As Jedis documentation state that Jedis client is not thread-safe.
A single Jedis instance is not threadsafe!
So I am using JedisPool. I want to push data to browser's WebSocket client from server. For this I am using Redis's PubSub mechanism.
#ServerEndpoint(value = "/websocket/{channelName}", configurator = GetHttpSessionConfigurator.class)
public class WSEndpoint {
private WSJedisPubSub wsJedisPubSub;
private static JedisPool jedisPool = null;
public void onOpen(Session session,
#PathParam("channelName") String channelName) throws IOException,
EncodeException {
// FIXME proper synchronization is required here
if (jedisPool == null) {
wsJedisPubSub = new WSJedisPubSub(session);
try (Jedis redisClient = jedisPool.getResource()) {
redisClient.subscribe(wsJedisPubSub, channelName);
private void initPool() {
JedisPoolConfig jedisConfiguration = new JedisPoolConfig();
jedisPool = new JedisPool(jedisConfiguration, "localhost", 6379);
full code
My application can have thousands of websockets connected to it. I have doubts about following piece of code.
try (Jedis redisClient = jedisPool.getResource()) {
redisClient.subscribe(wsJedisPubSub, channelName);
This redisClient should get close after try-with-resouce block, but still it is working(getting subscribed events). How ?
By default, pool size is 8. I can set to n but eventually I will have n+1 web sockets. What is the best way to deal with this ? Should I have only one Jedis instance and do the routing of message by myself ?
If Jedis client gets disconnected, then what is the recommended way for reconnect here ?
I am new about ActiveMQ. I'm trying to study and check how it works by checking the example code provided by Apache at this link:-
public class Server implements MessageListener {
private static int ackMode;
private static String messageQueueName;
private static String messageBrokerUrl;
private Session session;
private boolean transacted = false;
private MessageProducer replyProducer;
private MessageProtocol messageProtocol;
static {
messageBrokerUrl = "tcp://localhost:61616";
messageQueueName = "client.messages";
ackMode = Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE;
public Server() {
try {
//This message broker is embedded
BrokerService broker = new BrokerService();
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Exception: "+e.getMessage());
//Handle the exception appropriately
//Delegating the handling of messages to another class, instantiate it before setting up JMS so it
//is ready to handle messages
this.messageProtocol = new MessageProtocol();
private void setupMessageQueueConsumer() {
ActiveMQConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory(messageBrokerUrl);
Connection connection;
try {
connection = connectionFactory.createConnection();
this.session = connection.createSession(this.transacted, ackMode);
Destination adminQueue = this.session.createQueue(messageQueueName);
//Setup a message producer to respond to messages from clients, we will get the destination
//to send to from the JMSReplyTo header field from a Message
this.replyProducer = this.session.createProducer(null);
//Set up a consumer to consume messages off of the admin queue
MessageConsumer consumer = this.session.createConsumer(adminQueue);
} catch (JMSException e) {
System.out.println("Exception: "+e.getMessage());
public void onMessage(Message message) {
try {
TextMessage response = this.session.createTextMessage();
if (message instanceof TextMessage) {
TextMessage txtMsg = (TextMessage) message;
String messageText = txtMsg.getText();
//Set the correlation ID from the received message to be the correlation id of the response message
//this lets the client identify which message this is a response to if it has more than
//one outstanding message to the server
//Send the response to the Destination specified by the JMSReplyTo field of the received message,
//this is presumably a temporary queue created by the client
this.replyProducer.send(message.getJMSReplyTo(), response);
} catch (JMSException e) {
System.out.println("Exception: "+e.getMessage());
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Server();
My confusion about the messageBrokerUrl = "tcp://localhost:61616"; You know ActiveMQ service is running on port 61616 by default. Why does this example chooses same port. If I try to run the code thows eception as:
Exception: Failed to bind to server socket: tcp://localhost:61616 due to: Address already in use: JVM_Bind
Perhaps if I change the port number, I can execute the code.
Please let me know why it is like this in the example and how to work with BrokerService.
The BrokerService in this example is trying to create an in memory ActiveMQ broker for use in the example. Given the error you are seeing I'd guess you already have an ActiveMQ broker running on the machine that is bound to port 61616 as that's the default port and thus the two are conflicting. You could either stop the external broker and run the example or modify the example to not run the embedded broker and just rely on your external broker instance.
Embedded brokers are great for unit testing or for creating examples that don't require the user to have a broker installed and running.
I'm trying to test the AutomaticRecoveryEnabled property of the RabbitMQ ConnectionFactory. I'm connecting to a RabbitMQ instance on a local VM and on the client I'm publishing messages in a loop. The problem is if I intentionally break the connection, the client just waits forever and doesn't time out. How do I set the time out value? RequestedConnectionTimeout doesn't appear to have any effect.
I'm using the RabbitMQ client 3.5.4
Rudimentary publish loop:
// Client is a wrapper around the RabbitMQ client
for (var i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
// Publish sequentially numbered messages
client.Publish("routingkey", GetContent(i)));
The Publish method inside the wrapper:
public bool Publish(string routingKey, byte[] body)
using (var channel = _connection.CreateModel())
var basicProps = new BasicProperties
Persistent = true,
channel.ExchangeDeclare(_exchange, _exchangeType);
channel.BasicPublish(_exchange, routingKey, basicProps, body);
return true;
catch (Exception e)
return false;
The connection and connection factory:
_connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory
UserName = _userName,
Password = _password,
HostName = _hostName,
Port = _port,
Protocol = Protocols.DefaultProtocol,
VirtualHost = _virtualHost,
// Doesn't seem to have any effect on broken connections
RequestedConnectionTimeout = 2000,
// The behaviour appears to be the same with or without these included
// AutomaticRecoveryEnabled = true,
// NetworkRecoveryInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10),
_connection = _connectionFactory.CreateConnection();
It appears this is a bug in version 3.5.4. Version 3.6.3 does not wait indefinitely.
I have ActiveMQ persistent queue and due to performance i'm publishing to producer using async mode.
ActiveMQConnectionFactory factory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory(brokerURL);
PooledConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new PooledConnectionFactory(factory);
Connection connection = connectionFactory.createConnection();
Session session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
MessageProduer producer = session.createProducer(destination);
Queue queue = session.createQueue(qName);
producer.send(queue, message);
Is there a way to register handler to get the error/success of producer.send() method ?
Seems like jms 1.1 specification does not allow to register call back in send method and jms 2.0 allows it ( ). Since ActiveMq based on jms 1.1 there's no standard way to register callback. However ActvieMQ javax.jms.MessageProducer implementation org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQMessageProducer allows to register callback and I used that to create my solution ( but unfortunately i had to abandon PooledConnectionFactory because there was no way to get org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQMessageProducer from PooledConnectionFactory approach.
ActiveMQConnectionFactory factory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory(brokerURL);
Connection connection = connectionFactory.createConnection();
Session session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
MessageProduer producer = session.createProducer(destination);
Queue queue = session.createQueue(qName);
((ActiveMQMessageProducer)producer).send(queue, message, new AsyncCallback() {
public void onSuccess() {
public void onException(JMSException exception) {
My case is rabbitmq server got out of space, just as below
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/ramonubuntu--vg-root 6299376 5956336 0 100% /
The producer publishes message to server(the message needs to be persisted), and then will be blocked forever, it will keeping waiting the response of publishing. Sure we should avoid the situation of server out of space, but is there any timeout mechanism to let producer quit the waiting?
I have tried heartbeat and SO_TIMEOUT, they both don't work, as the network works fine. Below is my producer.
protected void publish(byte[] message) throws Exception {
// ConnectionFactory can be reused between threads.
ConnectionFactory factory = new SoTimeoutConnectionFactory();
factory.setConnectionTimeout(10 * 1000);
// doesn't help if server got out of space
final Connection connection = factory.newConnection();
Channel channel = connection.createChannel();
// declare a 'topic' type of exchange
channel.exchangeDeclare(this.exchangeName, "topic", true);
channel.addReturnListener(new ReturnListener() {
public void handleReturn(int replyCode, String replyText, String exchange, String routingKey,
AMQP.BasicProperties properties, byte[] body) throws IOException {
logger.warn("[X]Returned message(replyCode:" + replyCode + ",replyText:" + replyText
+ ",exchange:" + exchange + ",routingKey:" + routingKey + ",body:" + new String(body));
channel.addConfirmListener(new ConfirmListener() {
public void handleAck(long deliveryTag, boolean multiple) throws IOException {"Ack: " + deliveryTag);
// RabbitMessagePublishMain.this.release(connection);
public void handleNack(long deliveryTag, boolean multiple) throws IOException {"Nack: " + deliveryTag);
// RabbitMessagePublishMain.this.release(connection);
channel.basicPublish(this.exchangeName, RabbitMessageConsumerMain.EXCHANGE_NAME + ".-1", true,
MessageProperties.PERSISTENT_BASIC, message);
// now we can close connection
It will block at 'channel.waitForConfirmsOrDie(10*1000);', and the SotimeoutConnectionFactory,
public class SoTimeoutConnectionFactory extends ConnectionFactory {
protected void configureSocket(Socket socket) throws IOException {
socket.setSoTimeout(10 * 1000);
Also I captured the network between producer and rabbimq,
Please help.
You need to implement Connection Block/Unblocked.
This is basically a way of notifying the publisher that the server is running out of resources. The advantage with this is that the publisher will also be notified once it is safe to publish again.
I would recommend that you take a look at this article. A simple way of implementing this is to have a flag that indicates if it is safe to publish, if it is not wait until it is.
As an example you can take a look on how I implemented this in one of my Python examples.
I want the server to constantly track for available clients using WCF Discovery.
public void Start()
findCriteria = new FindCriteria(typeof(ITestRunnerAgent))
Scopes = {new Uri(scope)},
Duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(DiscoveryIntervalInMiliseconds)
discoveryClient = GetInitilizedDisoveryClient();
private DiscoveryClient GetInitilizedDisoveryClient()
var client = new DiscoveryClient(new UdpDiscoveryEndpoint());
client.FindProgressChanged += OnFindProgressChanged;
client.FindCompleted += OnFindCompleted;
return client;
private void OnFindCompleted(object sender, FindCompletedEventArgs e)
if (!e.Cancelled)
// HERE! Sometimes e.Error is not null, but as described in question
Unfortunately, sometimes at the point specified by comment i get an aborted Udp channel:
The communication object,
cannot be used for communication
because it has been Aborted.
Has anyone ideas why?
It could be that some network infrastructure at your office is droping the connections.
You should write your code to check for aborted communication, and recover from it.
To recover you could close down the aborted channel and create a new one.
Well, this doesn't answer your question, but I feel a little wary about your code. It seems fundamentally correct, but it feels like your discovery could be running very fast. I would implement recurring discovery in a separate thread with some sleep time just to make the network happier. Just a thought to clean up the code. Sorry if this doesn't help.
public void Start()
var bw = new System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker();
bw.DoWork += new System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventHandler(DiscoveryThread);
private void DiscoveryThread(object sender, System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs e)
var client = new DiscoveryClient(new UdpDiscoveryEndpoint());
var findCriteria = new FindCriteria(typeof(ITestRunnerAgent))
Scopes = {new Uri(scope)},
Duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(DiscoveryIntervalInMiliseconds)
// lock, clear, and add discovered endpoints to a global List of some sort
As it is asynchronous operation the thread terminates after executing FindAsync(criteria) method. just wrote Console.Readline() after method call or use Autoreset event hold the thread.