webkit2gtk-4.0) to display HTML content on WebView. Instead of showing the vertical scrollbars, I would like to break up the page into a smalled set of lines i.e. pagination. the attached picture will give an idea of the content i'm displaying.
Is there someway I can identify the number of lines when the content reaches the max page size and break up the content into the next page and so on. Is there a signal I can connect to which will help me do pagination. Here is the link to my code on GitHub: bookworm
The content has its own stylesheets and also images, so I cannot think of characters per line and no of lines per page to do the pagination.
Thanks in advance for any ideas.

Infinite AJAX Scroll next, and back?

I am using Jquery plugin Infinite AJAX Scroll with History Extension in order to change the page URL while scrolling.
Now, let’s say, I scroll down to the 6th ajax load, the page URL has now changed to hostname/?page=6. If you then reload this link, you will see only the page 6 items. If you scroll down, the plugin will load the page 7 and so on.
But, if you scroll up, you wont’t see previous items: page 5, 4, 3...
Here you can see a demo from John Mueller
It would be nice to have the same behaviour on Jquery IAS, but I think there is no option to enable this functionality in Jquery IAS, is there?

Pop all the pages except first page BlackBerry 10 Cascades?

How to pop all the pushed pages except first page in BlackBerry 10 qml?
That may depend on the base object. When using the NavigationPane for example I would use the navigatTo(Page *targetPage) method and specify the first page as the target.

Windows 8 Grouped Items Page no content displayed

in my Windows 8 (Modern UI) App, i want to add a GroupedItemsPage. When I add it as my
main Page, everything Shows up, and the sample data of the template is displayed.
But when i want to add it as an additional page, that i navigate to through my MainPage,
the Content is not displayed. I only see the Title but now Elements at all.
Can anyone help me with this?
Can you provide some sample code? You might have mixed something up with the Databinding or the navigation.

How to create pagination in windows 8 METRO (C# / XAML) Application?

i want to create a pagination / paging for my listbox.
i have a list box , there will be for about 200 items showing up in my listbox ,
so i want to perform pagination on my list box and show 15 items per page , and when user presses next button it will be going to next page and when user presses previous button it will be going to previous page .
Please let me know , How can i implement this my application.
Thanks in Advance.
Here's what you are looking for:
DataFetchSize method
LoadMoreItemsAsync method:
IncrementalLoadingTrigger and IncrementalLoadingThreshold properties
You can see examples of using these here (though note that the sample was based on Windows 8 BUILD release and the apis have had some changes)
and take a look at Hamid's BUILD session that discusses these here: