GPU info through Metal framenwork's registryID instance property - objective-c

I'm searching for GPU information through the IO matching "IOPCIDevice" and should be nice to have info about Metal, i.e if is supported or not (I still support some years old MacPro). I see that Metal 2 has a new property called registryID and I've tried to match the IOIteratorNext, but it didn't. The code I use is just the same described here by #rsharma (credits goes to #trojanfoe) with little modifications.
So my question is: how can I use registryID to ensure is the same graphics card?
P.S. I already have an array of i/GPU that support Metal using MTLCopyAllDevices.

Given a registry entry ID, you can use IORegistryEntryIDMatching() to create a matching dictionary. You would then pass that to IOServiceGetMatchingService() (on the assumption that there's only one) or IOServiceGetMatchingServices() to retrieve the object.


How to get a halide buffer with data on GPU?

I'm new to halide. Now I have a pointer which points to data on GPU. I want to get a halide buffer from this pointer without copying data. I have searched a lot and found this /halidebuffer-on-gpu . It says using Buffer::device_wrap_native will be helpful. And I have read the docs of itBuffer::device_wrap_nativeBut I'm little confused about what value should I pass to device_interface? docs of device_interface don't help me much.
For device_interface you want to pass either halide_cuda_device_interface(), or halide_opencl_device_interface(), or similar. These methods are all defined in HalideRuntime*.h. Here's the full list:
HalideRuntimeCuda.h: halide_cuda_device_interface();
HalideRuntimeD3D12Compute.h: halide_d3d12compute_device_interface();
HalideRuntimeHexagonDma.h: halide_hexagon_dma_device_interface();
HalideRuntimeHexagonHost.h: halide_hexagon_device_interface();
HalideRuntimeMetal.h: halide_metal_device_interface();
HalideRuntimeOpenCL.h: halide_opencl_device_interface();
HalideRuntimeOpenGL.h: halide_opengl_device_interface();
HalideRuntimeOpenGLCompute.h: halide_openglcompute_device_interface();

How to change the serie colur and pen in wxFreeChart?

I am using wxFreeChart library in my project. However I am unable to change the colour and line type in XY data series. In the documentation nor in the samples there is no example of such functionality. Also there are not straightforward functions allowsing to do this. Does anyone has experience with this library to say if it is even possible?
Yes, it is possible to set both the serie colour and the pen type for XY line charts.
These attributes are set via the XYLineRenderer class. The documentation does cover this but you have to click on the "List all members" to see them. The current documentation is available under XYLineRenderer Members.
For simple changes, you can access the XYLineRenderer using the XYDataset::GetRenderer() method. This returns an XYRenderer* which you will need to cast to a XYLineRenderer* in order to set the pen type. Of course you can create the XYLineRenderer* first and pass it to the XYDataset::SetRenderer method instead.
Here is an example:
// Set the colour and pen of the first series.
->SetSeriePen(0, new wxPen(*wxRED, 5, wxPENSTYLE_SHORT_DASH));
// Set the colour and pen of the second series.
->SetSeriePen(1, new wxPen(*wxBLUE, 1, wxPENSTYLE_DOT_DASH));
SetSeriePen is only available to XYLineRenderer for obvious reasons, but you can set the colour of any renderer with Renderer::SetSerieColour(size_t serie, wxColour *color).
Note: I am not that happy with the way wxFreeChart takes pointers in these functions. This project is not actively maintained, but I would like at some point to fork it and update the API to be more consistent with modern versions of C++ and wxWidgets.

nvmlDeviceGetPowerManagementMode() always returning NVML_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT?

I am writing a code to measure the power usage of an NVIDIA Tesla K20 GPU (Kepler architecture) periodically using the NVML API.
nvmlReturn_t result;
nvmlEnableState_t pmmode;
nvmlDevice_t nvmlDeviceID;
unsigned int powerInt;
Basic code:
result = nvmlDeviceGetPowerManagementMode(nvmlDeviceID, &pmmode);
if (pmmode == NVML_FEATURE_ENABLED) {
result = nvmlDeviceGetPowerUsage(nvmlDeviceID, &powerInt);
My issue is that nvmlDeviceGetPowerManagementMode is always returning NVML_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT. I checked this.
The NVML API Documentation says that NVML_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT is returned when either nvmlDeviceID is invalid or pmmode is NULL.
nvmlDeviceID is definitely valid because I am able to query its properties which match with my GPU. But I don't see why I should set the value of pmmode to anything, because the documentation says that it is a Reference in which to return the current power management mode. For the record, I tried assigning an enable value to it, but the result was still the same.
I am clearly doing something wrong because other users of the system have written their own libraries using this function, and they face no problem. I am unable to contact them. What should I fix to get this function to work correctly?
The problem here was not directly in the API call - it was in the rest of the code - but the answer might be useful to others. Before attempting this solution, one must know for a fact that Power Management mode is enabled (check with nvidia-smi -q -d POWER).
In case of the invalid argument error, it is very likely that the problem lies with the nvmlDeviceID. I said I was able to query the device properties and at the time I was sure it was right, but be aware of any API calls that modify the nvmlDeviceID value later on.
For example, in this case, the following API call had some_variable as an invalid index, so nvmlDeviceID became invalid.
nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndex(some_variable, &nvmlDeviceID);
It had to be changed to:
nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndex(0, &nvmlDeviceID);
So the solution is to either remove all API calls that change or invalidate the value of nvmlDeviceID, or at least to ensure that any existing API call in the code does not modify the value.

Prolog game programming board evaluation

I have created a game, (4 in a row), in prolog. My heuristic function requires me to know how many Player's and Opponent's chips are in each possible 4-row combination on the board. The method I am using is as follows (in psuedocodish):
I have 1 list of all possible fours of the board (ComboList) =of the form==> [[A,B,C,D]|Rest].
I have 1 list of all the moves of the 1st player (List1) =of the form==> [[1],[7],[14]]
And 1 for opponent's moves (List2).
Step 1: obtain the first combo from ComboList, 2:
Check all of List1 to see how many are in this combo, 3:
Check all of List2 to see how many are in this combo,
Move onto the next combo from ComboList and start over...
This PROCESS takes waay too much runtime for what is required.
Please can someone suggest something better and more efficient! Much thanks in advance!
The following code uses member/3, which has also to become
known as nth1/3. See here:
The predicate is nowadays found in library(lists) and has
possibly native support or a fast implementation:
But I guess asserting some facts and relying on argument
indexing might get you an even better result. See for
example here:
Hope this helps.

Creating robust real-time monitors for variables

We can create a real-time monitor for a variable like this:
CreatePalette#Panel#Row[{"x = ", Dynamic[x]}]
(This is more interesting and useful if x happens to be something like $Assumptions. It's so easy to set a value and then forget about it.)
Unfortunately this stops working if the kernel is re-launched (Quit[], then evaluate something). The palette won't show changes in the value of x any more.
Is there a way to do this so it keeps working even across kernel sessions? I find myself restarting the kernel quite often. (If the resulting palette causes the kernel to be automatically started after Quit that's fine.)
Update: As mentioned in the comments, it turns out that the palette ceases working only if we quit by evaluating Quit[]. When using Evaluation -> Quit Kernel -> Local, it will keep working.
Link to same question on MathGroup.
I can only guess, because on my Ubuntu here the situations seems buggy. The trick with the Quit from the menu like Leonid suggested did not work here. Another one is: on a fresh Mathematica session with only one notebook open:
x = 1
x = 2
gives as expected
Typing in the next line Quit, evaluating and typing then x=3 updates only the first of the Dynamic[x].
Nevertheless, have you checked the command
This gives not only the tracked symbols but additionally some kind of ID where the dynamic content belongs. If you can find out, what exactly these numbers are and investigate in the other functions you find in the Internal context, you may be able to add your palette Dynamic-content manually after restarting the kernel.
I thought I had something like that with
but I'm currently not able to reproduce the behavior.
#halirutan's answer jarred my memory...
Have you ever come across: Experimental/ref/ValueFunction? (documentation address)
Although the documentation contains no examples, the 'more information' section provides the following tidbit:
The assignment ValueFunction[symb] = f specifies that whenever
symb gets a new value val, the expression f[symb,val] should be