Bar Graph in objective-c? - objective-c

Can any one provide good library of Bar chart to display win loss for 50 objects.
I have search for bar graphs libraries but maximum are Shift language I need graph in Objective-c.
I have done single bar chart but I want double bar charts.
For single Bar graph I am used E-CHART Library from Git hub

Try this library, it has worked for me as it gives you more options.


Can I create a single bar beside each stacked bar using zedgraph?

I currently have some stacked bar graphs created using zedgraph which work very well. The stacked graphs are displaying costs and the stacked bar graph breaks them into different sections. I now want to add a single bar beside each stacked bar to show the available capacity for that stacked bar? Is it possible to do this with Zedgraph?
On the Zedgraph wiki there is an example with stacked bars and a line curve in the same chart, with the line curve being associated with the Y2 axis. It should be fairly simple to adapt this example, replacing the line curve with single bars.

How to put y axis number in Core Plot?

I would like my Scatter graph I am making with Core Plot library to show Y value near every point relative to X data.
I looked at CPTTestApp project from Core Plot examples, but I simply don't get it. First I thought the secret lies in
-(CPTPlotSymbol *)symbolForScatterPlot:(CPTScatterPlot *)plot recordIndex:(NSUInteger)index
method and I have implemented it in my project. Yes, I got points drawn, which is nice, but I found out this probably has nothing to do with values being shown near points....
This suspicion was confirmed when I opened Candlestick demo from Plot_Galley_Mac demo. There is no method from above and it shows numbers nicely!
If anyone can, please, help me. Otherwise, I would like to thank developers for sharing this library with us. Beside over usage of NSDecimal structure and a bit thin manual and reference data, this is fabulous project.
You're looking for "data labels". CPTPlot has a number of properties that control the built-in labeling functions:
labelOffset: distance between the point and the label
labelRotation: rotation angle
labelTextStyle: text style used to draw the labels
labelFormatter: number (or date) formatter used to format the labels
labelShadow: shadow properties applied to the labels
If the built-in labels don't meet your needs, you can create your own. Implement the -dataLabelForPlot:recordIndex: datasource method and return the desired label for each point. Custom labels can be any CPTLayer so you can make anything you want—text, images, or any custom layer that you create.

ScatterPlot doesn't let me tap plot points or move graph

I'm trying to use a scatter plot from Core Plot in my iOS application. I set up Core Plot as the Core Plot wiki says, and then I copy PlotItem.h/m, PlotGallery.h/m and SimpleScatterPlot.h/m from the included Plot Gallery project into my project. The code
CPTTheme *theme = [CPTTheme themeNamed:kCPTDarkGradientTheme];
SimpleScatterPlot *scatterPlot = [[SimpleScatterPlot alloc]init];
[scatterPlot generateData];
[scatterPlot renderInLayer:hostView withTheme:theme];
runs, and the graph view is shown in my app. But I cannot move the graph view around or tap the plot points as in the Plot Gallery project. How do I set this up right?
The Plot Gallery is a poor starting point for a simple Core Plot demonstration. It has a lot of extra "stuff" to support generating a table view with thumbnails of all the different plots. The -renderInView:withTheme: method is used to make the thumbnail images for the table view. It renders the graph as an image which is why you lose interactivity. Unless you need the flexibility to quickly add new plots to your app and easily support both MacOS and iOS, I would recommend using one of the other examples as a starting point. The architecture is much simpler and easier to understand.
You need to have a CPTGraphHostingView in the visible view hierarchy. Set your graph as its hostedGraph. Look at any of the other example apps to see how to set up the hosting view. The graph setup and datasource code in the Plot Gallery plots (e.g., SimpleScatterPlot) is fine and should work anywhere.

Draw Graph in Blackberry

i want to create one app which draw different charts like pie chart, line chart, mixed chart etc.
Is the any API available to do so.If yes then please give me link.
And of no then is there any alternative for that.
AFAIK, there is no such chart drawing BB APIs right out of the box. So you should create your own custom ChartField by extending Field. Override Field.paint(Graphics graphics) to draw whatever you need. Graphics API offers a lot of drawing methods, so it is definitely doable.
RIM have a knowledge base article about drawing graph fields:
This shows how to create different tyes of graphs such as pie, line, bar.

Can any one help me in drawing a bar graph...?

In my application I have to read data from a file or core data and draw a bar graph using that data. Can any one help me in drawing the bar graph in a simple way?
I have used the Core Plot library successfully. Here are some basic tutorials, but you will have to adjust to suit your particular scenario:
Using Core Plot in an iPhone Application
High Level Design Overview
Visualizing Data with Core Plot
check out this: