Ubuntu 16.4: monodoc doesn't work (libgluezilla is missing) - mono

I'm new to mono and monodevelop.
I have Ubuntu 16.4 64-bit and installed both products as described on their respective websites.
The problem is: monodoc doesn't work.
It seems to depend on a package libgluezilla, which is not available anymore. (It's neither in the ubuntu nor in the mono package sources.)
I am surprised that I did not find anything about this problem on the web (at least not in the monodoc context) although I assume that others have this problem, too.
On http://www.mono-project.com/docs/gui/winforms/webbrowser I read that libgluezilla is related to gecko, which is only one of several supported browser engines. So I tried:
$ monodoc --engine GtkHtml
$ monodoc --engine WebKit
... (for all browser engines listed on the monodoc man page)
But in all cases monodoc complained about the missing libgluezilla.
Did you have this problem, too, and if yes, how did you handle it?
Do you just do without monodoc? (F1 seems not to work in monodevelop anyway. (In Visual Studio F1 launches the API browser for the currently selected class/method/....))
I do not really want to install any old .deb-archives, which might involve security issues.

I never use F1 myself... it never worked for me. Instead, I use the mono official documentation via web.


DNN 9 Persona Bar not visible after login

I am using DNN 9. I recently upgraded DNN from version 9.1.1 to 9.3.2. When I Login, the left side of DNN disappears with only the logo od DNN. Other options like settings,edit etc are not seen. Any Idea as to what the issue might be?
If you search the forums at dnnsoftware.org, you'll probably find the solution. I'm afraid that I don't recall what it is.
I think, though, that upgrading to 9.4.4 will fix it, too. You'll want to do that in a test environment to make sure that your upgrade will work. There may be some third party modules that need to be upgraded before you upgrade to 9.4.4, so check with module vendors.
As an addition to Joe's answer: There were Problems with the Newtonsoft JSON versions. Maybe this thread is helpful: https://www.dnnsoftware.com/forums/threadid/543186/scope/posts/persona-bar-not-displaying-completely
"...so check with module vendors": There are known issues with DNNSharp modules. See https://dnncommunity.org/forums/aft/748 - but better check with all vendors of third party extensions, if you use any.
Read a few things, tried this and it worked. Delete all from the Bin directory, grab and copy all from another bin directory from a currently working site with the exact version. You may need to install a demo/test site and spin it up to get a good working copy, but this worked for me.
Restoring the bin folder was the solution for me

What is the difference between Lazarus and CodeTyphon

Firstly, I saw some topics about these two but weren't my answer.
I'm looking for a good FPC(Free Pascal Compiler) IDE on GNU/Linux.
There are some IDE's like Lazarus and CodeTyphon. I need suggestion to choose one of those.
I've tried Lazarus once but all windows was separated. It looks messy and not interesting.
I would like to know what are the distinguishes between these two ?
I would like to know advantages / disadvantages each of those. Thank you
CodeTyphon is a distro of Lazarus, like Ubuntu and Debian are distros of Linux.
CodeTyphon comes with a large package of components and plugins, that otherwise you would have to google and download and install.
CodeTyphon have their own idea what are stable versions and what are not stable yet for both of FPC (compiler) and Lazarus(IDE). Whether their assessment is better or worse than upstream's Lazarus Team's, I don't know.
What about one-single-window plugin, it is work-in-progress and it doesn't seems to me it is ready for production use, no matter would you get it as part of CT or download and add it to vanilla Lazarus. However maybe it better works on Linux than on Windows, I don't know.
There were however issues with code legality in CT grande bundle. It is widely believed that Orca (if I remember the name) violates copyrights of glScene/vgScene, which also happened in early Delphi FMX releases but was fixed by EMBA later. There also were disputes in FPC forums/wiki about CodeTyphon pirating some open-source components. See answer by Peter Dunne below.
Your question is akin to asking the difference between Linux and Ubuntu. Lazarus is an IDE/component library, based on FreePascal (FPC). And CodeTyphon is a distribution of Lazarus and FPC. So CodeTyphon is just one way to install a functioning installation of Lazarus.
Lazarus uses the same floating window design as older versions of Delphi. Installing from CodeTyphon won't change that.
Myself and several friends highlighted several licensing issues with codetyphon
most of which could have been corrected by sourcing the included files from known good source and ensuring the correct license headers were included
PirateLogic refused to correct the issues which means they are using code in direct violation of the original license terms
The fact its open source code does not change the fact they are pirating the code by not including the correct license even after the issue was highlighted
I also found several instances of copyright code included which appears to be proprietary and not FOSS at all
They also changed the path & file names on some libraries so that source is no longer compatible with standard lazarus/component installs
This in my view is totally illogical
These 2 factors heavily undermine what was potentially the best FPC/Lazarus distro
Hardly professional
Lazarus can be a daunting installation process due to it's nature as a cross compiling environment. You don't just download an installer and click ok. A typical "installation" is actually a bootstrap FPC compiler doing a three-pass compilation of an "install". There are plenty of good installation scripts/methods from the official Lazarus/FPC team and in the community for a . But, understandably, the installation process is a skill in itself.
CodeTyphon is a a different/separate branch of an installer system, which is more of a utility suite/tools/third party code compilation library. If you want the simplest installation experience go with CodeTyphon. It has the nice graphical front end for managing the compiler. You can conveniently do the fancy stuff like build "cross-compilers" for almost every "target" operating system out there. It also is jam packed with hundreds of the best components/libraries pre-installed. It is a very actively maintained project and very professional. A whole lot of work is done for you.
Even if you want to be learn the low level compiler capabilities, CodeTyphon is a good place to start. It is written in FCP/Lazarus and is open source. Simply study it as "working demo app" and the other info on the compiler details. If you crash it, at least you don't have to learn to climb the hill. You get to get to start from the top and lose control on the way down. Start from scratch (and a three hour reinstallation) Hahaha
Lazarus also has a package "AnchorDock" which allows you to dock all the windows into one. Either install the anchor dock design package after installing Lazarus, or install Lazarus using the script at getlazarus.org which will do it for you.

Cygwin & OCaml: OPAM + Batteries

I extensively use Cygwin on a Windows 8 environment (I do not want to go ahead and boot/load Linux directly on the machine). I use the OCamlIDE plug-in for Eclipse and have experienced relatively no problems using this workflow setup.
However, I would like to use Batteries so that I may make use of use of its dynamic arrays among a few other interesting features that will speed up my development process.
I have tried this method: http://ocaml.org/install.html, but I get the following error:
$ sh ./opam_installer.sh /usr/local/bin
No file yet for i686:CYGWIN_NT-6.2-WOW64
What am I missing and how would I configure Cygwin so that it can accept the Opam installer? When I tried yet a different way of building Opam, I got:
'i686-w64-mingw32-gcc' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
as a Makefile error and reason for building failure. It seems something is wrong related to mingw32-gcc, what do I need to install and/or configure for my Cygwin to get it to compile/build things properly. I have wget and curl installed as well.
My overall question: What is the best way to get Batteries installed on my system with the minimum of time spent tracing all of its dependencies by hand? Is there a way I can just build the library module, such as BatDynArray and the includes:
include BatEnum.Enumerable
include BatInterfaces.Mappable
That way I can just call them directly in my code with open...;; and/or include...;;;
OCaml works beautifully on Windows with WODI, which is a Cygwin-based distribution that includes Batteries and tons of other useful packages (which are a pain to install manually on Windows).
I urge you to take a shot at WODI, which I believe to be an indispensable tool for the
rest of us, the forgotten souls, who have to deal with Windows.
First of all, include does not do what you think it does. open Batteries should be exactly what you're looking for. OPAM is not yet solid on windows (maybe Thomas could give an update on where things stand).
Frankly, I would recommend to install a linux on a VM, you should be able to get started with OPAM instantly then. Otherwise, take a look at this package manager for OCaml which focuses on cross platform support: http://yypkg.forge.ocamlcore.org/. I've never tried it myself however. The last package manger you could try is GODI, I'm not sure about its windows support though.
Finally, if none of these options work then it should be possible to install batteries from the source. All you need is OCaml and make. And if there are problems with this approach then you should definitely follow up on them either here or on the bug tracker because batteries does intend to support windows AFAIK.

Using WebKitGTK+ on Centos 5.8?

I'm trying to build an embedded simple web browser for an embedded device and I've decided to use WebKit / WebKitGTK+. However, our device uses a Linux environment somewhat based on CentOS 5.8. I haven't been able to find any RPMS or mention of support for WebKit / WebKitGTK+ for CentOS 5.8 while doing several web searches.
Does anybody know if it's possible to build an older version of WebKitGTK+ such as 1.2.6-2.el6_0 which works well on CentOS 6.3? Are any RPMS available for CentOS 5.8?
The goal here is to be able to run a relatively current, at least 1.2.6 version of WebKitGTk on CentOS 5.8
Note: I was able to sort everything out. Just took a long time compiling all of the dependencies in the correct order with the correct options. I was able to get WebKitGTK 1.6.0 running on Centos 5.8.
You shouldn't have any problems building an old version of webkit if you can install the older versions of libraries that it requires.
If you have older or newer versions of GTK+ etc installed than the old version of webkit requires it may need quite a bit of porting to compile.
I'm not aware of any RPMs that meet your requirements
Depending on the compilation options you should be able to compile the dependencies in an isolated directory. With each library you typically use the --prefix option to specify the destination. Then when compiling something that depends on that library, you typically have an option to specify where to look for that library - something like --with-libraryname=/path/to/library. You want to check ./configure --help of each thing you're compiling to get the correct options.
It'll be quite a bit of work, but you should be able to compile everything you need into an isolated directory without replacing anything on the system. I would highly recommend you avoid doing this in root to ensure you have the right options.

Install Mono Runtime Locally

Here is my situation. I am on a Mac using Brew as my package manager. I had mono installed on my machine and I was doing all sorts of development in C#. I was doing web development, gui development, ect. When I tried to update my machine using Brew, I got an error. Uninstalling Mono solved the issue.
So, what I did is I toyed around and I created a 2nd user on my machine. Now, this user doesn't need anything to work. I just need Mono and Mono Develop to work on this user without installing anything globally. Everything needs to be installed locally.
So to be specific, I am the only on who uses my machine. My /Users directory looks like this.
So if I could install mono, in let's say:
Then in my .profile:
export MONO_PATH=/Users/dummy/.mono
Obviously this isn't a perfect world but I was wondering if anyone is an expert on this subject?
(Also, I use this dummy user for other stuff, I use it for Wine and I have a collection of software from school on this user.)
You need to build Mono from source to install it into a custom location (in which case you can install it anywhere you like).
You can install MonoDevelop.app anywhere, but getting it to use your custom Mono is a bit trickier. You might be able to make it work by mucking around with the relevant environment variables though.
How to install Mono in a custom location and the relevant environment variables is all covered here: http://mono-project.com/Parallel_Mono_Environments