Is it possible to select the word that is being read while using the SpeechSynthesisUtterance API? - text-to-speech

Is it possible to select the word that is being read while using the SpeechSynthesisUtterance API?
Is there an event I can use to get the current spoken word and cursor position?
Here is what I have so far:
var msg = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance();
var voices = window.speechSynthesis.getVoices();
msg.voice = voices[10]; // Note: some voices don't support altering params
msg.voiceURI = 'native';
msg.volume = 1; // 0 to 1
msg.rate = 1; // 0.1 to 10
msg.pitch = 2; //0 to 2
msg.text = 'Hello World';
msg.lang = 'en-US';
msg.onend = function(e) {
console.log('Finished in ' + event.elapsedTime + ' seconds.');
Example from here.

There was a related question that wrote out the words out to a span and I've extended that answer here to select the words as they are spoken.
var utterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance();
utterance.lang = 'en-UK';
utterance.rate = 1;
document.getElementById('playButton').onclick = function(){
var text = document.getElementById('textarea').value;
// create the utterance on play in case user called stop
// reference
utterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance();
utterance.onboundary = onboundaryHandler;
utterance.text = text;
document.getElementById('pauseButton').onclick = function(){
if (speechSynthesis) {
document.getElementById('resumeButton').onclick = function(){
if (speechSynthesis) {
document.getElementById('stopButton').onclick = function(){
if (speechSynthesis) {
function onboundaryHandler(event){
var textarea = document.getElementById('textarea');
var value = textarea.value;
var index = event.charIndex;
var word = getWordAt(value, index);
var anchorPosition = getWordStart(value, index);
var activePosition = anchorPosition + word.length;
if (textarea.setSelectionRange) {
textarea.setSelectionRange(anchorPosition, activePosition);
else {
var range = textarea.createTextRange();
range.moveEnd('character', activePosition);
range.moveStart('character', anchorPosition);;
// Get the word of a string given the string and index
function getWordAt(str, pos) {
// Perform type conversions.
str = String(str);
pos = Number(pos) >>> 0;
// Search for the word's beginning and end.
var left = str.slice(0, pos + 1).search(/\S+$/),
right = str.slice(pos).search(/\s/);
// The last word in the string is a special case.
if (right < 0) {
return str.slice(left);
// Return the word, using the located bounds to extract it from the string.
return str.slice(left, right + pos);
// Get the position of the beginning of the word
function getWordStart(str, pos) {
str = String(str);
pos = Number(pos) >>> 0;
// Search for the word's beginning
var start = str.slice(0, pos + 1).search(/\S+$/);
return start;
<textarea id="textarea" style="width:100%;height:150px;">
Science Literacy is a way of approaching the world. It's a way of equipping yourself to interpret what happens in front of you. It's methods and tools that enable it to act as a kind of a utility belt necessary for what you encounter in the moment. It's methods of mathematical analysis, interpretation, some basic laws of physics so when someone says I have these two crystals and if you rub them together you get healthy. Rather than just discount it, because that's as lazy as accepting it, what you should do is inquire.
So do you know how to inquire? Every scientist would know how to start that conversation. Where did you get these? What does it cure? How does it work? How much does it cost? Can you demonstrate? Science literacy is vaccine against charlatans of the world that would exploit your ignorance of the forces of nature. Become scientifically literate.
<input type="button" id="playButton" value="Play"/>
<input type="button" id="pauseButton" value="Pause"/>
<input type="button" id="resumeButton" value="Resume"/>
<input type="button" id="stopButton" value="Stop"/>
MDN SpeechSynthesis
MDN SpeechSynthesisEvent
MDN Boundary

const msg = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance();
const voices = window.speechSynthesis.getVoices();
msg.voice = voices[10]; // Note: some voices don't support altering params
msg.voiceURI = 'native';
msg.volume = 1; // 0 to 1
msg.rate = 1; // 0.1 to 10
msg.pitch = 2; //0 to 2
txt = "I'm fine, borderline, so bad it hurts Think fast with your money cause it can't get much worse I get told that I'm far too old for number one perks".split(" ")
msg.text = txt;
msg.lang = 'en-US';
msg.onend = function(e) {
console.log('Finished in ' + event.elapsedTime + ' seconds.');
let gap = 240
let i = 0
speakTrack = setInterval(() => {
//i++ < dont forget if you remove console log
if (i >= txt.length) {
i = 0
}, gap)


How to add new fileds/values to line widgets in Barcode mobile view in Odoo14 EE?

Hi i am trying to add two new fields to the Barcode mobile view. I went through the default js code of odoo, but didn't find a way to add my custome fields to it.
Here is the default code
init: function (parent, page, pageIndex, nbPages) {
this._super.apply(this, arguments); = page; #don't know where this argument page coming from in argument list.
this.pageIndex = pageIndex;
this.nbPages = nbPages;
this.mode = parent.mode;
this.groups = parent.groups;
this.model = parent.actionParams.model;
this.show_entire_packs = parent.show_entire_packs;
this.displayControlButtons = this.nbPages > 0 && parent._isControlButtonsEnabled();
this.displayOptionalButtons = parent._isOptionalButtonsEnabled();
this.isPickingRelated = parent._isPickingRelated();
this.isImmediatePicking = parent.isImmediatePicking ? true : false;
this.sourceLocations = parent.sourceLocations;
this.destinationLocations = parent.destinationLocations;
// detect if touchscreen (more complicated than one would expect due to browser differences...)
this.istouchSupported = 'ontouchend' in document ||
'ontouchstart' in document ||
'ontouchstart' in window ||
navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0 ||
navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0;
In _renderLines function,
_renderLines: function () {
//Skipped some codes here
// Render and append the lines, if any.
var $body = this.$el.filter('.o_barcode_lines');
console.log('this model',this.model);
if ( {
var $lines = $(QWeb.render('stock_barcode_lines_template', {
lines: this.getProductLines(,
packageLines: this.getPackageLines(,
model: this.model,
groups: this.groups,
isPickingRelated: this.isPickingRelated,
istouchSupported: this.istouchSupported,
for (const line of $lines) {
if (line.dataset) {
$lines.on('click', '.o_edit', this._onClickEditLine.bind(this));
$lines.on('click', '.o_package_content', this._onClickTruckLine.bind(this));
In the above code, you can see field, i need to add my custom two more fields.
Actually it's dead-end for me.
Any solution?

In Ionic and Vue.js. How to fetch or “call” data from one file to another?

I’m new to both Ionic and Vue.js. I’m taking advantage of this summer break to start learning both.
I’m building a mobile app for this purpose and so far, so good. However, I have found and issue that I hope you could help me with. Namely, how to fetch or “call” data from one file to another (Is it called routing?).
In my app, I am trying to start/open a function named myFunction() from one of the pages (quiz.vue) when I call it using v-on:click="myFunction3".
This function is located in a JS file called quizz.js, and it is located in the assets folder. This is its path: (“./assets/js/quizz.js”).
I have tried many things to make it work and finally it is working as it should. However, I think my solution is not optimal as it keeps throwing “Uncaught TypeErrors” in the console of the Developer’s Tool…even though it works.
My solution was to push the function inside methods: this.$router.push(myFunction3())
Also, when running the app, it says that myFunction() , and other functions in the same quizz.js file, “is define but never used”.
If you could advise me with anything, I would be most grateful. I am still a beginner so please explain it to me in as simple a manner as possible.
Below, the quizz.js file:
var mlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
mlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
var myObj = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
const quiz = myObj.results[0]['question'];
const correctAnswer = myObj.results[0]['correct_answer'];
const incorrect = myObj.results[0]['incorrect_answers'];
document.getElementById("ans").innerHTML = quiz;
var text = "";
var val = 0;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < incorrect.length; i++) {
if(incorrect[i] == correctAnswer){
text += "<ion-button fill='outline' id='right' onClick='increment();myFunc();'/><b>" + incorrect[i] + "</b></ion-button></br>";
val = val + 1;
text += "<ion-button fill='outline' class='wrong' onClick='myFunc2();'/><b>" + incorrect[i] + "</b></ion-button></br>";
document.getElementById("ans5").innerHTML = text;
var j=0;
function myFunction3() {
document.getElementById("ans6").innerHTML = "";"GET", "", true);
function shuffle(array) {
for (let i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
let j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
[array[i], array[j]] = [array[j], array[i]];
function myFunc(){
document.getElementById("ans6").innerHTML = "<h1 style='color:green'><i class='fa fa-check'></i> That is correct!</h1>";
document.getElementById("right").style.color = "white";
document.getElementById("right").style.backgroundColor = "green";
var audio = new Audio('./assets/sound/win.mp3');;
function myFunc2(){
document.getElementById("ans6").innerHTML = "<h1 style='color:red'><i class='fa fa-thumbs-down' ></i>Wrong Answer! </h1>";
document.getElementById("right").style.color = "white";
document.getElementById("right").style.backgroundColor = "green";
var x = document.getElementsByClassName("wrong");
var i;
for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
x[i].style.backgroundColor = "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.8)";
x[i].style.color = "white";
//document.getElementById("wrong").style.color = "red";
var audio = new Audio('./assets/sound/wrong.mp3');;
var i=0;
function increment() {

How to implement methods and state for vue.js component

I'm a beginner in VueJS. And as part of my learning process, I'm building a knob for my Pomodoro app. This is my fiddle.
I copied the knob code from codepen, which is implemented using jquery. As you can see in the fiddle most of the job is done by jquery.
I need to try and do this using Vue.js, using its methods and states.
How to refactor this code to a better Vue.JS code? Any suggestions much appreciated.
Vue.component('timer', {
mounted() {
var knob = $('.knob');
var angle = 0;
var minangle = 0;
var maxangle = 270;
var xDirection = "";
var yDirection = "";
var oldX = 0;
var oldY = 0;
function moveKnob(direction) {
if(direction == 'up') {
if((angle + 2) <= maxangle) {
angle = angle + 2;
else if(direction == 'down') {
if((angle - 2) >= minangle) {
angle = angle - 2;
function setAngle() {
// rotate knob
// highlight ticks
var activeTicks = (Math.round(angle / 10) + 1);
// update % value in text
var pc = Math.round((angle/270)*100);
var RAD2DEG = 180 / Math.PI;
knob.centerX = knob.offset().left + knob.width()/2;
knob.centerY = knob.offset().top + knob.height()/2;
var offset, dragging=false;
knob.mousedown(function(e) {
dragging = true;
offset = Math.atan2(knob.centerY - e.pageY, e.pageX - knob.centerX);
$(document).mouseup(function() {
dragging = false
$(document).mousemove(function(e) {
if (dragging) {
if (oldX < e.pageX) {
xDirection = "right";
} else {
xDirection = "left";
oldX = e.pageX;
if(xDirection === "left") {
} else {
return false;
This example runs without jQuery.
Declare all the variables you need in the data function.
Declare all functions under the methods property.
Declare variables that are derived from other variables in the computed property, such as knobStyle, activeTicks, and currentValue, which are all computed from angle. Whenever angle changes, these 3 computed properties will automatically update.
Regarding the general usage of Vue, you should focus on manipulating the data, and letting Vue update the DOM for you.

How to Add and Display images in Identifier Popup

I have an identifier if I click on particular point it will display all the information of that point.Now the problem is to need to add image for each point if I click on that point it will display information as well as image.Currently I am using
map.on("load", mapReady);
var parcelsURL = "My Server";
//map.addLayer(new ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer(parcelsURL,
// { opacity: 20 }));
function mapReady() {
map.on("click", executeIdentifyTask);
//create identify tasks and setup parameters
identifyTask = new IdentifyTask(parcelsURL);
identifyParams = new IdentifyParameters();
identifyParams.tolerance = 3;
identifyParams.returnGeometry = true;
identifyParams.layerIds = [0];
identifyParams.layerOption = IdentifyParameters.LAYER_OPTION_ALL;
identifyParams.width = map.width;
identifyParams.height = map.height;
function executeIdentifyTask(event) {
identifyParams.geometry = event.mapPoint;
identifyParams.mapExtent = map.extent;
var deferred = identifyTask
.addCallback(function (response) {
// response is an array of identify result objects
// Let's return an array of features.
return, function (result) {
var feature = result.feature;
var layerName = result.layerName;
feature.attributes.layerName = layerName;
if (layerName === 'GridPoint') {
var taxParcelTemplate = new InfoTemplate("",
"XX: ${XX} <br/> YY: ${YY} <br/> Sample Point Number: ${Sample Point Number} <br/> Point Collected: ${Point Collected} <br/> Major Rabi Crops: ${ Major Rabi Crops} <br/> Major Summer Crop: ${Major Summer Crop} <br/> Soil Type: ${Soil Type} <br/> Major Kharif Crops: ${Major Kharif Crops}");
//else if (layerName === 'Grid') {
// console.log(feature.attributes.objectid);
// var buildingFootprintTemplate = new InfoTemplate("",
// feature.setInfoTemplate(buildingFootprintTemplate);
return feature;
can someone please help me to solve this problem.I am using
Adding an image is really simple. Just add it to the infoTemplate. Here is an example of an image added to the guide you referenced above. The only thing that was added was line 101:
template += "<img src='' /><br>";
Where the src would obviously be to the image.
If you want help with your code in particular, create a fiddle so it will be easier to work with.

Mootools variable scope issues

I have a problem getting my mind round variable scope and could do with some help :)
I'm setting up a module in joomla that will rotate images. I've a bit of code I've used on non Joomla sites that works fine. However I've ported it and I'm running into problems that I think are variable scope issues so any thoughts would be great.
Sorry for the long code but I included the whole function in case (when it works) it might help someone else.
function slideshow(container,containerCaption,previewCode,timer,classis,headerId,thumbOpacity,titlebar){
var showDuration = timer;
var container = $(container);
var images = $(container).getElements('span');
var currentIndex = 0;
var interval;
var preview = new Element('div',{
id: containerCaption,
styles: {
opacity: thumbOpacity
if(i > 0) {
var show = function() {
images[currentIndex = currentIndex < images.length - 1 ? currentIndex+1 : 0].fade('in');
var title = '';
var captionText = '';
if(images[currentIndex].get('alt')) {
cap = images[currentIndex].get('alt').split('::');
title = cap[0];
captionText = cap[1];
urltoUse = cap[2];
preview.set('html','<span class="lctf1"><ahref="'+urltoUse+'">'
+ title + '</a></span>'
+ (captionText ? '<p>' + captionText + '</p>' : ''));
interval = show.periodical(showDuration);
window.addEvent('domready',function() {
container = "slideshow-container";
containerCaption ="slideshow-container-caption";
previewCode = '<span ><?php echo $itemtitle[0];?></span><p ><?php echo $itemdesc[0];?></p>';
timer = <?php echo $slidetime*1000;?>;
classis = 1;
headerId = "";
thumbOpacity =0.7;
titlebar = "<?php echo $showTitle;?>";
The javascript error being thrown is that preview is undefined.
Your code seems to work, I made a jsfiddle here: which runs with no errors.
I did change one line though:
var images = $(container).getElements('span');
var images = $(container).getElements('img');