Connecting firebase to ionic3 app - firebase-authentication

I am trying to connect Firebase to an Ionic 3 app. I have installed the Firebase library and imported all the requirements needed, but I have this error:
Runtime Error Uexpected value 'AngularFiredatabase' imported by the module "AppModule' please add #NgModule annotation


Can't install react native base

So I went to the react native base website and I found the link for installing via terminal on already existing project and I get error messages saying module not found. Any solutions ?
I tried installing it but module not found

want to change the version of firebase 8.2.10 to 7.9.0 but facing error

I am working on a react native project and I want to connect with firebase ,but when I install firebase its shows that version 8.2.10 is not compatible with the expo package and install 7.9.0. I don't know what to do, please help !
This is the error I am facing.

"Application ... not registered" with React Native app on AWS Mobile Hub

I'm trying to learn and understand how AWS Mobile Hub works.
Based on I'm trying to create a React Native app from scratch and connect to a AWS Mobile Hub.
I followed the steps in the AWS Mobile React Native Starter # Use features in your app to create a React Native app from scratch.
Setup a new project in AWS Mobile Hub.
Used awsmobile init <ID> to setup the react project for AWS Mobile Hub.
Enabled User Sign-in on AWS Mobile Hub project.
Setup Authentication in the React Native project.
(ps. there is an error in the guidelines because 'Amplify' import is missing)
Run the app with npm run ios
No matter what I do, I alway get a 'Application ... has not been registered' error.
The example backend from 'AWS Mobile React Native Starter' does work.
I have tried to compare both AWS Mobile Projects, but cannot find what causes the 'Application ... has not been registered' error.
I want to understand this AWS Mobile Hub thing and want to be able to setup projects myself and know how to integrate it into apps.
Any help to solve this error is greatly appreciated.
Finally found the problem.
First I thought it was because index.ios.js and were missing, but then saw those are not needed anymore.
Aparently, when doing an application from scratch, the created 'index.js' does not have the correct component name. Changing the wrong name in AppRegistry.registerComponent('wrongname', () => App); to the correct application name, matching aws_project_name in aws-exports.js, fixed the issue.
The app now loads. Hurray!
Next problem: when signing in I get a 'No Userpool' message. Checked all config and Mobile Hub project, but the user pool seems correctly configured...
Update: also found the issue with 'No userpool'. When debugging the application, I noticed that the configuration received by Amplify.configure function was undefined. But I copied this code:
import { withAuthenticator } from 'aws-amplify-react-native';
import {awsmobile} from './aws-exports';
from this AWS React Native Starter App tutorial. But apparently it is not working.
Replacing that bit by this:
import Amplify from 'aws-amplify-react-native';
import aws_exports from './aws-exports';
AWS Documentation » AWS Mobile » Developer Guide » AWS Amplify Library for React Native » Get Started
. Now it suddenly works.
Thanks AWS! Took me couple of nights to find :-/
I saw that problem before when there is a version of aws-amplify installed under aws-amplify-react-native. That happens when the version of aws-amplify installed on the project is not the one that requires aws-amplify-react-native. I hope everything goes well with your app.

Native Module cannot be null - when integrating react-native project inside another react-native project

I have a react-native cross platform project based on Underdark library for exchanging data using Bluetooth and Wifi. this is working as react-native project. I am able to transfer data between iPhone and android.
Now i want to integrate this into another react native project as a package or use it in another project. But the private Underdark react native project is not a proper package in itself. It is just a working react native project.
I have integrated by using the following commands.
npm install —save
In Xcode I have imported the project and added the libraries/framework (underdark and protocol buffers ) into Build phases.
On the react side the entire project gets installed under node-modules.
Now i create a component and import the files in underdark library in node modules.
I run the react-native run-ios command to run it on my device.
It builds successfully but gives the following error.
2017-06-29 12:31:27.406 [error][tid:com.facebook.react.JavaScript] Native module cannot be null.
2017-06-29 12:31:27.523 [error][tid:com.facebook.react.JavaScript] Module AppRegistry is not a registered callable module (calling runApplication)
My question is
Is it possible to use a react native project in another project as a third party library. even if it is not a package.
How to remove this error.

Unable to connect to MobileFirst Server 8 beta

I am working on ionic with mobilefirst project. While i am trying to integrate ionic App with mobile first, the mobilefirst server is not connecting with my App, in the server console i am not getting any information regarding to my App.
mobilefirst: 8.0.0
cordova: 6.1.1
android: 5.1.1
To first step in order to have the MobileFirst Server recognize your application is to register the application. You can do this in two ways:
Using the MobileFirst CLI
Make sure you have the CLI installed
navigate to the root folder of the application project
Run the command: mfpdev app register
Directly from the MobileFirst Console.
This step will require you to manually enter the details of your application
Load the console, typically localhost:9080/mfpconsole (if running the server locally)
Next to "Applications" in the sidebar navigation click on "New"
Provide the app details:
bundle ID and version (you can find these in the config.xml file of your application project
The next step is to actually have the application send a request to the server to see if the connection succeeded...
Add the SDK by running the command: cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-mfp
Open the index.js file of your application and add the following code (just an example):
function wlCommonInit() {
function () {
alert ("successfully obtained a token from the server");
function(response) {
alert("Unable to obtain a token from the server: " + JSON.stringify(response));
Take a look at this Ionic example:
Once the custom "MFP init" has been fired, you can then use the above WLAuthorizationManager API.
If it fails, then you did not properly register your application.
Make sure the version is correct
Make sure the bundle name is correct
Please read through the tutorials:
You can also find Ioic app examples with MFP, here: