SQL Server - Enable TDE Encryption trying to connect to Azure Key Vault - sql

The goal here is to: Assist client in configuring his Key Vault so that he would be able to enable TDE encryption and access it over the government portal url
Customer Verbatim:
"I am running into an issue when trying to enable TDE for SQL Server 2016. I have attached a few files with show the problem. Basically the problem is when SQL tries to connect to the Azure Key Vault it is using the public suffix (azure.net) instead of the the govcloud suffix (usgovcloudapi.net).
How do I force it to use the correct URL?"
I think the issue is this is a gov tenant and he's stuck using the commercial URL but we were unable to force the correct URL. I sent him instructions on how to
Set-AzureRmEnvironment for AzureKeyVaultServiceEndpointResourceId as *.vault.usgovcloudapi.net, should be https://vault.usgovcloudapi.net.
but that didn't seem to work. I may be way off on this assumption too, as I'm not really that great in KV. Any Ideas or a known fix?
Here is his error message:
Msg 33049, Level 16, State 2, Line 17
Key with name 'SqlTDEKey' does not exist in the provider or access is denied. Provider error code: 2058. (Provider Error - No explanation is available, consult EKM Provider for details)
The description for Event ID 2 from source SQL Server Connector for Microsoft Azure Key Vault cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.
If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.
The following information was included with the event:
Vault Name: EKM Operation
Operation: SqlCryptGetKeyInfoByName
Key Name: N/A
Message: Error when accessing registry:5

Read the message again, the account doesn't have permission to modify the registry. It's an issue introduced in the feb release of the connector. I ran into a similar issue, the provider tries to create a registry key but doesn't have permissions to do so, therefore it fails. Try the following steps taken from this blogpost [1]
Open regedit
Create a new Key called “SQL Server Cryptographic Provider” (without quotes)
Right click the key, from the context menu select ‘permissions.
Give Full Control permissions to this key to the Windows service account that runs SQL Server
[1] https://www.visualstudiogeeks.com/devops/SqlServerKeyVaultConnectorProviderError2058RegistryConsultEKMProvider


Not able to get Azure SQL Server Extended Events to work when Blob Storage is set to Enabled from selected virtual networks and IP addresses

So I have an Azure Database and want to test extended events with the database.
I was able to set up my Blob Storage container and was able to get Extended Events via Azure Database to work as long as the Blob Storage network setting Public network access is set to Enabled from all networks. If I set Enabled from selected virtual networks and IP addresses and have Microsoft network routing checked as well as Resource type set with Microsoft.Sql/servers and its value as All In current subscription, it still doesn't work.
I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing wrong and I'm not able to find any documentation on how to make it work without opening up to all networks.
The error I'm getting is:
The target, "5B2DA06D-898A-43C8-9309-39BBBE93EBBD.package0.event_file", encountered a configuration error during initialization. Object cannot be added to the event session. (null) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 25602)
Edit - Steps to fix the issue
#Imran: Your answer led me to get everything working. The information you gave and the link provided was enough for me to figure it out.
However, for anyone in the future I want to give better instructions.
The first step I had to do was:
All I had to do was run Set-AzSqlServer -ResourceGroupName [ResourcegroupName] b -ServerName [AzureSQLServerName] -AssignIdentity.
This assigns the SQL Server an Azure Active Directory Identity. After running the above command, you can see your new identity in Azure Active Directory under Enterprise applicationsand then where you see theApplication type == Enterprise Applicationsheader, click the headerApplication type == Enterprise Applicationsand change it toManaged Identities`and click apply. You should see your new identity.
The next step is to give your new identity the role of Storage Blob Data Contributor to your container in Blob Storage. You will need to go to your new container and click Access Control (IAM) => Role assignments => click Add => Add Role assignment => Storage Blob Data Contributor => Managed identity => Select member => click your new identity and click select and then Review + assign
The last step is to get SQL Server to use an identity when connecting to `Blob Storage.
You do that by running the command below on your Azure SQL Server database.
CREATE DATABASE SCOPED CREDENTIAL [https://<mystorageaccountname>.blob.core.windows.net/<mystorageaccountcontainername>]
WITH IDENTITY = 'Managed Identity';
You can see your new credentials when running
SELECT * FROM sys.database_scoped_credentials
The last thing I want to mention is when creating Extended Events with
an Azure SQL Server using SSMS, it gives you this link. This only works if you want your Blob Storage wide open. I think this is a disservice and wish they would have instructions when you want your Blob Storage not wide open by using RBAC instead of SAS.
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment I got the result successfully like below:
To resolve this issue, check whether your account type should be
StorageV2(general purpose v2). If you have a general-purpose v1 or blob storage account, try to upgrade like below.
In storage account -> under setting, configuration -> upgrade
Check whether you have choose Allow trusted Microsoft services to access this storage account under exception and I added firewall client Ip address range and vnet like below.
Make sure Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/write permission in your storage account
After enabling firewall, we lose write access to the storage account and audit logs try to Resave the audit settings from the portal is required in order for auditing to function like below.
Note: Auditing to storage behind firewalls using user managed identity authentication type is not presently supported.
When I try to connect, I got result successfully like below:
Configure extended events in SQL Azure to the blob storage with Private Endpoint - Microsoft Community Hub by Sakshi Gupta

Microsoft SQL 2019 (CU16) Always-on issues

I have 2 issues on two different environments, created on the same way, with Local Admin credentials, and added with an account that have Domain admin rights.
Environment #1:
One of them it that looking on the secondary node, i see a ? (questionmark) under Availability Replicas for the Primary node, and i do not have the text "Primary" as on the primary node . That's new for me. What access rights are missing ?
Environment #2 (witch does not work failing over):
When trying to add the listener i get this:
Cluster network name resource 'Listenername, clustername' encountered an error enabling the network name on this node. The reason for the failure was:
'Unable to obtain a logon token'.

Azure Devops pipeline SSH error connection

Is there a problem with Service connections?
After upgrade I can not create a private key in ssh service.
Formerly in the text field I had the option to upload, now the field is of type password and not file upload.
I tried to put the key in this field, but it does not work, I get the following pipeline error:
Error: Failed to connect to remote machine. Verify the SSH service connection details. Error: Cannot parse privateKey: Unsupported key format.
can you help me?
This is the new service connection feature experience we provided recently, until now, it is keeping in Preview state. Anyway, need apologize for this unstable usage.
As work around, just go Preview Feature --> turn New service connections experience off, to use the old/stable service connection temporarily:
This issue has been taken by product group and is trying to fixing this unstable preview experience.

ASR failover fails for Bitlocker encrypted VM

There is an Azure VM encrypted disk with Bitlocker in North Europe. Everything has replicated well in West Europe. While doing Test Failover, getting below error.
Failover Error: ID28031
Error Message: Virtual machine XXX-AZ-WEB01-test' could not be created under the resource group 'XXXX-Destination-RG'. Azure error message: 'Key Vault https://XXX-keyvault-ne.vault.azure.net/keys/Bitlocker/XXXX either has not been enabled for Volume Encryption or the vault id provided does not match /subscriptions/XXXX-XX-XXXX-XXX-XXXX/resourceGroups/XXX-Destination-RG/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/XXX-KEYVAULT-WE's true resource id. (Provisioning failed)'.
Things are already in place what is showing in error.
Volume encryption has enabled in both source and destination Key vault.
The user has assigned all the permission as per this doc.
Thanks in advance.
Based on the Error message Failover failed with Error ID 28031 due to Quota and also check
Are you trying to do failover to different resource group or key vault? When restoring the vm, and encrypting it with the existing keys again trying to store the keys in the target keyvault
Have a crosscheck if required user KeyVault permissions as mentioned in https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/site-recovery/azure-to-azure-how-to-enable-replication-ade-vms#required-user-permissions.
While enabling mentioned KeyVault permissions (on primary & recovery) under access policies, please enable volume encryption under advanced access policies (to make failover to work).
Also try to create manually the Resource Group & Storage Account post which Enable Replication was successful.
There is some limitation in KeyVault which is making the failover to fail: https://github.com/Azure/azure-cli/issues/4318
Kindly let us know if the above helps or you need further assistance on this issue.
The mistake was that destination KeyVault was created and keys were imported manually. The destination Keyvault must be created by the script provided below.
Once I created the destination KeyVault by script, everything goes smoothly.

Connecting JetBrains DataGrip to Google BigQuery - Error in connection

I am trying to connect DataGrip to Google BigQuery exactly following the steps on the JetBrains blog (https://blog.jetbrains.com/datagrip/2018/07/10/using-bigquery-from-intellij-based-ide/) but I keep getting the same error message when I test the connection:
The specified database user/password combination is rejected: com.simba.googlebigquery.support.exceptions.GeneralException: EXEC_JOB_EXECUTION_ERR
And on that same pop up box, it is asking me to enter my login credentials for BigQuery. I shouldn't need to do this as I created a service account in GCP with the correct level of access, and used the json key stored on my local machine (and linked to this service account).
Any ideas?
Expected result: Successful connection
Actual result: Error message above