Import Polymer 3 component into Angular 5 project - angular5

I'm starting with polymer 3 and i'm working on this tutorial, so basically i have the component js file as follows
import { PolymerElement, html } from '#polymer/polymer/polymer-element.js';
import '#polymer/iron-icon/iron-icon.js';
class IconToggle extends PolymerElement {
static get template() {
return html`
/* shadow DOM styles go here */
:host {
display: inline-block;
--icon-toggle-color: lightgrey;
--icon-toggle-outline-color: black;
--icon-toggle-pressed-color: red;
iron-icon {
fill: var(--icon-toggle-color, rgba(0,0,0,0));
stroke: var(--icon-toggle-outline-color, currentcolor);
cursor: pointer;
:host([pressed]) iron-icon {
fill: var(--icon-toggle-pressed-color, currentcolor);
<!-- shadow DOM goes here -->
<iron-icon icon="[[toggleIcon]]"></iron-icon>
static get properties() {
return {
pressed: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
notify: true,
reflectToAttribute: true
toggleIcon: {
type: String
constructor() {
this.addEventListener('click', this.toggle.bind(this));
toggle() {
this.pressed = !this.pressed;
customElements.define('icon-toggle', IconToggle);
Now I'm wondering how to import this and use it in an angular 5 app.

Generate a new Angular app.
ng new with-polymer
From within with-polymer create a directory to store the web components in.
mkdir src/app/components
Copy your polymer component code to src/app/components/icon-toggle.js
Install the polymer dependencies.
npm install #polymer/iron-icon #polymer/polymer
Update src/app/app.module.ts to import CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA and tell NgModule that custom elements will be in use.
import { CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA, NgModule } from '#angular/core';
Import icon-toggle in src/app/app.module.ts.
import './components/icon-toggle';
Add an icon-toggle to src/app/app.component.html.
<icon-toggle toggle-icon="star"></icon-toggle>
Start up the dev server.
npm start
Note that you will probably want to include some web component polyfills.


Sass global variables and mixins not working

I've set up a project using Vue 3.2.33 and Vite 2.9.5
When I try to access any global variable or mixin from within any vue component, I get an undefined error. This problem doesn't occur in scss files.
The import itself seems working correctly because any css rules in it are working.
import { fileURLToPath, URL } from 'url';
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import vue from '#vitejs/plugin-vue';
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [vue()],
resolve: {
alias: {
'#': fileURLToPath(new URL('./src', import.meta.url)),
css: {
preprocessorOptions: {
scss: {
additionalData: '#use "#/styles/variables";',
// breakpoints
$breakpoints: (
"sm": 576px,
"md": 768px,
"lg": 992px,
"xl": 1200px,
"xxl": 1400px,
#mixin test {
border: 3px solid red;
Example use:
<style scoped lang="scss">
#use 'sass:map';
.container {
max-width: 100%;
width: 100%;
margin: 0 auto;
#include test; // <- undefined
&--fluid {
max-width: 100%;
width: 100%;
$widths: (
'sm': 540px,
'md': 720px,
'lg': 960px,
'xl': 1140px,
'xxl': 1320px,
#each $breakpoint, $width in $widths {
#media (min-width: map.get($breakpoints, $breakpoint)) { // <- $breakpoints undefined
.container {
max-width: $width;
in your vite config instead of
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [vue()],
css: {
preprocessorOptions: {
scss: {
additionalData: '#import "./src/styles/variables.scss";',
keep in mind that you cannot import the same file variables.scss again in your main.ts file otherwise, you will get this error
[sass] This file is already being loaded.
by the way, you can also import the scss file in every single component manually as you mentioned but that would be really tedious so using a global import in preprocessorOptions in vite.config.ts is a much better option for files used globally like a variables.scss file.
I've managed to "fix" the issue. Turns out, when I replace all #use rules for file imports, the sass code is imported correctly and works. But this produces a new problem as the #import rules cannot be placed before #use, so I had to remove the additionalData key from config and include the imports manually.

How do I create a global component without injection?

There is a case that we need a component in global to use it like this.$toast('some words') or this.$dialog({title:'title words',contentText:'some words').
In Vue 2.x, we can add Toast.vue's methods to Vue.prototype, and call Toast.vue's methods everywhere. But how do we do this in Vue 3.x?
I read the document of i18n plugin demo in vue-next. But it needs to inject the i18n plugin into every component that needs to use it. It's not convenient.
A way showing the component anywhere in vue3 app without injection
mountting the component into dom each time.
use 'Toast' for example:
step 1: create a SFC (Toast.vue)
<transition name="fade">
<div class="toast" v-html="msg" :style="style" #click="closeHandle"></div>
import {ref,computed,onMounted,onUnmounted} from 'vue'
export default {
name: "Toast",
// closing the Toast when timed out. 0:not closed until to call this.$closeToast()
timeout:{type:Number,default:2000, validate:function (val){return val >= 0}},
// closing the Toast immediately by click it, not wait the timed out.
clickToClose:{type:Boolean, default: true},
// a function provied by ToastPlugin.js, to unmout the toast.
close:{type:Function,required: true}
let innerTimeout = ref();
const style = computed(
()=>{return{backgroundColor:props.backgroundColor ? props.backgroundColor : '#696969', color:props.color ? props.color : '#FFFFFF'}}
if(props.timeout > 0)
innerTimeout.value = setTimeout(()=>{ props.close(); },props.timeout);
* when toast be unmounted, clear the 'innerTimeout'
* unmount the toast
const closeHandle = () => {
* to clear the 'innerTimeout' if it exists.
const toClearTimeout = ()=>{
}catch (e){
return {style,closeHandle};
<style scoped>
.toast{position: fixed; top: 50%; left: 50%; padding: .3rem .8rem .3rem .8rem; transform: translate(-50%,-50%); z-index: 99999;
border-radius: 2px; text-align: center; font-size: .8rem; letter-spacing: .1rem;}
.fade-enter-active{transition: opacity .1s;}
.fade-leave-active {transition: opacity .3s;}
.fade-enter, .fade-leave-to /* .fade-leave-active below version 2.1.8 */ {opacity: 0;}
step 2: create a plugin (ToastPlugin.js)
import Toast from "./Toast.vue";
import {createApp} from 'vue'
const install = (app) => {
// dom container for mount the Toast.vue
let container;
// like 'app' just for Toast.vue
let toastApp;
// 'props' that Toast.vue required.
const baseProps = {
// define a function to close(unmount) the toast used for
// case 1: in Toast.vue "click toast appeared and close it"
// case 2: call 'this.$closeToast()' to close the toast in anywhere outside Toast.vue
close:()=> {
if (toastApp)
container = document.querySelector('#ToastPlug');
// show Toast
const toast = (msg)=>{
if(typeof msg === 'string')
msg = {msg};
const props = {...baseProps,...msg}
// assume the toast(previous) was not closed, and try to close it.
// create a dom container and mount th Toast.vue
container = document.createElement('div');
toastApp = createApp(Toast, props);
// set 'toast()' and 'close()' globally
app.config.globalProperties.$toast = toast;
app.config.globalProperties.$closeToast = baseProps.close;
export default install;
step 3: usage
in main.js
import ToastPlugin from 'xxx/ToastPlugin'
import { createApp } from 'vue'
const app = createApp({})
// then the toast can be used in anywhere like this:
this.$toast('some words')
this.$toast({msg:'some words',timeout:3000})
Vue 3 provides an API for attaching global properties:
import { createApp } from 'vue'
const app = createApp({})
app.config.globalProperties.$toast = () => { /*...*/ }

How to import CSS-Modules correctly with Nuxt?

I'm using CSS Modules with Nuxt and have run into some issues when trying to import a stylesheet in my js. If I import my stylesheet directly into the...
<style module>
#import './index.css';
...everything works as expected. In my particular case I need to run a computed property to choose between two different stylesheets so instead of importing through the <style module> I need to import into <script> and implement the styles like so:
import foo from './index.css'
export default {
computed: {
styles() {
return foo
When implementing this on vue everything works great and I get a style object returned. Nuxt however is returning an empty object and none of my styles render correctly.
I'm activating CSS-Modules in my nuxt.config.js file like this:
export default {
loaders: {
css: {
modules: true
Is this an issue with Nuxt SSR? I've been looking for the root cause/solution but haven't had much luck in my search.
After taking ivandata's advice and adding to my build script this code:
export default {
build: {
extend (config, ctx) {
const cssLoader = config.module.rules.find(rule => {
return rule.test.toString() === '/\\.css$/i';
delete cssLoader.oneOf[0].resourceQuery;
CSS modules appear to be working but a new problem popped up which is that now the project doesn't understand any vue-component styles that are not css-modules. After doing a bit of research I found out that the resourceQuery is telling the loader what type of file to apply the loader options to.
I've tried digging through the style loader on vue.cli 3 and comparing the differences to Nuxt. I removed ivandata's snippit and I tried matching the loaders of vue and nuxt but the problem still persisted.
Here is what is happening visually when between enabling and disabling ivandata's code:
And here is a code snippet of what is going on in my project:
<section :class="style.container">
<h2 class="test">hey</h2>
import style from './index.css'
export default {
computed: {
style() {
return style
h1 {
font-size: 100px;
.test {
font-size: 100px;
So as you can see if I have the resourceQuery in the css-loader my javascript import's of css do not work but all vue-component styles worked as normal. Once I remove the resourceQuery the js imported stylesheet works but the vue-template style classes no longer work. I don't think the solution lies in removing resourceQuery and I'm curious if this has something to do with another loader entirely. I've dug quite a bit through the vue.cli 3 loaders and can't see anything that distinctly sticks out to me.
Ok this another way. Leave your old code. Remove my code and add ?module to import file path:
import foo from './index.css?module'
export default {
computed: {
styles() {
return foo
I was wrong. resourceQuery option is used to test against the query section of a request string.
You don't need activate css-modules in nuxt, they active by default.
Nuxt.js use vue-style-loader for load styles.
By default, all styles loading from style tag with module attribute, because style loader use resourceQuery /module/ in oneOf rule. So if remove this property nuxt will load styles as you want.
export default {
build: {
extend (config, ctx) {
const cssLoader = config.module.rules.find(rule => {
return rule.test.toString() === '/\\.css$/i';
delete cssLoader.oneOf[0].resourceQuery;
nuxt version: 2.0.0.
You need to do nothing but exchange scoped to module,such as:
<div :class="$">TEST</div>
<style module>

Override vuetify without !important

I want to apply custom CSS and override some default Vuetify colors. For example, success button can be easily overridden:
.success-button {
background-color: $sb--color-success !important;
But is there a way to do the same without using !important? I tried both:
body .success-button {
background-color: $sb--color-success;
button .success-button {
background-color: $sb--color-success;
How to do it without !important?
You can try something along this lines
// src/index.js
// Libraries
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuetify from 'vuetify'
// Helpers
import colors from 'vuetify/es5/util/colors'
Vue.use(Vuetify, {
theme: {
primary:, // #E53935
secondary:, // #FFCDD2
accent: colors.indigo.base // #3F51B5
Or something like this
<h1 class="subheading grey--text">DASHBOARD</h1>

Using custom theming in Vuetify and pass color variables to components

In my index.js file I have manually override the Vuetify theme object with my company's color:
Vue.use(Vuetify, {
theme: {
primary: '#377ef9',
secondary: '#1b3e70',
accent: '#ff643d',
error: '#ff643d'
Now, I can use these colors from my templates like so:
<my-text-field name="input text"
value="text text text text..."
What I'm after is using the primary or any other variable in the theme object defined above, inside my template style:
import { VTextField } from 'vuetify'
export default {
extends: VTextField
<style scoped lang="stylus">
color: <seconday color> <-- this is what I'm after
color: #1b3e70 <-- this works, but not quite good enough for me
I can easily just write the hex value of my colors in the style section, but I don't want to repeat myself, and would rather use my theme object so it will also be easier for my to easily change the colors everywhere, and avoid typos which will lead to mistakes in the colors definitions.
Edit (2018/10/11)
Since version 1.2. we can enable CSS variables
NOTE: allegedly it won't work in IE (Edge should work), and possibly some Safari versions?
From docs (see Custom Properties)
Enabling customProperties will also generate a css variable for each
theme color, which you can then use in your components'
Vue.use(Vuetify, {
options: {
customProperties: true
<style scoped>
.something {
color: var(--v-primary-base)
background-color: var(--v-accent-lighten2)
For custom values e.g.
yourcustomvariablename: '#607D8B'
use --v-yourcustomvariablename-base (so base is default).
Original answer:
There is a Feature Request on github: Access theme colors in stylus files
#KaelWD (one of devs) wrote:
This is something you'll have to implement yourself. I've tried doing
something similar before but it doesn't really work on a framework
Issue is labeled wontfix
Edit (2018/10/11)
Also see this updated thread: (Feature request: Native css variables)
There is a way to go around this by utilizing :style attributes. It can be used to set custom CSS properties reactively.
Add a computed property:
computed: {
cssProps () {
return {
'--secondary-color': this.$vuetify.theme.secondary
Bind style to cssProps:
<div id="app" :style="cssProps">
Then, in your style:
<style scoped>
color: var(--secondary-color);
Adapted from this discussion:
For anyone stumbling over this from Vuetify V2 onwards, you can do the following to get access to the SCSS colour variables.
// Import the Vuetify styles somewhere global
#import '~vuetify/src/styles/styles.sass';
// Now in your components you can access the colour variables using map-get
div {
background: map-get($grey, lighten-4);
All the colours can be found in /node_modules/vuetify/styles/settings/_colors.scss.
From above answers, if you want to include all vuetify colors, put this code in App.vue template
<v-app :style="cssProps">
App.vue script
computed: {
cssProps () {
var themeColors = {}
Object.keys(this.$vuetify.theme.themes.light).forEach((color) => {
themeColors[`--v-${color}`] = this.$vuetify.theme.themes.light[color]
return themeColors
Let say if you have this color in vuetify.js
export default new Vuetify({
treeShake: true,
theme: {
themes: {
light: {
darkRed: "#CD3300",
Then, in any component:
<style scoped>
.label {
color: var(--v-darkRed);
Maybe I am late the most efficient way to do is as mentioned in the docs
I will provide a working example for the same.
you need only three changes to be done for this to get working.
Mention the option which does the magic and your theme color
export default new Vuetify({
theme: {
options: {
customProperties: true
themes: {
light: {
primary: "#3DCFD3",
secondary: "#171b34",
accent: "3D87E4"
Mention the class name in the tag where you want your theme to get applied
<h4 class="blue-header">Yash Oswal</h4>
CSS to apply your theme.
<style lang="scss">
.blue-header {
color: var(--v-primary-base);
For vutify 3+:
inside vuetify.js file declare theme color variable colors:{green:'#00ff00'}
// src/plugins/vuetify.js
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import { createVuetify } from 'vuetify'
export default createVuetify({
theme: {
defaultTheme: 'myCustomTheme',
themes: {
myCustomTheme: {
dark: false,
colors: {
..., // We have omitted the standard color properties here to emphasize the custom one that we've added
green: '#00ff00'
inside .vue component file use rgb(var(--v-theme-green)):
<div class="custom-class">background color with appropriate text color contrast</div>
.custom-class {
background: rgb(var(--v-theme-green))
Example of switching theme (helpfull link):
<v-app :dark="setTheme"
:style="{background: $vuetify.theme.themes[theme].background}"
computed: {
setTheme() {
this.$vuetify.theme.dark = this.goDark;
data() {
return {
goDark: false