BigQuery join too slow for a table of small size - google-bigquery

I have a table with the following details:
- Table Size 39.6 MB
- Number of Rows 691,562
- 2 columns : contact_guid STRING, program_completed STRING
- column 1 data type is like uuid . around 30 char length
- column 2 data type is string with around 50 char length
I am trying this query:
cp1.contact_guid AS p1,
cp2.contact_guid AS p2,
COUNT(*) AS cnt
`data.contact_pairs_program_together` cp1
`data.contact_pairs_program_together` cp2
cp1.contact_guid < cp2.contact_guid
cp2.contact_guid having cnt >1 order by cnt desc
Time taken to execute: 1200 secs
I know I am doing a self join and it is mentioned in best practices to avoid self join.
My Questions:
I feel this table size in terms of mb is too small for BigQuery therefore why is it taking so much time? And what does small table mean for BigQuery in context of join in terms of number of rows and size in bytes?
Is the number of rows too large? 700k ^ 2 is 10^11 rows during join. What would be a realistic number of rows for joins?
I did check the documentation regarding joins, but did not find much regarding how big a table can be for joins and how much time can be expected for it to run. How do we estimate rough execution time?
Execution Details:

As shown on the screenshot you provided - you are dealing with an exploding join.
In this case step 3 takes 1.3 million rows, and manages to produce 459 million rows. Steps 04 to 0B deal with repartitioning and re-shuffling all that extra data - as the query didn't provision enough resources to deal with these number of rows: It scaled up from 1 parallel input to 10,000!
You have 2 choices here: Either avoid exploding joins, or assume that exploding joins will take a long time to run. But as explained in the question - you already knew that!
How about if you generate all the extra rows in one op (do the join, materialize) and then run another query to process the 459 million rows? The first query will be slow for the reasons explained, but the second one will run quickly as BigQuery will provision enough resource to deal with that amount of data.

Agree with below suggestions
see if you can rephrase your query using analytic functions (by Tim)
Using analytic functions would be a much better idea (by Elliott)
Below is how I would make it
p1, p2, COUNT(1) AS cnt
contact_guid AS p1,
ARRAY_AGG(contact_guid) OVER(my_win) guids
FROM `data.contact_pairs_program_together`
WINDOW my_win AS (
PARTITION BY program_completed
ORDER BY contact_guid DESC
), UNNEST(guids) p2
GROUP BY p1, p2
HAVING cnt > 1
Please try and let us know if helped


int64 overflow in sampling n number of rows (not %)

The below script is to randomly sample an approximate number of rows (50k).
FROM table
qualify rand() <= 50000 / count(*) over()
This has worked a handful of times before, hence, I was shocked to find this error this morning:
int64 overflow: 8475548256593033885 + 6301395400903259047
I have read this post. But as I am not summing, I don't think it is applicable.
The table in question has 267,606,559 rows.
Looking forward to any ideas. Thank you.
I believe counting is actually a sum the way BQ (and other databases) compute counts. You can see this by viewing the Execution Details/Graph (in the BQ UI). This is true even on a simple select count(*) from table query.
For your problem, consider something simpler like:
select *, rand() as my_rand
from table
order by my_rand
limit 50000
Also, if you know the rough size of your data or don't need exactly 50K, consider using the tablesample method:
select * from table
tablesample system (10 percent)

Redshift SQL result set 100s of rows wide efficiency (long to wide)

Scenario: Medical records reporting to state government which requires a pipe delimited text file as input.
Challenge: Select hundreds of values from a fact table and produce a wide result set to be (Redshift) UNLOADed to disk.
What I have tried so far is a SQL that I want to make into a VIEW.
CTE_patient_record AS
FROM fact_patient_record
WHERE update_date = <yesterday>
,CTE_patient_record_item AS
FROM fact_patient_record_item fpri
INNER JOIN CTE_patient_record cpr ON fpri.record_id = cpr.record_id
Note that fact_patient_record has 87M rows and fact_patient_record_item has 97M rows.
The above code runs in 2 seconds for 2 test records and the CTE_patient_record_item CTE has about 200 rows per record for a total of about 400.
Now, produce the result set:
,CTE_result AS
,cpri002.record_item_value AS diagnosis_1
,cpri003.record_item_value AS diagnosis_2
,cpri004.record_item_value AS medication_1
FROM CTE_patient_record cpr
INNER JOIN CTE_patient_record_item cpri002 ON cpr.cpr.record_id = cpri002.cpr.record_id
AND cpri002.record_item_name = 'diagnosis_1'
INNER JOIN CTE_patient_record_item cpri003 ON cpr.cpr.record_id = cpri003.cpr.record_id
AND cpri003.record_item_name = 'diagnosis_2'
INNER JOIN CTE_patient_record_item cpri004 ON cpr.cpr.record_id = cpri004.cpr.record_id
AND cpri003.record_item_name = 'mediation_1'
) SELECT * FROM CTE_result
Result set looks like this:
record_id diagnosis_1 diagnosis_2 medication_1 ...
100001 09 9B 88X ...
...and then I use the Reshift UNLOAD command to write to disk pipe delimited.
I am testing this on a full production sized environment but only for 2 test records.
Those 2 test records have about 200 items each.
Processing output is 2 rows 200 columns wide.
It takes 30 to 40 minutes to process just just the 2 records.
You might ask me why I am joining on the item name which is a string. Basically there is no item id, no integer, to join on. Long story.
I am looking for suggestions on how to improve performance. With only 2 records, 30 to 40 minutes is unacceptable. What will happen when I have 1000s of records?
I have also tried making the VIEW a MATERIALIZED VIEW however, it takes 30 to 40 minutes (not surprisingly) to compile the materialized view also.
I am not sure which route to take from here.
Stored procedure? I have experience with stored procs.
Create new tables so I can create integer id's to join on and indexes? However, my managers are "new table" averse.
I could just stop with the first two CTEs, pull the data down to python and process using pandas dataframe which I've done before successfully but it would be nice if I could have an efficient query, just use Redshift UNLOAD and be done with it.
Any help would be appreciated.
UPDATE: Many thanks to Paul Coulson and Bill Weiner for pointing me in the right direction! (Paul I am unable to upvote your answer as I am too new here).
Using (pseudo code):
MAX(CASE WHEN = 'somename' THEN t1.value END ) AS name
FROM table1 t1
reduced execution time from 30 minutes to 30 seconds.
EXPLAIN PLAN for the original solution is 2700 lines long, for the new solution using conditional aggregation is 40 lines long.
Thanks guys.
Without some more information it is impossible to know what is going on for sure but what you are doing is likely not ideal. An explanation plan and the execution time per step would help a bunch.
What I suspect is getting you is that you are reading a 97M row table 200 times. This will slow things down but shouldn't take 40 min. So I also suspect that record_item_name is not unique per value of record_id. This will lead to row replication and could be expanding the data set many fold. Also is record_id unique in fact_patient_record? If not then this will cause row replication. If all of this is large enough to cause significant spill and significant network broadcasting your 40 min execution time is very plausible.
There is no need to be joining when all the data is in a single copy of the table. #PhilCoulson is correct that some sort of conditional aggregation could be applied and the decode() syntax could save you space if you don't like case. Several of the above issues that might be affecting your joins would also make this aggregation complicated. What are you looking for if there are several values for record_item_value for each record_id and record_item_name pair? I expect you have some discovery of what your data holds in your future.

SQL: Reduce resultset to X rows?

I have the following MYSQL table:
- ID (bigint)
- timestamp
- entityid
- value (double)
The table contains >1 billion entries. I want to be able to visualize any time-window. The time window can be size of "one day" to "many years". There are measurement values round about every minute in DB.
So the number of entries for a time-window can be quite different. Say from few hundrets to several thousands or millions.
Those values are ment to be visualiuzed in a graphical chart-diagram on a webpage.
If the chart is - lets say - 800px wide, it does not make sense to get thousands of rows from database if time-window is quite big. I cannot show more than 800 values on this chart anyhow.
So, is there a way to reduce the resultset directly on DB-side?
I know "average" and "sum" etc. as aggregate function. But how can I i.e. aggregate 100k rows from a big time-window to lets say 800 final rows?
Just getting those 100k rows and let the chart do the magic is not the preferred option. Transfer-size is one reason why this is not an option.
Isn't there something on DB side I can use?
Something like avg() to shrink X rows to Y averaged rows?
Or a simple magic to just skip every #th row to shrink X to Y?
Although I'm using MySQL right now, I'm not tied to this. If PostgreSQL f.i. provides a feature that could solve the issue, I'm willing to switch DB.
I maybe found a possible solution:
See section "Data aggregation".
The key is not to use a unixtimestamp but a date and "trunc" it, avergage the values and group by the trunc'ed date. Could work for me, but would require a rework of my table structure. Hmm... maybe there's more ... still researching ...
Inspired by update 2, I came up with this query:
SELECT (`timestamp` - (`timestamp` % 86400)) as aggtimestamp, `entity`, `value` FROM `measuredata` WHERE `entity` = 38 AND timestamp > UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2019-01-25') group by aggtimestamp
Works, but my DB/index/structue seems not really optimized for this: Query for last year took ~75sec (slow test machine) but finally got only a one value per day. This can be combined with avg(value), but this further increases query time... (~82sec). I will see if it's possible to further optimize this. But I now have an idea how "downsampling" data works, especially with aggregation in combination with "group by".
There is probably no efficient way to do this. But, if you want, you can break the rows into equal sized groups and then fetch, say, the first row from each group. Here is one method:
select md.*
from (select md.*,
row_number() over (partition by tile order by timestamp) as seqnum
from (select md.*, ntile(800) over (order by timestamp) as tile
from measuredata md
where . . . -- your filtering conditions here
) md
) md
where seqnum = 1;

Max vs Count Huge Performance difference on a query

I have to similar queries which the only difference is that one is doing a sum of a column and the other is doing a count(distinct) of another column.
The first one runs in seconds (17s) and the other one never stops (1 hour and counting). I've seen the plan for the count query and it has huge costs. I don't understand why.
They are hitting the exact same views.
Why is this happening and what can I do?
The one that is running fine:
join DUMMY_V a12
on (a11.SOURCEPP = a12.SOURCEPP)
join SIM_INFO a13
on (a11.SIM_NAME = a13.SIM_NAME)
where (a13.THEORETICAL in (0)
and a11.SIM_NAME in ('ETS40'))
group by a11.SOURCEPP,
the one that doesn't run:
count(distinct a12.CLIENTID) WJXBFS1
join SIM_INFO a13
on (a12.SIM_NAME = a13.SIM_NAME)
where (a13.THEORETICAL in (0)
and a12.SIM_NAME in ('ETS40'))
group by a12.SOURCEPP,
DISTINCT is very slow when there are many DISTINCT values, database needs to SORT/HASH and store all values (or sets) in memory/temporary tablespace. Also it makes parallel execution much more difficult to apply.
If there is a way how to rewrite the query without using DISTINCT you should definitely do it.
As answered above, DISTINCT has to do a table scan and then hash, aggregate and sort the data into sets. This increases the amount of time it takes across the board (CPU, disk access, and the time it takes to return the data). I would recommend trying a subquery instead if possible. This will limit the aggregation execution to only the data you want to be distinct instead of having the engine perform it on all of the data. Here's an article on how this works in practice, with an example.

Poor DB Performance when using ORDER BY

I'm working with a non-profit that is mapping out solar potential in the US. Needless to say, we have a ridiculously large PostgreSQL 9 database. Running a query like the one shown below is speedy until the order by line is uncommented, in which case the same query takes forever to run (185 ms without sorting compared to 25 minutes with). What steps should be taken to ensure this and other queries run in a more manageable and reasonable amount of time?
select A.s_oid, A.s_id, A.area_acre, A.power_peak, A.nearby_city, A.solar_total
from global_site A cross join na_utility_line B
where (A.power_peak between 1.0 AND 100.0)
and A.area_acre >= 500
and A.solar_avg >= 5.0
AND A.pc_num <= 1000
and (A.fips_level1 = '06' AND A.fips_country = 'US' AND A.fips_level2 = '025')
and B.volt_mn_kv >= 69
and B.fips_code like '%US06%'
and B.status = 'active'
and ST_within(ST_Centroid(A.wkb_geometry), ST_Buffer((B.wkb_geometry), 1000))
--order by A.area_acre
offset 0 limit 11;
The sort is not the problem - in fact the CPU and memory cost of the sort is close to zero since Postgres has Top-N sort where the result set is scanned while keeping up to date a small sort buffer holding only the Top-N rows.
select count(*) from (1 million row table) -- 0.17 s
select * from (1 million row table) order by x limit 10; -- 0.18 s
select * from (1 million row table) order by x; -- 1.80 s
So you see the Top-10 sorting only adds 10 ms to a dumb fast count(*) versus a lot longer for a real sort. That's a very neat feature, I use it a lot.
OK now without EXPLAIN ANALYZE it's impossible to be sure, but my feeling is that the real problem is the cross join. Basically you're filtering the rows in both tables using :
where (A.power_peak between 1.0 AND 100.0)
and A.area_acre >= 500
and A.solar_avg >= 5.0
AND A.pc_num <= 1000
and (A.fips_level1 = '06' AND A.fips_country = 'US' AND A.fips_level2 = '025')
and B.volt_mn_kv >= 69
and B.fips_code like '%US06%'
and B.status = 'active'
OK. I don't know how many rows are selected in both tables (only EXPLAIN ANALYZE would tell), but it's probably significant. Knowing those numbers would help.
Then we got the worst case CROSS JOIN condition ever :
and ST_within(ST_Centroid(A.wkb_geometry), ST_Buffer((B.wkb_geometry), 1000))
This means all rows of A are matched against all rows of B (so, this expression is going to be evaluated a large number of times), using a bunch of pretty complex, slow, and cpu-intensive functions.
Of course it's horribly slow !
When you remove the ORDER BY, postgres just comes up (by chance ?) with a bunch of matching rows right at the start, outputs those, and stops since the LIMIT is reached.
Here's a little example :
Tables a and b are identical and contain 1000 rows, and a column of type BOX.
select * from a cross join b where (a.b && b.b) --- 0.28 s
Here 1000000 box overlap (operator &&) tests are completed in 0.28s. The test data set is generated so that the result set contains only 1000 rows.
create index a_b on a using gist(b);
create index b_b on a using gist(b);
select * from a cross join b where (a.b && b.b) --- 0.01 s
Here the index is used to optimize the cross join, and speed is ridiculous.
You need to optimize that geometry matching.
add columns which will cache :
ST_Buffer((B.wkb_geometry), 1000)
There is NO POINT in recomputing those slow functions a million times during your CROSS JOIN, so store the results in a column. Use a trigger to keep them up to date.
add columns of type BOX which will cache :
Bounding Box of ST_Centroid(A.wkb_geometry)
Bounding Box of ST_Buffer((B.wkb_geometry), 1000)
add gist indexes on the BOXes
add a Box overlap test (using the && operator) which will use the index
keep your ST_Within which will act as a final filter on the rows that pass
Maybe you can just index the ST_Centroid and ST_Buffer columns... and use an (indexed) "contains" operator, see here :
I would suggest creating an index on area_acre. You may want to take a look at the following:
I would recommend doing this sort of thing off of peak hours though because this can be somewhat intensive with a large amount of data. One thing you will have to look at as well with indexes is rebuilding them on a schedule to ensure performance over time. Again this schedule should be outside of peak hours.
You may want to take a look at this article from a fellow SO'er and his experience with database slowdowns over time with indexes: Why does PostgresQL query performance drop over time, but restored when rebuilding index
If the A.area_acre field is not indexed that may slow it down. You can run the query with EXPLAIN to see what it is doing during execution.
First off I would look at creating indexes , ensure your db is being vacuumed, increase the shared buffers for your db install, work_mem settings.
First thing to look at is whether you have an index on the field you're ordering by. If not, adding one will dramatically improve performance. I don't know postgresql that well but something similar to:
CREATE INDEX area_acre ON global_site(area_acre)
As noted in other replies, the indexing process is intensive when working with a large data set, so do this during off-peak.
I am not familiar with the PostgreSQL optimizations, but it sounds like what is happening when the query is run with the ORDER BY clause is that the entire result set is created, then it is sorted, and then the top 11 rows are taken from that sorted result. Without the ORDER BY, the query engine can just generate the first 11 rows in whatever order it pleases and then it's done.
Having an index on the area_acre field very possibly may not help for the sorting (ORDER BY) depending on how the result set is built. It could, in theory, be used to generate the result set by traversing the global_site table using an index on area_acre; in that case, the results would be generated in the desired order (and it could stop after generating 11 rows in the result). If it does not generate the results in that order (and it seems like it may not be), then that index will not help in sorting the results.
One thing you might try is to remove the "CROSS JOIN" from the query. I doubt that this will make a difference, but it's worth a test. Because a WHERE clause is involved joining the two tables (via ST_WITHIN), I believe the result is the same as an inner join. It is possible that the use of the CROSS JOIN syntax is causing the optimizer to make an undesirable choice.
Otherwise (aside from making sure indexes exist for fields that are being filtered), you could play a bit of a guessing game with the query. One condition that stands out is the area_acre >= 500. This means that the query engine is considering all rows that meet that condition. But then only the first 11 rows are taken. You could try changing it to area_acre >= 500 and area_acre <= somevalue. The somevalue is the guessing part that would need adjustment to make sure you get at least 11 rows. This, however, seems like a pretty cheesy thing to do, so I mention it with some reticence.
Have you considered creating Expression based indexes for the benefit of the hairier joins and where conditions?