Stripe integration with 3D Secure - express

I have an Express app that I had successfully tested with tokenisation of payments. As I'm in the UK and will be accepting mainly UK cards, I believe I need to implement 3D Secure handling. I'm really struggling to understand the official documentation - examples are few and far between in my opinion. From the following:
I have got Sources working instead of Card payments using tokens. This is step 1. Step 2 requires that I determine if the card supports 3D Secure. I have been doing this client side but am not sure how to handle this subsequently - I have been attempting to send the user for a card payment if 3D Secure is not required. BUT if it is required, do i need to create another Source? And do I do this server or client side? I also cannot get the return_url field to do anything - 3D Secure cards simply fail.
Are there any examples out there that would help me? I am finding the official docs simply tell you roughly what to do with not much in the way of 'how' to do things.
I should add I am using v3 with Elements, NOT Checkout.
Thanks for any help.
edit: the below server-side doesn't seem to do anything:
amount: 6500,
currency: 'gbp',
type: "three_d_secure",
three_d_secure: {
card: stripeSource,
redirect: {
return_url: ""
The documentation states "To allow your customer to verify their identity using 3D Secure, redirect them to the URL provided within theredirect[url] attribute of the Source object."
My source object doesn't contain this field?
edit: This is what I have now. The redirect works, but as soon as I authorize the payment, the card declines:
email: cust_email,
source: stripeSource
return stripe.charges.create({
amount: fee,
description: "Client Ref: " + clientref,
currency: "gbp",
metadata: {
'allocation:': allocate
receipt_email: cust_email,
source: request.query.source,
).catch(err => {
amount: fee,
currency: 'gbp',
type: "three_d_secure",
three_d_secure: {
card: stripeSource,
redirect: {
return_url: "http://localhost:8000/charge"
}).then(function(test) {


While trying to authenticate users in shopify, getting error: Field 'CustomerAccessTokenCreateInput' doesn't exist on type 'Mutation'

I am using node.js in my application, with shopify-api-node (v3.2.0), to authenticate customer login along with other features if shopify. As per shopify documentation ( I am using GraphQL to access shopify API.
My code looks something like this below :-
const Shopify = require('shopify-api-node');
const shopify = new Shopify({
shopName: process.env.SHOPIFY_DOMAIN_NAME,
apiKey: process.env.SHOPIFY_API_KEY,
password: process.env.SHOPIFY_API_KEY_PASSWORD
const query = `mutation {
customerAccessTokenCreate (input: {
email: "",
password: "password123"
customerAccessToken {
customerUserErrors {
.then((output) => {
.catch((err) => {
After this I am getting below error :-
Error: Field 'customerAccessTokenCreate' doesn't exist on type 'Mutation'
at got.then (/Users/admin/Documents/Code/shopify-node-app/node_modules/shopify-api-node/index.js:239:19)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
locations: [ { line: 2, column: 5 } ],
path: [ 'mutation', 'customerAccessTokenCreate' ],
{ code: 'undefinedField',
typeName: 'Mutation',
fieldName: 'customerAccessTokenCreate' }
Even I am getting the same thing from postman itself.
Any help would be appreciated.
There are two types of GraphQL:
the storefront GraphQL -
the admin GraphQL -
While they seems similar the strorefront is much more limited but can be used on the front-end, while the admin one is more rich in method and functionality but can't be used safely on the font-end.
The documentation and the method you are trying to make is referring to the Storefront API, but the package you are using is for the Admin GraphQL API.
You can create a storefront access token via the storefrontAccessToken method if you want to make storefront request but the Admin API GraphQL allows for more customization.
So you need to make sure you are using the proper API.
If you plan to use the storefront API, you shouldn't use NodeJS and just create a private app ( from Admin -> APP -> Private App) which will provide you a Store Front Access Token (if you enable it at the bottom and select the proper scopes) that can be used directly on the front-end.
If you plan to use the Admin API, you will need to create a public app and host it, then you can use NodeJS and pass the information via a Proxy in Shopify.
You are making a request to the Storefront API, while using a library for the Admin API.

React Native Paypal Payment Gateway using react-native-paypal-lib

I have spent more then 6 hours in integrating paypal in React Native. I am using react-native-paypal-lib library.
clientId: 'MY ID I KNOW',
environment: RNPaypal.ENVIRONMENT.SANDBOX,
intent: RNPaypal.INTENT.SALE,
price: 60,
currency: 'USD',
description: 'Android testing',
acceptCreditCards: true
}).then(response => {
}).catch(err => {
{response_type: "payment", response: {…}, client: {…}}
environment: "mock"
paypal_sdk_version: "2.15.3"
platform: "Android"
product_name: "PayPal-Android-SDK"
create_time: "2014-07-18T18:46:55Z"
id: "PAY-18X32451H0459092JKO7KFUI"
intent: "sale"
state: "approved"
response_type: "payment"
I am getting the response too. But, I cannot see the transactions in my sandbox account. Also, I am getting the same response id every time.
An approved v1/payment (or v2/order) does not create a transaction. The customer has merely passed through the portion of the process, to give their approval.
After your app is notified of this approval, by e.g. their return from to your app with the details, you must execute the v1/payment (or capture the v2/order), which will create a PayPal transaction. The transaction will have its own new unique ID, which is what you should store for accounting purposes.
(The ID used during the approval process, PAY-##### with v1/payments, or just 17 characters for v2/orders, is only worth keeping around about ~1 month for debug purposes. It has no business/accounting value.)

Cloud Recoding RESTful API Error of

I would like to implement your Cloud Recoding of Live Broadcasting via RESTful API. I implemented it with NodeJs. Could you please help me why I get an error and how I can fix it?
On the manual,
"Status Code 400: The input is in the wrong format."
But I do not know what is wrong.
error: null
body: { resourceId: '', code: 400 }
var plainCredentials = new Buffer.from(agoraCustomerId+":"+agoraCustomerCertificate);
var base64Credentials = plainCredentials.toString("base64");
var options = {
url: "",
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Authorization": "Basic " + base64Credentials,
"Content-type": "application/json;charset=utf-8"
"cname": "190724060650293",
"uid": "060716332",
"clientRequest": {}
};, function (error, response, body) {
console.log("error: " + error);
console.log("body: ", body);
Agora's Cloud Recording is an add-on feature so it's not enabled by default, it needs to be enabled on your account for a specific AppID. The error you may be receiving is because the feature is not enabled on your account.
Enabling's Cloud Recording on your project is now available through the Dashboard.
To enable Cloud Recording on your project, you’ll need to click into the Products & Usage section of the Dashboard and select the Project name from the drop-down in the upper left-hand corner, click the Duration link below Cloud Recording.
After you click Enable Cloud Recording, you will be prompted to confirm the concurrent channels settings which defaults to 50, but you can contact if you need more.
Theres a getting started tutorial that leverages a POSTMAN collection for quick testing.
QuickStart Tutorial:
Postman Collection:
In my case it was mistake in Region settings . I used AP_NORTHEAST_1 but 10 need be used
1 - Make sure you have enable agora recording
2- Check the link and send all parameters.
EX: {
"cname": "httpClient463224",
"uid": "527841",
"resourceExpiredHour": 24,
"scene": 1
You forgot to put "resourceExpiredHour": 24,"scene": 1
More info:
PHP: you need to put strval function
$body = ["cname"=>strval($cname),"uid" =>strval($uid),"clientRequest" => ["resourceExpiredHour" => 24,"scene" => 1]];
I hope you solve your issue

How to store the data in local device using JSONStore in worklight?

I'm doing Login Page in worklight using JavaScript and jquery, the username and password should validate the data getting from JSONstore?
How to store the data locally using JSONStore in worklight and how does i get the data from JSONStore while validating the username and password?
In below code where my data will store and get, if the username and password has typed where it validate:
var collections = {
people : {
searchFields : {name: 'string'}
orders : {
searchFields: {name: 'string'}
.then(function () {
return WL.JSONStore.init(collections);
.then(function () {
return WL.JSONStore.init(collections);
.then(function () {
alert('Multiple inits worked');
.fail(function (err) {
lert('Multiple inits failed' + err.toString());
How to solve the issue?
You really should never ever store username and password locally in the device. That does not sound very secure...
Additionally, where is the username and password coming from? How should the logic be able to validate the credentials? It needs to compare whatever is inputted with something, to know that it is correct. An implementation cannot be done without otherwise, so you need to provide the answer to this...
In the meanwhile, you can take a look at the following tutorial: Offline Authentication.
The included sample application assumes you have first authenticated with a backend system, and later allows for authenticating locally, "offline", in case an Internet connection is not available. For this it uses JSONStore to securely authenticate.
The tutorial include a thorough implementation example, be sure to follow it, and to provide the missing information in your question.
This tutorial explains how to use the JSONStore API, including the Add method:
var collectionName = 'people';
var options = {};
var data = {name: 'yoel', age: 23};
WL.JSONStore.get(collectionName).add(data, options).then(function () {
// handle success
}).fail(function (error) {
// handle failure

How to create a custom user authentication in Meteor?

I am trying to create the following authentication for an app:
User enters phone number and receives an SMS with a code generated in the server (the SMS is handled through an external service). If the user enters the right code he is logged in.
This means I must have two login stages: registering user with a phone and logging him in with the code, so this is what I think the client should look like:
Meteor.getSmsCode = function(phone, username, callback) {
methodName: 'getsmscode',
methodArguments: [{
getsmscode: true,
phone: phone,
username: username
userCallback: callback
Meteor.loginWithCode = function(phone, code, callback) {
methodName: 'login',
methodArguments: [{
hascode: true,
phone: phone,
code: code
userCallback: callback
But I am confused about the server side - there should be two methods:
the first should only register a user (and communicate with the SMS service) and second should log him in.
This is the server test code for now:
Meteor.users.insert({phone: '123456789', code: '123', username:'ilyo'});
Accounts.registerLoginHandler(function(loginRequest) {
var user = Meteor.users.findOne({phone:});
if(user.code !== loginRequest.code) {
return null;
var stampedToken = Accounts._generateStampedLoginToken();
var hashStampedToken = Accounts._hashStampedToken(stampedToken);
{$push: {'services.resume.loginTokens': hashStampedToken}}
return {
id: user._id,
token: stampedToken.token
And this is what happens when I try it:
Why an I getting the 500?
Why doesn't the user have a code and phone fields?
What method should I use for the getSmsCode?
Meteor.createUser is described on How can I create users server side in Meteor?
Then, the Accounts.onCreateUser would contain business logic
A more exact message for the 500 would be on the server-side stdout. Probably security.
Your Login Handler must return an object as follows:
{ userId: user._id }
Sorry I don't elaborate in the whole problem, I don't agree on your full approach but looks you are in the right path to get the feature you need.
Also, this question is one year old, now there are a few packages at atmosphere that address this kind of authentication =)