Kotlin type mismatch when using RxJava retryWhen operator - kotlin

I am trying create Observable, which will retryWhen when the network connection will be established.
I've created subject:
private val retrySubject = PublishSubject.create<Unit>()()
And I am using it like this:
private fun publishNetworkReconnection() {
.subscribe {connected: Boolean
Then I am trying to use it in my retryWhen operator:
val disposable =
Flowable.interval(0, UPDATE_INTERVAL, TimeUnit.SECONDS, Schedulers.io())
.flatMapCompletable {
.retryWhen { retryHandler -> retryHandler.flatMap({ nothing -> retrySubject.asObservable() }) }
.subscribe({ }, { Timber.e(it, "Unable to sync blacklist") })
How to use it properly in this case?
I am getting this error in Android Studio:
Type mismatch. Required: Publisher<< out (???..???) >>! Found: Observable<

The problem is, you are mixing RxJava 1 - Subject.asObservable and RxJava 2 - Flowable.
The signature of retryWhen from RxJava 2 is:
Flowable<T> retryWhen(Function<? super Flowable<Throwable>,? extends Publisher<?>> handler)
so lambda inside retryWhen should return something that extends Publisher. Instead, you are returning Subject<Unit> which is converted to Observable<Void>, because apparently your Subject is from RxJava 1. And - because of RxJava version difference - obviously it doesn't extend Publisher.
So error message is correct, retryWhen expects Publisher from RxJava 2, but you give Obervable from RxJava 1. You didn't notice different packages, because they are not included in message.
The main issue is mixing code from RxJava 1 and RxJava 2 which is never good.


Golang pipeline pattern in Kotlin

I wanted to learn more about Kotlin coroutines and was wondering if mimicking the Go merge function example can be done in a more idiomatic way in Kotlin?
As a newbie I can just translate the merge function directly into Kotlin as follows:
fun <T> CoroutineScope.merge(vararg channels: ReceiveChannel<T>) : Channel<T> {
val outgoing = Channel<T>()
val jobs = channels.map { channel ->
launch {
for ( message in channel) {
launch {
println("done merging")
return outgoing
This does however feel like I'm writing Go in Kotlin which is probably wrong.
I'd prefer no experimental API's and functions if possible, only code you can show your boss ;-)
Here's an example of it working https://pl.kotl.in/6ErnutS2X

Why can a Flow emit both Int and String value in Kotlin?

You know that Array and List only store the same data struction.
I run the Code A and get the Result A.
It seems that the Flow can emit both Int value and String value, why?
Code A
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.*
suspend fun performRequest(request: Int): Int {
delay(1000) // imitate long-running asynchronous work
return request
fun main() = runBlocking<Unit> {
(1..3).asFlow() // a flow of requests
.transform { request ->
emit("Making request $request")
if (request >1) {
.collect { response -> println(response) }
Result A
Making request 1
Making request 2
Making request 3
This is not a question of Flow but Java/Kotling generics and type safety.
The type this flow returns is Comperable<*>
val flow: Flow<Comparable<*>> = (1..3).asFlow() // a flow of requests
.transform { request ->
emit("Making request $request")
if (request > 1) {
If you explicitly specify which value you want to return Flow you can restrict the types.
About generics you can refer here or check any document about generics in java/kotlin, type safety you can refer this question
Also when you are in doubt what your specified type is use alt + enter with Android Studio to see avaialble options and select Specify type explicitly.
Disregarding the nature of this request, you can have the functionality you want by making your flow emit instances of some algebraic data type that is basically a "sum" (from the type-theoretic POV) of your constituent types:
sealed interface Record
data class IntData(val get: Int) : Record
data class Metadata(val get: String) : Record
// somewhere later (flow is of type Flow<Record>)
fun main() = runBlocking<Unit> {
(1..3).asFlow() // a flow of requests
.transform { request ->
emit(Metadata("Making request $request"))
if (request > 1) {
// probably want to handle the `else` case too
.collect { response -> println(response) }
This would be a good solution since it's extendable (i.e. you can add the other cases later on if you need to).
In your specific case though, since you just want to debug the flow, you might not want to actually emit the "metadata" and just go for the tests of your code directly.

Implement retry logic with Mutiny

I'm just learning Mutiny and I need to implement retry logic.
I have this code:
fun main() {
.onFailure().invoke { t -> println("Got error: $t") }
{ result -> println(result) },
{ t -> t.printStackTrace() }
fun getResult(): Uni<String?> {
println("Preparing result...")
return Uni.createFrom().failure(Exception("Some error happened"))
So, the getResult() is a function that may misbehave and needs to be called multiple times on failure.
When I run this program, this is what's happening:
Preparing result...
Got error: java.lang.Exception: Some error happened
Got error: java.lang.Exception: Some error happened
Got error: java.lang.Exception: Some error happened
java.lang.Exception: Some error happened
at MainKt.getResult(Main.kt:16)
at MainKt.main(Main.kt:4)
Obiously, the getResult() function is called only once, while the onFailure() stages actually executed three times.
Is there anything that Mutiny could help me to execute getResult() function on each failure? I sure can implement this with a simple loop, but I feel like Mutiny should already have something like this.
Unfortunately, I didn't find anything suitable in the docs.
Your Uni in getResult is created with an "immediate" item, which is cached and never computed again.
Use Uni.createFrom().failure(() -> Exception("Some error happened"))
In this case, it's a supplier, so it won't be cached but called on every attempt.
So, the right solution for this is actually using the Uni.deferred() method like this:
fun main() {
Uni.createFrom().deferred { getResult() }
.onFailure().invoke { t -> println("Got error: $t") }
{ result -> println(result) },
{ t -> t.printStackTrace() }
Thanks to Boris the Spider, who suggested to use the deferred(), and to Clement, who clarified its use with null values.
Initially, I misinterpreted the deferred() documentation thinking it's not allowed to return a null value, but actually it's OK for a Supplier to return a Uni of null:
Uni.createFrom.deferred { Uni.createFrom().nullItem() }
What the docs really are prohibiting is returning a null instead of a Uni:
Uni.createFrom().deferred { null }

Is this the correct way to process results through the Spring Integration Flow?

I am currently working on a personal project - in which I need my Spring application to take queries from an EMQX (MQTT Server) and query its data for corresponding results, and then push the results to a topic with the query UUID.
This is working - after many hours understanding how the Spring Integration framework works. But I think the way in which the handler is using "block" is incorrect - and not in keeping with the manner in which the Integration Flow should operate. Whilst this works I do want to make sure it is being done properly - out of respect for the work - and to avoid future issues.
The code snippet below should be enough to understand what it is that I'm trying to achieve - and where the potential issue lies.
fun mqttInFlow() : Publisher<Message<String>> {
return IntegrationFlows.from(inbound())
.handle<String> { payload, headers ->
val emotionalOutput: EmotionalOutput = gson.fromJson(payload, EmotionalOutput::class.java)
emotionalPrintService.populateEmotionalOutput(emotionalOutput).map {
.setHeader(MqttHeaders.TOPIC, "query/" + it.query_uuid).build()
EDIT - Thanks for the advice - here is what I understood to be the potential edit for the Kotlin DSL solution - this is now producing an error - complaining that an output-channel or replyChannel was not available - nothing outside of the this function has been changed.
fun newMqttInFlow() =
integrationFlow (inbound()) {
wireTap {
handle<String> { payload, headers ->
gson.fromJson<EmotionalOutput>(payload, EmotionalOutput::class.java).let { emotionalOutput ->
emotionalPrintService.populateEmotionalOutput(emotionalOutput).map { populatedEmotionalOutput ->
.setHeader(MqttHeaders.TOPIC, populatedEmotionalOutput.query_uuid)
Exception is :
exception is org.springframework.messaging.core.DestinationResolutionException: no output-channel or replyChannel header available
Although I have many years experience with Java - this approach is new - so thank you very much for your assistance. It's appreciated. If the whole class would be useful - I can post that.
Here is the Configuration file - which might give a better insight into what might be causing this secondary error -
021-03-28 21:59:48.008 ERROR 84492 --- [T Call: divnrin] o.s.integration.handler.LoggingHandler : org.springframework.messaging.MessageHandlingException: error occurred in message handler [bean 'mqttOutbound'; defined in: 'class path resource [io/divnr/appserver/configuration/MQTTConfiguration.class]'; from source: 'org.springframework.core.type.classreading.SimpleMethodMetadata#4a9419d7']; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: This default converter can only handle 'byte[]' or 'String' payloads; consider adding a transformer to your flow definition, or provide a BytesMessageMapper, or subclass this converter for reactor.core.publisher.MonoMapFuseable payloads, failedMessage=GenericMessage [payload=MonoMapFuseable, headers={mqtt_receivedRetained=false, mqtt_id=0, mqtt_duplicate=false, id=c5a75283-c0fe-ebac-4168-dabddd989da9, mqtt_receivedTopic=source/d9e50e8f-67e0-4505-7ca2-4d05b1242207, mqtt_receivedQos=0, timestamp=1616961588004}]
at org.springframework.integration.support.utils.IntegrationUtils.wrapInHandlingExceptionIfNecessary(IntegrationUtils.java:192)
at org.springframework.integration.handler.AbstractMessageHandler.handleMessage(AbstractMessageHandler.java:65)
The full class is provided here.
class MQTTConfiguration(val emotionalPrintService: EmotionalPrintService,
val gson: Gson,
val applicationConfiguration: ApplicationConfiguration) {
fun mqttServiceFactory() : MqttPahoClientFactory {
return DefaultMqttPahoClientFactory().apply {
connectionOptions = MqttConnectOptions().apply {
serverURIs = arrayOf<String>(applicationConfiguration.mqttServerAddress)
fun newMqttInFlow() =
integrationFlow (inbound()) {
handle<String> { payload, headers ->
gson.fromJson<EmotionalOutput>(payload, EmotionalOutput::class.java).let { emotionalOutput ->
emotionalPrintService.populateEmotionalOutput(emotionalOutput).map { populatedEmotionalOutput ->
.setHeader(MqttHeaders.TOPIC, populatedEmotionalOutput.query_uuid).build()
#ServiceActivator(requiresReply = "false", inputChannel = "outgoingChannel")
fun mqttOutbound(): MessageHandler {
val messageHandler = MqttPahoMessageHandler("divnrout", mqttServiceFactory())
return messageHandler
fun outgoingChannel() : FluxMessageChannel {
return FluxMessageChannel()
fun inbound(): MessageProducerSupport {
return MqttPahoMessageDrivenChannelAdapter("divnrin", mqttServiceFactory(),
"source/" + applicationConfiguration.sourceUuid).apply {
You indeed don't need that block() in the end of your handle(). You just can return the Mono from that emotionalPrintService.populateEmotionalOutput() and the framework will take for you about the proper subscription and back-pressure handling.
What you would need yet is to make that outgoingChannel() as a FluxMessageChannel.
See more info in docs: https://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/docs/current/reference/html/reactive-streams.html#reactive-streams
Plus consider to move your IntegrationFlow solution to the proper Kotlin DSL: https://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/docs/current/reference/html/kotlin-dsl.html#kotlin-dsl
Also: when it is a FluxMessageChannel in the end of flow, there is no reason to worry about a toReactivePublisher() - the FluxMessageChannel is a Publisher<Message<?>> by itself.
The problem is here:
handle<String>( { payload, headers ->
gson.fromJson<EmotionalOutput>(payload, EmotionalOutput::class.java).let { emotionalOutput ->
emotionalPrintService.populateEmotionalOutput(emotionalOutput).map { populatedEmotionalOutput ->
.setHeader(MqttHeaders.TOPIC, populatedEmotionalOutput.query_uuid).build()
}) { async(true) }
See that async(true) option. Unfortunately in the current version we don't let it to process reactive reply in the reactive manner by default. You have to say that you'd like to be an async at this end-point. So, your Publisher reply and and FluxMessageChannel as an output is going to do the proper trick.

What is the difference between await functions (coroutine) and subscribe on Reactor

I'm using Kotlin + Reactor (Mono and Flux) and I wanna know the difference between using await...() (from kotlin-coroutines-reactive) function and subscribe() (from Reactor). I brought two examples to show what I'm trying to do.
Example 1 (with await function):
internal fun test() = runBlockingTest {
.doOnError {
}.awaitFirst().let {
Output: "error" with the IllegalStateException stack trace.
Example 2 (with subscribe function):
internal fun test() = runBlockingTest {
.doOnError {
}.subscribe {
Just "error".
Why example 1 shows the stack trace and example 2 doesn't show?
When you call subscribe on a reactive chain you decouple it from the main flow, it becomes independent and potentially asynchronous. Error is travelling on the reactive stream as a signal rather than as a traditionally thrown exception. In this case error handling is the responsibility of the reactive chain using operators like doOnError, onErrorMap, onErrorReturn, etc.
On the other hand Kotlin's await breaks this independence and attaches the reactive stream back to the main flow and lets you write reactive/asynchronous code as it would be imperative (e.g.: try-catch blocks, unwrapped function return types, etc.).