Case in Sql group by query - sql

I am working on a project in which I want to use Case to calculate price of product under specific Reference Number in SQL server. Below is my Sql query
product AS Products,
refNum AS Refrence,
COUNT(id) AS Count
FROM ProductPriceList
refNum, product
By Executing Above query I get:
Product Reference Count
Product1 Ref08 24
Product2 Ref08 7
Product3 Ref07 32
Product2 Ref12 1
Product3 Ref12 18
Product1 Ref07 76
Product1 Null 56
Can anyone guide me how to use Case statement in Sql query with group by statement to show price Below is the case:
if count < 10 then price 1
if count > 10 and < 100 then price 2
if count > 100 then price 3
I don't want to add a new table in my database. I hope you can understand my query.
Thanks in advance.

I think a basic CASE expression can handle your requirement:
product AS Products,
refNum AS Refrence,
WHEN COUNT(*) >= 10 AND COUNT(*) < 100 THEN 2
ELSE 3 END AS price
FROM ProductPriceList
product, refNum;
Not much to explain here, except that the 2 price case uses a bound which includes the count of 10 (since the 1 price case excludes it).

Here's alternative (doesn't differ much from exisiting one though):
You can use your query in subquery and use case outside:
select product,
--to get NULL values back
case Reference when 'RefNull' then NULL else Reference end [Reference],
case when [Count] < 10 then 1
when [Count] between 10 and 100 then 2
else 3 end [price]
from (
SELECT product AS Products,
--to allow also null values to be grouped
coalesce(refNum, 'RefNull') AS Refrence,
COUNT(id) AS Count
FROM ProductPriceList
GROUP BY coalesce(refNum, 'RefNull'), product
) [a]

Create Table ProductPriceList
Product varchar(10)
,RefNum CHAR(5)
,Records Int
Insert into ProductPriceList
,('Product1', NULL, 56);
Select Product
,1 RowNo
From ProductPriceList PPL
Union All
Select Product
,RowNo + 1
Where RowNo + 1 < Records
Insert Into ProductPriceList (Product, RefNum, Records)
Select Product, RefNum, Records
where Records > 1
Query to fetch desired result:
Select Product
,Case When Count(*) < 10 Then 1
When Count(*) Between 10 and 99 then 2
Else 3 End Price
From ProductPriceList
Group By Product, RefNum
SQL Fiddle


Get count With Distinct in SQL Server

Count(Distinct iif(t.HasReplyTask = 1, t.CustomerID, Null)) As Reply,
Count(Distinct iif(t.HasOverdueTask = 1, t.CustomerID, Null)) As Overdue,
Count(Distinct t.CustomerID) As Total
Table1 t
If a customer is in Reply, we need to remove that customer in Overdue count, That means if Customer 123 is in both, The Overdue count should be one less. How can I do this?
I am adding some data here,
Customer 123 has "HasReplyTask", so, we have to filter that customer from Count in OverDue(even though that customer has one Overdue task without HasReplyTask). 234 is one and Distinct of 456 is one.
So, the overdue count should be 2, Above query returns 3
If I've got it right, this can be done using a subquery to get the numbers for each customer, and then get the summary information as follows:
Select Sum(HasReplyTask) As Reply,
Sum(HasOverdueTask) As Overdue,
Count(CustomerID) As Total
From (
Select CustomerID,
IIF(Max(Cast(HasReplyTask As TinyInt))<>0, 0, Max(Cast(HasOverdueTask As TinyInt))) As HasOverdueTask,
Max(Cast(HasReplyTask As TinyInt)) As HasReplyTask
From Table1
Group by CustomerID) As T
I don't know about column data types, so I used cast function to use max function.
What would probably be more efficient for you is to pre-aggregate your table by customer ID and have counts per customer. Then your outer query can test for whatever you are really looking for. Something like
sum( case when PQ.ReplyCount > 0 then 1 else 0 end ) UniqReply,
sum( case when PQ.OverdueCount > 0 then 1 else 0 end ) UniqOverdue,
sum( case when PQ.OverdueCount - PQ.ReplyCount > 0 then 1 else 0 end ) PendingReplies,
count(*) as UniqCustomers
( select
count(*) CustRecs,
sum( case when yt.HasReplyTask = 1 then 1 else 0 end ) ReplyCount,
sum( case when yt.HasOverdueTask = 1 then 1 else 0 end ) OverdueCount
yourTable yt
group by
yt.customerid ) PQ
Now to differentiate the count you are REALLY looking for, you might need to do a test against the prequery (PQ) of ReplyCount vs OverdueCount such as... For a single customer ID (thus the pre query), if the OverdueCount is GREATER than the ReplyCount, then it is still considered overdue? So for customer 123, they had 3 overdue, but only 2 replies. You want that counted once? But for customers 234 and 456, the only had overdue entries and NO replies. So, the total where Overdue - Reply > 0 = 3 distinct people.
Is that your ultimate goal?

SQL aggregate rows with same id , specific value in secondary column

I'm looking to filter out rows in the database (PostgreSQL) if one of the values in the status column occurs. The idea is to sum the amount column if the unique reference only has a status equals to 1. The query should not SELECT the reference at all if it has also a status of 2 or any other status for that matter. status refers to the state of the transaction.
Current data table:
reference | amount | status
1 100 1
2 120 1
2 -120 2
3 200 1
3 -200 2
4 450 1
amount | status
550 1
I've simplified the data example but I think it gives a good idea of what I'm looking for.
I'm unsuccessful in selecting only references that only have status 1.
I've tried sub-queries, using the HAVING clause and other methods without success.
Here's a way using not exists to sum all rows where the status is 1 and other rows with the same reference and a non 1 status do not exist.
select sum(amount) from mytable t1
where status = 1
and not exists (
select 1 from mytable t2
where t2.reference = t1.reference
and t2.status <> 1
SELECT SUM(amount)
FROM table
WHERE reference NOT IN (
SELECT reference
FROM table
WHERE status<>1
The subquery SELECTs all references that must be excluded, then the main query sums everything except them
select sum (amount) as amount
from (
select sum(amount) as amount
from t
group by reference
having not bool_or(status <> 1)
) s;
You could use windowed functions to count occurences of status different than 1 per each group:
SELECT SUM(amount) AS amount
FROM tc) AS sub
WHERE cnt = 0;
Rextester Demo

Getting the difference of two sums from the same table

I need to get the difference of a query result from the same table.
Ex: myTable
id code status amount
1 A active 250
2 A active 200
3 B active 300
4 B active 100
5 A active 100
6 C active 120
7 C active 200
I want to get the total or sum of amount for each code (add if active, subtract if inactive status) so that i will have a result like this:
code total amount
A 150
B 400
C 80
i have tried a lot already, one of them is this:
SELECT code, amount1-amount2
SELECT code, SUM(amount) AS amount1
FROM mytable
WHERE status='active'
SELECT code, SUM(amount) AS amount2
FROM mytable
WHERE status='inactive'
) as T1
The simplest solution would be to use a case expression inside the sum function:
sum(case when status='active' then amount else amount * -1 end) as total_amount
FROM mytable
If there can be other statuses besides active/inactive you have to be more explicit:
when status = 'active' then amount
when status = 'inactive' then amount * -1
) AS total
CASE WHEN status='active' THEN amount ELSE -amount END AS signed_amount
FROM myTable)
SELECT code, sum(signed_amount) FROM A GROUP BY code;

Different value counts on same column

I am new to Oracle. I have an Oracle table with three columns: serialno, item_category and item_status. In the third column the rows have values of serviceable, under_repair or condemned.
I want to run the query using count to show how many are serviceable, how many are under repair, how many are condemned against each item category.
I would like to run something like:
select item_category
, count(......) "total"
, count (.....) "serviceable"
, count(.....)"under_repair"
, count(....) "condemned"
from my_table
group by item_category ......
I am unable to run the inner query inside the count.
Here's what I'd like the result set to look like:
item_category total serviceable under repair condemned
============= ===== ============ ============ ===========
chair 18 10 5 3
table 12 6 3 3
You can either use CASE or DECODE statement inside the COUNT function.
SELECT item_category,
COUNT (*) total,
COUNT (DECODE (item_status, 'serviceable', 1)) AS serviceable,
COUNT (DECODE (item_status, 'under_repair', 1)) AS under_repair,
COUNT (DECODE (item_status, 'condemned', 1)) AS condemned
FROM mytable
GROUP BY item_category;
chair 5 1 2 2
table 5 3 1 1
This is a very basic "group by" query. If you search for that you will find plenty of documentation on how it is used.
For your specific case, you want:
select item_category, item_status, count(*)
from <your table>
group by item_category, item_status;
You'll get something like this:
item_category item_status count(*)
Chair under_repair 7
Chair condemned 16
Table under_repair 3
Change the column ordering as needed for your purpose
I have a tendency of writing this stuff up so when I forget how to do it, I have an easy to find example.
The PIVOT clause was new in 11g. Since that was 5+ years ago, I'm hoping you are using it.
Sample Data
create table t
serialno number(2,0),
item_category varchar2(30),
item_status varchar2(20)
insert into t ( serialno, item_category, item_status )
rownum serialno,
( case
when rownum <= 12 then 'table'
else 'chair'
end ) item_category,
( case
--table status
when rownum <= 12
and rownum <= 6
then 'servicable'
when rownum <= 12
and rownum between 7 and 9
then 'under_repair'
when rownum <= 12
and rownum > 9
then 'condemned'
--chair status
when rownum > 12
and rownum < 13 + 10
then 'servicable'
when rownum > 12
and rownum between 23 and 27
then 'under_repair'
when rownum > 12
and rownum > 27
then 'condemned'
end ) item_status
dual connect by level <= 30;
and the PIVOT query:
select *
item_status stat,
from t
count( item_status )
for stat in ( 'servicable' as "servicable", 'under_repair' as "under_repair", 'condemned' as "condemned" )
ITEM_CATEGORY servicable under_repair condemned
------------- ---------- ------------ ----------
chair 10 5 3
table 6 3 3
I still prefer #Ramblin' Man's way of doing it (except using CASE in place of DECODE) though.
Just realized I left out the TOTAL column. I'm not sure there's a way to get that column using the PIVOT clause, perhaps someone else knows how. May also be the reason I don't use it that often.

Get Highest values on Diffrent ID's on the same table?

I have table of bids, each bid has Amount and AuctionID.
I want to SUM/SELECT all the highest bids from each AuctionID..
The Result of:
SELECT AuctionID,Amount, Highest FROM Bids Where Burned=0 ORDER BY Amount DESC
AuctionID Amount Highest
1 44.4400 0
3 43.7800 0
2 42.3300 0
1 22.2200 0
4 21.2700 0
1 21.2600 0
4 21.2500 0
2 21.2400 0
1 12.6600 0
4 12.5200 0
It should return 44.44, 43.78, 42.33, 21.27 .
The 'Highest' is a flag that i thought may be helpful it still has no use.
I wanted to see if there is a method to do with without using a Flag.
A simple group by clause will do the trick:
select AuctionID, MAX(Amount)
from table
group by AuctionID
SELECT AuctionId, MAX(Amount) FROM TableName GROUP BY AuctionID
To get all the highest bids:
Select auctionid, max(amount) from auctions group by auctionid
To get the overall sum of the highest bids:
select sum(v1.max_amount) from
(Select auctionid, max(amount) max_amount from auctions group by auctionid
) as v1