Use Native Base Toast To Show Error From Redux Action - react-native

I'm using NativeBase in a React Native app. I'm trying to show a Toast component based on an error that is set in an redux action because it happens via a call to the API.
It will show now, but currently I get the warning message:
Warning: Cannot update during an existing state transition (such as within render or another component's constructor). Render methods should be a pure function of props and state; constructor side-effects are an anti-pattern, but can be moved to componentWillMount.
I'm not sure how I could bind this or what I could do to solve the warning.
Render Method
render() {
return (
Render Error Method
renderError() {
if (this.props.error.type === 'server') {
return ({
text: this.props.error.message,
buttonText: 'Okay',
duration: 5000,
type: 'danger'
React Native: 0.55.4
Native Base: 2.4.5
Edit: Adding an example for clarity
I need to show a Toast based on the response from the server. For example, if the username and password don't match an account, I need to render the Toast.
I ended up creating a ToastService:
import { Toast } from 'native-base';
function showToast(message) {
return ({
text: message,
buttonText: 'Okay',
duration: 5000,
type: 'danger'
export default {
and now in my action I can just call:

You can create a function and call this one outside. But make sure your app is wrap with the Root component of native-base. No need to return a component like you do. Calling this function gonna show the toastr and now you have the freedom to call from anywhere. But make sure Root component wrap your app.
import { Toast } from 'native-base';
export const toastr = {
showToast: (message, duration = 2500) => {{
text: message,
position: 'bottom',
textStyle: { textAlign: 'center' },
buttonText: 'Okay',
Now inside your action you can call the toastr function
toastr.showToast('Verication code send to your phone.');
Or in redux actions
const signup = values => dispatch => {
try {
// your logic here
} catch (error) {

I solved this issue by using React Hooks.
() => {
useEffect(() => {
if(error) {{
text: this.props.error.message,
buttonText: 'Okay',
duration: 5000,
type: 'danger'
return (

Check React Native Seed for this implementation

Like Dwayne says above, you need to use useEffect so that Toast is called before the render cycle. You can wrap this is a component like so:
const ErrorToast: React.FC = () => {
const {state} = useCollections();
useEffect(() => {
if(state.errored) {{
text: 'Oops. There has been an error',
duration: 2000
return null;
And then simply include it as <ErrorToast />


React Native: How to test a async component snapshot with Jest/Testing-library?

I am trying to create a test for an async component in React Native. This component uses useEffect to fetch for data, sets it to a state variable and loads the screen accordingly. Once it is all loaded I'd like to compare it to a snapshot. The issue I am having is my test is synchronous, when I check the rendered snapshot it has my loading indicator.
How can I wait for it to load the data and then perform tests?
All the examples and tutorials I find are for sync components, involving simple tasks like checking a button for a specific title, this and the other. I've tried waitFor function but it times out before the data is fetched, apparently it has a 5 second limit. Or maybe I should mock a fetch (?) but my component doesn't take any props to inject the data into it.
To be honest I am very confused on how to approach this. I've never done any automated tests before.
After much confusion in my head I figured it out.
In Jest, whenever you use an external source like an API call using fetch or axios, you have to mock it. This means that Jest will take any axios requests from your component or function and instead of calling the real axios it will call your mock axios automatically. This was the explanation that I was missing and the source of my confusion. The beauty of jest mocking is that you will always get the same data for your tests keeping results and assertions consistent.
There are many ways to mock Axios with Jest including libraries for this specific purpose like jest-mock-axios and MSW (Mock Service Worker) but I couldn't get them to work in my case.
I found a much easier way without the need of external libraries described in the following YouTube tutorial. This guy knows how to explain things and he has a newer video using MSW (link in the YouTube comments).
YouTube: Mocking Axios in Jest + Testing Async Functions
This is the component to be tested, as you can see there is a axios request triggered by useEffect on mount.
import React, { useState, useEffect, memo } from "react";
import { FlatList, StyleSheet } from "react-native";
import { Button } from "react-native-elements";
import axios from "axios";
import Item from "../components/Item";
import AppConfig from "../AppConfig.json";
import { View, Text, ActivityIndicator } from "../components/Themed";
import Toast from "react-native-toast-message";
import { RootTabScreenProps } from "../types";
let _isMounted = false;
function Home({ navigation }: RootTabScreenProps<"Shop">) {
const [items, setItems] = useState([]);
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);
const [refreshing, setRefreshing] = useState(false);
const [error, setError] = useState("");
useEffect(() => {
_isMounted = true;
return () => {
_isMounted = false;
}, []);
async function loadData(cb?: any) {
try {
axios.get(`${AppConfig.api}/products`).then((res) => {
if (!_isMounted) return;
if (res.status === 200) {
const { data } = res;
} else {
setError(`Error ${res.status}: failed to load products`);
if (typeof cb === "function") cb();
} catch (error) {
setError("Failed to load products");
// console.log(error);
if (loading && !error) {
return (
<View style={styles.containerCenter}>
<ActivityIndicator size={"large"} color="primary" />
} else if (!loading && error) {
return (
<View style={styles.containerCenter}>
title="Try again"
onPress={() => {
} else {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
columnWrapperStyle={{ justifyContent: "space-between" }}
renderItem={({ item }: any) => {
return (
onPress={() => navigation.push("Product", item)}
keyExtractor={(item: object, index: any) => index}
onRefresh={() => {
loadData(() => {{
type: "success",
text1: "Product list refreshed",
position: "bottom",
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
flex: 1,
containerCenter: {
flex: 1,
justifyContent: "center",
alignItems: "center",
title: {
fontSize: 20,
fontWeight: "bold",
separator: {
marginVertical: 30,
height: 1,
width: "80%",
textError: {
fontSize: 18,
marginBottom: 10,
maxWidth: 250,
export default memo(Home);
Step 1
Create a folder at the root of your project called __mocks__ (or wherever your source code is!) and create a file called axios.js containing the following object:
export default {
get: jest.fn(() =>
headers: {},
config: {},
status: 200,
statusText: "OK",
data: [
id: 1,
title: "Fjallraven - Foldsack No. 1 Backpack, Fits 15 Laptops",
price: 109.95,
"Your perfect pack for everyday use and walks in the forest. Stash your laptop (up to 15 inches) in the padded sleeve, your everyday",
category: "men's clothing",
image: "",
rating: { rate: 3.9, count: 120 },
id: 2,
title: "Mens Casual Premium Slim Fit T-Shirts ",
price: 22.3,
"Slim-fitting style, contrast raglan long sleeve, three-button henley placket, light weight & soft fabric for breathable and comfortable wearing. And Solid stitched shirts with round neck made for durability and a great fit for casual fashion wear and diehard baseball fans. The Henley style round neckline includes a three-button placket.",
category: "men's clothing",
rating: { rate: 4.1, count: 259 },
id: 3,
title: "Mens Cotton Jacket",
price: 55.99,
"great outerwear jackets for Spring/Autumn/Winter, suitable for many occasions, such as working, hiking, camping, mountain/rock climbing, cycling, traveling or other outdoors. Good gift choice for you or your family member. A warm hearted love to Father, husband or son in this thanksgiving or Christmas Day.",
category: "men's clothing",
image: "",
rating: { rate: 4.7, count: 500 },
Adjust the response from your Promise.resolve(...) to whatever you expect your real API to return. Also, make sure you are mocking the function by using jest.fn() otherwise this will not work.
You can also add different properties to you mocked axios object like post, update, put or whatever type of request you need to mock.
Step 2
In the root of your source code again, create a folder called __tests__ and inside of it create a folder called screens. Then create your test file, to keep things consistent I named mine Home.test.js.
import renderer from "react-test-renderer";
import axios from "axios";
import { act } from "#testing-library/react-native";
import Home from "../../screens/Home";
// Important:
// By calling this, jest will know not to use the real axios and will load it
// from your __mocks__ folder.
describe("<Home />", () => {
let wrapper;
it("renders items", async () => {
await act(async () => {
// This is where the magic happens, when you render your Home component and useEffect
// goes to perform your axios request jest will automatically call your __mocks__/axios instead
wrapper = await renderer.create(<Home />);
await expect(wrapper.toJSON()).toMatchSnapshot();
it("renders error", async () => {
await act(async () => {
// You can also override your __mocks__/axios by doing the following and simulate a different
// response from your mocking axios
await axios.get.mockImplementationOnce(() =>
status: 400,
statusText: "400",
headers: {},
config: {},
wrapper = await renderer.create(<Home />);
await expect(wrapper.toJSON()).toMatchSnapshot();
Now when you run npm run test your Home component will receive the data from your __mocks__/axios and render it as expected and you can perform all sorts of tests on it.
This is actually really cool!

Is this a valid custom React Hook use case?

I'm implementing a solution in a React Native to avoid double taps on React Native Router Flux and I came up with this custom hook. What I really don't know is if this is a valid use case for this. Basically I created this as a hook because I'm using the useRef hook inside it. But maybe just a helper function would've been enough.
I also have a wrapper component for Pressable and a HOC for other components that may require onPress, this is for the current case where my press function call is neither of both.
import { useRef } from 'react';
import { Platform } from 'react-native';
const timeout = Platform.OS === 'android' ? 2000 : 1000;
const useSafePress = () => {
const disabled = useRef(false);
const onSafePress = fn => {
if (!disabled.current) {
disabled.current = true;
setTimeout(() => {
disabled.current = false;
}, timeout);
return onSafePress;
export default useSafePress;
const MyComponent = () => {
const onSafePress = useSafePress();
return (
icon={isOpen ? 'window-close' : 'plus'}
icon: 'share',
label: 'Action 1',
onPress: () => onSafePress(onPressShare),
icon: 'calendar-month',
label: 'Action 2',
onPress: () => onSafePress(onPressCalendar),
This varies on opinion for sure. In my opinion, you are just wrapping a singular function and maybe it doesn't have enough unique logic to warrant it being a hook.
Either way, this works, and it's really just a stylistic choice. In my projects, I try to only extract hooks when I find myself using a collection of hooks/logic over and over again in multiple places. Or there's lots of common logic that utilize a specific hook.

React Native: TypeError: is not an object

Hey I am new to React Native and currently I'm trying to put data in a picker using data from API. I'm confused that it got error say TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating Is there something wrong with the state or is there any concept that I misunderstood
Here is fetch API
export function getSchedule (token, resultCB) {
var endpoint = "/api/getList"
let header = {
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"Authorization": "Bearer " + token
return dispatch => {
return fetchAPI(endpoint, 'GET', header)
.then((json) => {
dispatch({ type: t.SCHEDULE, schedules: json.datas.description });
.catch((error) => {
dispatch({ type: types.EMPTY_SCHEDULE });
this is where i put my picker
export const mapStateToProps = state => ({
token: state.authReducer.token,
message: state.authReducer.message,
schedules: state.authReducer.schedules
export const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => ({
actionsAuth: bindActionCreators(authAction, dispatch)
class Change extends Component {
staffId: "",
schedule: '',
type_absen: 1,
schedules: null
render() {
return (
<View style={styles.picker}>
onValueChange={(sch) => this.setState({schedule: sch})}>
{, i) => {
return <Picker.Item value={l} label={i} key={i} /> })}
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Change);
This isn’t a React Native specific error. You initialized schedules to null so on first render, you try to call .map on null. That’s what is causing your error.
You fetch your data correctly in componentDidMount but that lifecycle method will fire after the initial render.
One common way to fix this is to initialize schedules to an empty array.
First initialise schedules: [] in the state with empty array, not with the null.
Fetching data in componentDidMount() is correct. ComponentDidMount() will be called after the first render of component so you have to update the state in the component from the updated store.
you can check whether props is changing or not in componentWillReceiveProps (depreciated) or in the latest alternative of componentWillReceiveProps method that is getDerivedStateFromProps().
Below is the syntax for both
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
if (this.props.schedules !== nextProps.schedules) {
this.setState({ schedules: nextProps.schedules });
static getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, prevState){
if (nextProps.schedules !== prevState.schedules) {
return { schedules: nextProps.schedules };
else return null; // Triggers no change in the state
Make sure your component should connected to store using connect

How can I access a state or props from a class outside it?

I have a file called message.js, on Render's message.js I have a component called <Audio>. This component is used to play an audio that are in an URL on Firebase, I have this URL in my message.js and I need to pass this to my Audio, I used the following code: <Audio sUrl={this.sAudioUrl} />. To access this URL in my Audio I use the following code: this.props.sUrl. The problem is: I can access the url only inside the Audio class, if I try to use outside it, I got the following error: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'this.props.sUrl').
I'll post the Adio's code so you can see where I use the props and maybe give me an idea on how I achieve what I need in a different way. Here's the code:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';
import Sound from 'react-native-sound'
var track = new Sound(this.props.sUrl, null, (e) => {
if (e) {
track = null
console.log('error loading track:', e)
} else {
export default class Audio extends Component<{}> {
state = {
bDownloaded: true,
bDownloading: false,
bPlaying: false
playPauseTrack() {
if (this.state.bDownloaded) {
if (!this.state.bPlaying) {
this.setState({ bPlaying: true })
else {
this.setState({ bPlaying: false })
render() {
let sImg
if (!this.state.bDownloaded) {
if (this.state.bPlaying) {
sImg = require('../../../../../images/pause.png')
else {
sImg = require('../../../../../images/play.png')
sImg = null
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<TouchableOpacity activeOpacity={0.8} onPress={() => this.playPauseTrack()}>
<Image style={{ height: 36, width: 36, resizeMode: 'contain' }} source={sImg} />
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
paddingTop: 16,
You can see that I try to use the props on my var track.
After understanding your problem, you have a couple of choices.
The first option is to give your child component a ref prop, which you can then access to get a reference to the component.
<Component ref='myRef'/>
Which you can then access with this.refs.myRef and you get your class.
Another option is to actually add a callback as a prop in your child. Example:
<Component callback={this.onUrlSet}/>
After that, in your child component, after your set your constant, you can do:
That will execute your parent onUrlSet and you can do whatever you need with that prop.
This should not be necessary all the time, so maybe think about if you really need to do this. Passing information back and forth is not really a pattern in RN.
The second error about the this.props is because you are calling it outside the component so this.props.sUrl does not exist. Try this inside the Audio component:
var track = new Sound(this.props.sUrl, null, (e) => {
if (e) {
track = null
console.log('error loading track:', e)
} else {
You haven't any sUrl props passing to tracks. That's why it throw the error. If you are using any props inside class or outside class, then first you need to check, Is it not null and not undefined. Also, If you using any props then make sure it's assigning at use.

Get warning after updating component in Navigator

I have a container in my React Native app and and I use it like preload to show scene Loading... before I get data from server. So I dispatch an action to fetch user data and after that I update my state I try to push new component to Navigator but I've got an error:
Warning: setState(...): Cannot update during an existing state transition (such as within `render` or another component's constructor). Render methods should be a pure function of props and state; constructor side-effects are an anti-pattern, but can be moved to `componentWillMount`.
And I don't understand what is the best way to fix my problem.
So my container:
import myComponent from '../components'
class App extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
_navigate(component, type = 'Normal') {
render() {
if (!this.props.isFetching) {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<Text style={styles.welcome}>
App.propTypes = {
dispatch: React.PropTypes.func,
isFetching: React.PropTypes.bool,
user: React.PropTypes.string
export default connect((state) => ({
My reducer:
const data = (state = initialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
return {
isFetching: false,
user: action.user
return state;
Don't trigger anything that can setState inside the body of your render method. If you need to listen to incoming props, use componentWillReceiveProps
Remove this from render():
if (!this.props.isFetching) {
and add componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps)
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
if (!nextProps.isFetching) {