Integrated terminal disappeared in idea 2018 - intellij-idea

I have installed intellij idea 2018.1. I can't open integrated terminal shell. It's useful window for me.
There is no button in left drop-up menu. There are: Event Logs, Favorites, Project, but no terminal :(

Terminal is a plugin. See the plugin section to enable it.


My IntelliJ IDEA doesn't launch and when I launch it, it just refresh

I've installed IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition version 2018.3.6.
When I launch the shortcut it doesn't start and just do anything that is shown in refreshing (green circle). I've tired and I can't do anything.
I wanted to install Android Studio but my computer doesn't support it. Now, IntelliJ doesn't run too. Please help.

Access Terminal in IntelliJ Enterprise edition 2017

I'm on a windows 10 64 bit box. I need to open the terminal inside intellij 2017.1. According to google the key command for this is alt-F12 but that combination of keystrokes does nothing apparent for me.
Is there an alternative way to open the console inside intellij that I might be overlooking?
It has clearly explained in the documentation provided by the JetBrains.
To find the terminal related details please use the following link.
IntelliJ IDEA Terminal
If you want to configure the key bindings please refer the following
IntelliJ IDEA Keyboard Shortcuts
That shortcut is correct, to run embedded local terminal press Alt + F12. But you should make sure that the Terminal plugin is enabled. The plugin is bundled with IntelliJ IDEA and is activated by default, if it is not the case, you can enable it, go to Settings > Preferences > Plugins

How to access the Fabric (Twitter) plugin in Intellij 13?

I have just installed the Fabric (Twitter) plugin in IntelliJ IDEA 13, following the steps found here.
I installed the plugin, restarted IntelliJ and the next step suggested by the guide is this:
However, I couldn't find that button anywhere, not even in the menus on the top. The plugin shows up as installed in Settings -> Plugins.
How can I access the Fabric plugin after installation in IntelliJ IDEA?
Please enable View -> Toolbar and you can see.

Can't get Changes tool window (Alt+9) to show on IntelliJ IDEA

I can't get the Changes tool window to show on this project.
The project is imported "from sources" and has no facet and no sdk. Which is ok because I'm only editing it in the IDE and running from the terminal.
I'm on Windows 8.
The tool window does show when I open another java web maven project there.
It also does show for the first (no sdk) project when I'm on Ubuntu.
What might the Changes tool window not like about my project?
The IDE wasn't aware of Git in my project.
That happened because the directory I import this project from isn't the same as the Git repository directory, the former is inside the later.
I fixed it in: VCS > Enable Version Control Integration

JProfiler not working in IntelliJ 12 (JProfiler executable is null)

I'm trying to profile my Android app. I installed the JProfiler plugin through
IntelliJ IDEA --> Preferences --> Plugins
Here's a screenshot of the plugin description:
When I try to run the profiler nothing happens and I get this message saying that the JProfiler executable is null:
Any idea on how to fix this?
You need to set or re-set the JProfiler executable. Do the following:
Select "Edit Configurations" from the "Run" drop down menu
Select "Application" under "Defaults" in the dialog box (or any existing run configuration)
Select the "Startup/Connection" tab
Select "JProfiler" in the list
Click on the "Select JProfiler Executable" button
Choose the JProfiler executable, which is
[JProfiler installation directory]\bin\jprofiler.exe on Windows
[JProfiler installation directory]/bin/jprofiler on Linux/Unix
[JProfiler installation directory]/bin/macos/ on Mac OS X
You have to install JProfiler first, you can download it here.
You need to have JProfiler 7.2.2 (or newer) which integrates with IntelliJ IDEA 12
To start, in a file browser check if you have the plugins folder, if not create it, so it looks like this
If running IntelliJ IDEA 12, close it.
Inside JProfiler go to
Session -> IDE Integrations
And choose IntelliJ IDEA 12.x and click Proceed button
Choose your .IntelliJIdea12 folder
And you're done, you should see a new button Next to Run [class#method] with Coverage that says Profile [class#method]