Select in multiples tables PSQL without join - sql

(Please correct my if i do some mistakes)
I have 2 tables:
I have created one script to delete image when it is not in the db , the problem is :
I don't know how to check the content of activity and article on the same request because this request bellow just delete my activities images..
for f in public/uploads/files/*
if [[ -f "$f" ]]
f="$(basename "$f")"
psql $db $user -t -v "ON_ERROR_STOP=1" \
-c "select content from public.articles where content like '%$f%'" | grep . \
&& echo "exist" \
|| rm public/uploads/files/$f
printf "DONE\n\n"
If tied something like :
select content from public.articles, public.activities where content like '%$f%'"
but I have this log error:
ERROR: column reference "content" is ambiguous

You can try something like
WITH artcontent AS (
SELECT content
FROM public.articles
actcontent AS (
SELECT content
FROM public.activities
merge AS (
SELECT * FROM artcontent
SELECT * FROM actcontent
FROM merge
The UNION ALL statement will put together your two results artcontent (which comes from articles) and actcontent (from activities).
Hope it will help you !


Add headers to a SQL (Sybase) output

I have created a a script that execute sql (Sybase)
isql -U databasename_dba -P password -b <<EOF!
select label1, label2 from TABLE
echo "$command" >> output_file.csv):
All good so far, the file is produced:
But as you can see, the output is represented in 1 column.
Is possible to add "Headers" and divide the column is 2 columns, my desired output would be:
Try to remove -b.
isql -U databasename_dba -P password <<EOF!
select label1, label2 from TABLE
echo "$command" >> output_file.csv):

How to pass parameter into SQL file from UNIX script?

I'm looking to pass in a parameter into a SQL file from my UNIX script. Unfortunately having problems with it.
Please see UNIX script below:
# Functions
_usage() {
-eq 1 -o "$1" = "" -o "$1" = help -o "$1" = Help -o "$1" = HELP ]; then
echo "Usage: $SCRIPT_NAME [ cCode ]"
echo " - For example : $SCRIPT_NAME GH\n"
exit 1
_initialise() {
echo $cCode
# Set Variables
_usage $#
_initialise $1
# Main Processing
sql $DBNAME < test.sql $cCode > $PVNUM_LOGFILE
# Check for errors within log file
if [[ $RETCODE != 0 ]] || grep 'E_' $PVNUM_LOGFILE
echo "Error - 50 - running test.sql. Please see $PVNUM_LOGFILE"
exit 50
Please see SQL script (test.sql):
FROM data_latest v1
JOIN temp_table t
ON v1.number =
WHERE v1.code = '&1'
The error I am receiving when running my UNIX script is:
INGRES TERMINAL MONITOR Copyright 2008 Ingres Corporation
E_US0022 Either the flag format or one of the flags is incorrect,
or the parameters are not in proper order.
Anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong?
NOTE: While I don't work with the sql command, I do routinely pass UNIX parameters into SQL template/script files when using the isql command line tool, so fwiw ...
The first thing you'll want to do is replace the &1 string with the value in the cCode variable; one typical method is to use sed to do a global search and replace of &1 with ${cCode} , eg:
$ cCode=XYZ
$ sed "s/\&1/${cCode}/g" test.sql
FROM data_latest v1
JOIN temp_table t
ON v1.number =
WHERE v1.code = 'XYZ' <=== &1 replaced with XYZ
NOTE: You'll need to wrap the sed code in double quotes so that the value of the cCode variable can be referenced.
Now, to get this passed into sql there are a couple options ... capture the sed output to a new file and submit that file to sql or ... [and I'm guessing this is doable with sql], pipe the sed output into sql, eg:
sed "s/\&1/${cCode}/g" test.sql | sql $DBNAME > $PVNUM_LOGFILE
You may need '\p\g' around your SQL in the text file?
I personally tend to code in the SQL to the script itself, as in
sql $db <<_END_ > $OUTLOG
set autocommit on;
set lockmode session where readlock = nolock;
FROM table
WHERE date > '${var}' ;
exit 0

Print variable with each line of while-read command

I'm trying to set up a monitoring script that would take all the databases we have, showed tables and done some arithmetics on it.
I have this command:
impala-shell -i impalad -q " show databases;" -B | while read a; do impala-shell -q "show tables in ${a}" -B -i impalad; done
That produces following output:
Query: show tables in database1
How should I format the output to display the database name($a) with each table? I tried echoing it or || but this only prints the database name after displaying all the tables. Or is there a way how to pass the variable to awk?
Desired output would look like this:
It looks like the output of the show tables ... command will have a 1-line header, followed by the list of table names.
You could skip the first line by piping to tail -n +2,
and then use another while loop to echo the database name and table name pairs in the desired format:
impala-shell -i impalad -q " show databases;" -B | while read a; do
impala-shell -q "show tables in ${a}" -B -i impalad | tail -n +2 | while read table; do
echo $a.$table
You could also do
impala-shell -q ... | awk -v db="$a" 'NR > 1 {print db "." $0}'

SQL query over multiple tables in one database

enter code hereI have the following problem:
I have a bunch of Tables in a Vertica Database say:
| Tablenames |
| a_1 |
| a_2 |
| a_34 |
| b_1 |
| b_4 |
The tables are not exactly the same but have mostly similar entries. And now I want to make one query over all tables that start with a_ (a_1 a_2 a_34).
Is there a way to search through all the tables for the string a_ in their name, output some sort of list and than either use a for loop or join operation with the generated list?
Once I get the new table (lets call it temp_table) that has all the table names that start with a_ I would like to run one query over all of them, something like that (Matlab syntax):
for ii=1:length(temp_table)
Data{ii}=SELECT * FROM temp_table(ii) WHERE paste_condition_here
So Data should be a new table that appends the new rows with each iteration.
#Nirjihar - there is on information_schema (you need v_catalog), you are confusing with MySQL.
select TABLE_NAME from v_catalog.TABLES where TABLE_NAME like 'a_%';
This will return all tables with a criteria of 'a_%'
Just as a complement !
In Vertica you won`t have loops ! For this you have to use UDP(user defined procedures), this can be written in the language of your choice (shell,java,R,C++).
i will go ahead and post on model here for you :
1 - Shell proc - to be created in the procedures folder
. /home/dbadmin/.profile
/opt/vertica/bin/vsql -U $username -w $password -t -o /tmp/query.sql -c"
' select * from '
v_catalog.TABLES where TABLE_NAME like '%$1%'
/opt/vertica/bin/vsql -U $username -w $password -F $'|' -At -o /tmp/query_output.csv -f /tmp/query.sql
2 - change sh file privs
chmod 4750
3 - make sure you have the .profile file populated accordingly
. /home/dbadmin/.profile
export username
export password
Note: this is to avoid passwd in text and only have one point of text passwd
4 - Register the UDP with Vertica Catalog
. /home/dbadmin/.profile
admintools -t install_procedure -f /vertica/catalog//procedures/ -d -p $password
5 -Create the UDP inside the database
. /home/dbadmin/.profile
/opt/vertica/bin/vsql -U $username -w $password -c "CREATE PROCEDURE dba.query_table(table_name varchar) AS '' LANGUAGE 'external' USER 'dbadmin';"
6 - execute the proc
select dba.query_table('you possible table name here');
7 - check results
a - you will get a file with the query
b - one file with the exported data(csv '|' delimited).
i have a similar post here:
To get all the tables that start from a_:-
Then you can alias this and join the list or each table as you like.

executing HIVE query in background

how to execute a HIVE query in background when the query looks like below
Select count(1) from table1 where column1='value1';
I am trying to write it using a script like below
exec 1> /home/koushik/Logs/`basename $0 | cut -d"." -f1 | sed 's/\.sh//g'`_$(date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S").log 2>&1
ST_TIME=`date +%s`
cd $HIVE_HOME/bin
./hive -e 'SELECT COUNT(1) FROM TABLE1 WHERE COLUMN1 = ''value1'';'
END_TIME=`date +%s`
TT_HRS=$(( TT_SECS / 3600 ))
TT_REM_MS=$(( TT_SECS % 3600 ))
TT_MINS=$(( TT_REM_MS / 60 ))
TT_REM_SECS=$(( TT_REM_MS % 60 ))
printf "\n"
printf "Total time taken to execute the script="$TT_HRS:$TT_MINS:$TT_REM_SECS HH:MM:SS
printf "\n"
but getting error like
FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10004]: Line 1:77 Invalid table alias or column reference 'value1'
let me know exactly where I am doing mistake.
Create a document named example
vi example
Enter the query in the document and save it.
create table sample as
Select count(1) from table1 where column1='value1';
Now run the document using the following command:
hive -f example 1>example.error 2>example.output &
You will get the result as
Now disown the process :
Now the process will run in the background. If you want to know the status of the output, you may use
tail -f example.output
True #Koushik ! Glad that you found the issue.
In the query, bash was unable to form the hive query due to ambiguous single quotes.
Though SELECT COUNT(1) FROM Table1 WHERE Column1 = 'Value1' is valid in hive,
$hive -e 'SELECT COUNT(1) FROM Table1 WHERE Column1 = 'Value1';' is not valid.
The best solution would be to use double quotes for the Value1 as
hive -e 'SELECT COUNT(1) FROM Table1 WHERE Column1 = "Value1";'
or use a quick and dirty solution by including the single quotes within double quotes.
hive -e 'SELECT COUNT(1) FROM Table1 WHERE Column1 = "'"Value1"'";'
This would make sure that the hive query is properly formed and then executed accordingly. I'd not suggest this approach unless you've a desperate ask for a single quote ;)
I am able to resolve it replacing single quote with double quote. Now the modified statement looks like
./hive -e 'SELECT COUNT(1) FROM Table1 WHERE Column1 = "Value1";'