I'm new to redis, but from reading the docs I couldn't find if it is possible to update a value with a query (like mongo or postgres).
For example, I want to execute some logic for players in the lobby. I want to update the user status to lobby only if it was in home.
Applying this logic in the app won't work since I may encounter a race condition between 2 processes.
I would do something like this in mongo:
update({id:1, status:home}, {status: lobby})
This way I will receive the result (success or fail) if the update was successful, and it is atomic.
How can I do it in redis?
There's no update-by-query in Redis, like in other document stores/RDBMSs
You can either go with MULTI-EXEC transactions or EVAL / EVAL SHA to perform atomic updates and compose a batch of commands together
Redis uses a single thread for command processing (as of this moment), so evaluating a script would be performed atomically, and would probably be more straight forward approach than multi-exec.
You can do it in a LUA procedure:
eval "local ks=redis.call('keys','user:*') for k=1,#ks do print(k) if (redis.call('hget',ks[k],'status') == KEYS[1]) then redis.call('hset',ks[k],'status',KEYS[2]) end end" 2 home lobby> hset user:1 id 1 (integer) 1> hset user:1 status outside (integer) 1> hset user:2 id 2 (integer) 1> hset user:2 status home (integer) 1> eval "local ks=redis.call('keys','user:*') for k=1,#ks do print(k) if (redis.call('hget',ks[k],'status') == KEYS[1]) then
redis.call('hset',ks[k],'status',KEYS[2]) end end" 2 home lobby
(nil)> hgetall user:2 1) "id" 2) "2" 3) "status" 4) "lobby"> hgetall user:1 1) "id" 2) "1" 3) "status" 4) "outside"
I've recently discovered that redis has a property graph model implementation called redis graph and it's amazing.
One thing that I really miss for my use-case though, is the ability to "watch" the data. In typical redis data structures I can enable Keyspace notifications or client tracking and be notified on the data mutations I'm interested in, pull data from the server or mark my local cache as "dirty".
I don't know how that would work for a property graph since relations are much more complex (and the key feature for that matter), but is there a way to watch or synchronize with data stored in redis graph?
Keyspace notifications can be enabled for modules like this:
redis.cloud> CONFIG SET notify-keyspace-events AKE
The 'A' part includes modules—if the module publishes anything. Unfortunately, I tried this with RedisGraph, and it doesn't.
You can reproduce my test below. In one terminal I launched redis-cli and did this:> PSUBSCRIBE *
Reading messages... (press Ctrl-C to quit)
1) "psubscribe"
2) "*"
3) (integer) 1
In another I did this:> GRAPH.QUERY test 'CREATE (n:foo { alfa: 12, bravo: "test" })'
1) 1) "Labels added: 1"
2) "Nodes created: 1"
3) "Properties set: 2"
4) "Cached execution: 0"
5) "Query internal execution time: 0.204701 milliseconds"> GRAPH.QUERY test 'MATCH (n) RETURN n'
1) 1) "n"
2) 1) 1) 1) 1) "id"
2) (integer) 0
2) 1) "labels"
2) 1) "foo"
3) 1) "properties"
2) 1) 1) "alfa"
2) (integer) 12
2) 1) "bravo"
2) "test"
3) 1) "Cached execution: 0"
2) "Query internal execution time: 1.106191 milliseconds"> GRAPH..DELETE test
"Graph removed, internal execution time: 0.064498 milliseconds"
The first terminal returned nothing in response to this.
No. Unfortunately, currently, there is no way to trigger a keyspace notification whenever nodes or relationships are created, removed, or updated.
We plan to add such functionality in the future, but there is no specific date we can share right now.
I have a redis queue and node app that is inserting items into the queue. They are just JSON strings. I'm using the bee-queue npm package for this.
For the purposes of debugging, it would be nice if there was way to see the items currently in the queue waiting to be processed using the redis cli?> keys *
1) "bq:myqueue:waiting"
2) "bq:myqueue:jobs"
3) "bq:myqueue:id"
I can see there are items in there> llen bq:myqueue:waiting
(integer) 2
but I can't seem to actually view them:> get bq:myqueue:waiting
(error) WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value
When I use LRANGE to list the data, I get this:> LRANGE bq:myqueue:waiting 0 3
1) "9"
2) "8"
3) "7"
Based on the data I'm seeing when using the node.js client to process these items, those are the ids that redis is assigning to the items in the queue, but it's not the JSON data I am actually putting in the queue.
Looks like Adam Marshall had the right idea in checking the type. It turns out that bq:myqueue:jobs is a hash so you can use the hash commands for exploring the contents. For example> TYPE bq:myqueue:jobs
hash> HGKEYS bq:myqueue:jobs
1) "11"
2) "9"
3) "4"> HGET bq:myqueue:jobs "4"
"{"data":{"a":1001, "b": "four"},"options":{"timestamp":1632162180724,"stacktraces":[]},"status":"created","progress":0}"> HGETALL bq:myqueue:jobs
1) "11"
2) "{"data":{"a":1, "b": "two"},"options":{"timestamp":1632162260037,"stacktraces":[]},"status":"created","progress":0}"
3) "9"
4) "{"data":{"a":99, "b": "three"},"options":{"timestamp":1632189454151,"stacktraces":[]},"status":"created","progress":0}"
5) "4"
6) "{"data":{"a":1001, "b": "four"},"options":{"timestamp":1632162180724,"stacktraces":[]},"status":"created","progress":0}"
The formatting leaves a bit to be desired but I think that basically works.
When I run the info command in redis-cli against a redis 3.2.4 server, it shows me this for expires:
However, when I then run a keys * command and ask for the ttl for each key, and only print out keys with a ttl > 0, I only see a couple hundred.
I thought that the expires is a count of the number of expiring keys but I am not even within an order of magnitude of this number.
Can someone clarify exactly what expires is meant to convey? Does this include both to-be-expired and previously expired but not yet evicted keys?
Here is how I counted the number of keys expiring:
task count_tmp_keys: :environment do
redis = Redis.new(timeout: 100)
keys = redis.keys '*'
ct_expiring = 0
keys.each do |k|
ttl = redis.ttl(k)
if ttl > 0
ct_expiring += 1
puts "Expiring: #{k}; ttl is #{ttl}; total: #{ct_expiring}"
puts "Total expiring: #{ct_expiring}"
puts "Done at #{Time.now}"
When I ran this script it shows I have a total expiring of 78
When I run info, it says db0:keys=10237963,expires=224098,avg_ttl=0
Because 224098 is so much larger than 78, I am very confused. Is there perhaps a better way for me to obtain a list of all 225k expiring keys?
Also, how is it that my average ttl is 0? Wouldn't you expect it to be nonzero?
I have new information and a simple, 100% repro of this situation locally!
To repro: setup two redis processes locally on your laptop. Make one a slave of the other. On the slave process, set the following:
config set slave-serve-stale-data yes
config set slave-read-only no
Now, connect to the slave (not the master) and run:
set foo 1
expire foo 10
After 10 seconds, you will no longer be able to access foo, but info command will still show that you have 1 key expiring with an average ttl of 0.
Can someone explain this behavior?
expires contains existing keys with TTL which will expire, not including already expired keys.
Example ( with omission of extra information from info command for brevity ):> flushall
OK> SETEX mykey1 1000 "1"
OK> SETEX mykey2 1000 "2"
OK> SETEX mykey3 1000 "3"
OK> info
# Keyspace
db0:keys=3,expires=3,avg_ttl=992766> SETEX mykey4 1 "4"
OK> SETEX mykey5 1 "5"
OK> info
# Keyspace
db0:keys=3,expires=3,avg_ttl=969898> keys *
1) "mykey2"
2) "mykey3"
3) "mykey1">
Given that in your situation you are asking about key expiry on slaves, per https://github.com/antirez/redis/issues/2861:
keys on a slave are not actively expired, and thus the avg_ttl is
never calculated
And per https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/redis-db/NFTpdmpOPnc:
avg_ttl is never initialized on a slave and thus it can be what ever
arbitrary value resides in memory at that place.
Thus, it is to be expected that the info command behaves differently on slaves.
The expires just returns the size of keys that will expire not the time.
The source code of 3.2.4
long long keys, vkeys;
keys = dictSize(server.db[j].dict);
vkeys = dictSize(server.db[j].expires);
if (keys || vkeys) {
info = sdscatprintf(info,
j, keys, vkeys, server.db[j].avg_ttl);
It just calculate the size of server.db[j].expires. (note j is the database index).
Explored spring session and redis it looks really good.
Trying to solve one question for a long time , how to retrieve list of session token from redis db based on the spring session token value in the hash .
I know its not a relational database and there is no straightforward way to achieve but is that a way to figure this out which is really important for us to solve problems
I read in blogs we need to keep a set to track , are there any ways to acheive this when using spring session. i am not even sure how to do this
Any help is highly appreciated .
Thank you
Useful Commands:
redis-cli : To enter into redis console
root#root>redis-cli> _
keys * :Shows all keys stored in redis DB
Example:>keys *
monitor : To monitor the redis DB> monitor
1441273902.701071 [0] "PING"
1441273920.000888 [0] "SMEMBERS"
hgetall SESSION_ID :To check all the keys stored inside a session
example: :>hgetall spring:session:sessions:3b606f6d-3d30-4afb-bea6-ef3a4adcf56b
flushall Remove all keys from the DB.
Example :> flushall
Open redis-cli then run> keys *
1) "spring:session:expirations:1435594380000"
2) "spring:session:sessions:05adb1d7-c7db-4ffb-99f7-47d7bd1867ee"> type spring:session:sessions:05adb1d7-c7db-4ffb-99f7-47d7bd1867ee
hash> hgetall spring:session:sessions:05adb1d7-c7db-4ffb-99f7-47d7bd1867ee
2) ""
3) "sessionAttr:javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.fmt.request.charset"
4) "\xac\xed\x00\x05t\x00\x05UTF-8"
5) "creationTime"
6) "\xac\xed\x00\x05sr\x00\x0ejava.lang.Long;\x8b\xe4\x90\xcc\x8f#\xdf\x02\x00\x01J\x00\x05valuexr\x00\x10java.lang.Number\x86\xac\x95\x1d\x0b\x94\xe0\x8b\x02\x00\x00xp\x00\x00\x01N?\xfb\xb6\x83"
7) "maxInactiveInterval"
8) "\xac\xed\x00\x05sr\x00\x11java.lang.Integer\x12\xe2\xa0\xa4\xf7\x81\x878\x02\x00\x01I\x00\x05valuexr\x00\x10java.lang.Number\x86\xac\x95\x1d\x0b\x94\xe0\x8b\x02\x00\x00xp\x00\x00\a\b"
9) "lastAccessedTime"
10) "\xac\xed\x00\x05sr\x00\x0ejava.lang.Long;\x8b\xe4\x90\xcc\x8f#\xdf\x02\x00\x01J\x00\x05valuexr\x00\x10java.lang.Number\x86\xac\x95\x1d\x0b\x94\xe0\x8b\x02\x00\x00xp\x00\x00\x01N?\xfb\xb6\xa6">
In the redis protocol specification, under the "Multi-bulk replies section":
A Multi bulk reply is used to return an array of other replies. Every element of a Multi Bulk Reply can be of any kind, including a nested Multi Bulk Reply.
However, I can't figure out a way to get Redis to return such output. Can anyone provide an example?
Only certain commands (especially those returning list of values) return multi-bulk replies, you can try by using LRANGE for example but you can check the command reference for more details.
Usually multi-bulk replies are only 1-level deep but some Redis commands can return nested multi-bulk replies (max 2 levels), notably EXEC (depending on the commands executed while inside the transaction context) and both EVAL / EVALSHA (depending on the value returned by the Lua script).
Here is an example using EXEC:
redis> MULTI
redis> LPUSH metavars foo foobar hoge
redis> LRANGE metavars 0 -1
redis> EXEC
1) (integer) 4
2) 1) "hoge"
2) "foobar"
3) "foo"
4) "metavars"
The second element of the multi-bulk reply to EXEC is a multi-bulk itsef.
PS: I added a clarification in the comments regarding the actual maximum level of nesting of multi-bulk replies when using Lua scripts. tl;dr: there's basically no limit.