I'm trying to use Instagram API - api

I'm using default Instagram API, but when I try to fetch comments on posts, I'm getting a response with data empty, even when I know that there are comments on the post.
So when I tried to report it, it told me to migrate to Instagram Graph API. I searched, its look it's for personal use for business, I was building a raffle website helper, randomly pick a winner from a comment, and this broke my project.
Edit 1
So I'm confused because when I access Instagram Developer website says to gonna to new Instagram Graph API, but here, I got a message that it's just for business accounts, but I already have registered my app with "facebook login" like the links you have sent to me
See demo what I'm building: https://youtu.be/DmVN5t0dRaY
The problem: https://imgur.com/a/YHC5lZE

This is deprecated by Instagram. It's not really telling you to use the Graph API, it's saying that this is the way they are going and the Graph API is intended for business that want to maintain their own page and interact more successfully with Instagram users.

Instagram still offers an endpoint
GET /users/self/media/recent
That should suit your needs.


Workaround for new Instagram API restriction for tagged content

I built a module for my company's marketing team to fetch all the photos based on a hashtag. Such as #nofilter.
I was using the URL https://api.instagram.com/v1/tags/nofilter/media/recent with no problems until Instagram decided to change their API authentication to OAuth.
I followed the new guidelines but my client is still in sandbox mode and the API call doesn't return anything anymore. All it returns is:
{"pagination": {"deprecation_warning": "next_max_id and min_id are deprecated for this endpoint; use min_tag_id and max_tag_id instead"}, "meta": {"code": 200}, "data": []}
It seems like I need to submit my application to be reviewed before going live. But this doesn't seem possible, based on what i found from their submission guideline below. Is there any workaround for this?
====== UPDATE July 8th, 2016
I have found one of those 3rd parties that instagram mentioned, but the pricing is awful https://www.dialogfeed.com/pricing/
189 euros per month seem a bit steep
I had to deal with this. Their documentation is pretty unhelpful and doesn't seem to offer any solution for someone just wanting to collect relevant links, which should be no prob.
Fortunately, the script on an Instagram page provides easy access to their structured data. In my rails app I create a headless browser and just hit their url. I provided my solution as an answer to another question:

How to get the list of user ID who click likes and comments in Twitter by Twitter API, like the picture below

Hi, I want to get the user list in one Twitter post as picture shown. but I didn't find the API which I can get this kind of data on Twitter. Is there anyone know how can I get this data. Thanks
The official API does not include that functionality.
You will find that there are lots of actions which are available on the official website & apps which are not allowed in the API.

instagram retrieve hashtag images - update June 1

I am aware of the update to Instagram apis. I have read through the documentation regarding fetching hashtag images. I'm confused regarding 2 points -
They have a section "Endpoints", which gives the url for fetching images using tags - https://api.instagram.com/v1/tags/{tag-name}?access_token=ACCESS-TOKEN
At the same time, when i try to submit for review (under Permissions Review section), in order to get access token, i get this message -
"This use case is not supported. We do not approve the public_content permission for one-off projects such as displaying hashtag based content on your website. As alternative solution, you can show your own Instagram content, or find a company that offers this type of service (content discover, moderation, and display)."
The 2nd point makes me believe that Instagram has stopped sharing hashtag images to apis, at the same time i can find a lot of widgets still fetching hashtag images. How do they do that? Can anyone point me in the right direction?
The 2nd point makes me believe that Instagram has stopped sharing hashtag images to apis,
Correct. Instagram has made business decision to block most developers from accessing this content.
at the same time i can find a lot of widgets still fetching hashtag images.
This doesn't tell you much. They might have gotten their app approved for other purposes. Also it appears that Instagram has made some exceptions for big apps (like Tinder). Life is not fair.
How do they do that? Can anyone point me in the right direction?
You probably cannot. 99% of the use cases are not allowed and so they will reject your app if you try to submit it. Read this short article about what you can and cannot do with the new Instagram API
The other widgets you are talking about probably have presented Instagram with one of the valid use cases to fetch the data. They are able to get only the public content. This new restriction is probably a business decision. If you would still want to get the data you are looking for, you shopuld possibly go to a third party data provider who sell such data

Edit profile picture on Instagram using Instagram API?

How can I edit my profile picture on Instagram using the Instagram API? I've reviewed the API documentation but haven't found anything. I'm using C# .NET, also downloaded "InstaSharp" but can't figure it out.
With the current Instagram API (v1) this not possible. There are only 3 POST methods to modify data and those are for Relationships, Likes, and Comments.
If you are not committed to instasharp, this may have been asked and answered: Instagram API using Json.net
The answer uses json2csharp (http://json2csharp.com/), but from there it looks like it would be a breeze to just set User.profile_picture.

Is it possible to develop a Facebook app that filters updates out of a feed?

Namely, does the Facebook API make this possible? I'd like to leave my news feed intact, but remove posts that meet some criteria for things I don't want to see (e.g., don't show me anything that sounds like Dick Cheney might have said it). Does the Facebook API allow apps to customize a user's normal news feed? I spent a few minutes looking at the facebook developer pages, but didn't see any direct answers to my question, so I was hoping some developers who were experienced with Facebook's API could help me here.
Before anyone mentions it, I don't want to just hide updates from those users. They may post other updates that I want to see, so I'd prefer to filter out updates based on content.
There is a Greasemonkey script called "Facebook Purity" which does this. You could probably look at the source and alter it to your specifications.
You could parse the news feed into a database on your site then use code to parse whether or not to display it.
yes this is possible but only if all your friends decide to add your application! otherwise you may be not able to access their feeds.
Its been a while since i used Facebook SDK so this may have changed.
The API provides very little news feed integration, and no you can't use the api to prevent news feed items from showing up in a users feed. All you can do is post and get, and you can only post 10 items a day, "significant" interactions. The Facebook API wasn't designed to enhance or alter the core Facebook experience, it was designed to allow developers to create third party apps that add to Facebook within a very limited and tightly controlled sandbox.
The Linq to facebook project looks quite interesting and may allow you to do what you are asking (if using .NET 3.5). My apologies for a link to such a pink website ;-)