UWPCommunityToolkit DropShadowPanel keeps Grid from stretching - xaml

I want a grid to stretch across the screen while also having a shadow effect applied, for some reason I can't the grid to stretch when placed inside of a DropShadowPanel.
Here is an example of the desired result, but without a shadow effect:
<Grid Background="LightBlue">
<Grid Background="WhiteSmoke" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Height="200" VerticalAlignment="Top" Margin="40"/>
Here is my xaml with a DropShadowPanel:
<Grid Background="LightBlue">
<controls:DropShadowPanel HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Margin="40">
<Grid Background="WhiteSmoke" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Height="200" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
And this hides the second grid entirely.
Why does the grid act differently inside a DropShadowPanel?

And this hides the second grid entirely.
The problem is you have not set HorizontalContentAlignment property of DropShadowPanel. I have modified your code like the following. And it works.
<controls:DropShadowPanel Margin="40"
<Grid Background="Red" Height="200" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"/>


How do I enable Scrollbars on a UWP GridView

I have a UWP where I am loading from an XML file and showing it in a GridView and I am trying to enable Scrollbars in a way that allows me to stack and wrap items in all the available space like in the image below. The problem that I am having is that I cannot figure out how to enable the scrollbars so that I can scroll the boxes until I get to the end of the list.
So far I have got it to do what you see in the picture, which is wrapped the way I want but it fills all the available space and doesn't allow you to scroll vertically or horizontally (I only want to scroll one way but I have tried to see if I could go either way). Through a lot of trial and error I was able to get it to scroll one row or one column at a time to the end of the list but that is not the desired result either. Here is where I am with the XAML right now (trimmed down version of the screen shot).
<GridView x:Name="DataGrid1">
<ItemsWrapGrid Orientation="Horizontal"
ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Disabled" />
<Border Width="270"
<ColumnDefinition Width="70" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="100*" />
<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
<StackPanel Grid.Row="0"
<TextBlock Margin="2"
Text="{Binding Company}" />
<TextBlock Grid.Row="1"
Text="Code: " />
<TextBlock Grid.Row="1"
Text="{Binding Code}" />
So what do I need to do to enable the scrollbars the way that I want?
Make sure your GridView is in a Grid and not a StackPanel. It does not expand in a StackPanel.
To make it scroll in a StackPanel you have to specify the height of the GridView. This was the issue with mine :)
To my knowledge gridviews that are not showing scrollbars automatically are due to stackpanel's presence. So my solution here is to try remove stackpanel what so ever, and if I find the stackpanel that's responsible replace it with other kind of panel and work my way back up. It's totally a brute force kind of approach but it works most of the time.
And another piece of advice. In that process of replacing the stackpanel try to replace it with grid and try to divide it's rows and columns with widths and heights set to auto or star sizing instead of specifying it with actual numbers to see if it works this way. If it works then work your way up speicifying it with actual numbers.
Here's your problem, in the definition of the ItemsWrapGrid you have:
this is going to mean that even if the scrollbar is shown it wont work.
Remove this line and you should get a working scrollbar.

Left and Right Scrolling in Image

i want to display large image in small control such that entire image can be scrolled.
for this, i have used following code but i could only succeed in achieving vertical scrolling.
what should i do for enabling both, horizontal and vertical scrolling ?
<Grid HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Grid.Row="1" Width="470">
<ScrollViewer x:Name="scrollViewer" Width="470" Height="270" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top">
<Image Name="drag" Stretch="None" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
if there is any other solution than using scrollviewer then please share it, or mention any changes in this code which are useful for achieving the same.
<Grid HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Grid.Row="1" Width="470">
<ScrollViewer x:Name="scrollViewer" Width="470" Height="270" HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto"HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top">
<Image Name="drag" Stretch="None" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
You need to set HorizontalScrollBarVisibility and VerticalScrollBarVisibility properties to achieve desired scrolling.
Edit :
If you want to see the scroll bars always you can set HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Visible" and VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Visible" .Otherwise("Auto") scroll bars will appear based on the content size

issue with scrolling a page in wp7

This is my xaml code,
<Grid x:Name="ContentPanel" Margin="12,164,12,-161" Grid.RowSpan="2"/>
<ScrollViewer HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="1192" Margin="0,171,0,-595" Grid.RowSpan="2">
<Grid Width="478" Height="1197">
//content goes here
<Image x:Name="ImageBox" Visibility="Visible" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Width="468" Margin="0,630,0,193"/>
//content goes here
What the problem is that, i can't see the image,even after scrolling!
only a part of my image is visible, how can i rectify this issue??
Unless i have understood the question wrong, mostly the problem might be with the line,
<Grid x:Name="ContentPanel" Margin="12,164,12,-161" Grid.RowSpan="2"/>
Change Grid.RowSpan="1".
<Grid x:Name="ContentPanel" Margin="12" Grid.RowSpan="2" Height ="700"/>
<ScrollViewer HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="1192" Margin="0" >
//content goes here
<Image x:Name="ImageBox" Visibility="Visible" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Width="468" Margin="0,20"/>
//content goes here
Please check the following items:
Since Windows phone design has maximum height 800 so your scrollveiwer height can be thus be maximum : 800-164 = 636
Remove negative margin of content panel
Remove negative margin of ScrollViewer otherwise your design would be cut from downside.
Your code should be like this :
<Grid x:Name="ContentPanel" Margin="12,164,12,0" Grid.RowSpan="2"/>
<ScrollViewer HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="636" Margin="0,0,0,0" Grid.RowSpan="2">
<Grid Width="478" Height="1197">
//content goes here
<Image x:Name="ImageBox" Visibility="Visible" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Width="468" Margin="0,630,0,193"/>
//content goes here
If your problem still exist please update the question to include the xaml code.

How can I vertically align a TextBox inside a StackPanel?

In the following XAML, the word "Test" centers horizontally but not vertically.
How can I get it to center vertically?
<Window x:Class="TestVerticalAlign2343.Window1"
Title="Window1" Height="768" Width="1024">
<DockPanel LastChildFill="True">
<Slider x:Name="TheSlider"
Value="{Binding CurrentSliderValue}"
Margin="10 10 0 10"/>
<Border DockPanel.Dock="Right" Background="Beige"
<StackPanel Height="700">
FontSize="200" x:Name="TheNumber"/>
A stackpanel, no matter how you stretch it, will collapse around the children. you can't make it grow more than that. Basically, that "Height=700" is not helping you.
So either set VerticalAlignment on the StackPanel to "center" so that the stackpanel goes into the center of the dockpanel...or remove the stackpanel altogether and set VerticalAlignment="Center" on the TextBlock.
Seems I asked this question 10 months ago, I got the above scenario to work by replacing the StackPanel with DockPanel LastChildFill=True like this:
<DockPanel LastChildFill="True">
FontSize="200" x:Name="TheNumber"/>
I stumbled across this which seems to work perfectly:
<TextBlock Text="My Centered Text"
The Grid ensures that the single TextBox within it fills the solitary cell in the grid and the VerticalAlignment in the TextBlock ensures that the text is centered within than.
Simply position/align your text horizontally however you require (the above snippet centers it in this axis also, but changing this doesn't alter the vertical centering).
Inside the StackPanel that surrounds the TextBlock, check out VerticalContentAlignment.

XAML: why is button on top when I clearly said to go on bottom?

In XAML, I want the button to go on the BOTTOM of the red rectangle.
I clearly say:
It goes to the right but stays on the top. Why is that?
alt text http://tanguay.info/web/external/buttonTop.png
Width="300" Height="150">
<StackPanel HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"
VerticalAlignment="Stretch" Width="300" Height="150" Orientation="Vertical">
<StackPanel Width="300" Height="100" Background="Blue">
<TextBlock x:Name="theTextBlock" Text="This is page one. This is page one. This is page one. This is page one. This is page one. This is page one. This is page one. This is page one. This is page one. This is page one. "
TextWrapping="Wrap" Height="100" Width="300" HorizontalAlignment="Left"/>
<StackPanel Width="300" Height="50" Background="Red">
<Button Name="Switch" Content="Switch Page" Width="100" Height="20"
The StackPanel is meant to take it's sizing from it's elements and it's container (depending on it's orientation), although what you've done looks correct, that's not the way the StackPanel is "meant" to be used. Although it looks like it's the height it's set, it's actual height (that it uses for laying out child controls) is the size of it's content (the button). The StackPanel has it's uses, but if you are doing anything other than a simple stack of controls then you generally should be using something else.
You can fix it by either sticking a sized grid inside:
<StackPanel Width="300" Height="50" Background="Red">
<Grid Height="50">
<Button Name="Switch" Content="Switch Page" Width="100" Height="20"
HorizontalAlignment="Right" VerticalAlignment="Bottom"
Or, for that particular layout, you might want to look at DockPanel, which will behave more like you would expect it to.