materialize-form | material_select is not a function - materialize

I am using materialize-sass and simple_form gems along with materialize-form gem on a brand new app. I add materialize-sass gem and all seems to work fine. Once i add the materialize-form gem following the gem githib page and reload the app, i start getting the following error.
Uncaught TypeError: $(...).material_select is not a function
at Object.initSelect (materialize-form.self-89fda0734fca24f0d2616fd681f296b51ac68a36ebdc1fcec6767a6543545064.js?body=1:9)
at Object.init (materialize-form.self-89fda0734fca24f0d2616fd681f296b51ac68a36ebdc1fcec6767a6543545064.js?body=1:3)
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (materialize-form.self-89fda0734fca24f0d2616fd681f296b51ac68a36ebdc1fcec6767a6543545064.js?body=1:23)
at fire (jquery.self-bd7ddd393353a8d2480a622e80342adf488fb6006d667e8b42e4c0073393abee.js?body=1:3233)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.self-bd7ddd393353a8d2480a622e80342adf488fb6006d667e8b42e4c0073393abee.js?body=1:3363)
at Function.ready (jquery.self-bd7ddd393353a8d2480a622e80342adf488fb6006d667e8b42e4c0073393abee.js?body=1:3583)
at HTMLDocument.completed (jquery.self-bd7ddd393353a8d2480a622e80342adf488fb6006d667e8b42e4c0073393abee.js?body=1:3618)
I have ensured that jquery is loaded before materialize and also materialize is loaded before materialize-form.
my application.js looks like:
//= require jquery
//= require materialize-sprockets
//= require rails-ujs
//= require turbolinks
//= require materialize-form
//= require_tree .
$(document).on('nested:fieldAdded', function(event) {
still i get the error.

I complete understand your problem. But I can give you some great advice in order you don't have these kind of issues.
1.- Create a materialize.js page under the Javascript folder
2.- This is a small example how I manage my inits: (The use of turbolinks is optional)
$(document).on('turbolinks:load', function() {
3.- This is how I manage my requires in the application.js file:
//= require jquery
//= require rails-ujs
//= require jquery2
//= require materialize
//= require materialize-sprockets
//= require turbolinks
//= require_tree .
4.- My gems in order materialize works:
gem 'materialize-sass', '~> 1.0.0'
gem 'jquery-rails', '4.1.1'
And thats literally it, I hope this works for you!


xray-rails not working with rails 5.1

I installed xray-rails on a Rails 5.1 app but pressing the keyboard shortcut does nothing. I already cleared cached assets rails tmp:clear. Any ideas?
Rails 5.1 dropped jQuery as a dependency. Add it to the Gemfile explicitly:
group :development do
gem 'xray-rails'
gem 'jquery-rails' # add it outside the group if you need it globally
Then import it in application.js:
//= require jquery
And you can Cmd + Shift + X again.

Angular dynamic values not showing after deploy to Heroku

I have a Rails app with Angularjs parts in it. This app works fine on my local machine, but after deploying to Heroku all the dynamic angular data values are not visible, I only see the handlebars, e.g. {{groundvisit.match_nr}} instead of the actual value 123.
I have a gut feeling it has to do with the asset pipeline, my application.js looks like this:
//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs
//= require jquery.fancybox
//= require jquery.fancybox.pack
//= require bootstrap
//= require bootstrap-dropdown
//= require gmaps4rails.base
//= require gmaps4rails.googlemaps
//= require general
//= require angular/angular
//= require angular/angular-resource
//= require angular/base
//= require angular/controllers/groundvisits_ctrl
//= require_tree .
Any clues what is going wrong here?
Update: I know that because of compressing the assets variable names might be hampered with, so I use them like this:
#app = angular.module('MyGroundhops', ['ngResource'])
#GroundvisitsCtrl = #app.controller 'GroundvisitsCtrl', ["$scope", "$resource", ($scope, $resource) ->
I had the same issue. A temporary solution (as long as you understand the tradeoff) is to add this to your /config/environments/production.rb
config.assets.js_compressor = { false)}
I got this from the railscast #405.

Rails 3 exclude HTML5 jwplayer js in manifest

In my application.js, I have the manifest for external js files as such
//= require jquery
//= require jquery-ui-1.8.17.custom.min
//= require jquery_ujs
//= require jquery-mousewheel.js
//= require jquery-fileupload
//= require jquery-fileupload-ui
//= require_self
//= require bootstrap.min.js
//= require rails.validations
//= require rails.validations.custom
//= require jwplayer
//= require jwplayer.html5
//= require jwplayer-license
When I run my web app in IE8, I get this error:
Message: 'n.sheet.cssRules' is null or not an object
After some searching, I traced the error back to the jwplayer.html5.js file. Is there a way to exclude this file from within application.js when IE8 is detected?
I ran into the exact same issue with the same setup (Rails 3, JWPlayer 6.1.x, etc). For what it's worth, upgrading to JWPlayer 6.2.x didn't resolve the issue
I don't have a solution, but I do have a workaround. I pulled JWPlayer out of my application.js, added <%= yield :javascripts %> to my application.html.erb, and moved the JWPlayer includes to only the view where I needed them:
<% content_for :javascripts do %>
<%= javascript_include_tag "jwplayer" %>
<%= javascript_include_tag "jwplayer.html5" %>
<% end -%>
Note that in my case, I also had to add those files to config.assets.precompile.
Essentially what's happening is that IE8 (and presumably 7) is freaking out if there's no instance of JWPlayer on the page. The ideal fix would actually be for JWPlayer itself to check if that's the case instead of letting IE throw an error, but until they fix it on their end, this at least gets things working.
It's frustrating and far from an ideal solution, but it worked in my application.
I was struggling with this too. I did some work on the jwplayer-rails gem. I am still waiting on my pull request to go through. For now follow the info in this readme to get it up and running. Read more on my answer here.

rails activeadmin errors rspec

my database is MongoDB and I use ActiveAdmin.
before i add gem 'activeadmin-mongoid', :git => 'git://' rspec pass every test with mongoDB, but after that rspec get an errors
file config/application.rb I repalce
require all with
require "action_controller/railtie"
require "action_mailer/railtie"
require "active_resource/railtie"
require "sprockets/railtie"
I removed any activerecord config in folder config . I follow that link
sorry about my bad english.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

rails 3 rails couldn't find file 'twitter/bootstrap' pt2

This is my second post regarding this issue as my webrick server spits out this message. I've had this before and twiddled with the application.css file to get it to work. My rails is 3.1.3 on ruby 1.9.3. The response from rails is couldn't find file 'twitter/bootstrap'
"all" %>
Researching on Google I've followed seyhunak's responses on this issue. Here is my line in the Gemfile, on its own line and not in a group.
gem 'twitter-bootstrap-rails', :git => ''
Here is what's in my application.css.scss:
*= require_self
*= require bootstrap_and_overrides
*= require_tree .
Here's what's in my application.js
//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs
//= require twitter/bootstrap
//= require require_tree .
I have done the following commands:
bundle update
rails g bootstrap:install
rails g bootstrap:layout application fixed
touch bootstrap_and_overrides.css.less
rails s
After restarting the server, I still get that error. I'm unable to get past this.
I think I've exhausted all Stack and Google can suggest. What am I overlooking? thanx, sam
After beating myself up over this, I got some Rails devs to look at this problem. My understanding is that Twitter/Bootstrap needs files to be in the vendor directory. The gem would then need to be removed, commented out, so they would not conflict. My app now shows pages that look like the project's homepage. I'm unsure if I've lost the ability to use less to change things. This is my inexperience showing. Thanks for looking.
Moving gem "twitter-bootstrap-rails" out of group :assets
And doing a bundle install worked for me.
Here is some more information
I have similar problem,
I use application.html.haml instead of application.html.erb
using this link:
HTML to Haml
Code is as:
%title Task
= stylesheet_link_tag "application", media: "all", "data-turbolinks-track" => true
= javascript_include_tag "application", "data-turbolinks-track" => true
= csrf_meta_tags
= yield
You Must install Haml gem first:
install haml gem rails