What is the standard config settings in IIS for Web Development - asp.net-mvc-4

I just enabled my IIS 7 to support my development MVC projects.
Now I am stuck as to which settings should I enable for my development.
Here's a sample snapshot of the settings I enabled.
Im not really sure if below items are correct?
IIS Settings Part 1
IIS Settings Part 2
I appreciate any pro here who can advise or point me to a resource to enlighten my confusion.
Much Thanks.


browser keeps downloading .svc files WCF

Been doing this for hours now and it drives me nuts.
On windows 7 I installed IIS 7.5 through add windows features, also installed WCF HTTP activation, also did all the command line registrations.
In VS 2013 I have a WCF Services project that runes very fine when I run it in IIS express but I want to test it together with my front-end.
But when I browse to my .svc file in the browser it just keeps getting downloaded, been searching google but get wrong results all the time, hopefully! Someone can help me.
If your WCF Service is in .Net Framework 4.0/4.5, then check the .Net Framework version in Application Pool.
If it is 2.xxxxxx, change it to 4.xxxxx.

Accessing the C:\ drive on azure VPS with ASP.NET

Basically I have a asp.net site hosted on windows azure, and I also have a virtual machine hosted there. Is it possible for me to read/write files to the disk on the virtual machine from my website?
I'm using ASP.NET MVC 4 if that's any help at all. Sorry for the possibly vague question, if you need more info i'll happily try to provide it.
Thanks in advance!
Sure. Since you want to access the VM's drive, and you have complete control over the VM it's easy.
Expose your VM's drive using WebDAV. It's a HTTP API for file sharing.
Here's a WebDAV setup guide for Windows: http://mythoughtsonit.com/2013/05/deploy-a-file-server-in-the-cloud-webdav-on-windows-azure/
If you are using Windows Azure Websites (very restrictive), your only option on your ASP.NET site is to add C#/VB code to read/write from the WebDAV share. Here's some .NET WebDAV clients:
If you are using a Windows Azure Cloud Project and have a Web Role (more flexible), on that web role you could make a startup task which maps the WebDAV as a network drive and use normal System.IO.File code. I think this is easier than the WebDAV client stuff, but it's up to you.
I came to a similar conclusion to #Yoshi. However, when trying to map the share to a drive on the instance hosting the web role via a startup task, I found that this requires WebDav client to be installed. This is installed as part of the Desktop Experience feature. To date I have been unable to install this using a startup task as it requires a reboot.
I have tried writting a startup task that includes the steps from this article but cannot get it to work so far.
Has anyone else managed this?

Publishing WCF RIA Domain Services under IIS 7.0 and Silverlight 5.0

I have some simple questions regarding the publishing of WCF RIA domain services under IIS 7.0:
1.) Do I need a *.svc file to publish a WCF RIA domain service under IIS 7.0? Yes/No?
2.) If 1.) is yes, is there any way to generate this *.svc file automatically or do I have to do it on my own manually? Automatically/Manually?
3.) My domain services are simple classes in *.cs files. Do I need to configure them "Always Copy into publishing folder" OR do the domain services "live" in the build "Web.dll"? Always Copy/Live in the Web.dll?
My questions seem simple, but I am having a real hard time to get this working under IIS 7.0. Debugging and testing in the internal VS 2010 development server is no problem.
I never had a problem to publish a "normal" WCF Service, because there are plenty of good advises out there, but for WCF RIA Services it's a pain in the ass to me.
Thanks in advance for your short answers. If you have any good link to a tutorial on publishing WCF RIA Services with Silverlight 5.0, pleaaase post it. I am working on this for days now and have googled my brain to death. I really don't understand that this is so hard. I have found some links here on SO, but some of them are already not existing anymore, some of them seem be useless, because the WCF RIA Services changed over the time.
Thank you and I really appreciate any help.
EDIT: I already can debug the WCF RIA Service code on IIS in VS 2010, but only if the service is called from a ASP.NET code behind file. That tells me, that the WCF RIA services are working and running on IIS. This question is all about publishing the services to outer world.
Did you try to publish the project from the visual studio ?
I found some interesting links to read:
I hope this is helpful for you.

AppFabric for WCF services on Windows Server 2008 R2

we are currently on windows server 2008 R2, IIS 7.5 and we are going to open some of our data via WCF services.
To do that, we are planing to host our services on IIS but I heard that it is not a good idea for WCF services.
The problem with the WAS is that it is general purpose hosting engine. it's actually unaware that it's actually hosting a WCF service or a website (as far as I know)
I heard that we can install an extension to the WAS called the Windows Server AppFabric.
does anybody have any experience on
should my app have to use so called
'Service Bus' to use AppFabric?
should I go ahead and definitely
install it?
at most basic level, how and where
can I install it? does it require
any licence?
Thanks in advance.
I don't think IIS us a bad idea - many developers use IIS to host their WCF services. IMHO you'd only use what you need, so if all you need is a hosting framework, then IIS is a very good option for WCF services. It is (almost) unaware that it's hosting a WCF service, but that in the majority of the cases isn't an issue.
Windows Server AppFabric as it's currently released provides three capabilities: a distributed caching system (so if you need to scale out your service you can use this cache to share state among the nodes); a packaging / deployment interface (in which you can package a project and deploy it a little easier in IIS); and a management / monitoring interface (where you can monitor the instances of WCF and Workflow services which are running in your machine).
Answers to your questions:
Yes, some people have experience with it :)
No, the application doesn't have to use it. You'd only use the ServiceBus if you need its functionality (relay)
Only if you need it. If you don't need caching or the monitoring capabilities, for example, then I'd say you don't need it. I've found in the past that the least number of components I have in my system, the less likely it is to break.
Go to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windowsserver/ee695849.aspx. And AFAIK you don't need any license, but you can check on the download page to see if it has more information.
There is no real common reason why not to host a service in IIS/WAS.
If you want to absolutely, totally 100% make sure that your service is continuously running some process, such as a continuous loop or polling monitor, and if any interruption no matter how brief is a major issue, then you'd want to look at alternative hosts.
Win Server AppFabric is most useful for WF Service hosting and caching. Note however that Win Server AppFabric + Win Server Service Bus 1.0 represents the first steps in convergence between the Azure platform and the Windows Server private platform.... In other words, whichever of the two ways you choose, that's what is going to be earning your bread and butter in 5 years time.

Manually configure WCF to use HTTP on Vista home premium

I'm trying to develop and deploy a WCF service using VS2008 and Vista home premium. I don't have IIS running and understand I don't need to if I manually configure the WCF app ... using netsh.exe I believe.
Can anyone give me clear guidance on how to go from the development project in VS2008 to a useable service?
Many thanks.
A WCF service needs a host to run. As IIS is out of the question you have a couple of possibilities left:
Write a Windows NT service and host it there
Write a managed application which will host your service (less robust)
As far as netsh.exe is concerned I don't see much relevance with WCF.