import csv file in h2 database in several column - sql

In my CSV file there is:
prenom; nom; age
prenom1; nom1; age1
prenom2; nom2; age2
When I import my CSV file using this command:
CREATE TABLE TEST AS SELECT * FROM CSVREAD('C:\Users\anonymous\Desktop\test.csv');
The main problem is that my database has 1 column with my CSV file..
I would like 3 columsn with prenom, nom and age with the data in each column.
Thanks for your help!

As #jdv stated, you must specify the field separator if it is not the default ,. The null specifies that the column names will be parsed from the first row.
CREATE TABLE TEST AS SELECT * FROM CSVREAD('C:\Users\anonymous\Desktop\test.csv',null,'fieldSeparator=;');
Keep in mind you may have to specify charset=Cp1252 as well, if the CSV file was generated with Excel. If you see something like prénom you have the wrong encoding.


Import S3 CSV to RDS Postgres

Trying to import a csv from S3 into RDS postgres:
The data in some columns contains ",". for example the address column.
The data is enclosed in "".
Here is our select:
SELECT aws_s3.table_import_from_s3(
'DELIMITER '',''',
aws_commons.create_s3_uri('data-migration-s3-bucket', 'Change_IDs_WqlResults_20xxxxx4_xxxxxx.csv', 'us-west-2')
Tried many different combinations. How can we handle the "," in the data?
Current error:
ERROR: extra data after last expected column
you should change your column delimiter to another different than comma. Something like | and then use code like this.
SELECT aws_s3.table_import_from_s3(
'DELIMITER ''|''',
'Change_IDs_WqlResults_20xxxxx4_xxxxxx.csv', 'us-west-2')
More Information

invalid input syntax for integer with postgres

i have a table:
id | detail
1 | ddsffdfdf ;df, deef,"dgfgf",/dfdf/
when I did: insert into details values(1,'ddsffdfdf ;df, deef'); => got inserted properly
When I copied that inserted value from database to a file,the file had: 1 ddsffdfdf ;df, deef
Then I loaded the whole csv file to pgsql database,with values in the format: 1 ddsffdfdf ;df, deef
ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "1 ddsffdfdf ;df, deef is obtained. How to solve the problem?
CSVs need a delimiter that Postgres will recognize to break the text into respective fields. Your delimiter is a space, which is insufficient. Your CSV file should look more like:
1,"ddsffdfdf df, deef"
And your SQL should look like:
COPY details FROM 'filename' WITH CSV;
The WITH CSV is important because it tells Postgres to use a comma as the delimiter and parses your values based on that. Because your second field contains a comma, you want to enclose its value in quotes so that its comma is not mistaken for a delimiter.
To look at a good example of a properly formatted CSV file, you can output your current table:
COPY details TO '/your/filename.csv' WITH CSV;

How can I specify the record delimiter to be used in SQLite's output?

I am using the following command to output the result of an SQL query to a text file:
$sqlite3 my_db.sqlite "SELECT text FROM message;" > out.txt
This gives me output like this:
text for entry 1
text for entry 2
Unfortunately, this breaks down when the text contains a newline:
text for entry 1
text for
entry 2
How can I specify an output delimiter (which I know doesn't exist in the text) for SQLite to use when outputting the data so I can more easily parse the result? E.g.:
text for entry 1
text for
entry 2
text for entry 3
Try -separator option for this.
$sqlite3 -separator '=%=' my_db.sqlite "SELECT text FROM message;" > out.txt
Update 1
I quess this is because of '-list' default option. In order to turn this option off you need to change current mode.
This is a list of modes
.mode MODE ?TABLE? Set output mode where MODE is one of:
csv Comma-separated values
column Left-aligned columns. (See .width)
html HTML <table> code
insert SQL insert statements for TABLE
line One value per line
list Values delimited by .separator string
tabs Tab-separated values
tcl TCL list elements
-list Query results will be displayed with the separator (|, by
default) character between each field value. The default.
-separator separator
Set output field separator. Default is '|'.
Found this info here
I had the same question and there is a simpler solution. I found this at :
.separator COL ?ROW? Change the column and row separators
For example:
sqlite> .separator | ,
sqlite> select * from example_table;
Or with no column separator:
sqlite> .separator '' ,
sqlite> select * from example_table;
Or, to answer the specific question posed above, this is all that is needed:
sqlite> .separator '' \r\n=%=\r\n
sqlite> select * from message;
text for entry 1
text for
entry 2
text for entry 3
In order to seperate columns, you would have to work with group_concat and a seperator.
Query evolution:
SELECT text FROM messages;
SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(text, "=%=") FROM messages;
SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(text, "\r\n=%=\r\n") FROM messages;
// to get rid of the concat comma, use replace OR change seperator
SELECT REPLACE(GROUP_CONCAT(text, "\r\n=%="), ',', '\r\n') FROM messages;
Alternative: Sqlite to CSV export (with custom seperator), then work with that.

Import fixed width UTF-8 file into SQL 2008R2, variabel file names

I have to import text files with different names (like the following) into SQL Server 2008.
The filename always starts with XYZ, and the number is always higher than the file before.
The format of the file is fixed-width, with UTF-8 encoding.
SHINST 1020130613
SHINSD0745860182650 940PI67100000 dataw11 2012CH 01002601900100 848CRU
SHINSD0745860182650 940PI67066900 dataa12 9434CH 00701801400030 848CRU
SHINSD0745860182650 940PI67160300 adsfaf13 1205CH 04203601000160 848CRU
SHINSD0745860182650 940PI67171300 data 14 1205CH 01803501200120 848ND1
SHINSD0745860182650 940PI67079000 asdfs15 8400CH 00702601400040 848ND1
SHINSD0745860182620 940PI67053900 data 16 6877CH 01904101100130 848ND1
SHINSD0745860182620 940PI67156100 text 17 3003CH 08906202902460 848ND2
SHINSD0745860182650 940PI67110700 alskdjf18 1000CH 02603900900130 848ND2
SHINSD0745860182620 940PI67123900 asfasdffa19 8048CH 01502300900020 848ND2
SHINSD0745860182650 940PI67066300 data 20 8952CH 01002601900090 848ND2
The first line contains SHINST, then the number of records in the file, then a date in the format YYYYMMDD.
The records contain SHINSD, then a 13-digit number, then the fixed-width records.
The last line contains SHINSF, then a six-digit number with the total number of lines of the file.
I want to automatically import files in this format into an SQL table. How can that be done?
You can try with:
BULK INSERT tablename FROM 'c:\File.txt' WITH (FIELDTERMINATOR = ' ')
If the ' '(space) is your field delimiter.
Of course table table name columns must be the same as in file (count and length).
You can make a procedure and give it a filenamepath only, as in these exaples
The only problem is first and last row in file, cause they are different and I don;t know if you need to insert the mas well. If you need to ignore them, maybe you'll need a script to eliminate them.

SQL Server Output to Text File Each Column Different Length Space Delimited

Let's say I have a SQL Server table that looks like the following:
All I need to do is output the data to a space delimited text file. However I want to ensure that the 'NAME' column has at maximum 10 characters. So for example with the first row 'ANDREW' is is 6 characters, then I'd want 4 spaces after it.
Same thing for second row. 'MATT' is 4 characters, so I would want 6 spaces after it. This way as you move to each column the data is lined up, worst case it gets truncated but I'm not concerned with that.
Use this select query then export this to ur text file.
select ID,cast(NAME as char(10)) as NAME,DESCRIPTION from yourtable
you can use convert function
select CONVERT(char(10),'ANDREW')
select ID,
CONVERT((char(10),NAME) as NAME,
from <table>