After releasing my app for production, I found I wasn't able to view console.logs() anymore no matter what I attempted.
I attempted to reproduce the problem:
Installed latest version of npm
Used create-react-native-app to create a new app.
Added simple button to call a console.log()
Console.log() worked in IOS Simulator
Ran npm run eject.
Opened up Xcode project and ran from inside. Console.logs() are still working.
Removed localhost entry from the NSExceptionDomains.
Edited scheme -> run -> changed from debug to release
Changed jsCodeLocation to jsCodeLocation = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:#"main" withExtension:#"jsbundle"];
Rebuilt app. Console.logs() no longer showing, but app loads.
This is at the point where the app is production ready, as per the guidelines of React Native's Building Your App for Production
In hindsight, it probably makes sense that a production build wouldn't show console.logs(), but I'm still posting this in case it helps out anyone else.
If anyone, like me, wants to then get console.logs() back, it's as simple as doing the reverse of the tutorial. Follow these steps closely to return your app to a state where console.logs() will show:
In Xcode, Go to Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme -> Run -> set Build Configuration to Debug
In your AppDelegate.m, change the jsCodeLocation to jsCodeLocation = [[RCTBundleURLProvider sharedSettings] jsBundleURLForBundleRoot:#"index" fallbackResource:nil];
Finally, in your Info.plist, add the code below (use a text-editor for this - not Xcode - by right clicking and then choosing a text-editor of your choice):
Close all terminal windows, clean your project, close Xcode, close the simulator, and then launch Xcode again and rebuild your project. The console.logs() will be back.
I am running react-native APP and try to run ios Part. It's Launch successful but with black screen. Also I can not see any option on Launcher. Please see below image.
See simulator
Again, It's React Native and me want to run on ios simulator
Just to let you know, I solved the problem by myself. I was doing something wrong on info.plist. That was code which was getting issue.
I just removed that and problem resolved
I am adding a share extension to my existing Universal app, but it's never showing up in the shared menu.
xcode 9.3 , Deployment target for Parent app and extension 9.3
Steps for adding xcode
File -> New -> Target-> shareExtesnion
All certificates for share extension + containing app on automatic.
Enable app Groups for bot app and extension.
Select Same app group for app and extension.
Build the app using safari.
build successfull, and safari opens fine, but can't see my App extension on the share sheet.
Then created new sample app with same steps mention above, it works properly.
Things I tried to clear the issue
Created new App group.
Deployment target changed to 11.3
Changed ActivationRule
I need your valuable suggestions. Thanks in advance.
I upgraded to React Native v0.37. The iOS Simulator works fine but when trying to run the app on a device I get the error:
[fatal][tid:main] No script URL provided. Make sure the packager is running or you have embedded a JS bundle in your application bundle.unsanitizedScriptURLString:((null))
Does anyone have a clue why?
Many thanks in advance for your help.
Make sure you are allowing localhost in you Info.plist
OK, so I had the issue again after upgrading to React Native 0.38.
I ran "react-native bundle --dev false --assets-dest ./ios --entry-file index.ios.js --platform ios --bundle-output ios/main.jsbundle" to do the bundling in a clean way and figured out that there was an error caused by a Babel plugin configuration issue. After cleaning my .babelrc file, the packaging is working perfectly well. It then generates the main.jsbundle, and you have to add it to the project in xcode. After that compilation runs fine.
I have an app in the Mac App Store, that's been built using the following entitlements for over a year without any issues:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
Now, when I try to upload my first build using Xcode 6 I got some strange errors from Itunes Connect. What it says is basically:
Invalid Code Signing Entitlements - Your application bundle's signature
contains code signing entitlements that are not supported on Mac OS X; this
may happen if your Mac OS X project was ported from iOS. Please check your
Xcode project's code signing entitlements configuration, and remove any
unneeded entitlements.
Specifically, value "development" for key "" is not supported.
Specifically, key "" is not supported.
The thing is, I can not find any reference to these entitlements inside my project. But when I inspect the "Binary and Entitlements" window in the orgnizer I see that Xcode has added these to my requested entitlements.
Where do the entitlements come from and how to resolve the issue?
Specifically, value "development" for key "" is not supported.
This indicates that you are using a provisioning profile that is set up for "development". For push notifications to work you need to use a "distribution" provisioning profile. You can use Ad Hoc if you aren't ready to distribute to the app store.
You did say it's been over a year. Perhaps you had the correct provisioning profile and it has now expired.
Specifically, key "" is not supported.
There are some changes to iCloud with Yosemite. You may need to edit your App ID in the developer portal and make sure your settings are compatible with the version of OS X you are targeting. After editing the App ID you will need to generate a new provisioning profile for that App ID.
You can also find and edit most of the entitlements in Xcode 6 by selecting the project in the project navigator then selecting the target and go to the "Capabilities" tab.
I have developed universal application using Titanium platform.
But I am not able to set ipad application icon appicon-72.png.
Can you please advice me how to solve this issue.
A better way to do it is to create an info.plist file in the root of your project. You need to add:
for info.plist Creation try this
The info.plist file will now be used during building for distribution to appstore and the different icons will be correctly used in the binary.