uwp NavigationView control Titlebar - xaml

I have a problem with the NavigationView Control and the titlebar.
I have tried to extend the view into the titlebar to play with the acrylic effects of the standard NavigationView. But then I´ve noticed that the back and menu buttons are underneath the titlebar, so you´re not able to click them properly.
In the attached image, you can see that everything under the red line is clickable but when you go over it, you are targeting the titlebar.
Is there anything I can do to fix this behavior?

I don't know which version OS you are working on, I didn't see this problem in recent Windows insider OS.
You may workaround the not clickable problem by set a dummy Titlebar like below:
<Grid x:Name="AppTitleBar" Background="Transparent" />
<NavigationView IsBackEnabled="True" PaneDisplayMode="Top">
<NavigationViewItem Icon="Accept" Content="Accept" />
public MainPage()
var coreTitleBar = CoreApplication.GetCurrentView().TitleBar;
coreTitleBar.ExtendViewIntoTitleBar = true;


Disable pointer mode for webview in Xbox UWP

Is there a way to disable pointer mode for WebView in an Xbox UWP app? I cannot use the RequiresPointer property since WebView is extended from FrameworkElement and not from Control.
This is my sample XAML:
<Grid Background="{ThemeResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}">
<WebView Source="http://stackoverflow.com/" Height="300" Width="500" />
Please find the pointer marked in the image below.
I have provided
RequiresPointerMode = ApplicationRequiresPointerMode.WhenRequested;
in App.xaml.cs and RequiresPointer = RequiresPointer.Never; at Page level.
How can I avoid the pointer and use controller buttons for scrolling?
The contents of the WebView needs to say that it supports gamepad control rather than defaulting to mouse emulation (docs):
navigator.gamepadInputEmulation = "gamepad";
And then you need to use the Gamepad API:

How to call another page using Tap Gesture in Xamarin.Forms?

I created an Image Button and put a Tap Gesture into it. I want my Image Button to call another Page but I don't know how am I going to do that without using Navigation.PushAsync but it's causing me this error "PushAsync is not supported globally on Android, please use a Navigation Page."
This is my XAML code.
<Image Source="add.jpg">
NumberOfTapsRequired="1" />
and this is my XAML.CS code.
private void TapGestureRecognizer_OnTapped(SecondPage secondPage)
Navigation.PushAsync(new SecondPage());
If you need to use PushAsync, the parent Page should be a NavigationPage.When we use NavigationPage and do PushAsync the Navigation stack will be maintained and you will get a back button in Actionbar for back navigation.
Rather if we use PushModalAsync, the page will be presented modally.
Changing PushAsync to PushModalAsync will work.
private void TapGestureRecognizer_OnTapped(SecondPage secondPage)
Navigation. PushModalAsync(new SecondPage());

Implement IE/Microsoft Edge bottom bar in XAML

I am a huge fan of the browser on Windows phone and I want to port a similar bottom bar to my app. Right now, I am using a standard CommandBar.
<AppBarButton Icon="Go" Click="Go"/>
<AppBarButton Icon="Setting" Label="Settings" Click="ShowSettings"/>
As this wastes screen space, I really want to make use of the remaining space of the bar to add something like app status (in place of the address bar of Edge/IE), something like download/upload progress. Unfortunately, the CommandBar does not allow introducing things like TextBlock or ProgressRing. To make use of those controls, we need to change to an AppBar instead. But then, I cannot use the features of CommandBar like the adding 3 dots buttons to open up the hidden buttons.
Is there an easy way to achieve this i.e. combining the flexibility of AppBar and the 3-dot feature of CommandBar?
CommandBar only accept the control that inherit ICommandBarElement interface.
We can create one UserControl which inherit ICommandBarElement, simply did a small test without optimize the code, take a look to see if it helps:
public sealed partial class MyUserControl1 : UserControl, ICommandBarElement
public MyUserControl1()
private bool _IsCompact = true;
bool ICommandBarElement.IsCompact
return _IsCompact;
_IsCompact = value;
Also the UserControl XAML:
d:DesignWidth="400" Height="38.027">
<TextBlock Foreground="DarkBlue">asdsadasdasdasdasda</TextBlock>
And then we use the userControl in the CommandBar, here we go:
Note: please further optimize it for instance register some Text dependency properties to enable accept the data binding.
Per the documentation on MSDN you can use the CommandBar.Content property which corresponds to the empty area to the side of any primary commands. To alter the alignment of the content you'd need to change the CommandBar.HorizontalContentAlignment property.
<CommandBar HorizontalContentAlignment="Stretch">
<AppBarButton Icon="Go" Click="Go"/>
<AppBarButton Icon="Setting" Label="Settings" Click="ShowSettings"/>
<TextBox HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"
And as of Win10 the recommendation is to place the CommandBar inline instead of using the Page.TopAppBar or Page.BottomAppBar properties. The one scenario in which you may still want to use the Page.BottomAppBar property is to ensure the CommandBar remains visible when the software keyboard appears.

Start An Event After Scrolling

I'm new to Windows Phone apps development, and I've created a scrolling menu using the following xaml code :
<ScrollViewer HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="18,0,0,0" Name="scrollViewer1" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="450" HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" Grid.Row="1">
<StackPanel Height="Auto" Name="stackPanel1" Width="Auto">
<Button Height="620" FontSize="120" Name="gotoGmail" Width="Auto">Gmail</Button>
<Button Height="620" FontSize="120" Name="gotoYahoo" Width="Auto">Yahoo</Button>
I'd like to know whether it's possible to start an event once the user scrolls the menu from one button to another. If it is possible, i'd be grateful if you could explain how. If it's not , i'd like to hear about how could I do it using different tools rather than ScrollViewer. Thanks in advance !
There's no "Scrolled" event on the ScrollViewer, but what you can do is two-way bind a property to VerticalOffset. That lets you trigger an event/command from your view/viewmodel when the scroll changes.
Something like this:
<ScrollViewer VerticalOffset="{Binding VerticalOffset,Mode=TwoWay}" ...
And then in the data context:
public double VerticalOffset
get { return _verticalOffset; }
_verticalOffset = value;
// call "on scroll changed" actions here
private double _verticalOffset = 0;
how could I do it using different tools rather than ScrollViewer
You can of course make a scrolling menu using other approaches. I'll bet there is some nifty approach you could figure, using the WinRT transitions/animations stuff, but I'm not familiar enough with those to say. Here are some others (not sure which would be best/easiest for your scenario):
Probably using Canvas would be a quick-and-dirty way to do it (just set up buttons that set off Canvas.Left and Canvas.Top animations).
Extending ItemsControl along with a custom ControlTemplate would be a good approach if you want to create a re-usable component.
I like extending Panel, but you have to do the animations manually using a DispatcherTimer, and you have to lay out the buttons yourself using Measure and Arrange.

ApplicationBar not working after navigation Windows 8

I am developing simple app on Windows 8.
I have two UserControls: Locations and LocationsMap.
I am trying to navigate between them. For that I have added to static methods into App. They are like this
public static void ShowLocationsMap()
var page = new LocationsMap();
Window.Current.Content = page;
Navigation works fine.
But there is a problem. I am calling this method from button in ApplicationBar. XAML looks like this
<ApplicationBar x:Name="BottomAppBar" Height="88" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" Style="{StaticResource AppBarStyle}" Grid.Row="1">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<!-- Margin="left,top,right,bottom" -->
<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" Margin="5,14,5,14">
<Button Content="Map" Click="MapButton_Click"></Button>
And I am navigating back by calling other function from next page.
The problem is that when I navigates back, ApplicationBar stopping to work. It is not showing after right click. If I set BottomAppBar.IsOpen to true, it shows up, but didn't closing.
Where is the problem?
ApplicationBar is not working as well in case when I am navigating to other page from button on controls XAML, so problem is not on button inside AppBar.
For navigation I was using sample code downloaded from internet. That code was using static functions defined in App class, which were changing Window.Current.Content.
That was bad idea. Instead if that I just need to use Frame navigation.
When using it we need to change type of our controls from UserControl to Page.
Application bar works great with navigation now.
Hope this will help someone.