How to validate Check box if xpaths are same in case of selected and unselected - selenium

M unable to validate checkbox, if it's selected or not
because both the HTML are same
I tried isSelected(), but it's not working
Below is the HTML code for both selected and unselected
1) Selected
<label class="c-account-access-panel__checkbox " for="23336" data-js-checkbox-label="">
<input id="23336" class="c-account-access-panel__checkbox-input" type="checkbox"
data-label-for-value-missing="Please select at least one account from the options below" data-form-field-validation-on-grid=""
required="" checked="" data-js-checkbox="" value="DE29973399" name="payer"/>
<div class="c-account-access-panel__checkbox-symbol"/>
2) Unselected
<label class="c-account-access-panel__checkbox " for="23336" data-js-checkbox-label="">
<input id="23336" class="c-account-access-panel__checkbox-input" type="checkbox"
data-label-for-value-missing="Please select at least one account from the options below" data-form-field-validation-on-grid=""
required="" checked="" data-js-checkbox="" value="DE29973399" name="payer"/>
<div class="c-account-access-panel__checkbox-symbol"/>
Thanks in advance!

As per the Java Docs isSelected() method determines whether the element is selected or not. This operation only applies to <input> elements such as checkboxes, options within a <select> tag and radio buttons.
To validate if the desired checkbox is selected or not you can use the following code block:
boolean checkboxSelected = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[#class='c-account-access-panel__checkbox-input' and #name='payer']")).isSelected();

If isSelected() is not working for you. Then , you can use JavascriptExecutor to do your task. Following JS statements shall let you know the state of target checkbox.
The checked method returns true or false depending on the checkbox state.

You can validate using getAttributemethod.
First select the webElement using any of the unique locator,
WebElement checkbox=driver.findElement(By.xpath(".//input[#type='checkbox']"));
If the checkbox is selected, then checkbox.getAttribute("checked")will give the result as true else, it will give the result as null. So, you can add the condition using checkbox.getAttribute("checked")

Use xpath expression like: (//div [#id='23336')[1] or (//div [#id='23336')[2] to make them into unique element then do .isselected ()


How to determine if element attribute exists or not using TestCafe?

I'm using TestCafe and would like to determine if the checkbox element is present or not. In the HTML element, if the checkbox is already checked then the attribute checked exists otherwise not. How do I determine using TestCafe?
I used the function available in TestCafe - .hasAttribute('checked') but the return is undefined.
Here is the HTML code when the checkbox is checked:
<input class="jss1523" tabindex="-1" type="checkbox" data-indeterminate="false" value checked>
Here is the HTML code when the checkbox is unchecked:
<input class="jss1523" tabindex="-1" type="checkbox" data-indeterminate="false" value>
How do I solve this using TestCafe?
For every Dom element which you get with Selector() you can check property checked -
For checkboxes and radio inputs it returns Boolean value (true - if checked, otherwise - false) and for other types of elements return undefined

How to Select a checbox by its corresponding label name

I am relatively new to xpath and I'm having an issue with Selecting a checkbox.
The following expression works fine
But I need to select a checkbox based on its label name (Music in this case)
Unfortunately, this -
is clicking on the label, not on the checkbox.
How is it possible to do that? I also tried this one but its not able to locate the element:
That's the sample of the code:
<input name="ctl00$cphContent$ThreeMedia$categoriesRepeater$ctl01$ctl00"
data-bind="attr:{'id': 'chkCat' + id, 'data-id': id}, checked: selected" id="chkCat2" data-id="2" type="checkbox">
<label data-bind="attr:{'for': 'chkCat' + id}" for="chkCat2" class=" firepath-matching-node"></label>
<label class="chkbox-content margin-bottom-0" data-bind="text: name">Music</label>
Thanks for the help
But I need to select a checkbox based on its label name (Music in this case)
Assuming div is the parent element of the provided checkbox element, try using below xpath :-
or more specific
one more
.//div[label[text() = 'Music']]/input
Try this below mentioned xpath
//label[text()= 'Music']/..//preceding-sibling::input[#id='chkCat2']
Explanation of xpath:- Use text method along with <label> tag and move ahead with <input> tag using preceding-sibling keyword.

TestStack.Seleno TickCheckbox not working

I have 2 forms that I am testing using TestStack.Seleno. Both forms have a checkbox that is mandatory. The first form has (including the checkbox) 5 fields. I can use TestStack.Seleno to create a passing test with valid data. I set the checkbox like this:
On my other form which has 10 or so fields, when I try to set the checkbox to be ticked (using the same code) nothing happens. However when I try
var acceptCheckBox = Find.Element(By.Name("Accept"),new TimeSpan(0,0,0,50));
if (form.Accept)
I get error "Element is not currently visible and so may not be interacted with"
Element is clearly visible and is not injected in using javascript.
I am using latest version of TestStack.Seleno from github.
Any ideas?
So I have managed to figure out what the issue is and have a work around, however I cannot explain why it works on the other form. The mandatory Accept field has html generated by mvc that looks like
<input class="check-box" data-val="true" data-val-mustbetrue="The Accept our field is required" data-val-required="The Accept our field is required." id="Accept" name="Accept" type="checkbox" value="true"><input name="Accept" type="hidden" value="false">
<label for="Accept">
Accept our Please accept our Terms and Conditions
<span class="field-validation-valid" data-valmsg-for="Accept" data-valmsg-replace="true"></span>
So you have the checkbox and hidden field both with id Accept, I suspect in code seleno is picking up the hidden field and setting value, so I updated my code todo
var acceptCheckBox = Find.Element(By.CssSelector("#Accept.check-box"));
Now everything works.

Click checkbox with Nested Elements in Watir

I'll try to keep it simple.
I have a list of similar rows like this:
HTML code:
<li ...>
<div ... >
<some elements here>
<input id="121099" class="containerMultiSelect" type="checkbox" value="121099" name="NodeIds">
<a ...>
<div ... />
<div ... >
<h2>Identified Text</h2>
I want to click the checkbox with a certain text, but I can't use any of its elements, because they are the same for all the list, and id is generated automatically. The only thing can be differentiated is the h2 text. I tried :
browser.h2(:text => /Identified/).checkbox(:name => "NodeIds").set
and I got UnknownException which is obvious because checkbox is not nested with a tag.
What can I do in this case?
The h2 and checkbox are related by the li, which is a common ancestor. Therefore, to find the checkbox, you can look for the li that contains the h2 element. I find the most readable approach to doing this is by using the find method of the element collection. The find method basically allows you to make custom locators.
The code would be:
parent_li = browser.lis.find do |li|
li.h2(:text => 'Identified Text').present?
browser.lis creates a collection of all li elements.
find iterates through the lis and returns the first element that has the block evaluate as true - ie the first li where an h2 with the specified text is present.
First have a look at this explanation
Now following a similar approach,
First locate the element that has a unique identifier
parent=#browser.h2(:text=>"Identified Text")
Now we have to iterate over to the parent element which contains both the checkbox and text against it.
parent=parent.parent until parent.tag_name=="li"
Once the control is on the li element, simple click on the checkbox using.

Issue selecting Radio button in Selenium Webdriver

<table id="Content_Content_Content_ctlCaseInfo_rdochldplcm" class="fltLeft">
<td><input type="radio" id="Content_Content_Content_ctlCaseInfo_rdochldplcm_0" name="ctl00$ctl00$ctl00$Content$Content$Content$ctlCaseInfo$rdochldplcm" value="0" /><label for="Content_Content_Content_ctlCaseInfo_rdochldplcm_0">No</label></td><td><input type="radio" id="Content_Content_Content_ctlCaseInfo_rdochldplcm_1" name="ctl00$ctl00$ctl00$Content$Content$Content$ctlCaseInfo$rdochldplcm" value="1" /><label for="Content_Content_Content_ctlCaseInfo_rdochldplcm_1">Yes</label></td>
When I try
it clicks to "Yes"
When I try driver.FindElement(By.Id("Content_Content_Content_ctlCaseInfo_rdochldplcm_0")).Click();
Nothing happens and no radio button gets selected.
Please suggest ways to handle this situation ..thanks a lot!!
It would probably be better to click the Radio buttons through XPath.
In your specific case, the XPath for:
Yes - Radio Button:
"//input[contains(#id, 'rdochldplcm') and contains(#value, 1)]"
No - Radio Button:
"//input[contains(#id, 'rdochldplcm') and contains(#value, 0)]"
In this instance, if you wanted to click the 'Yes' Radio button, you can do this:
string yesRadioButtonXPath = "//input[contains(#id, 'rdochldplcm') and contains(#value, 1)]"
IWebElement yesRadioButton = driver.FindElement(By.XPath(yesRadioButtonXPath));
For the 'No' Radio button, you would use this:
string noRadioButtonXPath = "//input[contains(#id, 'rdochldplcm') and contains(#value, 0)]"
IWebElement noRadioButton = driver.FindElement(By.XPath(noRadioButtonXPath));
Since you're using a table, there may be a chance that the XPath may return more than one element. You'd need to use a different method to sort out the elements in that case, but for what you're looking for, this method should work.
this solved my problem perfeclty
I have a page with 18 radio buttons in 6 groups which represented "Yes" "No" and "No Answer"
I was trying to get them by ID but it was randomized by the app
But using a name and value tags made it work.
radios were defined basically like this:
input value="2" class=" x-form-radio x-form-field" autocomplete="off" id="randID_13578" name="emailNotifiyOptionAllow" type="radio">
and every time i opened this page id was different so using
"//input[contains(#name, 'emailNotifyOptionAllow') and contains(#value, 1)]"
solved it.
Use this :
//First get the list of values from the radio button
List < WebElement > elements = driver.findElements(By.cssSelector("table[id='Content_Content_Content_ctlCaseInfo_rdochldplcm'] > td"));
WebElement value;
//use loop for searching the particular element
for(WebElement element : elements){
//Getting the value of the element
value = element.findElement(By.cssSelector("label")).getText();
//condition to click on the element
if(value.trim().equals("No")){ //Here value is hard coded. You can take from excel sheet also
// If condition satisfies, it will click on the element
This can be used as a common function also.
try [0] and [1] instead of the underscore.
Try your code with the given below CSS :
Step 1:
By Provided HTML Piece we can derive the CSS of the Radio Button
css=#Content_Content_Content_ctlCaseInfo_rdochldplcm input
Step 2:
Click on the radio button using Web Driver Code
(By.cssSelector("#Content_Content_Content_ctlCaseInfo_rdochldplcm input"))