Apache Lucene ignores months and days in date range search expression - lucene

I try to query Apache Lucene index which is built using a database table that contains a date column and my query refers to this very column. In Luke the search expression I use is as follows:
column_name:[yyyy-MM-dd TO yyyy-MM-dd]
The results returned are records which do not have dates (in the queried column) with the year in the start value or older and the ones that do have year after the year in the start value up to the year in the end value. So if I write column_name:[2011-05-22 TO 2015-09-03] - I will get records with the dates in the column with years 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015.
However, the results will not be precise according to the search expression - the month and days value will be ignored. No matter what month and day I will set up - the search will result in records being returned with dates across each of the searched year (from 01.01 to 31.12).
The issue occurs if I use another date format like:
column_name:[yyyyMMdd TO yyyyMMdd]
I am looking to find what might be causing this? Is this a matter of date formatting while indexing? Or is this a matter of date format in the search expression?
I should add for more clarity that the search expression:
will return records as exepcted - so with the date included in the expression.

Analysis is the issue.
When you index, your dates are getting split into three terms: "2011", "05", and "22". Any one of the terms can be matched against a range query, but not all three. So for [2011-05-22 TO 2015-09-03], the term 2011 does not fall lexicographically in that range, while 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 all do. For another example, if you searched for [1999-01-01 TO 2000-01-01], you would also find all dates on the twentieth of a month, because 20 falls within that lexicographic range.
Since this field is just a date, you should just avoid tokenizing it. Use StringField instead of a TextField, and re-index.


Querying data from quite old IBM iseries AS400 DB2 (date format issue)

I am quite a newbie in querying data from databases and now I am currently having an issue with date format in very old (I don't know exact version) IBM iSeries AS400 DB2 database. My problem is that the date is stored in this DB in three separate columns as whole number (column day + column month + column year) and I need to connect to this DB via ODBC in Excel and filter just a few rows according to desired date span (e.g. from 1st December 2019 until 31st December 2019). In this case I don't want to use PowerQuery to do all the modifications, because the complete table has millions of rows. I want to specify the filter criteria within SQL string so the PowerQuery doesn't have to load all the rows...
My approach was following:
I've created 6 parameter cells in Excel sheet where I simply defined Date From (e.g. cell 1 = '01', cell 2 = '12' and cell 3 = '2019') and Date To (same logic for parameter cells 4, 5 and 6). Then I mentioned these parameter cells in SQL string where I defined:
(Day >= Parameter cell 1, Month >= Parameter cell 2, Year >= Parameter cell 3)
(Day <= Parameter cell 4 etc.)
This worked quite good for me, but only when I liked to export just a few hundreds of lines within the same year. But now I am facing to an issue when I like to export data from 1st December 2019 to 31st January 2020. In this case my "logic" doesn't work, because Month From is '12' and Month To is '01'.
I've tried another approach with concat SQL function to create text column like '2019-12-01' and then convert this column to datetime format (with cast to varchar8 first), but it seems that this approach doesn't work for me, because everytime I get an error which says: "Global variable DATETIME not found".
Before I post you some of my code, could I ask you for an advise, if you can think of a better solution or approach for my issue?
Many thanks and have a great day :-)
A simple solution would be
select * from table where year * 100 + month between 201912 and 202001

Calendar control date not known (ASP.Net)

Sometimes we have dates that are unknown, eg: We won't know the date but just the month and year.
eg: --/Dec/2015, the date is not known? How do we accept these kind of values?
Any ideas on can this be stored on SQL Server database?
I would store it as a date in the database. Because with a date you have benefits like:
Calculation function like DATEADD and DATEDIFF.
You will be able to sort on one column
Index will be one column
When you need to get the year and the month. You just use MONTH and YEAR

to calculate number of days between two dates in dql documentum

I have two attributes, effect_date,next_effect_date. I have to calculate the difference between these two dates in days. what will be the dql query? Please Help
Use this query for dm_document and date properties r_creation_date and r_modify_date which are generic object type & attributes:
select DATEDIFF(day, r_creation_date, r_modify_date)
from dm_document where r_object_id = '<set_id_here>'
When you specify object type name we can adjust this query.
Syntax for DATEDIFF function is DATEDIFF(date_part, date1, date2)
Result value depends on DB under your repository. From documentation:
If the repository is using Oracle or DB2, the return value is a floating point number.
If the repository is using DB2, the server assumes 365 days per year and 30.42 days per month (the
mean number of days in a month). These assumptions can cause return values that differ from the
expected value. To illustrate, the following example, which asks for the number of days between
March 1, 1996 and Feb 1, 1996, returns 30.42 instead of 28:
DATEDIFF(day, date('03/01/1996 0:0:0'),
date('02/01/1996 0:0:0'))
If the repository is using MS SQL Server, the return value is an integer for all units except day. If you
specify day in the function, the return value is a floating point.
The MS SQL Server implementation round up if the difference is one half or greater of the specified
unit. The implementations round down if the difference is less than one half of the specified unit. To
illustrate, the following example, which asks for the difference between March 1, 1996 and July 1,
1996 expressed as years, returns 0 because the difference is only 4 months.

SQL Query that rund monthly on a fixed day range

I have an SQL query I need to run once a month.
The data set the query produces always has to be from the 11th of the month before to the 10th of the current month.
I now manualy run the query in the fews days after the 11th day of the month manually adjusting the date range in my where statement:
for example...
Where Column A is greater than 10/10/2015 and less than 12/11/15
I was hoping there would be a statement I could add to my query to automatically find the 11th day of the last month and the 10th of the current month. This way I could schedule the query and automatically email the results.
You should be able to use the following within your query: -
(for the 10th of this month)
(for the 11th of last month).
Try to look out the MONTH() function in your working DBMS. In MySQL and MSSQL it returns a number (1 been january) corresponding to the current month that your system is (you may check if it's date is updated).
With this function you can subtract 1 to get the last month, having to do some logic when the current one is January, hence 1. Since now you should get 12 (december) intead of 0 (an error).
Cheers, mate!

How to get month within a range vb2010

I just don't know how to go about this.
I designed a program that uses MS Access as its database. I have a field for month and year (the field data type is text) where user can register details. The program will register the month and year the user have chosen e.g month= September, year=2011.
My problem now is how to chose a range of data to view by the user using the month and year as a criteria e.g the User may want to view data range from (September 2011 to July 2013).
I couldn't figure out even how to try. Help will be highly appreciated.
Perhaps you could change your application logic to store the month and year as their respective numbers rather than text and change the field data types to numeric.
You could then construct a DateTime object from them, for example September would be 9 and you could use code like the following:
var startDate = new DateTime(year, month, 1); // get year and month as integers from database, uses the first as the date
var endDate = new DateTime(year, month, 10); // change the date but keeps the month and year the same
var endDate2 = startDate.AddMonths(1); // adds 1 month to the date
Alternatively, you could try using a calendar control to allow the user to select two dates instead of building it from a number of fields. Depending on what you are using this could be achieved a number of ways, for example in ASP.Net or WPF you could use two calendar controls and just use their SelectedDate properties as your range.
A range is from a startpoint until an end point. For the startpoint you can add automatically the first of Month. For the endpoint is it more complicated because there is no fix endpoint. What you can do is following:
Write an array that contains for each month the days (e.g. 30 or 31). Except for Febrauary there is a fix pattern.
for Febrauary use the selected year to check is the year a leap year or not. If not add 28, else add 29.
After that create the date string for your SQL:
Startdate 1.9.2011. Do for the entdate the same.
After that, I think you can use the keyword between in your SQL query.
You can assume that everything is entered on the first day of each month. I would pull the information using a query to the database.
select * from [tablename] where DateSerial([colYear], [colMonth], 1) between DateSerial([fromYear], [fromMonth], 1) and DateSerial([toYear], [toMonth], 1)
In this question are some ways to do this:
First. Filter the dates in a range assuming that you use a date like '07-12-2012'
i.e. September 2011 to July 2013
Where DateColumn > '09-01-2011' and DateColumn < '07-31-2013'
Specify a Date and a Year
Where month(DateColumn)='1' and year(DateColumn)='2016'
There are many ways to do this.
You can Manipulate your statement depending on your desired output.