What is the default behaviour on a wx.EVT_ACTIVATE event in a windows wxwidgets application - wxwidgets

Or more specifically, what are the consequences of catching this in my main form and stopping propagation to the parents.
Background: I have a bug (which I suspect is arising from the wxwidgets framework) which manifests when unfocusing and then refocusing the application. Catching this event seems to fix the bug.

You definitely shouldn't consume wxEVT_ACTIVATE, e.g. under MSW this means that your program would return 0 when handling WM_ACTIVATE which would prevent the code in DefWindowProc() for handling this message from executing. I don't know what exactly are the consequences of doing this, but I'd expect problems with the window active status not being updated correctly.
Even if doing this "works" for you, it seems very wrong to compensate a bug with another bug.


Suddenly seeing lots of first chance exceptions in the output window of my ASP.NET MVC app

All of a sudden, I'm seeing floods of first chance exceptions in the VS.NET Output window.
There are 3 of us working on the project. We've all updated our code to the latest in SVN and I'm the only one seeing all the exceptions, so the issue is not our app, but I suspect, some setting that I accidentally triggered in VS.NET.
If I right click the Output window, "Exception Messages" is checked. It always has been and is for my co-workers, so that's not the issue.
I cannot see any options in Tools/Options/Debugging that could be responsible. I suspect I probably just accidentally hit some accelerator key combo that did it. These appear to be perfectly normal first chance exceptions (like setting a property in a dynamic object for the first time causing a RuntimeBindingException). The app seems to operate just fine. But the flood of messages is annoying and makes debug output hard to follow.
By far the most common exception is an ArgumentException with the message, "A property with the name 'UriTemplateMatchResults' already exists."
We use WCF very heavily (but no REST) and have a number of WCF services that our app communicates with, so I'm assuming that's just standard WCF stuff because the calls are all working fine.
Can anyone think of anything I might have done?
I discovered the source of the problem. As I suspected, it was something I had accidentally done, but I'm not sure when or exactly how. Hopefully this solution will help others.
The solution was Tools/Options/Debugging in the General section, I had somehow unchecked Enable Just My Code. I'm not sure how I unchecked it. That fixed the problem.

vb.net Run on crash

My program runs for about 10 hours during the night, sometimes I wake up to see that it has crashed (for whatever reason). It is usually a "Program Name" has stopped working, and the only button there is to close the program. I have tried watching and waiting for it to crash but the problem seems very hard to reproduce (and I can't watch it 24/7). I have used try and catch statements in my program in potentially problematic areas and told the program to dump to a text file if it catches an exception. But this isn't good enough it seems.
TLDR: Is it possible to tell my program to run a particular function when an exception has been detected in the program in general (without specifics) so that I can dump the stacktrace to a text file and investigate later?
Is it possible to tell my program to run a particular function when an exception has been detected...
Yes, but the specifics depend on the platform that you are using:
If you have a Console application, put a big Try ... Catch around Sub Main.
If you use WPF, add an event handler to AppDomain's or Dispatcher's UnhandledException event. Specifics can be found in the following question:
WPF global exception handler
In you use WinForms, you can also wrap Sub Main (which might be auto-generated) or attach to AppDomain.UnhandledException, see here for details:
WinForms Global Exception Handling?
For completeness, global exception handling in web applications is done in global.asax's Application_Error method:
How to catch unhandled exceptions in an asp.net application?
It's generally not a good idea to do this. You could, however, look at AppDomain.UnhandledException. This is pretty much restricted to one domain, and you'll also receive (potentially) notifications for all unhandled exceptions unrelated to your program.
This is usually used for class libraries, but I think with a bit of fiddle, you might get it to work.

No SystemOutOfMemoryException

My App suddenly crashes at one point (reproducible) when run on a 512mb phone emulator (only have a 920 to test). There wasn't any exception, it just went black. I then ran the analysis tool on the application and found out the memory reaches its limit at the point the app crashed. The app exits with an error code. The most recent one I found was 0x887a0005, but I'm pretty sure I saw another one a little time back. Sadly, I don't have that one anywhere.
I load about 600 images from the web into BitmapImages with the CreateBackground option, and handle the ImageOpened event.
I'm not asking for help managing the problem itself, I'll find a way to work around it. I'm just wondering why the App isn't throwing any exceptions, and instead just crashes. Any ideas her
This is expected behavior. Depending on which piece of code is executing at the very moment you run out of memory, an out of memory exception may be thrown - if one can be thrown by that specific .NET class or under laying class. But the operating system is not going to wait for this to happen, and will usually just terminate your app. It's not sending your app a "terminate" or "out of memory" signal, it just kills it.

Should app crash or continue on normally while noting the problem?

1) When there is bad input, the app crashes and prints a message to the console saying what happened
2) When there is bad input, the app throws away the input and continues on as if nothing happened (though nothing the problem in a separate log file).
While 2 may seem like the obvious solution, the app is an engine and framework for game development, so if a user is writing something and does something wrong, it may be beneficial for that problem to be immediately obvious (app crashing) rather than it being ignored and the user potentially forgetting to check the log to see if there were any problems (may forget if the programmed behavior isn't very noticeable on screen, so he doesn't catch that it is missing).
There is no one-size-fits-all solution. It really depends on the situation and how bad the input is.
However, since you specifically mentioned this is for an engine or framework, then I would say it should never crash. It should raise exceptions or provide notable return codes or whatever is relevant for your environment, and then the application developer using your framework can decide how to handle. The framework itself should not make this decision for all apps that utilize the framework.
I would use exceptions if the language you are using allows them..
Since your framework will be used by other developers you shouldn't really constraint any approach, you should let the developers catch your exception (or errors) and manage what to do..
Generally speaking nothing should crash on user input. Whether the app can continue with the error logged or stop right there is something that is useful to be able to configure.
If it's too easy to ignore errors, people will just do so, instead of fixing them. On the other hand, sometimes an error is not something you can fix, or it's totally unrelated to what you're working on, and it's holding up your current task. So it depends a bit on who the user is.
Logging libraries often let you switch logs on and off by module and severity. It might be that you want something similar, to let users configure the "stop on error" behaviour for certain modules or only when above a certain level of severity.
Personally I would avoid the crash approach and opt for (2) that said make sure that the error is detected and logged and above all avoid any swallowing of errors (e.g. empty catch).
It is always helpful to have some kind of tracing/logging module, for instance later when you are doing performance tuning or general troubleshooting.
It depends on what the problem is. When I'm programming and writing error handling I use this as my mantra:
Is this exception really exceptional?
Meaning, is the error in input or whatever condition is "not normal" recoverable? In the case of a game, a File not Found exception on a texture could be recoverable and you could show a default texture so you know something broke.
However, if you have textures in a compressed file and you keep getting checksum errors, that would be an exceptional exception and I would crash the game with the details.
It really boils down to: can the application keep running without issue?
The one exception to this rule though (ha ha) is, if something is corrupted you can no longer trust your validation methods and you should crash as quickly as you can to prevent the corruption from spreading.

.NET CF 2.0: possible single-threaded reentrancy

A simple application is written in CF 2.0. It's single-threaded as far as I'm concerned.
Two parts of the application are of interest: an event handler that handles "Barcode scanned" event raised by a class that represents PDA's barcode scanner (provided by manufacturer), and an event handler for Windows.Forms.Timer that runs every 30 seconds.
Recently the application suffered from a bug the only possible reason for which, as I can see, is processing Barcode Scanned event right in the middle of Timer_Tick event. I was absolutely sure that this was not possible and that one of the events would wait in the queue until first one is handled completely. Windows.Forms.Timer page in MSDN also assures that it's a regular single-threaded timer. Code triggered by Barcode Scanned changes some pieces of the interface, that causes no exceptions, so I'm assuming it's single-threaded as well. No, we're not using DoEvents or such.
Can anybody tell me for sure that such reentrancy is not possible and I should look harder for other possible reasons, or vice versa, that they have suffered from the same problem?
The Windows.Forms timer is going to happen on the UI thread via a call to PostMessage. That is a guarantee. How the "barcode scanned" even comes in is completely up to the developer of the library that's giving you the event. You should certainly not assume that it's going to run in the same context as your timer unless you specifically force it to (via a call to Control.Invoke). Even with that I don't believe you can guaranteee a call order.
If you think re-entrancy might be a cause, the solution is relatively simply - use a Monitor in both handlers (the timer proc and the event) and lock on the same object. That will rule out the possibility that it's a reentrancy issue. If the problem goes away, you know the cause and already have a fix. If the problem persists then you know for certain that it's not reentrancy and you can focus elsewhere.
Pretty much every barcode scanning component i've worked with runs off a background thread, so i'd look at that more closely.