Kotlin - Get Maximum value in ArrayList of Ints - kotlin

I have this ArrayList
var amplititudes: ArrayList<Int> = ArrayList()
I want to get the maximum value i.e 4. What will be the easiest way to find the max element? I know about the max() method , but it will forces me to use ? with the return value since it could be null. Is there any solution which is better than this?

You can use built-in functionality with maxOrNull (docs):
val amplitudes = listOf(1,2,3,4,3,2,1)
val max = amplitudes.maxOrNull() ?: 0

max() becomes deprecated starting from Kotlin 1.4, please use maxOrNull()
val list = listOf(10, 2, 33)
val max: Int = list.maxOrNull() ?: 0

You can use max(), if you want to use the default comparison (as in your case with ints), or maxBy, if you want to use a custom selector (i.e., algorithm) to compare values.
Note that both return int? (in your case), since the collection might be empty (i.e., no maximum value is present)

max() deprecated in Kotlin 1.4.
But it was reintroduced in 1.7 . More details here
Both max() and maxOrNull() can be used.
The difference is,
max() returns non null values.If the collection is empty it will throw NoSuchElementException.
maxOrNull() returns a nullable value, so if element not present in collection it would return null.
If you are sure that collection will not be empty or you have handled exception, you can use max().Otherwise it is recommended is to use maxOrNull() and have default value if it returns null.
val amplitudes = listOf(10,8,20,15,30,90)
//Here it returns non-null int
val max:Int = amplitudes.max()
println(max) //90
//Here it returns nullable int
val max :Int? = amplitudes.maxOrNull()
println(max) //90
//Here we can make it as non-nullable type using elvis operator.
val max1 :Int = amplitudes.maxOrNull()?:0
println(max) //90
val amplitudes1 = listOf<Int>()
val max2 :Int? = amplitudes1.maxOrNull()
println(max2) //prints null
val max3:Int = amplitudes1.max()
println(max3) // Throws NoSuchElementException
Playground Link


What does Kotlin ?: return expression means [duplicate]

I can't figure out what ?: does in for example this case
val list = mutableList ?: mutableListOf()
and why can it be modified to this
val list = if (mutableList != null) mutableList else mutableListOf()
TL;DR: If the resulting object reference [first operand] is not null, it is returned. Otherwise the value of the second operand (which may be null) is returned. Additionally, the operator can throw an exception if null is returned.
The Elvis operator is part of many programming languages, e.g. Kotlin but also Groovy or C#.
I find the Wikipedia definition pretty accurate:
In certain computer programming languages, the Elvis operator ?: is a binary operator that returns its first operand if that operand is true, and otherwise evaluates and returns its second operand. It is a variant of the ternary conditional operator, ? :, found in those languages (and many others): the Elvis operator is the ternary operator with its second operand omitted.
The following is especially true for Kotlin:
Some computer programming languages have different semantics for this operator. Instead of the first operand having to result in a boolean, it must result in an object reference. If the resulting object reference is not null, it is returned. Otherwise the value of the second operand (which may be null) is returned. If the second operand is null, the operator is also able to throw an exception.
An example:
x ?: y // yields `x` if `x` is not null, `y` otherwise.
x ?: throw SomeException() // yields `x` if `x` is not null, throws SomeException otherwise
The Elvis Operator is represented by a question mark followed by a colon: ?: and it can be used with this syntax:
first operand ?: second operand
It enables you to write a consise code, and works as such:
If first operand isn't null, then it will be returned. If it is null, then the second operand will be returned. This can be used to guarantee that an expression won't return a null value, as you'll provide a non-nullable value if the provided value is null.
For example(in Kotlin):
fun retrieveString(): String { //Notice that this type isn't nullable
val nullableVariable: String? = getPotentialNull() //This variable may be null
return nullableVariable ?: "Secondary Not-Null String"
In this case, if the computed value of getPotentialNull is not null, it will be returned by retrieveString; If it is null, the second expression "Secondary Not-Null String" will be returned instead.
Also note that the right-hand side expression is evaluated only if the left-hand side is null.
In Kotlin, you could use any expression as second operand, such as a throw Exception expression
return nullVariable ?: throw IllegalResponseException("My inner function returned null! Oh no!")
The name Elvis Operator comes from the famous American singer Elvis Presley. His hairstyle resembles a Question Mark
Source: Wojda, I. Moskala, M. Android Development with Kotlin. 2017. Packt Publishing
This is called the Elvis operator and it does... Exactly what you've described in your question. If its left hand side is a null value, it returns the right side instead, sort of as a fallback. Otherwise it just returns the value on the left hand side.
a ?: b is just shorthand for if (a != null) a else b.
Some more examples with types:
val x: String? = "foo"
val y: String = x ?: "bar" // "foo", because x was non-null
val a: String? = null
val b: String = a ?: "bar" // "bar", because a was null
Let's take a look at the defintion:
When we have a nullable reference r, we can say "if r is not null, use
it, otherwise use some non-null value x":
The ?: (Elvis) operator avoids verbosity and makes your code really concise.
For example, a lot of collection extension functions return null as fallback.
listOf(1, 2, 3).firstOrNull { it == 4 } ?: throw IllegalStateException("Ups")
?: gives you a way to handle the fallback case elgantely even if you have multiple layers of fallback. If so, you can simply chain multiply Elvis operators, like here:
val l = listOf(1, 2, 3)
val x = l.firstOrNull { it == 4 } ?: l.firstOrNull { it == 5 } ?: throw IllegalStateException("Ups")
If you would express the same with if else it would be a lot more code which is harder to read.
The elvis operator in Kotlin is used for null safety.
x = a ?: b
In the above code, x will be assigned the value of a if a is not null and b if a is null.
The equivalent kotlin code without using the elvis operator is below:
x = if(a == null) b else a
Simply we can say that, you have two hands. You want to know, is your left hand working right now?. If left hand not working, return empty else busy
Example for Java:
private int a;
if(a != null){
println("a is not null, Value is: "+a)
println("a is null")
Example for Kotlin:
val a : Int = 5
val l : Int = if (a != null) a.length else "a is null"
Consider below example,
var myStr:String? = null
//trying to find out length of myStr, but it could be null, so a null check can be put as,
val len = if (myStr != null){
Using the elvis operator, the above code can be written in a single line
val len = myStr?.length ?: -1 // will return -1 if myStr is null else will return length
In addition to what has been already stated there is one good pattern that was not obvious for me, but which is common, e.g. you're writing a long function, but if something is null there is no sense to continue and the only thing you can do is to return from the function. Normally you'd write
something = expression
if (something == null) {
With elvis it becomes shorter and more elegant:
something = expression ?: return
Basically, if the left side of Elvis returns null for some reason, returns the right side instead.
val number: Int? = null
println(number ?: "Number is null")
So, if number is NOT null, it will print number, otherwise will print "Number is null".
A little addition though is this
X = A ?: B
X will still be null if both A and B evaluate to null
Therefore, if you want X to always be non-null, make sure B is always a non-null or that B always evaluates to non-null if it's a function or expression.

Not nullable value required to call 'component1()' function of destructuring declaration initializer

Is it possible to make the following code to compile in Kotlin?
val variable: String? = "string"
val (a, b) = variable?.run {
1 to 2
The compiler does not allow destructuring because the expression on the right-hand side is typed as a nullable Pair<Int, Int>?, and it's unclear what values a and b should get in case variable is null.
To solve this, you need to get a not-null expression after =.
There's a lot of different ways to deal with nullable values and produce a not-null value from a nullable one, see: In Kotlin, what is the idiomatic way to deal with nullable values, referencing or converting them
For example, if you want to provide fallback values for a and b, then use the ?: operator as follows:
val (a, b) = variable?.run {
1 to 2
} ?: (0 to 0)
An alternative, for example, would be to check variable for null first:
val (a, b) = checkNotNull(variable) { "variable should never be null" }.run {
1 to 2
Null doesn't have any destructuring declarations. If you want a value of null to destructure like it's a pair of nulls, you could add these extensions:
operator fun <T> Pair<T, *>?.component1() = this?.component1()
operator fun <T> Pair<*, T>?.component2() = this?.component2()
Otherwise, as the other answer shows, you need to provide a default using the Elvis operator.
It's not automatic because it doesn't know what you want. Depending on what you're doing with it, 0 to 0 may be most appropriate, or maybe -1 to -1 or 0 to null or null to null.
The question is, what do you want to do if your variable is null? If you want to throw an exception, go with require or check as #hotkey suggested.
However I have the case where I just want to return if the value is null. So I wrote myself a little helper function that allows for this:
private inline fun <T> T?.exitIfNull(exitBlock: () -> Nothing): T {
if (this == null)
return this
You can call this function as follows:
val (a, b) = variable?.run {
1 to 2
}.exitIfNull {
A nice little use of the Nothing keyword in Kotlin that I personally find quite fascinating

Filtering out non null values from a collection in kotlin

Take a look at this kotlin one liner:
val nonNullArr : List<NonNullType> = nullArray.filter {it != null}
The compiler gives a type error at this line, saying that a list of nullables can't be assigned to a list of non-nulls. But the filter conditional makes sure that the list will only contain non null values. Is there something similar to !! operator that I can use in this situation to make this code compile?
It seems logical to assume that the compiler would take into account the predicate
it != null
and infer the type as
but it does not.
There are 2 solutions:
val nonNullList: List<NonNullType> = nullableArray.filterNotNull()
val nonNullList: List<NonNullType> = nullableArray.mapNotNull { it }
As far as I know, you cannot convert nullable types into nonNull types by just verifying that they are not null. To achieve what you want, you need to manually map nullable values to non-null type by simply creating NonNull type object. For this you can use map extension function.
val nullableArray: Array<String?> = arrayOf("abc", "xyz", null, "efg")
val nonNullList: List<String> = nullableArray.filter { it != null }.map {
Or you can use filterNotNull() method as #forpas suggested in comments
val nonNullList: List<String> = nullableArray.filterNotNull()
Hope it helps you!
You can't assign a nullable type to a non-nullable type of value.
The type-matching maybe works when you assign a value, not after filter operation called.
// the type-matching works before `.filter` is called
val nonNullArr : List<NonNullType> = nullArray//.filter {it != null}
instead, if you want to do this without an error or without concerning the type. Remove the type from the val, so it goes like this
val nonNullArr = nullArray.filter {it != null}
Hope it helps
try using listOfNotNull instead of listOf(), it is equivalent to list.filterNotNull()

How to get min/max from ArrayList based on its object attribute values?

What I want to achieve is to get min/max attribute value of object from ArrayList<Object>. For example if Object has attribute weight(float), I want heaviest object from the list.
I've tried to implement Comparable to get max/min value but this returns same value for min and same for max for some reason. (I don't know if it works with floats)
val maxVal: Float = arrayList.max().floatVal1
val minVal: Float = arrayList.min().floatVal1
data class CustomObject(var val1: String, var floatVal1: Float , var floatVal2: Float?, var floatVal3: Float?, var floatVal4: Float?): Comparable<CustomObject>{
override fun compareTo(other: CustomObject) = (floatVal1 - other.floatVal1).toInt()
That specific question from duplicate post does not show me how to get max/min value based on Float. That's the problem. If I want to modify Comparator it accepts only Int. And i cant use that stream feature because my app is for API 23+ not 24+
I think you're looking for minBy and maxBy:
val minObject: CustomObject? = arrayList.minBy { it.floatVal1 }
val maxObject: CustomObject? = arrayList.maxBy { it.floatVal1 }
val maxObj: Object? = arrayList.maxByOrNull { it.floatVal1 }
val minObj: Object? = arrayList.minByOrNull { it.floatVal2 }
maxBy, minBy are deprecated since Kotlin 1.4
This return non-null types:
val max = list.maxOf { it.value }
val min = list.minOf { it.value }
Below Code returns Max value of your parameter in list of objects.
Ex)100 is max marks obtained all students
list.maxOf { it.yourParameter } // Returns Max value of yourParameter value in list of objects
Below Code returns Object of Max value of your parameter in list of objects.
Ex)Student object who got 100 marks
list.maxBy { it.yourParameter } // Returns Object of Max of yourParameter value in list of objects

What does ?: do in Kotlin? (Elvis Operator)

I can't figure out what ?: does in for example this case
val list = mutableList ?: mutableListOf()
and why can it be modified to this
val list = if (mutableList != null) mutableList else mutableListOf()
TL;DR: If the resulting object reference [first operand] is not null, it is returned. Otherwise the value of the second operand (which may be null) is returned. Additionally, the operator can throw an exception if null is returned.
The Elvis operator is part of many programming languages, e.g. Kotlin but also Groovy or C#.
I find the Wikipedia definition pretty accurate:
In certain computer programming languages, the Elvis operator ?: is a binary operator that returns its first operand if that operand is true, and otherwise evaluates and returns its second operand. It is a variant of the ternary conditional operator, ? :, found in those languages (and many others): the Elvis operator is the ternary operator with its second operand omitted.
The following is especially true for Kotlin:
Some computer programming languages have different semantics for this operator. Instead of the first operand having to result in a boolean, it must result in an object reference. If the resulting object reference is not null, it is returned. Otherwise the value of the second operand (which may be null) is returned. If the second operand is null, the operator is also able to throw an exception.
An example:
x ?: y // yields `x` if `x` is not null, `y` otherwise.
x ?: throw SomeException() // yields `x` if `x` is not null, throws SomeException otherwise
The Elvis Operator is represented by a question mark followed by a colon: ?: and it can be used with this syntax:
first operand ?: second operand
It enables you to write a consise code, and works as such:
If first operand isn't null, then it will be returned. If it is null, then the second operand will be returned. This can be used to guarantee that an expression won't return a null value, as you'll provide a non-nullable value if the provided value is null.
For example(in Kotlin):
fun retrieveString(): String { //Notice that this type isn't nullable
val nullableVariable: String? = getPotentialNull() //This variable may be null
return nullableVariable ?: "Secondary Not-Null String"
In this case, if the computed value of getPotentialNull is not null, it will be returned by retrieveString; If it is null, the second expression "Secondary Not-Null String" will be returned instead.
Also note that the right-hand side expression is evaluated only if the left-hand side is null.
In Kotlin, you could use any expression as second operand, such as a throw Exception expression
return nullVariable ?: throw IllegalResponseException("My inner function returned null! Oh no!")
The name Elvis Operator comes from the famous American singer Elvis Presley. His hairstyle resembles a Question Mark
Source: Wojda, I. Moskala, M. Android Development with Kotlin. 2017. Packt Publishing
This is called the Elvis operator and it does... Exactly what you've described in your question. If its left hand side is a null value, it returns the right side instead, sort of as a fallback. Otherwise it just returns the value on the left hand side.
a ?: b is just shorthand for if (a != null) a else b.
Some more examples with types:
val x: String? = "foo"
val y: String = x ?: "bar" // "foo", because x was non-null
val a: String? = null
val b: String = a ?: "bar" // "bar", because a was null
Let's take a look at the defintion:
When we have a nullable reference r, we can say "if r is not null, use
it, otherwise use some non-null value x":
The ?: (Elvis) operator avoids verbosity and makes your code really concise.
For example, a lot of collection extension functions return null as fallback.
listOf(1, 2, 3).firstOrNull { it == 4 } ?: throw IllegalStateException("Ups")
?: gives you a way to handle the fallback case elgantely even if you have multiple layers of fallback. If so, you can simply chain multiply Elvis operators, like here:
val l = listOf(1, 2, 3)
val x = l.firstOrNull { it == 4 } ?: l.firstOrNull { it == 5 } ?: throw IllegalStateException("Ups")
If you would express the same with if else it would be a lot more code which is harder to read.
The elvis operator in Kotlin is used for null safety.
x = a ?: b
In the above code, x will be assigned the value of a if a is not null and b if a is null.
The equivalent kotlin code without using the elvis operator is below:
x = if(a == null) b else a
Simply we can say that, you have two hands. You want to know, is your left hand working right now?. If left hand not working, return empty else busy
Example for Java:
private int a;
if(a != null){
println("a is not null, Value is: "+a)
println("a is null")
Example for Kotlin:
val a : Int = 5
val l : Int = if (a != null) a.length else "a is null"
Consider below example,
var myStr:String? = null
//trying to find out length of myStr, but it could be null, so a null check can be put as,
val len = if (myStr != null){
Using the elvis operator, the above code can be written in a single line
val len = myStr?.length ?: -1 // will return -1 if myStr is null else will return length
In addition to what has been already stated there is one good pattern that was not obvious for me, but which is common, e.g. you're writing a long function, but if something is null there is no sense to continue and the only thing you can do is to return from the function. Normally you'd write
something = expression
if (something == null) {
With elvis it becomes shorter and more elegant:
something = expression ?: return
Basically, if the left side of Elvis returns null for some reason, returns the right side instead.
val number: Int? = null
println(number ?: "Number is null")
So, if number is NOT null, it will print number, otherwise will print "Number is null".
A little addition though is this
X = A ?: B
X will still be null if both A and B evaluate to null
Therefore, if you want X to always be non-null, make sure B is always a non-null or that B always evaluates to non-null if it's a function or expression.