Tomcat8 The origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists - tomcat8

my url is http://localhost:8080/guacamole it returns
HTTP Status 404 – Not Found
Type Status Report
Message /guacamole
Description The origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists.
Apache Tomcat/8.5.30 (Ubuntu)
and for url localhost:8080 it shows
It works !
If you're seeing this page via a web browser, it means you've setup Tomcat successfully. Congratulations!
This is the default Tomcat home page. It can be found on the local filesystem at: /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/ROOT/index.html
Tomcat8 veterans might be pleased to learn that this system instance of Tomcat is installed with CATALINA_HOME in /usr/share/tomcat8 and CATALINA_BASE in /var/lib/tomcat8, following the rules from /usr/share/doc/tomcat8-common/RUNNING.txt.gz.
You might consider installing the following packages, if you haven't already done so:
tomcat8-docs: This package installs a web application that allows to browse the Tomcat 8 documentation locally. Once installed, you can access it by clicking here.
tomcat8-examples: This package installs a web application that allows to access the Tomcat 8 Servlet and JSP examples. Once installed, you can access it by clicking here.
tomcat8-admin: This package installs two web applications that can help managing this Tomcat instance. Once installed, you can access the manager webapp and the host-manager webapp.
NOTE: For security reasons, using the manager webapp is restricted to users with role "manager-gui". The host-manager webapp is restricted to users with role "admin-gui". Users are defined in /etc/tomcat8/tomcat-users.xml.
but i need apache tom server site


The http://localhost:8080/axis2 link does not work

Hello fellow programmers,
I have to get axis2 (version 1.7.2) working in Tomcat (version 8.0.33) but here I encounter a annoying problem. I have followed the steps in the tutorial (from the axis.apache website) until the point of checking the link mentioned in the topic title.
I have downloaded the Axis2.war file and placed it in the webapps folder in the tomcat home directory (/opt/tomcat).
When I start tomcat using the file and visit the homepage it all seems to work. visiting the link http://localhost:8080/ will show me the text:
It works !
If you're seeing this page via a web browser, it means you've setup Tomcat successfully. Congratulations! etc etc
But then when I visit http://localhost:8080/axis2 I get:
HTTP Status 404 - /axis2
type Status report
message /axis2
description The requested resource is not available.
Apache Tomcat/8.0.28 (Ubuntu)
When I run the .startup file and at the same time look at my webapps folder I see that the .war folder is extracted and makes the axis2 folder appear, thus it works until there at least.
Does someone has an idea of what could be wrong here?
PS: I am using Ubuntu.
if your deploy axis2.war, port must be the same at the Apache Tomcat and Axis2 8080, check file tomcat_dir\conf\server.xml

Avoid font downloading in Glassfish

We currently have a Glassfish Server 4.0 hosting our webpage, with Apache 2.2 as our Digital Certificate Holder in Ubuntu Server. One of our clients did a Vulnerability testing and discovered that a font (specifically, the glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf) could be downloaded by using the URL:
Is there any way that we can avoid that download and instead redirect that Link to a error page when people try to access any link of that type?
Thanks in advance
Well, the solution I found was this
I opened the Glassfish Console, went to Configurations –> server-config -> virtual servers -> server and then I clicked on the Add Property button
the name was: Redirect1
The code was:
from=/<war>/faces/resources/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf url-prefix=https://<URL>/<war>/
I did it with all of the Cluster and configuration instances of Glassfish Cluster
After a Glassfish and Cluster restart everything was working fine.

How to run Tomcat in a most secure way?

We are using Apache Tomcat 7 for my web applications and we have decided to go on production stage.
So now is the time to think about how to secure the Tomcat and the machine. After reading "Apache tomcat security considerations" we decided to go on run tomcat process on dedicated user with minimum scenario.
From what I understand the best option is to configure it in a way that the running tomcat process has only read privilege to all the tomcat files.
I figured I would do it in this way:
I would create 2 users:
-tomcat_process - only for running tomcat
-admin - this is the one all the files belong to
tomcat_process will have access to conf directory, and also will be able to run scripts from tomcat/bin/
My main problem is that Tomcat needs to write to some files in $CATALINA_HOME/$CATALINA_BASE. I know I can change the location of logs and work directory and I thought I would point them to tomcat_process home dir (is this even a good idea?).
But I can't find any information if I can change the path to /conf/Catalina dir. Is it possible?
I would like to avoid adding write access to conf directory, as the whole configurations sits in there.
Or do you think that I should live those directories where their are and just add write privileges to them for tomcat_process?
I was wondering if you could please tell me if this is a correct approach or can I do it better?
I'm so confused with all those security guides which are telling me to restrict privileges but not telling how to do it :(
Keeping it simple I think is the key:
Create a new tomcat for each (set of) web application(s) with their own user.
Limit the tomcat resources to only the tomcat user. In linux you can use the chmod/chown command for this.
Place the tomcat behind a reverse proxy: Internet (https) <- external Firewall -> Apache Reverse Proxy <- Internal Firewall (block all unless whitelisted) --> Tomcat
Delete all standard webapps 'manager', 'root', 'docs'
Disable the shutdown command in server.xml
As for java web applications try to contain them in their own sandbox, meaning own database, own users.
To safe maintenance effort, you could run multiple instances using one tomcat binary and a single tomcat user.

Integrating liferay tomcat with apache web server

I am trying to integrate the liferay tomcat with apache web server.I successfully integrate the liferay with web server.
Life ray deployed on ip say :
Apache web server on ip say:
I provided all the requirement virtual host requirement in httpd.conf file..and provided the in file.
Problem: When i run liferay portal i can open it on ip:
but when i click on any page link (let say /home)that is present in my portal it moved the request to instead of
I want to know how to handle this condition.
Because i dont have any page resource on web server doc folder only contain static css..
You might be a bit more precise what "all the required virtual host settings" are, e.g. what did you configure?
Note that by explicitly configuring hostnames/IP-addresses, you're explicitly overriding the autodetected settings from the request - no matter how you get to your portal, Liferay will generate URLs based on the explicitly configured hostname/port.
What's the point in having an Apache in front and then trying to reach tomcat through the non-apache IP/Port? Typically you might have static resources, rewrites, caches on Apache, so that you'll get different results when you alternatively access tomcat through both URLs.
If you configure Apache to "properly" handle the requests before tomcat sees them, you'll typically not need to configure Liferay at all, because Apache will make the actual hostname that it's requested under available to Tomcat. I'm typically using mod_jk for this and it beautifully handles all the configuration with almost no need to explicitly configure tomcat/liferay. If you don't like this, keep in mind that you're explicitly configuring Liferay for the virtual host setup - naturally this explicitly configured name is what Liferay uses. It would be weird if the explicit value would not be used, right?

Changing the localhost to a custom url in Jboss

I am trying to create a login module that could use facebook login too . I am using Jboss 7.1 as my server and i run it from inside eclipse and my OS is Ubuntu.
The problem now is that Facebook doesn't seem to accept requests when the url is of type say
and expects something of the form http://localhost.test/myApp.
(Testing facebook connect on localhost)
My problem is that I am not aware of how to change the above pattern (from localhost:8080 to say localhost.mysite) in JBOSS server.
Can someone let me know on how this has to be done.
You can use the -b parameter to specify the bind address JBoss should use, see:
This switch should be available in the Eclipse JBoss Tools as well.
I discovered just recently that JBoss 7.x (as well as JBoss EAP 6) does not accept connections from outside if you don't specify the Host/IP-Address via the aforementioned parameter; even responses to web service requests it sends itself are not received.
If you want to change things like the web service endpoint host, port etc. you can do this via standalone.xml. For Web Services or ReST you simply specify subsections whose schema is defined by the XSDs located in the docs/schema folder (jboss-as-webservices_1_1, jboss-as-jaxrs_1_0 respectively ). For convenience (auto-completion, validation) you can put them into an XML catalog and registered the catalog within Eclipse.