TYPO3 $query->in('valOne,valTwo,valThree', $arrayTwo) - sql

I have a query in my repository which gets all product by categories and contentTypes.
I am looking for a query like this:
$query = $this->createQuery();
$constraint = $query->in('category', $categories);
if (!empty($contentType)) {
$results = $query->matching(
$constraint, $query->in('contentType', $contentType)
It works well if 'containType' contains just a single id as string, e.g '261'.
But if it is a string with multiple id's it looks like '261,284,291' and the query does not work longer.
I hope you got all information. Let me know if not :)

You can use GeneralUtility::trimExplode() or in your case probably more specific GeneralUtility::intExplode() to turn the $contentType CSV value into an array of values suitable for QueryInterface::in().


How to write database/SQL query in Yii2, with and without a model

I have a table with multiple column and I want to return a column name using another column name as search criteria. How do I achieve this in yii2?
Below is sample code, normal sql should be:
$name = SELECT type_name FROM ProductTable WHERE type_id = 1;
echo $name;
This should return the value of the column type_name where the value of the column type_id equals 1. I tried this, but it doesn't work
$type_name = ProductTable::find()->where(['type_id' =>$model->type_id]);
$type_name = Product::find(['type_name'])->where(['type_id' =>$model->type_id]);
I also tried this, but I guess it was wrong
I hope my question is clear enough and any help will he appreciated
and u could also use createCommand!
$name = \Yii::$app->getDb()->createCommand("SELECT type_name FROM ProductTable WHERE type_id=:typeId", ['typeId'=>$model->type_id])->queryAll();
For a general introduction to Yii2's ActiveRecord, see the guide: http://www.yiiframework.com/doc-2.0/guide-db-active-record.html
If you want the complete row and have a model, you're just missing a one():
Product::find()->where(['type_id' =>$model->type_id])->one();
If you do have a Model defined and just want a single value, try:
Product::find()->select('type_name')->where(['type_id' =>$model->type_id])->scalar();
Which basically generates an ActiveQuery via the model, and changes it to return only the first column in the first row of matched results.
If you do NOT have a model, you could also generate a normal query without ActiveRecord usage (http://www.yiiframework.com/doc-2.0/yii-db-query.html)
$name = (new Query())->select('type_name')
->where(['type_id' =>$model->type_id])
I assume you generated ProductTable by using Gii module.
Also, if type_id column is a primary key:
$product = ProductTable::findOne($model->type_id);
if($product !== null) { $product->typeName /*... read value ...*/}
or to get all records
$products = ProductTable::findAll($model->type_id); //match all records.
for any other column use the following syntax instead:
$product = ProductTable::findOne(['type_id' => $model->type_id]);
Use following code to get type_name
$PTable=ProductTable::find()->select('type_name')->where(['type_id' =>$model->type_id])->one();
echo $PTable->type_name;

get data from table and from relative foreign tables in SQL

Hi have a text search input that looks for matching records in the DB and gets all the data from a table:
let's say like this:
$q = Input::get('items');
$q = "\"" . "($q)" . "\"";
$items = DB::table('my_items')->whereRaw(
So I get all the items in the DB from my textsearch, then I send the result as json to some script that updates my page with the items:
return Response()->json($items);
The relations are:
public function brand(){
return $this->hasOne('App\Brand', 'id', 'brand_id');
public function My_item(){
return $this->belongsToMany('App\My_item');
Now the problem here is that in 'my_items' table I have some data as IDs that reference foreign tables.
For example I will have a 'brand_id' that for example references a 'brands' table where I can have information regarding the brand.
So for example I could have brand_id = 3 that means 'Microsoft' in my brands table (id = 3, name = microsoft).
Now what I need to do is not only passing the brand_id to my view but also the actual information (name), in this case Microsoft so that I can put that info in the item description.
But, how can I get that information before sending with that query? Is there some sort of flag I can use in the query like $items = DB::table bla bla with foreign?
this way works, DB:: method is dropped for:
$items = My_item::with('brand')->where('item_name', 'LIKE', "%$q%")->get();
this one doesn't:
DB::table('my_items')::with('brand')->where('item_name', 'LIKE', "%$q%")->get();
First of all, you can simplify your search query to something like this:
My_item::where('item_name', 'LIKE', "%$q%")->get();
Now, assign relations the relation to your other tables in your Models. Then you can get all information using the following syntax:
My_item::with('brand')->where('item_name', 'LIKE', "%$q%")->get();
Read more about relations here: https://laravel.com/docs/5.1/eloquent-relationships

PDO Riddle (No while loop)

I just recently learned how to work with PDO database queries, but my latest query isn't working for some reason. All my other queries include arrays and while loops, but I don't think this one requires either, so I may just need to change the query structure somehow.
$stm = $pdo->prepare("SELECT H.N, H.URL, H.Title, H.Subtitle,
H.Site, H.MetaTitle, H.MetaDesc, H.KW, H.Live, A.Article, A.Pagedex
FROM 1_home_pages H
LEFT JOIN 1_home_articles A ON A.Site = H.Site
WHERE H.URL = :MySection AND H.Site = :MySiteId AND H.Live = 1 AND A.Site = :MySiteId AND A.Section = :MySection");
// $stm->execute();
$data = $stm->fetchAll();
I added the line $data = $stm->fetchAll();, and it now works - as an array. The foreach statement below displays EVERYTHING in one jumbled mess...
foreach($data as $row) {
To escape the array and just display one item at a time, I tried the following:
$Content = $data['Article'];
echo $Content;
But it doesn't display anything. Can anyone tell me the solution?
I don't know if you made a typo while posting this question, or this is a typo from your source code: you have :MySection and yet while executing you write MySection (without colon). What's more, this line:
WHERE H.URL = :MySection
AND H.Site = :MySiteId
AND H.Live = 1
AND A.Site = :MySiteId
AND A.Section = :MySection");
You used multiple parameters with same name in one statement. Don't know if this is a correct way to do it, since I've never done it. I suggest you try using different names for parameters and see if that helps. Also, what do you mean 'but my latest query isn't working for some reason.' ? What does it return? Does it return anything at all? fetchAll returns multiple rows, that's why you get array.
Instead of $data = $stm->fetchAll(); use $data = $stm->fetch();. It will return next row from your query.

Using with and together in Yii

I have a grid with paging which displays client data.
Let's say I have a table Client with name, lastName and address in it, a table Phone_Number which has phone numbers for each of the rows in Client and a table Adress which has adresses for each client. So each Client HAS MANY Phone_Numbers and HAS MANY Adresses.
The point is I'm trying to set a limit to the grid's store read.
So let's say I set limit = 2. The grid should display only 2 rows per page (2 clients).
The problem is that if, for example, client1 has two phone numbers, the query will bring two rows, making the grid display only one client. I am aware that setting together=>false in the query will solve this. But I'm getting an unknown column error whenever I set together=>false.
Here's the code I'm using....
)->findAll(array(condition=>(('Address.s_street_name LIKE :queryString') OR ('PhoneNumber.n_number LIKE :queryString')), params=>$params, order=>$order, limit=>$limit,together=>false));
If I do this, I get an error like: Column not found: Address.s_street_name . However, if I set together=>true, it works just "fine".
I found a solution to this problem by doing the query like this....
$with = array(
'clientPhoneNumbers'.'PhoneNumber'=>array(condition=>('PhoneNumber.n_number LIKE :queryString'), params=>array(':queryString'=>$queryString)),
'clientAddresses'.'Address'=>array(condition=>('Address.s_street_name LIKE :queryString'), params=>array(':queryString'=>$queryString))
Client::model()->findAll(array(with=>$with, order=>$order, limit=>$limit,together=>false));
The problem is that if I do it like this, the condition is something like this
(('Address.s_street_name LIKE :queryString') AND ('PhoneNumber.n_number LIKE :queryString'))
and I need it to be like this
(('Address.s_street_name LIKE :queryString') OR ('PhoneNumber.n_number LIKE :queryString')).
Any ideas ?
Keep in mind that the names of the relations and tables are not the actual names. The models and relations where created using Gii
Hmm.. this is how I would try it.
$criteria=new CDbCriteria;
$criteria->with = array('clientPhoneNumbers', 'clientAddresses');
$criteria->together = true;
$criteria->addCondition(array('Address.s_street_name LIKE :queryString', 'PhoneNumber.n_number LIKE :queryString'), 'OR');
$criteria->params = array(':queryString' => $queryString);
$criteria->limit = $limit;
$criteria->order = $order;
$result = Client::model()->findAll($criteria);
Also, I think this describes a case similar to yours. Note that he/she is updating the condition parameter explicitly, but IMO doing it with the addCondition method is more readable.
use criteria with join statement.
public function test()
$criteria=new CDbCriteria;
$criteria->alias = 'i';
$criteria->join= 'JOIN phoneNUmbers d ON (i.id=d.id)';
return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array(
'defaultOrder'=>'clients ASC',
Alternately use DAO to prepare and execute your own query and return data in the format you wish.
Or you can use CSQLDataProvier. the last 2 options give you more control over the SQL statement

SELECT MAX query returns only 1 variable + codeigniter

I use codeigniter and have an issue about SELECT MAX ... I couldnot find any solution at google search...
it looks like it returns only id :/ it's giving error for other columns of table :/
Appreciate helps, thanks!
function get_default()
$query = $this->db->getwhere('gallery', array('cat' => "1"));
if($query->num_rows() > 0) {
return $query->row_array(); //return the row as an associative array
$default_img = $this->blabla_model->get_default();
$data['default_id'] = $default_img['id']; // it returns this
$data['default_name'] = $default_img['gname']; // it gives error for gname although it is at table
To achieve your goal, your desire SQL can look something like:
FROM gallery
WHERE cat = '1'
And to utilise CodeIgniter database class:
$this->db->where('cat', '1');
$this->db->order_by('id', 'DESC');
$query = $this->db->get('gallery');
That is correct: select_max returns only the value, and no other column. From the specs:
$query = $this->db->get('members');
// Produces: SELECT MAX(age) as age FROM members
You may want to read the value first, and run another query.
For an id, you can also use $id = $this->db->insert_id();
See also: http://www.hostfree.com/user_guide/database/active_record.html#select
CodeIgniter will select * if nothing else is selected. By setting select_max() you are populating the select property and therefore saying you ONLY want that value.
To solve this, just combine select_max() and select():
$this->db->select('somefield, another_field');
or even:
$this->db->select('sometable.*', FALSE);
Should do the trick.
It should be noted that you may of course also utilize your own "custom" sql statements in CodeIgniter, you're not limited to the active record sql functions you've outlined thus far. Another active record function that CodeIgniter provides is $this->db->query(); Which allows you to submit your own SQL queries (including variables) like so:
function foo_bar()
$cat = 1;
$limit = 1;
$sql = "
FROM gallery
WHERE cat = $cat
LIMIT $limit
$data['query'] = $this->db->query($sql);
return $data['query'];
Recently I have been utilizing this quite a bit as I've been doing some queries that are difficult (if not annoying or impossible) to pull off with CI's explicit active record functions.
I realize you may know this already, just thought it would help to include for posterity.
2 helpful links are: