How to add captcha required only for a particular condition yii2 - yii

I am trying make the captcha field required only when the number of failed login attempts exceed 3 times. For which I have written below code till now.
In LoginForm model I have added the below rules
public function rules()
return [
[['username', 'password'], 'required'],
['password', 'validatePassword'],
['verifyCode', 'captcha', 'when' => function($model) {
return $this->checkattempts();
public function validatePassword($attribute, $params)
if (!$this->hasErrors()) {
$user = $this->getUser();
if (!$user || !$user->validatePassword($this->password)) {
$this->addError($attribute, 'Incorrect username or password.');
public function checkattempts()
$user = $this->getUser();
$ip = $this->get_client_ip();
$data = (new Query())->select('*')
->where(['ip' => $ip])->andWhere(['user_ref_id' => $user->id])
if($data["attempts"] >=3){
return false;
return true;
public function addLoginAttempt($uid) {
$ip = $this->get_client_ip();
$data = (new Query())->select('*')
->where(['ip' => $ip])->andWhere(['user_ref_id' => $uid])
$attempts = $data["attempts"]+1;
#Yii::$app->db->createCommand("UPDATE login_attempts SET attempts=".$attempts." where ip = '$ip' AND user_ref_id=$uid")->execute();
else {
Yii::$app->db->createCommand("INSERT into login_attempts (attempts, user_ref_id, ip) VALUES(1,'$uid', '$ip')")->execute();
Here I am validating the password first. If the password is incorrect then I am incrementing the count by 1. This part is working fine. The count is incrementing successfully.
After this I am trying to get the count of failed attempts while validating captcha using the function checkattempts(), but it is not working.
Can anyone please tell me where I have made mistake.
Thanks in advance.

In your model:
if (!$model->checkattempts())
//show the captcha
Then, in your model rules you'll need something like:
['captcha', 'captcha'],
In your case, what you can do is use different scenarios depending on the user attempts, and in one scenario (more than X attempts) make the captcha required.
More documentation about the captcha and about scenarios.


cakephp3 entities relationship error when login (the error is going after refresh)

I am struggling with this issue for a few days. I've tried to debug step by step with Xdebug, but I cannot find where it is the problem.
Basically when login into the cakephp3.9 I get this error:
App\Model\Table\UsersTable association "Roles" of type "manyToMany" to "Slince\CakePermission\Model\Table\RolesTable" doesn't match the expected class "App\Model\Table\RolesTable".
You can't have an association of the same name with a different target "className" option anywhere in your app.
As I mentioned above, I am using cakephp 3.9 and the slince package ("slince/cakephp-permission": "^1.0") to manage roles/permissions. After get this error if I refresh the browser evertyhing works as normal. The error only appears once, always after login.
Relations in UsersTable.php
$this->belongsToMany('Roles', [
'foreignKey' => 'user_id',
'targetForeignKey' => 'role_id',
'joinTable' => 'users_roles'
public function login()
if ($this->request->is('post')) {
$user = $this->Auth->identify();
if ($user) {
if (Configure::read('Options.status') == 2) {
$this->Flash->error('Please confirm your account - click on the validation link emailed to you');
return $this->redirect(['action' => 'login', 'controller' => 'Users']);
$UsersRoles = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('UsersRoles');
// Get User role_id
$AuthRole = $UsersRoles
->where(['user_id' => $user['id']])
// if the status of the user is false an error appears and it will be redirected back || check if is an admin role?
if ($user['status'] != 1 || $AuthRole->role_id > 3) {
$this->Flash->error('Your account is not authorized to access this area. Contact the support team or check your inbox');
return $this->redirect(['action' => 'login', 'controller' => 'Users']);
$Roles = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Roles');
// Get Role name
$AuthRoleName = $Roles
->where(['id' => $AuthRole['role_id']])
$user['role_id'] = $AuthRole['role_id'];
$user['role_name'] = $AuthRoleName['name'];
// Set the use into the session
// Save the previous login date to the session and enable tour vars
$session = $this->getRequest()->getSession();
if (empty($user['last_login'])) {
$session->write('', true);
$session->write('Options.player', true);
// Now update the actual login time
// Handle case where referrer is cleared/reset
$nextUrl = $this->Auth->redirectUrl();
if ($nextUrl === "/") {
return $this->redirect(['action' => 'index', 'controller' => 'Adminarea']);
} else {
return $this->redirect($nextUrl);
$this->Flash->error(__('Invalid username or password, please try again'));
The issue it is in the relationship "Roles", it already exists in the file "PermissionsTableTrait.php" from the slice package, and it seems that cannot be two relationships with the same name.

Dynamic domain in reset password link Laravel 8

I'm aware that password reset link can be customized by adding the below function in AuthServiceProvider.php
ResetPassword::createUrlUsing(function ($user, string $token) {
return ''.$token;
This is my sendResetPassword function
public function sendResetPassword(Request $request) {
$request->validate(['email' => 'required|email']);
$status = Password::sendResetLink(
if ($status === Password::RESET_LINK_SENT) {
return response()->json(['message' => __($status)], 200);
} else {
return response()->json(['message' => __($status)], 500);
Now I'm wondering if there is a way to pass a domain from the sendResetPassword $request to the createUrlUsing function.
The main purpose of this is to avoid hardcoding the frontend URL in my API. I just want that the forgot password form in my frontend sends the email and also the domain.
Not sure if this is the best approach, but as soon I posted the question I found that this is a working solution:
ResetPassword::createUrlUsing(function ($user, string $token) {
return $this->app->request->headers->get('origin').'/reset-password?token='.$token;

Is my order complete return approach correct?

When a customer is returned to the following URL (example);{valid-hmac}&merchant_order_id=14&module=chippin
After a successful payment, It will call on this FrontController sub-class;
class ChippinCallbackModuleFrontController extends ModuleFrontController
public function postProcess()
$chippin = new Chippin();
$payment_response = new PaymentResponse();
// if a valid response from gateway
if(ChippinValidator::isValidHmac($payment_response)) {
// "action" is passed as a param in the URL. don't worry, the Hmac can tell if it's valid or not.
if ($payment_response->getAction() === "completed") {
// payment_response->getMerchantOrderId() will just return the id_order from the orders table
$order_id = Order::getOrderByCartId((int) ($payment_response->getMerchantOrderId()));
$order = new Order($order_id);
// this will update the order status for the benefit of the merchant.
// assign variables to smarty (copied this from another gateway, don't really understand smarty)
'order' => $order->reference,
// display this template
I'm quite new to Prestashop. I'm just not sure if this is technically done or not. The confirmation.tlp view does display with the order->reference and the order status is updated to "Completed" but is this all I need?
Are there any other considerations? I have the opportunity to call a hookDisplayPaymentReturn at this point but why should I?
I seem to have a pretty standard return page. Is this enough;
Update - Do I just call a hook something like;
public function displayPaymentReturn()
$params = $this->displayHook();
if ($params && is_array($params)) {
return Hook::exec('displayPaymentReturn', $params, (int) $this->module->id);
return false;
As far as I can see everything seems okay for me.
You should consider adding hookDisplayPaymentReturn it allows other modules to add code to your confirmation page. For example a Google module could add javascript code that sends order informations to analytics on confirmation page.
class ChippinCallbackModuleFrontController extends ModuleFrontController
public function postProcess()
$chippin = new Chippin();
$payment_response = new PaymentResponse();
// if a valid response from gateway
if(ChippinValidator::isValidHmac($payment_response)) {
// "action" is passed as a param in the URL. don't worry, the Hmac can tell if it's valid or not.
if ($payment_response->getAction() === "completed") {
// payment_response->getMerchantOrderId() will just return the id_order from the orders table
$order_id = Order::getOrderByCartId((int) ($payment_response->getMerchantOrderId()));
$order = new Order($order_id);
// this will update the order status for the benefit of the merchant.
// assign variables to smarty (copied this from another gateway, don't really understand smarty)
'order' => $order->reference,
'hookDisplayPaymentReturn' => Hook::exec('displayPaymentReturn', $params, (int) $this->module->id);
$cart = $this->context->cart;
$customer = new Customer($cart->id_customer);
And in your module :
class myPaymentModule extends PaymentModule
public function install()
if (!parent::install() || !$this->registerHook('paymentReturn'))
return false;
return true;
// Example taken from bankwire module
public function hookPaymentReturn($params)
$state = $params['objOrder']->getCurrentState();
'total_to_pay' => Tools::displayPrice($params['total_to_pay'], $params['currencyObj'], false),
'bankwireDetails' => Tools::nl2br($this->details),
'bankwireAddress' => Tools::nl2br($this->address),
'bankwireOwner' => $this->owner,
'status' => 'ok',
'id_order' => $params['objOrder']->id
if (isset($params['objOrder']->reference) && !empty($params['objOrder']->reference))
$this->smarty->assign('reference', $params['objOrder']->reference);
return $this->display(__FILE__, 'confirmation.tpl');

Yii2 autologin doesn't work

I try to realize the autologin feature in yii2.
So I've enabled autologin in configuration:
'user' => [
'identityClass' => 'app\models\User',
'enableAutoLogin' => true,
'loginUrl' => ['account/login', 'account', 'account/index'],
Also I've added rememberMe field in form configuration
public function scenarios() {
return [
'login' => ['username','password','rememberMe'],
'activate' => ['password','passwordrepeat'],
'register' => ['username', 'mail'],
'setup' => ['username', 'password', 'passwordrepeat', 'mail', 'secretkey'],
// ...
'on' => 'login',
I'm using this now at login:
public function login() {
//var_dump((bool) ($this->rememberMe)); exit();
if (!$this->validate()) {
return false;
return Yii::$app->user->login($this->getUser(), (bool) ($this->rememberMe) ? 3600*24*30 : 0);
If I log in, users function getAuthKey function is called and a new auth_key is generated.
public function generateAuthKey() {
$this->auth_key = Yii::$app->getSecurity()->generateRandomString();
// Helper is a database helper which will update some rows like last_modified_at and similar in database
* #inheritdoc
public function getAuthKey()
return $this->auth_key;
But always, I log in, it doesn't set some cookie variables.
My cookies are always
# => "_lcp=a; _lcp2=a; _lcp3=a"
And if I restart my browser I'm not logged in.
What am I doing wrong?
It seems that Yii doesn't work with cookies correctly:
var_dump(Yii::$app->getRequest()->getCookies()); exit();
Results in:
object(yii\web\CookieCollection)#67 (2) { ["readOnly"]=> bool(true) ["_cookies":"yii\web\CookieCollection":private]=> array(0) { } }
If I access via $_COOKIE I have the same values as in JS.
Thanks in advance
I guess you don't have to generate auth key every time in your getAuthKey method. Your app tries to compare database value to the auth key stored in your cookie. Just generate it once before user insert:
* #inheritdoc
public function getAuthKey()
return $this->auth_key;
* #inheritdoc
public function beforeSave($insert)
if (!parent::beforeSave($insert)) {
return false;
if ($insert) {
return true;
Could be your timeout for autologin is not set
Check if you have a proper assignment to the value assigned to the variable:
See for more

Elliot Haughin API verify credentials error

I am currently building an Twitter client application for campus project using Codeigniter and Elliot Haughin Twitter library. It's just a standard application like tweetdeck. After login, user will be directed to the profile page containing timline. I am using Jquery to refresh the timeline every 20 second. At the beginning, everything run smoothly until i found the following error at the random time :
![the error][1]
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Undefined property: stdClass::$request
Filename: libraries/tweet.php
Line Number: 205
I already search the web about this error but can't find satisfied explanation. So I tried to find it myself and found that the error comes out because credentials validation error. I tried to var_dump the line $user = $this->tweet->call('get', 'account/verify_credentials'); and resulting an empty array. My question is how come this error showed up when user already login and even after updated some tweets? is there any logical error in my script or is it something wrong with the library? Could anyone explain whats happening to me? please help me...
Here's my codes:
The Constructor Login.php
class Login extends CI_Controller
function __construct()
function index()
$this->tweet->enable_debug(TRUE); //activate debug
if(! $this->tweet->logged_in())
//authentication function
function auth()
$tokens = $this->tweet->get_tokens();
$user = $this->tweet->call('get', 'account/verify_credentials');
$data = array(
'user_id' => $user->id_str,
'username' => $user->screen_name,
'oauth_token' => $tokens['oauth_token'],
'oauth_token_secret' => $tokens['oauth_token_secret'],
'level' => 2,
'join_date' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")
//jika user sudah autentikasi, bikinkan session
if($this->login_model->auth($data) == TRUE)
$session_data = array(
'user_id' => $data['user_id'],
'username' => $data['username'],
'is_logged_in' => TRUE
profile.php (Constructor)
class Profile extends CI_Controller
function __construct()
function index()
if($this->session->userdata('is_logged_in') == TRUE)
//jika user telah login tampilkan halaman profile
//load data dari table user
$data['biography'] = $this->user_model->get_user_by_id($this->session->userdata('user_id'));
//load data user dari twitter
$data['user'] = $this->tweet->call('get', 'users/show', array('id' => $this->session->userdata('user_id')));
$data['main_content'] = 'private_profile_view';
$this->load->view('includes/template', $data);
//jika belum redirect ke halaman welcome
function get_home_timeline()
$timeline = $this->tweet->call('get', 'statuses/home_timeline');
echo json_encode($timeline);
function get_user_timeline()
$timeline = $this->tweet->call('get', 'statuses/user_timeline', array('screen_name' => $this->session->userdata('username')));
echo json_encode($timeline);
function get_mentions_timeline()
$timeline = $this->tweet->call('get', 'statuses/mentions');
echo json_encode($timeline);
function logout()
/** end of profile **/
Default.js (The javascript for updating timeline)
//bikin tampilan timeline jadi tab
$(function() {
$( "#timeline" ).tabs();
//home diupdate setiap 20 detik
update_timeline('profile/get_home_timeline', '#home_timeline ul');
var updateInterval = setInterval(function() {
update_timeline('profile/get_home_timeline', '#home_timeline ul');
//user timeline diupdate pada saat new status di submit
update_timeline('profile/get_user_timeline', '#user_timeline ul');
//mention diupdate setiap 1 menit
update_timeline('profile/get_mentions_timeline', '#mentions_timeline ul');
var updateInterval = setInterval(function() {
update_timeline('profile/get_mentions_timeline', '#mentions_timeline ul');
function update_timeline(method_url, target)
//get home timeline
type: 'GET',
url: method_url,
dataType: 'json',
cache: false,
success: function(result) {
$(target).append('<li><article><img src="'+ result[i]['user']['profile_image_url'] +'">'+ result[i]['user']['screen_name'] + ''+ linkify(result[i]['text']) +'</li></article>');
function linkify(data)
var param = data.replace(/(^|\s)#(\w+)/g, '$1#$2');
var param2 = param.replace(/(^|\s)#(\w+)/g, '$1#$2');
return param2;
That's the codes. Please help me. After all, I really appreciate all comments and explanation from you guys. Thanks
NB: sorry if i had bad English grammar :-)
You are making a call to statuses/home_timeline which is an unauthenticated call. The rate limit for unauthenticated calls is 150 requests per hour.
Unauthenticated calls are permitted 150 requests per hour.
Unauthenticated calls are measured against the public facing IP of the
server or device making the request.
This would explain why you see the problem at the peak of your testing.
With the way you have it setup you would expire your rate limit after 50 minutes or less.
I suggest changing the interval to a higher number, 30 seconds would do. That way you'll be making 120 requests per hour and under the rate limit.