What markup language should I use for code included in comments to AUR packages website? - archlinux

I could not find documentation anywhere for what syntax/markup to use for formatting code in comments to AUR packages.

The aurweb comments renderer can be seen at https://git.archlinux.org/aurweb.git/tree/aurweb/scripts/rendercomment.py?h=v4.6.0
It shows that the python-markdown library is used, with the fenced_code extension (triple backticks) enabled. Generally, most markdown should "just work".
It also includes a couple custom extensions to automatically linkify Arch Linux bug references or git commit hashes for the repository... there is nothing unusually out of the box here.


What is the proper way to document a CMake module?

A quick Google search (...actually many rather extensive Google searches) have not been able to explain how to properly document a CMake module.
What I'm looking for is a way to document custom CMake modules so that they work with the cmake --help-module <module_name> command. Is there any standard way of doing this? Can anyone point me to some good examples? The documentation process seems oddly.... not well documented. Haha.
How are modules that work with cmake --help-module documented?
Any help is appreciated.
Quote from an email response I got from Brad King (member of the CMake Developers email list):
There is no way to do this. The only reason --help-module exists
at all is because prior to 3.0 the documentation was generated by
the CMake binary itself, and people were used to the option being
available. It is only for builtin modules and only available for
legacy reasons, and may one day go away in favor of the man pages
and html docs.
The online docs, like those at https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.14
do publish a /objects.inv to support intersphinx:
This was done on request of some users so I haven't looked into how
that works, but one should be able to use sphinx to generate one's
own documentation and still cross-reference CMake's online docs.
If you get that working we'd welcome a MR to add docs describing how,
perhaps in
It sounds like using Sphinx is the way to go.
Additional info:
How does Sphinx know to go parse that ".cmake" file? Does Sphinx recognize the "cmake-module" keyword in a special way and know what to do with it?
it’s from a Sphinx module that you can find the in the CMake sources Utilities/Sphinx/cmake.py. Or you can install this file using pip:
pip install sphinxcontrib-moderncmakedomain
When configuring Sphinx, you have to name the extensions to use in Sphinx's configuration file (conf.py) and add the name of the extension (sphinxcontrib.moderncmakedomain) to the extensions array.
Good news: You can use sphinx to document your CMake Modules, and at the same time use Doxygen to document your C++ (or other) source code.
I created an example project which shows how to use the sphinxcontrib-moderncmakedomain in combination with Sphinx and Doxygen to generate Documentation for your C++ Code AND CMake code:
It is using the sphinxcontrib-moderncmakedomain package and CMake itself to configure the sphinx conf.py and then run sphinx.
The example is heavily based on the official CMake Documentation from: https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/-/tree/master/Utilities/Sphinx

Where to install FindLib.cmake

I'm creating a library (called fmi2) which I intend to install on my local machine (via a package manager) and then link to with a bunch of other libraries.
I'll be providing a Findfmi2.cmake file so that I can call find_package(fmi2) from my other libraries, but where should this file be conventionally installed?
Here are some choices I've considered and their problems:
Advantage: find_package(fmi2) will just work
Disadvantage: Only works for one version of cmake
Advantage: Should work for any version of cmake
Disadvantage: This is not a default folder. We would need to add set(CMAKE_MODULES_PATH /usr/share/cmake/Modules) and this kills any portability.
Advantage: Portable, just need to add set(CMAKE_MODULES_PATH ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake)
Disadvantage: Not system-wide. Need to manually add this file to each library that uses it. This duplicates files in my framework.
You are authoring content in CMake. You don't need a FindModule. That is designed to find external non-CMake outputs.
This Stackoverflow post from ruslo should help you understand the difference between find_package() module mode and config mode. It also answers your question about paths for FindModules, i.e. they are copied into your CMake project, not discovered system-wide, unless they are part of the official FindModules bundled with CMake in the "Modules" directory.
Modern CMake documentation now finally contains good examples to create a config mode package: cmake-packages
If you want explicit full examples, though using slightly older syntax for the config.cmake files, ruslo has more on Github.

What does the pipelinePreDeployCopyAllFilesToOneFolder target do?

I've seen msbuild commands pass /t:pipelinePreDeployCopyAllFilesToOneFolder as a target. On searching the Internet, I've found many forum and question/answers posts about this target. That said, I've found no official documentation.
What does this target do?
Where does Microsoft document it?
This target usually goes along with a _PackageTempDir property.
My best guess is that the target and property together mean that, before deployment, copy all files to the specified package temp directory.
Seems like it's a Web Application specific default target.
As mentioned in this answer it is in the following file:
It's actually contained in the file that Sayed Ibrahim Hashimi mentions, which is the Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets file (C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\Web\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets).
You can check what its content here. (I found a copy on github)
Neither I could find the mentioned target among any documentation. However, there is a documentation of msbuild on github with some fancy figures. Also, there are other documentation fragments on Microsoft's documentation about Default build targets or Common target files.

Meteor iron:router as library in Intellij 14

I'm attempting to mark all packages in my Meteor project as JavaScript libraries so I can have features such as auto-completion, etc. in Intellij 14.
Following the instructions found here:
I opened up the package.json file under /.meteor,
clicked on the "import packages as libraries" option (yes, iron:router is listed)
However, the Router object remains unresolved, even though it worked for the other libraries. I noticed someone mentioned later:
Code completion for other Underscore.js functions such as bind, partial, etc and packages like Iron:Router and others are not as complete
Pressing alt-enter with the Router object selected, as Matt K suggested, only gives the options of creating a variable named "Router" or renaming the reference, not actually resolving the iron:router library as a dependency.
Does anyone have any suggestions on resolving the iron router library?
Turns out this was as easy as I thought it was with going to .meteor/packages.json and clicking on "import packages as libraries". Not sure what the issue was before but following that same 2-step process whenever the listing changes solves any library recognition issues.

Beginner's Guide to Setup Xuggler__Help

I've found the "Beginner's Guide to Setup Xuggler" article from here. I was trying to follow the best chosen answer. While going through the steps, I got stuck # "Run ivy from command-line as follows:" I didn't had Ivy at first, so I headed to Ivy's download page, and downloaded from the Snapshot Build section of the site. Then, I tested with both jar files, but while running the command stated in the Beginner's Guide, I'm getting this message: "ivy configuration file not found: ivysettings.xml". So, what did I do wrong, need I follow the "Building from source" section from the site? If so, can you please give me a detailed description of how to do it, I'm kinda new in these things. Long story short, I need to know how o get a legit "ivy.jar" file as stated in the command line of the Guide.
Ok, so I've solved the problem my own way, kind of. So, I'm gonna share it here so that other fellows like me may profit from it. So, what I did was that I (obviously) downloaded Xuggler 5.4. Then, I downloaded its dependencies manually as listed here. Then, on my IDE, I just had to import Xuggler and all of its dependencies which I previously downloaded and BAM, it worked like a charm. So, if any of you are having problem finding those dependencies or have any queries concerning this "unofficial" method of mine, you can contact me via email. I'll gladly help. :)
I don't know from Xuggler, but... the error message said you're missing ivysettings.xml. The message is probably from ivy.jar, so you definitely have that. ivysettings.xml is a required Ivy config file that tells what repositories you want to pull jars from. There may be a default one in the Xuggler distro, but probably not. You need to look at the ivy documentation to get farther. Or, use Maven instead. While I'm not a fan of Maven, for this kind of situation it may be easier.