Conditional Equations with Variable in GAMS - conditional-statements

I need your help to solve this "Little" problem I'm having programming with GAMS.
In my objective function I have this member that is z = [...]-TWC(j)*HS(j).
Where HS(j)is a variable.
Now, TWC(j) should be a parameter that works like this:
TWC(j) = 0 when HS(j) < 1000
TWC(j) = 3.21 when HS(j) >=1000.
Any idea how to implement this in GAMS? my attempts all failed.
EDIT: this is what I tried I defined an equation called TWCup(j) that was:
TWCup(j)$(HS.l(j) >= 1000).. TWC(j) =e= 3.21;
Thanks ;)

Probably not relevant for the OP anymore (since the question is more than 3 years old), but maybe useful for someone else that looks at this question.
If TWC(j) is a function of your variable HS(j), it is not a parameter. It is another variable. So you should define TWC(j) as a variable and not as a parameter. This is probably the reason you were getting errors.
There are some ways to fix your problem: One is to actually turn TWC(j) into a variable. But this would turn your problem into non-linear which could be (or not) an issue. Also, this could need the use of binary variables, which could also become a problem (again, or not).
But I think this issue could be resolved with a different specification of the LP. The cost function f(HS(j)) = TWC(j)*HS(j) is linear by parts and convex, which you can represent in a standard LP using auxiliary variables (assuming you are minimizing).
* declare auxiliary variable
* declare equations for linear by part cost function
* define costfun1 and costfun2
costfun1(j).. w(j) =g= 0;
costfun2(j).. w(j) =g= -3210 + 3.21*HS(j);
*redefine objective function (note that I changed to plus because I assumed this is a cost function that you are minimizing)
z = [...]+w(j)
This solution is very problem dependent. I assumed you were minimizing and I changed the sign in the objective function to '+'. If this was not the case, this would not work (would not be convex). Then we would need to check other approaches.
But the takeaway here is to stress that something that is a function of a variable is also a variable. But you may have options to reformulate your problem to address the problem.


Redefining a variable

I am using AMPL for the optimization of my model, and just have started with that project.
I have two variables, say A and B that I utilize in my objective function:
Later on I have the following constraint:
Here I realized that I can use just A, but the problem is, depending on whether or not this variable will be positive or negative I should use costA or costB.
My question is, can I redefine A[d,t] as B[d,t] if A[d,t] is less than 0? And if I can, how can I do it? Or is there any other way?
I think what you are after is something like (in some math-like notation):
min sum((d,t), APlus[d,t]*CostA + AMin[d,t]*CostB)
s.t. A[d,t] = APlus[d,t]-AMin[d,t]
positive variables APlus,AMin
This is called "variable splitting".

Defining a family of variables in sage

I am trying to migrate my scripts from mathematica to sage. I am stuck in something that it seems elementary.
I need to work with arbitrarily large polynomials say of the form
a00 + a10*x + a01*y + a20 *x^2 + a11*x*y + ...
I consider them polynomials only on x and y and I need given such a polynomial P to get the list of its monomials.
For example if P = a20*x^2 + a12*x*y^2
I want a list of the form [a20*x^2,a12*x*y^2].
I figured out that a polynomial in sage has a class function called coefficients that returns the coefficients and a class function called monomials that returns the monomials without the coefficients. Multiplying these two list together, gives the result I want.
The problem is that for this to work I need to explicitly declare all the a's as variables with is something that is not always possible.
Is there any way to tell sage that anything of the form a[number][number] is a variable? Or is there any way to define a whole family of variables in sage?
In a perfect world I would like to make sage behave like mathematica, in the sense that anything which is not defines is considered a variable, but I guess this is too optimistic.
My answer is not fully addressing your question but one trick I found to define variables was to use the PolynomialRing(). For example:
sage: R = PolynomialRing(RR, 'c', 20)
sage: c = R.gens()
sage: pol=sum(c[i]*x^i for i in range(10));pol
c9*x^9 + c8*x^8 + c7*x^7 + c6*x^6 + c5*x^5 + c4*x^4 + c3*x^3 + c2*x^2 + c1*x + c0
and later on you can define them as variables to solve(), for example:
sage: variables=[SR(c[i]) for i in srange(0,len(eq_list))];
sage: solution = solve(eqs,variables);
You'll almost certainly need some very minor string processing; the answers
this way of getting lists of symbolic variables
this other way of getting them that is similar
this sage-support post
are better than anything I can say. Naturally, this is possible to implement, but ...
In a perfect world I would like to make sage behave like mathematica, in the sense that anything which is not defines is considered a variable, but I guess this is too optimistic.
True; indeed, that goes against Python's (and hence Sage's) philosophy of "explicit is better than implicit"; there were arguments for a long time over whether even x should be predefined as a symbolic variable (it is!).
(And truthfully, given how often I make typos, I'd really rather not have any arbitrary thing be considered a symbolic variable.)

how to vary a parameter after compiling in modelica

I have written a finite volume model. The parameter n represents the number of volumes. After translating, the parameter can't be modified. Dymola gives this message:
Warning: Setting n has no effect in model.
After translation you can only set literal start-values and non-evaluated parameters.
I think the problem is that the parameter n is used in the equation section. There I use the following code:
for i in 2:n-1 loop
T[i] = some equation
end for
I also use n for the calculation of the initial values of T.
The purpose is to make a script that repeatedly executes the model but with a different n.
How can I do this?
The issue here is that your parameter n affects the number of variables in the problem. Dymola (and all other Modelica compilers I know of) evaluate such parameters at compile time. In other words, they hard code the value at compile time into the model.
One potential workaround in your case is to perform the translation or simulation inside your loop. Note that in the translate and simulate commands in Dymola you can include modifications. Just add them after the model name. For example MyModel would become MyModel(n=10).

Best way solving optimization with multiple variables in Matlab?

I am trying to compute numerically the solutions for a system of many equations and variables (100+). I tried so far three things:
I now that the vector of p(i) (which contains most of the endogenous variables) is decreasing. Thus I gave simply some starting points, and then was increasing(decreasing) my guess when I saw that the specific p was too low(high). Of course this was always conditional on the other being fixed which is not the case. This should eventually work, but it is neither efficient, nor obvious that I reach a solution in finite time. It worked when reducing the system to 4-6 variables though.
I could create 100+ loops around each other and use bisection for each loop. This would eventually lead me to the solution, but take ages both to program (as I have no idea how to create n loops around each other without actually having to write the loops - which is also bad as I would like to increase/decrease the amount of variables easily) and to execute.
I was trying fminsearch, but as expected for that wast amount of variables - no way!
I would appreciate any ideas... Here is the code (this one the fminsearch I tried):
This is the run file:
clear all
% parameter
for i=1:N
t(i)= t_min + (i-1)*(t_max - t_min)/(N-1);
for i=1:M
alp(i)= a_min + (i-1)*(a_max - a_min)/(M-1);
p(i)= p_min + (i-1)*(p_max - p_min)/(M-1);
fun=#(p) david(p ,z,w,lam,tau,N,M,t,alp);
And this is the program-file:
function crit=david(p, z,w,lam,tau,N,M,t,alp)
X = zeros(M,N);
pi = zeros(M,N);
C = zeros(1,N);
while (abs(EXD)>100)
r1=rl + 0.5*(rh-rl);
for i=1:M
for j=1:N
X(i,j)=min(w*(1+lam), (alp(i) * p(i) / r1)^(1/(1-alp(i))) * t(j)^((z-alp(i))/(1-alp(i))));
pi(i,j)=p(i) * t(j)^(z-alp(i)) * X(i,j)^(alp(i)) - r1*X(i,j);
[C,I] = max(pi);
for j=2:N
EXD=sum(Xa)- N*w;
if (abs(EXD)>100 && EXD>0)
elseif (abs(EXD)>100 && EXD<0)
for j=1:N
Ya(I(j),j)=t(j)^(z-alp(I(j))) * X(I(j),j)^(alp(I(j)));
if (Yi(1)==0)
for j=2:M
if (Yi(j)==0)
Z(j)=(p(1)/p(j))^tau - Yi(j)/Yi(1);
First of all my recommendation: use your brain.
What do you know about the function, can you use a gradient approach, linearize the problem, or perhaps fix most of the variables? If not, think twice before you decide that you are really interested in all 100 variables and perhaps simplify the problem.
Now, if that is not possible read this:
If you found a way to quickly get a local optimum, you could simply wrap a loop around it to try different starting points and hope you will find a good optimum.
If you really need to make lots of loops (and a variable amount) I suppose it can be done with recursion, but it is not easily explained.
If you just quickly want to make a fixed number of loops inside each other this can easily be done in excel (hint: loop variables can be called t1,t2 ... )
If you really need to evaluate a function at a lot of points, probably creating all the points first using ndgrid and then evaluating them all at once is preferable. (Needless to say this will not be a nice solution for 100 nontrivial variables)

How to correctly name a variable which represents a value of 1 - n?

It obviously depends on the context you are using them in but, I was wondering if there is a universally accepted way to name such variables, or at least in a mathematical context.
I've often seen:
float k = someValue;
float oneMinusK = 1 - k;
...which seems as descriptive as much as meaningless to me.
Please note that I'm not asking how to name a variable, but how to do it in this very case. Examples and contexts where you used them will be much appreciated,
In probability 1-k is the probability of X not occurring, given that k is the probability of X occurring.
float will_win_lottery = 0.00000000001;
float will_not_win_lottery = 1 - will_win_lottery;
You should name your variables based on what it means in terms of the domain you are working on not the algorithm you used to produce it. Thus if k represented your house number k-1 may represent your next door neighbors house number. Name it accordingly.
I would call it the Complement.
I would probably calculate that when I needed it. How much time do you think it saves to store it in a variable? Remember that premature optimization is the root of all evil.
There is no way to answer your question without knowing what "k" represents. Ironicly, the reason why that is not possible is the poor naming of the variable "k" in the first place, so that is what you should worry about instead. If you give "k" a more describing name, a good choise of naming for "k-1" should come naturally, like in the example of "will_win_lottery" and "will_not_win_lottery".
Your usage already seems descriptive enough, just go with it.
Are these supposed to be constants ?
If you are doing it for legibility reasons exclusively why not create a method a la Dan's suggestion.
float complement(float n) { return (1.0 - n); }
Does it really matter? Use i; it's not any less descriptive than k. Things like this need to be documented/commented if you're that OCD about code descriptiveness.