How to return SUM of Column and COUNT of rows with GROUP BY in SQL Server - sql

So I am not sure if my question has been solved earlier on Stack Overflow or somewhere, So I am quite sure that my question would be considered as duplicate, but never the less of all the solution that I found across the net, none of them served my purpose.
Question: I have a table
I need to write a query which bring an output like below:
The character column in the Output is actually the SUM of the total characters in the animal & vehicle column, and also I would need the total rows for individual users.
Thank You.

You can use simple GROUP BY with LEN() function :
select UserID,
sum(len(Animal+Vehical)) as Character,
count(*) Records
from table t
group by UserID;
Use TRIM() or LTRIM/RTRIM() function in case of white spaces there.


Access SQL GROUP BY problem (eg. tbl_Produktion.ID not part of the aggregation-function)

I want to group by two columns, however MS Access won't let me do it.
Here is the code I wrote:
tbl_Produktion.Datum, tbl_Produktion.Schichtleiter,
tbl_Produktion.ProduktionsID, tbl_Produktion.Linie,
tbl_Produktion.Schicht, tbl_Produktion.Anzahl_Schichten_P,
tbl_Produktion.Schichtteam, tbl_Produktion.Von, tbl_Produktion.Bis,
tbl_Produktion.Pause, tbl_Produktion.Kunde, tbl_Produktion.TeileNr,
tbl_Produktion.FormNr, tbl_Produktion.LabyNr,
tbl_Produktion.Stueckzahl_Ausschuss, tbl_Produktion.Ausschussgrund,
tbl_Produktion.Kommentar, tbl_Produktion.StvSchichtleiter,
tbl_Produktion.Von2, tbl_Produktion.Bis2, tbl_Produktion.Pause2,
tbl_Produktion.Arbeiter3, tbl_Produktion.Von3, tbl_Produktion.Bis3,
tbl_Produktion.Pause3, tbl_Produktion.Arbeiter4,
tbl_Produktion.Von4, tbl_Produktion.Bis4, tbl_Produktion.Pause4,
tbl_Produktion.Leiharbeiter5, tbl_Produktion.Von5,
tbl_Produktion.Bis5, tbl_Produktion.Pause5,
tbl_Produktion.Leiharbeiter6, tbl_Produktion.Von6,
tbl_Produktion.Bis6, tbl_Produktion.Pause6, tbl_Produktion.Muster
tbl_Produktion ON tbl_Personal.PersID = tbl_Produktion.Schichtleiter
tbl_Produktion.Datum, tbl_Produktion.Schichtleiter;
It works when I group it by all the columns, but not like this.
The error message say that the rest of the columns aren't part of the aggregation-function (translated from german to english as best as I could).
PS.: I also need the sum of "tbl_Produktion.Stueckzahl_Prod" therefore I tried using the SUM function (couldn't try it yet).
Have you tried something along these lines?
tbl_Produktion.Datum, tbl_Produktion.Schichtleiter,
MAX(tbl_Produktion.ProduktionsID), MAX(tbl_Produktion.Linie),
MAX(tbl_Produktion.Schicht), MAX(tbl_Produktion.Anzahl_Schichten_P),
MAX(tbl_Produktion.Schichtteam), MAX(tbl_Produktion.Von), MAX(tbl_Produktion.Bis),
tbl_Produktion ON tbl_Personal.PersID = tbl_Produktion.Schichtleiter
tbl_Produktion.Datum, tbl_Produktion.Schichtleiter;
I have used the MAX function for all the data except the two items you specify in the GROUP BY and the one where you desire the SUM. I took the liberty of leaving out mush of your data just to get started.
Using the MAX function turns out to be a convenient workaround when the data item is known to be unique within each group. We cannot know your data or your itent, so we cannot tell you whether MAX will yield the results you need.
If you use an aggregation function in the select clause, you must group by every column that you're selecting that's not an aggregation. If you don't want to do that for some reason (perhaps it changes the output of the aggregation in way that you don't intend) you either must think of an aggregate to use (pick a value. Average? Max? Min?) or just do two selects, one for the aggregate, and one for the non-aggregates. But, then, you have to decide how to get the non-aggregated fields that make sense for the aggregate (or show them all in a table, I suppose?)

Add a Percent of Total Column in Access Query

I have the following query:
SELECT [3-2017].[Dealer#], Sum([3-2017].Balance) AS SumOfBalance
FROM [3-2017]
GROUP BY [3-2017].[Dealer#];
I want to add a column that returns the percent of grand total for each dealer#. I think I need another single-row query with the totals and join or union somehow, but I'm completely lost.
I've looked through a few different posts and this is the top result, but it doesn't solve my problem, unfortunately.
Really best and easiest done in a report. However, try:
SELECT [3-2017].[Dealer#], Sum([3-2017].Balance) AS SumDealerBal,
(SELECT Sum(Balance) FROM [3-2017]) AS SumBalance, SumDealerBal/SumBalance AS DealerPct
FROM [3-2017]
GROUP BY [3-2017].[Dealer#];
Advise no spaces or special character/punctuation (underscore is only exception) in any names. Better would be DealerNum or Dealer_Num.

SQL count query number of lines per row

I am trying to count the amount of urls we have in field in sql I have googled but cannot find anything !
So for example this could be in field "url" row 1 / id 1
So for example this could be field "url" in row 2 / id 2
So if you were to run the query the count would be 5. There is no comma in between them, only space.
Kind Regards
This is a very bad layout for data. If you have multiple urls per id, then they should be stored as separate rows in another table.
But, sometimes we are stuck with other people's bad design decisions. You can do something like this:
select (length(replace(urls, 'url', 'urlx')) - length(urls)) as num_urls
Note that the specific functions for length() and replace() might vary, depending on the database.

SQL trouble with JOIN on INSTR()

I've read lots of examples of JOIN syntax, but none of them work for my problem.
I have a table of quotes and a table of sales enquiries. One quote may result in multiple enquiries, or it may not result in any enquiries. I want to create a list of all quotes and include details of any resulting enquiry. I'm expecting multiple result rows for a quote that resulted in many enquiries. I'm expecting a single row with empty or null enquiries fields, for those quotes that didn't give rise to any enquiries.
The connecting data is in the quotes table, where there's a field called 'activity' that contains the id of any or all enquiries that resulted. It's updated each tim e anew enquiry comes in.
So I tried this:
SELECT q.*,, e.price
FROM quotes as q
LEFT JOIN enquiries as e
ON INSTR(q.activity, >'0'
WHERE > '2013-07-01'
But every row in my results includes enquiries data. I can't seem to get it to include the quotes that never resulted in anything. I thought LEFT JOIN was supposed to give me all of the quotes regardless of enquiries, and include the enquiries data where there was a match. But every example I've seen is just joining on =, so I suspect that my INSTR() match criteria might be messing things up.
As previous commentators have suggested the issue will be down to the join with Instr. The return value from INSTR of many RDBMSs is an integer value. When you therefore test the value of INSTR against '0' you won't get a match. Also, if Instr doesn't find a match you may get something else returned like MS Access where Null is a possible return value. This is obviously all speculation and we really need to see an example of your data and the issue to confirm if this is the actual problem. In the absence of any more info this is the best you are going to get:
Without knowing which DB you are using I've included a few links for INSTR:
MS Access (returns variant Long),
SQL Server - No Instr Function - CharIndex
I think your problem might be somewhere else, because this seems to work fine for me. I assumed the list of enquiries was just a comma separated string. See!4/71ce1/1
Get rid of the single quotes around the 0, but that doesn't make any difference. Also, you shouldn't be relying on the default date format, but using TO_DATE.You don't say what DBMS you're using, but I tried both Oracle and MySQL.

SQL statement HAVING MAX(some+thing)=some+thing

I'm having trouble with Microsoft Access 2003, it's complaining about this statement:
select cardnr
from change
where year(date)<2009
group by cardnr
having max(time+date) = (time+date) and cardto='VIP'
What I want to do is, for every distinct cardnr in the table change, to find the row with the latest (time+date) that is before year 2009, and then just select the rows with cardto='VIP'.
This validator says it's OK, Access says it's not OK.
This is the message I get: "you tried to execute a query that does not include the specified expression 'max(time+date)=time+date and cardto='VIP' and cardnr=' as part of an aggregate function."
Could someone please explain what I'm doing wrong and the right way to do it? Thanks
Note: The field and table names are translated and do not collide with any reserved words, I have no trouble with the names.
Try to think of it like this - HAVING is applied after the aggregation is done.
Therefore it can not compare to unaggregated expressions (neither for time+date, nor for cardto).
However, to get the last (principle is the same for getting rows related to other aggregated functions as weel) time and date you can do something like:
SELECT cardnr
FROM change main
WHERE time+date IN (SELECT MAX(time+date)
FROM change sub
WHERE sub.cardnr = main.cardnr AND
AND cardto='VIP')
(assuming that date part on your time field is the same for all the records; having two fields for date/time is not in your best interest and also using reserved words for field names can backfire in certain cases)
It works because the subquery is filtered only on the records that you are interested in from the outer query.
Applying the same year(date)<200 and cardto='VIP' to the outer query can improve performance further.