Add a new layer below labels for -

It is probably very easy but I couldn't find how to add a new layer below the labels for which uses Mapbox GL JS under the hood. For mapbox gl it is explained here.
I searched their docs also for z-index or picking the label layer from the vector tiles source but without success so far.

As of June 2018 there is no simple solution.

To anyone stumble upon this question in 2022, you might want to have a look at the Mapbox submodule which will help you achieve this behaviour.
Here is the documentation:


Gradient slider in React Native?

Is it possible to implement slider with static gradient track in React Native using any 3rd party library or what-soever?
Illustrative image from Google:
Right now I'm using sldier from #react-native-community/slider, but it doesn't seem to support gradient slider track? I can customize minimumTrackTintColor and maximumTrackTintColor, but I would like to have static gradient track independent of the indicator position. I have looked into other 3rd party slider libraries as well, but encountered the same problem.
So, is there any way in any library to achieve this in React Native?
I dont think any package upfront gives this functionality, but you can always use linear-gradient. this library, make a view with. gradient like that, and on top of that, by using position:'relative' make a cursor and slide it by using rn-draggable . You will need to work out on that, but you can create a new functionality , and maybe publish it so that it can be used by others in future.
Hopeit helps.feel free for doubts
Inspired from what #Gaurav_Roy answered above, in the end, I achieved what I wanted with react-native-gesture-responder . I positioned my custom gradient slider track and slider dot as images and used createResponder from the library to capture user interactions with the slider dot. Then calculated the distance between dot position and track edges to get the value.

Weird deformation of rigging and posing in blender

I follow some online tutorials to do the rigging and posing in blender. I create bones and vertex groups, then bind them together. When I move on to rigging, the deformation of the mesh is quite weird. I searched on the internet and didn't find an answer. I wonder if anyone can help? Thank you very much!
Image here (
It looks like they have wrong weights for the bones.
Try first to remove the parenting for the mesh and parent the mesh again using the "automatic weight" option.
After that you fix the remaining problems in weight paint mode

Improve perfomance of my threejs

I have some issues about my model. Is is an easy model buy I can not make It work well...
I upload my project here:
I have a car model with some pieces that change material when mouse is over them. I use threex.domevent.js library with "on" function. My model is loaded by json files.
Issue 1
when mouse is out of canvas, threejs detects that mouse is over a piece of my model, but this is not true, and that piece change its material (triggering mouseOver event).
Furthermore, I tried to get better mouseover event because even when mouse is really over a piece, that event doesn't trigger.
Issue 2
This is about TrackballControls. Is there any way to control rotation of my world? I mean: rotation only in one axis, rotation only for 180 degrees, etc... Is there any tutorial or article to learn how to rotate and translate camera?
Thanks for everything, I will so please to anybody who wants answer this... because I am a little lost
Sorry, but you are out of luck.
Question 1. Yikes! You are using threex.js which is a third-party app that hasn't been updated in almost a year, so I can't help you with that.
You are also using an older version of three.js. Please update to the current version.
If you still have problems, post a new question with a simple demo -- not your entire project. Better yet, Google your question first.
Question 2. TrackballControls is not part of the library -- it is part of the examples -- so it is not officially supported. If you are not happy with it, you will have to hack the code yourself.
This question has come up a lot. Google it. To the best of my knowledge, there is not a good solution.
Personally, I would use OrbitControls in your case -- it keeps the scene right-side-up, and you can constrain the maximum polar angle, keeping the camera "above ground".
The best examples/tutorials are the official three.js examples, which will work with the current version of the library.
I can't help with issue 1.
I am also working on a project to visualize vehicles and needed to be able to rotate. I also tried Trackballcontrolls but it did not suit my needs.
What I ended up doing was creating a a master Object3d and then instead of adding objects/models to the scene, I added them to the master Object3d. That way to rotate everything in the scene, I just had to rotate the master object.
To actually do the rotation I just used the code from one of the cube examples.

Are gradient fonts supported in iOS?

I'm looking to add a gradient to my UIButton title text. Any solution I find seems to involve overriding drawRect with lower level drawing code.
Is there no out-of-the-box support for gradient text in iOS?
FXLabel is the answer. Example of its output here.
Github project here.

custom colors in bing maps?

I was looking at and noticed that the flash map is provided by bing and have a custom color scheme. I have a similar need to show maps with a black & white colortheme, is it possible using their api or have they made custom tiles ? (doesnt seem feasible to provide tiles for alls maps on all levels :)
If you are not wedded to Bing maps, you could look into Mapbox, which provide maps based on OpenStreetMap in any style that you desire.
This question is still not answered and even if it's kind of old, I think it matters.
In fact, they're not using different tiles or a custom tile scheme. You can see those in the network inspection tool.
Since they're inside a Flash application, they can easily change the color of the image using filter on image (ColorMatrixFilter) and changing dynamically on the client side the rendered colors.
Well now some years later you can: :-)
(I got here by looking for some sample styles and thought I add the link for anybody else finding this question)
Perhaps a custom tile skinner is that you need:
In this example, the author changes the color of roads using ColorMatrix and ColorMap:
The two key methods used to transform the colors
consist of using ColorMatrix or a ColorMap. By
using a color matrix all the colors on the tile
can be changed within a couple lines of code. Using
a ColorMap allows you to change one color at a
time. This is useful if you only want to change a
few colors on the map.