I am using Adobe Animate CC
I am creating projects using the HTML5 Canvas setup and when I check the generated files I can see that it is using createjs-2015.11.26.min.js from a CDN. This script tag is added at publish so can't be changed with a custom template.
Is there a way of changing the version of CreateJS that gets used without updating Animate CC itself (internal admin reasons mean this is not an option)?
I'm editing BigCommerce's cornerstone theme template with stencil and want to view and make changes to the admin interface. Much like what's happening in this video tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdhSLKpTOBY&list=PLwTYtMwfzbe7EZiIWPAmPtuwRHkY7BG-0&index=9
But I'm not sure how to access the theme editor locally. I saw that the --theme-editor commands were removed from the stencil cli. It says that we should look at this documentation instead https://developer.bigcommerce.com/stencil-docs/configure-store-design-ui/store-design-overview but that doesn't show how the theme editor could be accessed from a local environment. Is this possible?
Is the only option to upload the theme and edit it from there? Has the ability to use a theme editor locally been removed?
As far as natively supported features, the Stencil CLI deprecated support for live theme editing due to it no longer matching the experience found on the platform. You can find these details on a related GitHub issue reported here: https://github.com/bigcommerce/stencil-cli/issues/601
Until this feature is reintroduced, you'll need to bundle the theme and apply it to a store to review the theme editor.
I don't think you can access the Theme Editor from a local environment directly.
If you want to add configurable options, you would be editing schema.json and adding new sections there. In that way, you can add entirely new Text Inputs, Checkboxes, Dropdowns, that would allow store administrators to edit those entries.
The values that are being changed are located in config.json -- those are all the theme_settings that you can access inside of Handlebars, and they can also be injected into JavaScript via context.
So essentially you want to create new entries in config.json, and create new mappings in schema.json to allow those entries to be edited in the Theme Previewer. You should be able to put together how to make new sections by trying to parse the existing fields in the schema file, and I think BC has additional docs here:
General Overview:
Adding a new "Text Input" option in schema.json - API reference - you can navigate around that opened section in the sidebar to see all available schema types:
I'm new to using Animate CC and I have created a project that has to be used with an in house CMS.
However I have implemented the code into the system webpage and all, but I keep being hit with this error cjs.Bitmap is not a constructor from the chrome console.
I am using the create.JS library but I am not sure how to solve the issue. I dont really dabble much in JavaScript as much since I am a designer is there anyone that can help?
I have managed to remove the console errors but I am now having issues where the animation does not show at all when the page loads.
===Update 2===
So I figured out that the JS which has been generated by Animate CC does link the height and width directly to the canvas tag which also has the in-line height and width.
This sounds like the EaselJS library is not loaded. The Bitmap class is part of EaselJS, and the library exported from Flash/Animate requires EaselJS to be loaded before the library file.
So I figured out that the JS which has been generated by Animate CC does link the height and width directly to the canvas tag which also has the in-line height and width.
I'm trying out the mobile pattern, and have been trying to crate my own custom pattern that is now supposedly supported in Worklight 6.1.
When I tried creating jquery UI pattern, several issues:
1. The rich page editor for the pattern.html does not display the jquery component correctly on the design page (e.g button is displayed as link).
2. When I added a new page (into a jquery hybrid app) based on the custom UI pattern, it does not create a new page. It only adds the content code into the index.html, and I had to create the page myself.
Is this the correct behaviour?
I'm also having difficulty in creating Dojo UI pattern… as there is no Dojo component available on the palette when I open up the dojo > pattern.html file.
Do I have to add the libraries and code manually (i.e. no Drag-and-Drop)?
Appreciate any pointers on this.
PS: I'm using Eclipse Juno R2
1) For jQuery based patterns you need to append a jQuery core file to the project besides the jQuery mobile ones, for example, append this one: http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.js to your project, next to jquery mobile JS file. This is just because "UI Pattern" projects don't have this file available, but they need it to handle a proper preview.
2) For Dojo patterns, there is still no official support (for example Drag and drop), so even you can modify pattern.html to get some "insertable" code, you may still need some additional tuning to get a valid pattern.
I am new to drupal and just wanted to work on a image gallery. For this I downloaded colorbox module and installed it. Created a new content type Gallery with Field Type image and Format colorbox in Manage Display section. Basically I am following this tutorial :
Create gallery in D7
I added content to content type Gallery. But when I click on the images, it does not show any effects, instead a normal image view , ie image in a new window ! Whats wrong I am doing?
Do you install module Libraries API?
Download plugin and unpack to sites/all/libraries/colorbox
A project I'm involved in has a specific requirement where a layer must be added on top of an existing SWF. The SWF is created by converting a PDF using SWFTools pdf2swf. This layer will be used to add interactive elements like videos or sound on top of the existing text content in the SWF.
My problem is, when I try to import the SWF into Flash Pro, it sort of breaks up and it's not possible to see the SWF or its elements correctly.
I've tried making the SWF a MovieClip symbol after importing and called its play() and gotoAndPlay(i) methods to no avail. Using an external SWF with a loader works, but the SWF should be internal so the whole project can be compiled to iOS and Android in one go.
Are there any other methods I could use to interact with a SWF and make it work inside my FLA project?
Your problem is not in Flash but the way you're transforming the pdf to swf. The default parameters of pdf2swf will export the swf for a previous version of Flash, 6 to be exact. So you need to explicitly set the flash version when converting to a later version so that you can import it in your timeline (assuming u're using AS3).
Use this config option:
-T , --flashversion num Set Flash Version in the SWF header to num.
View this for more information: