I have a table in BQ which I refresh on daily basis. It's a full snapshot every day.
I have a business requirement to create deltas of that feed.
Table Details :
Table contains 10 columns
Out of 10 columns, 5 columns change on daily basis. How do I identify which columns changed and only create a snapshot for that?
For eg here are the columns in tableA: columns which will frequently change are in bold.
Custid - ABC
first_product - toy
first_product_purchase_date - 2015-01-01
last_product - ebook
last_product_purchase_date - 2018-05-01
second_product - Magazine
second_product_purchase_date - 2016-01-01
third_product - null
third_product_purchase_date - null
fourth_product - null
fourth_product_purchase_date - null
After more purchase Data will look like this:
Custid - ABC
first_product - toy
first_product_purchase_date - 2015-01-01
last_product - Hardbook
last_product_purchase_date - 2018-05-17
second_product - Magazine
second_product_purchase_date - 2016-01-01
third_product - CD
third_product_purchase_date - 2017-01-01
fourth_product - null
fourth_product_purchase_date - null
first_product = first product ever purchased
last_product = most recent product purchased
This is just one row of records for one customer. I have millions of customers with all these columns, and let's say half a million of the rows will be updated on daily basis.
In my delta, I just want the rows where any of the column value changed.
It seems like you have a column for each product bought and their repetition, perhaps this comes from a de-normalize dimensional models. To query the last "update" you would have to compare each columns the previous row by using the lead function. This would use a lot of computation and might not be optimal.
I recommend using repeated fields. The product and product_purchase_date would be repeated field and you could simply query using a where product_purchase_date = current_date() which would use much less computation.
De-normalize dimensional models are meant to use less computation on traditional data warehouses. Bigquery being fast, highly scalable, enterprise data warehouse has a lot of computing power.
To have a beter understanding on how BigQuery works under the hood I recommend reviewing this document.
I've been wracking my brain here trying to figure out a way to achieve a solution to the following without external applications (such as Excel).
I'll set up the structure: We are using a 3rd party ERP that provides a nicely configured conversion system for product packaging types. I'm trying to create a query that will take all conversions for a given product and return them inline. Because the number of conversion records is indeterminate, the query would need to be recursive.
To make things simple, let's use package quantites for this scenario example. If a product can be shipped in [eaches, pairs, sets, packages, and cartons], the conversion table records would look something like this:
Using the table above, I can determine how many pairs of Prod123 are contained in a carton by following the math:
24 packs x 7 sets x 3 pairs = 504 pairs per carton.
I could further multiply that by 2 to get the count of individual pieces in a carton (1,008). That's the idea behind the conversion table but here's my actual problem.
I'd like to return a table of records where associated conversions are in-line, thusly:
Complicating the matter is that the unit types are unknown (arbitrary) values and there is no requirement to have a full, intact chain from unit A to unit Z. (For example, there might be a conversion record from each to pair, and another from set to pack, but not one from pair to set).
In this scenario, the select can't recursively link the records, and they would appear in the resulting table as two separate records - which is fine.
I have attempted to join the table to itself on t1.parentUnit = t2.childUnit, but that obviously doesn't work recursively.
I fear my only solution is to left join the table over and over - as many as 20 times in the query, settling for NULL values if additional conversions do not exist but then I would also have many duplicate rows (with incomplete conversion chains) to weed out.
Can this be done in a select query?
Thanks in advance!
I am just trying to figure out what would be most optimal to arrange my data. I have a large data set (~1.7m rows)...analyzing data on 2,000+ 'stores' at a daily granularity...my fact table is set up something along the lines of:
Date | Store_ID | Manager_ID | Other_IDs... | TY_Items_Sold | TY_Tot_Rev | LY_Items_Sold | LY_Tot_Rev...
My question is:
In order to calculate YoY sales data, is it more efficient to have it set up this way, where I have just TY's Date (YTD) and have 'TY' and additional 'LY' columns, or would it be better to have both years' dates? This would allow me to remove the 'LY' columns, but would double the length of my data set (creating a longer & skinnier data set)? Doing that would also allow me to make use of the DAX time intelligence functions...
Or, alternatively (I don't think this would be the optimal way, but...), have a TY table, and a separate LY table (with TY dates) and set it up that way?
I have data in a cube, organized across 5 axes:
Source (data provider)
GEO (country)
Product (A or B)
Item (Sales, Production, Sales_national)
In short, I have multiple data providers for different Product, Item, GEO and Date, i.e. for different slices of the cube.
Not all "sources" cover all dates, product, countries. Some will have more up to date information, but it will be preliminary.
The core of the problem is to have a synthesis of what all sources say.
Importantly, the choice of data provide for each "slice" of the cube is made by the user/analyst and needs to be so (business knowledge of provider methodology, quality etc).
What I am looking for, is a way to create a 'central dictionary' with all the calculation-types.
Such dictionary would be organized like this:
Operation Source GEO Item Product Date_start Date_end
Assign Source3 ITA Sales Product_A 01/01/2016 01/01/2017
Assign Source1 ITA Sales Product_A 01/01/2017 last
Assign with %delta Source2 ITA Sales Product_A 01/01/2018 last
This means:
From Jan2016 to Jan 2017, ProdA Sales in Italy, take Source 3
From Jan17 to last available, take Source 1
From Jan18 to last available, take the existing, add %difference across time from Source 2
The data and calculation are examples, there are other more complex, but the gist of it is putting slices of the "Source" 5-dimensional cube into a "Target" 4-dimensional cube, with a set of sequential calculations.
In SQL, it is the equivalent of a bunch of filtered SELECTs + INSERT, but the complexity of the calculations will probably lead to lots of nested JOINS.
The solution will be most likely custom functions, but I was wondering if anyone is aware of a language or software other than DAX/MDX which would allow to do this with minimal customization?
Many thanks
Considering that I have the following 3 attributes:
- rainy
- sunny
- cloudy
- day
- night
- city
- highway
- underconstruction
And I want to map this values with indexes (day - 1, night - 2, etc..)
My question is, what way should I do this considering that anytime I would want to add 2-3 choices more to an attribute, or even new attributes?
ID AttributeType AttributeValue
AT1 WeatherCondition rainy
AT2 WeatherCondition sunny
AT3 Daytime day
AT4 Daytime night
AT5 WeatherCondition cloudy
Separate tables for each attribute with only 2 columns (ID and value). WeatherCondition table with values (1,rainy; 2,sunny; 3,cloudy)
Daytime table with values (1,day; 2,night)
I'm somehow reluctant on the second solution thinking that I may have to create 30 tables.
The final result, is that I want to have a "lookup" or "bridge" table with the ID FK from another table like this:
ID Attribute
1 AT1
1 AT3
1 AT5
2 AT2
2 AT5
Also, it's important to me to create reports by joining all this data altogether, I'm thinking that with Solution 2 it will be harder to join altogether 30 tables.
I think it all comes down to scalability - how many rows are the tables expected to hold (all of them, summed up). If they're never going higher than say 10k, you shouldn't worry - Solution 1 will do.
However, if you expect the eventual number to be, say, in the millions of rows, Solution 2 is definitely the way to go - it'll lead to a lot less locks and it will probably be a lot easier to maintain (albeit harder to implement - you might have to "create 30 tables").
Hope this helps.
I realize that referring to these as dimension and fact tables is not exactly appropriate. I am at a lost for better terminology, so please excuse this categorization that I use in the post.
I am building an application for employee record keeping.
The database will contain organizational information. The information is mostly defined in three tables: Locations, Divisions, and Departments. However, there are others with similar problems. First, I need to store the available values for these tables. This will allow for available values in the application when managing an employee and for management of these values when adding/deleting departments and such. For instance, the Locations table may look like,
LocationId | LocationName | LocationStatus
1 | New York | Active
2 | Denver | Inactive
3 | New Orleans | Active
I then need to store these values for each employee and keep their history. My first thought was to create LocationHistory, DivisionHistory, and DepartmentHistory tables. I cannot pinpoint why, but this struck me as poor design. My next inclination was to create a DimLocation/FactLocation, DimDivision/FactDivision, DimDepartment/FactDepartment set of tables. I do not believe this makes sense either. I have also considered naming them as a combination of Employee, i.e. EmployeeLocations, EmployeeDivisions, etc. Regardless of the naming convention for these tables, I imagine that data would look similar to a simplified version I have below:
EmployeeId | LocationId | EffectiveDate | EndDate
1 | 3 | 2008-07-01 | NULL
1 | 2 | 2007-04-01 | 2008-06-30
I realize any of the imagined solutions I described above could work, but I am really looking to create a design that will be easy for others to maintain with an intuitive, familiar structure. I would like to receive this community's help, opinions, and experience with this matter. I am open to and would welcome any suggestion to consider. For instance, should I even store the available values for these three tables in the database? Should they be maintained in the application code/business logic layer? Do I just need to get over seeing the word History repeating three times?
Firstly, I see no issue in describing these as Dimension and Fact tables outside of a warehouse :)
In terms of conceptualising and understanding the relationships, I personally see the use of start/end dates perfectly easy for people to understand. Allowing Agent and Location fact tables, and then time dependant mapping tables such as Agent_At_Location, etc. They do, however, have issues worthy of taking note.
If EndDate is 2008-08-30, was the employee in that location UP TO 30th August, or UP TO and INCLUDING 30th August.
Dealing with overlapping date periods in queries can give messy queries, but more importantly, slow queries.
The first one seems simply a matter of convention, but it can have certain implications when dealign with other data. For example, consider that an EndDate of 2008-08-30 means that they ARE at that location UP TO and INCLUDING 30th August. Then you join on to their Daily Agent Data for that day (Such as when they Actually arrived at work, left for breaks, etc). You need to join ON AgentDailyData.EventTimeStamp < '2008-08-30' + 1 in order to include all the events that happened during that day.
This is because the data's EventTimeStamp isn't measured in days, but probably minutes or seconds.
If you consider that the EndDate of '2008-08-30' means that the Agent was at that Location UP TO but NOT INCLDUING 30th August, the join does not need the + 1. In fact you don't need to know if the date is DAY bound, or can include a time component or not. You just need TimeStamp < EndDate.
By using EXCLUSIVE End markers, all of your queries simplify and never need + 1 day, or + 1 hour to deal with edge conditions.
The second one is much harder to resolve. The simplest way of resolving an overlapping period is as follows:
CASE WHEN TableA.InclusiveFrom > TableB.InclusiveFrom THEN TableA.InclusiveFrom ELSE TableB.InclusiveFrom END AS [NetInclusiveFrom],
CASE WHEN TableA.ExclusiveFrom < TableB.ExclusiveFrom THEN TableA.ExclusiveFrom ELSE TableB.ExclusiveFrom END AS [NetExclusiveFrom],
ON TableA.InclusiveFrom < TableB.ExclusiveFrom
AND TableA.ExclusiveFrom > TableB.InclusiveFrom
-- Where InclusiveFrom is the StartDate
-- And ExclusiveFrom is the EndDate, up to but NOT including that date
The problem with that query is one of indexing. The first condition TableA.InclusiveFrom < TableB.ExclusiveFrom could be be resolved using an index. But it could give a Massive range of dates. And then, for each of those records, the ExclusiveDates could all be just about anything, and certainly not in an order that could help quickly resolve TableA.ExclusiveFrom > TableB.InclusiveFrom
The solution I have previously used for that is to have a maximum allowed gap between InclusiveFrom and ExclusiveFrom. This allows something like...
ON TableA.InclusiveFrom < TableB.ExclusiveFrom
AND TableA.InclusiveFrom >= TableB.InclusiveFrom - 30
AND TableA.ExclusiveFrom > TableB.InclusiveFrom
The condition TableA.ExclusiveFrom > TableB.InclusiveFrom STILL can't benefit from indexes. But instead we've limitted the number of rows that can be returned by searching TableA.InclusiveFrom. It's at most only ever 30 days of data, because we know that we restricted the duration to a maximum of 30 days.
An example of this is to break up the associations by calendar month (max duration of 31 days).
EmployeeId | LocationId | EffectiveDate | EndDate
1 | 2 | 2007-04-01 | 2008-05-01
1 | 2 | 2007-05-01 | 2008-06-01
1 | 2 | 2007-06-01 | 2008-06-25
(Representing Employee 1 being in Location 2 from 1st April to (but not including) 25th June.)
It's effectively a trade off; using Disk Space to gain performance.
I've even seen this pushed to the extreme of not actually storing date Ranges, but storing the actual mapping for each and every day. Essentially, it's like restricting the maximum duration to 1 day...
EmployeeId | LocationId | EffectiveDate
1 | 2 | 2007-06-23
1 | 2 | 2007-06-24
1 | 3 | 2007-06-25
1 | 3 | 2007-06-26
Instinctively I initially rebelled against this. But in subsequent ETL, Warehousing, Reporting, etc, I actually found it Very powerful, adaptable, and maintainable. I actually saw people making fewer coding mistakes, writing code in less time, the code ending up running faster, and being much more able to adapt to clients' changing needs.
The only two down sides were:
1. More disk space taken (But trival compared to the size of fact tables)
2. Inserts and Updates to this mapping was slower
The actual slow down for Inserts and Updates only actually matter Once, where this model was being used to represent a constantly changing process net; where the app wanted to change the mapping about 30 times a second. Even then it worked, it just chomped up more CPU time than was ideal.
If you want to be efficient and keep a history, do these things. There are multiple solutions to this problem, but this is the one that I keep going back to:
Remember that each row represents a single entity, if you make corrections that entity, that's fine, but don't re-use and ID for a new Location. Set it up so that instead of deleting a Location, you mark it as deleted with a bit and hide it from the interface, that way when it's referenced historically, it's still there.
Create a history table that includes the current value, or no records if a value isn't currently set. Have the foreign key tie back to the employee and tie to the location.
Create a column in the employee table that points to the current active location in the history. When you need to get the employees location, you join in the history table based on this ID. When you need to get all of the history for an employee you join from the history table.
This structure keeps it all normalized, and gives you an easy way to find the current value without having to do any date comparisons.
As far as using the word history, think of it in different terms: since it contains the current item as well as historical items, it's really just a junction table that keeps around the old item. As such you can name it something like EmployeeLocations.