Generate set of Nouns and verbs from n different descriptions, list out descriptions that match a noun and verb - tensorflow

Im new to NLP, i have with columns app name and its description. Data looks like this
app1, description1 (some information of app1, how it works)
app2, description2
app(n), description(n)
From these descriptions i need to generate a limited set of nouns and verbs. In the final application, when we pair a noun and verb from this list, output should be of list of apps that satisfy that noun+verb.
I dont have any idea where to start, can you please guide me where to start. Thank you.

The task of finding the morpho-syntactic category of words in a sentence is called part-of-speech (or PoS) tagging.
In your case, you probably need also to tokenize your text first.
To do so, you can use nltk, spacy, or the Stanford NLP tagger (among other tools).
Note that depending on the model you use, there can be several labels for nouns (singular nouns, plural nouns, proper nouns) and verbs (depending on the tense and person).
Example with NLTK:
import nltk
description = "This description describes apps with words."
tokenized_description = nltk.word_tokenize(description)
tagged_description = nltk.pos_tag(tokenized_description)
# [('This', 'DT'), ('description', 'NN'), ('describes', 'VBZ'), ('apps', 'RP'), ('with', 'IN'), ('words', 'NNS'), ('.', '.')]
# map the tags to a smaller set of tags
universal_tags_description = [(word, nltk.map_tag("wsj", "universal", tag)) for word, tag in tagged_description]
# universal_tags_description:
# [('This', 'DET'), ('description', 'NOUN'), ('describes', 'VERB'), ('apps', 'PRT'), ('with', 'ADP'), ('words', 'NOUN'), ('.', '.')]
filtered = [(word, tag) for word, tag in universal_tags_description if tag in {'NOUN', 'VERB'}]
# filtered:
# [('description', 'NOUN'), ('describes', 'VERB'), ('words', 'NOUN')]


Can I do any analysis on spacy display using NER?

When accessing this display in spacy NER, can you add the found entities - in this case any tweets with GPE or LOC - to a new dataframe or do any further analysis on this topic? I thought once I got them into a list I could use geopy to visualive it possibly, any thoughts?
colors = {'LOC': 'linear-gradient(90deg, ~aa9cde, #dc9ce7)', 'GPE' : 'radial-gradient(white, blue)'}
options = {'ents' : ['LOC', 'GPE'],'colors':colors}
spacy.displacy.render(doc, style='ent',jupyter=True, options=options, )
The entities are accessible on the doc object. If you want to get all the ents in the doc object into a list, simply use, doc.ents. For example:
import spacy
content = "Narendra Modi is the Prime Minister of India"
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_md')
doc = nlp(content)
should output:
(Narendra Modi, India)
Say, you want to the text (or mention) of the entity and the label of the entity (say, PERSON, GPE, LOC, NORP, etc.) then you can get them as follows:
print([(ent, ent.label_) for ent in doc.ents])
should output:
[(Narendra Modi, 'PERSON'), (India, 'GPE')]
You should be able to use them in other places as you see fit.

SpaCy: Set entity information for a token which is included in more than one span

I am trying to use SpaCy for entity context recognition in the world of ontologies. I'm a novice at using SpaCy and just playing around for starters.
I am using the ENVO Ontology as my 'patterns' list for creating a dictionary for entity recognition. In simple terms the data is an ID (CURIE) and the name of the entity it corresponds to along with its category.
Screenshot of my sample data:
The following is the workflow of my initial code:
Creating patterns and terms
# Set terms and patterns
terms = {}
patterns = []
for curie, name, category in envoTerms.to_records(index=False):
if name is not None:
terms[name.lower()] = {'id': curie, 'category': category}
Setup a custom pipeline
def envo_extractor(doc):
matches = matcher(doc)
spans = [Span(doc, start, end, label = 'ENVO') for matchId, start, end in matches]
doc.ents = spans
for i, span in enumerate(spans):
span._.set("has_envo_ids", True)
for token in span:
token._.set("is_envo_term", True)
token._.set("envo_id", terms[span.text.lower()]["id"])
token._.set("category", terms[span.text.lower()]["category"])
return doc
# Setter function for doc level
def has_envo_ids(self, tokens):
return any([t._.get("is_envo_term") for t in tokens])
##EDIT: #################################################################
def resolve_substrings(matcher, doc, i, matches):
# Get the current match and create tuple of entity label, start and end.
# Append entity to the doc's entity. (Don't overwrite doc.ents!)
match_id, start, end = matches[i]
entity = Span(doc, start, end, label="ENVO")
doc.ents += (entity,)
Implement the custom pipeline
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
matcher = PhraseMatcher(nlp.vocab)
#### EDIT: Added 'on_match' rule ################################
matcher.add("ENVO", None, *patterns, on_match=resolve_substrings)
nlp.add_pipe('envo_extractor', after='ner')
and the pipeline looks like this
[('tok2vec', <spacy.pipeline.tok2vec.Tok2Vec at 0x7fac00c03bd0>),
('tagger', <spacy.pipeline.tagger.Tagger at 0x7fac0303fcc0>),
('parser', <spacy.pipeline.dep_parser.DependencyParser at 0x7fac02fe7460>),
('ner', <spacy.pipeline.ner.EntityRecognizer at 0x7fac02f234c0>),
('envo_extractor', <function __main__.envo_extractor(doc)>),
<spacy.pipeline.attributeruler.AttributeRuler at 0x7fac0304a940>),
<spacy.lang.en.lemmatizer.EnglishLemmatizer at 0x7fac03068c40>)]
Set extensions
# Set extensions to tokens, spans and docs
Token.set_extension('is_envo_term', default=False, force=True)
Token.set_extension("envo_id", default=False, force=True)
Token.set_extension("category", default=False, force=True)
Doc.set_extension("has_envo_ids", getter=has_envo_ids, force=True)
Doc.set_extension("envo_ids", default=[], force=True)
Span.set_extension("has_envo_ids", getter=has_envo_ids, force=True)
Now when I run the text 'tissue culture', it throws me an error:
nlp('tissue culture')
ValueError: [E1010] Unable to set entity information for token 0 which is included in more than one span in entities, blocked, missing or outside.
I know why the error occurred. It is because there are 2 entries for the 'tissue culture' phrase in the ENVO database as shown below:
Ideally I'd expect the appropriate CURIE to be tagged depending on the phrase that was present in the text. How do I address this error?
My SpaCy Info:
============================== Info about spaCy ==============================
spaCy version 3.0.5
Location *irrelevant*
Platform macOS-10.15.7-x86_64-i386-64bit
Python version 3.9.2
Pipelines en_core_web_sm (3.0.0)
It might be a little late nowadays but, complementing Sofie VL's answer a little bit, and to anyone who might be still interested in it, what I (another spaCy newbie, lol) have done to get rid of overlapping spans, goes as follows:
import spacy
from spacy.util import filter_spans
# [Code to obtain 'entity']...
# 'entity' should be a list, i.e.:
# entity = ["Carolina", "North Carolina"]
pat_orig = len(entity)
filtered = filter_spans(ents) # THIS DOES THE TRICK
pat_filt =len(filtered)
doc.ents = filtered
print("Original number of patterns:", pat_orig)
print("Number of patterns after overlapping removal:", pat_filt)
Important to mention that I am using the most recent version of spaCy at this date, v3.1.1. Additionally, it will work only if you actually do not mind about overlapping spans being removed, but if you do, then you might want to give this thread a look. More info regarding 'filter_spans' here.
Best regards.
Since spacy v3, you can use doc.spans to store entities that may be overlapping. This functionality is not supported by doc.ents.
So you have two options:
Implement an on_match callback that will filter out the results of the matcher before you use the result to set doc.ents. From a quick glance at your code (and the later edits), I don't think resolve_substrings is actually resolving conflicts? Ideally, the on_match function should check whether there are conflicts with existing ents, and decide which of them to keep.
Use doc.spans instead of doc.ents if that works for your use-case.

How to keep translations separated where the same word is used in English but a different one in other languages?

Imagine I have a report, a letter actually, which I need to translate to several languages. I have created a greeting field in the form which is filled programatically by an onchange event method.
if self.partner_id.gender == 'female':
self.letter_greeting = _('Dear %s %s,') % ( # the translation should be "Estimada"
self.repr_recipient_id.title.shorcut, surname
elif self.partner_id.gender == 'male':
self.letter_greeting = _('Dear %s %s,') % ( # translation "Estimado"
self.repr_recipient_id.title.shorcut, surname
self.letter_greeting = _('Dear %s %s,') % ( # translation: "Estimado/a"
self.partner_id.title.shorcut, surname
In that case the word Dear should be translated to different Spanish translations depending on which option is used, this is because we use different termination depending on the gender. Exporting the po file I found that all the options are altogether, that make sense because almost all the cases the translations will be the same, but not in this case:
#. module: custom_module
#: code:addons/custom_module/models/
#: code:addons/custom_module/models/
#: code:addons/custom_module/models/
#, python-format
msgid "Dear %s %s,"
msgstr "Dear %s %s,"
Solutions I can apply directly
Put all the terms in different entries to avoid the same translation manually every time I need to update the po file. This can be cumbersome if you have many different words with that problem. If I do it and I open the file with poedit, this error appears: duplicate message definition
Put all the possible combinations with slashes, this is done y some other parts of Odoo. For both gender would be:
#. module: stock
msgid "Dear"
msgstr "Estimado/a"
This is just an example. I can think of many words that look the same in English, but they use different spelling or meanings in other languages depending on the context.
Possible best solutions
I don't know if Odoo know anything aboutu the context of a word to know if it was already translated or not. Adding a context manually could solve the problem, at least for words with different meanings.
The nicest solution would be to have a parameter to the translation module to make sure that the word is exported as an isolated entry for that especific translation.
Do you think that I am giving to it too much importance haha? Do you know if there is any better solution? Why is poedit not taking into account that problem at all?
I propose an extension of models res.partner.title and res.partner.
res.partner.title should get a translateable field for saving salutation prefixes like 'Dear' or 'Sehr geehrter' (German). Maybe it's worth to get something about genders, too, but i won't get into detail here about that.
You probably want to show the configuring user an example like "Dear Mr. Name" or something like that. A computed field should work.
On res.partner you should just implement either a computed field or just a method to get a full salutation for a partner record.
To some degree this is a linguistics problem. I believe the best solution would be to use a different "Source Language", one made up of keys, and then have English as another Translation. The word "Dear" in English does not have a gender context (and typically, much of English doesn't), while the word "Estimado" in Spanish does. The translation from that Spanish word to English is more appropriately "Masculine Dear." Therefore, using keys as your source language, you would have this:
SourceText (EnglishDescription) -> Translation (English) -> Translation (Spanish)
DearMasculine -> Dear -> Estimado
DearFeminine -> Dear -> Estimada
DearNuetral -> Dear -> Estimado/a

Make spacy nlp.pipe process tuples of text and additional information to add as document features?

Apparently for doc in nlp.pipe(sequence) is much faster than running for el in sequence: doc = nlp(el) ..
The problem I have is that my sequence is really a sequence of tuples, which contain the text for spacy to convert into a document, but also additional information which I would like to get into the spacy document as document attributes (which I would register for Doc).
I am not sure how I can modify a spacy pipeline so that the first stage really picks one item from the tuple to run the tokeniser on and get the document, and then have some other function use the remaining items from the tuple to add the features to the existing document.
It sounds like you might be looking for the as_tuples argument of nlp.pipe? If you set as_tuples=True, you can pass in a stream of (text, context) tuples and spaCy will yield (doc, context) tuples (instead of just Doc objects). You can then use the context and add it to custom attributes etc.
Here's an example:
data = [
("Some text to process", {"meta": "foo"}),
("And more text...", {"meta": "bar"})
for doc, context in nlp.pipe(data, as_tuples=True):
# Let's assume you have a "meta" extension registered on the Doc
doc._.meta = context["meta"]
A bit late, but in case someone comes looking for this in 2022:
There is no official/documented way to access the context (the second tuple) for the Doc object from within a pipeline. However, the context does get written to an internal doc._context attribute, so we can use this internal attribute to access the context from within our pipelines.
For example:
import spacy
from spacy.language import Language
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
data = [
("stackoverflow is great", {"attr1": "foo", "attr2": "bar"}),
("The sun is shining today", {"location": "Hawaii"})
# Set up your custom pipeline. You can access the doc's context from
# within your pipeline, such as {"attr1": "foo", "attr2": "bar"}
def my_pipeline(doc):
return doc
# Add the pipeline
# Process the data and do something with the doc and/or context
for doc, context in nlp.pipe(data, as_tuples=True):
If you are interested in the source code, see the nlp.pipe method and the internal nlp._ensure_doc_with_context methods here:

Need to extract information from free text, information like location, course etc

I need to write a text parser for the education domain which can extract out the information like institute, location, course etc from the free text.
Currently i am doing it through lucene, steps are as follows:
Index all the data related to institute, courses and location.
Making shingles of the free text and searching each shingle in location, course and institute index dir and then trying to find out which part of text represents location, course etc.
In this approach I am missing lot of cases like can be written as btech, b-tech or
I want to know is there any thing available which can do all these kind of things, I have heard about Ling-pipe and Gate but don't know how efficient they are.
You definitely need GATE. GATE has 2 main most frequently used features (among thousands others): rules and dictionaries. Dictionaries (gazetteers in GATE's terms) allow you to put all possible cases like "", "btech" and so on in a single text file and let GATE find and mark them all. Rules (more precisely, JAPE-rules) allow you to define patterns in text. For example, here's pattern to catch MIT's postal address ("77 Massachusetts Ave., Building XX, Cambridge MA 02139"):
{Token.kind == number}(SP){Token.orth == uppercase}(SP){Lookup.majorType == avenue}(COMMA)(SP)
{Token.string == "Building"}(SP){Token.kind == number}(COMMA)(SP)
{Lookup.majorType == city}(SP){Lookup.majorType == USState}(SP){Token.kind == number}
where (SP) and (COMMA) - macros (just to make text shorter), {Somthing} - is annotation, , {Token.kind == number} - annotation "Token" with feature "kind" equal to "number" (i.e. just number in the text), {Lookup} - annotation that captures values from dictionary (BTW, GATE already has dictionaries for such things as US cities). This is quite simple example, but you should see how easily you can cover even very complicated cases.
I didn't use Lucene but in your case I would leave different forms of the same keyword as they are and just hold a link table or such. In this table I'd keep the relation of these different forms.
You may need to write a regular expression to cover each possible form of your vocabulary.
Be careful about your choice of analyzer / tokenizer, because words like can be easily split into 2 different words (i.e. B and tech).
You may want to check UIMA. As Lingpipe and Gate, this framework features text annotation, which is what you are trying to do. Here is a tutorial which will help you write an annotator for UIMA:
UIMA has addons, in particular one for Lucene integration.
You can try
example of Adress parsing rules
GraphRegExp.Matcher Token = match("Token");
GraphRegExp.Matcher Country = GraphUtils.regexp("^USA$", Token);
GraphRegExp.Matcher Number = GraphUtils.regexp("^\\d+$", Token);
GraphRegExp.Matcher StateLike = GraphUtils.regexp("^([A-Z]{2})$", Token);
GraphRegExp.Matcher Postoffice = seq(match("BoxPrefix"), Number);
GraphRegExp.Matcher Postcode =
mark("Postcode", seq(GraphUtils.regexp("^\\d{5}$", Token), opt(GraphUtils.regexp("^\\d{4}$", Token))))
//mark(String, Matcher) -- means creating chunk over sub matcher
GraphRegExp.Matcher streetAddress = mark("StreetAddress", seq(Number, times(Token, 2, 5).reluctant()));
//without new lines
streetAddress = regexpNot("\n", streetAddress);
GraphRegExp.Matcher City = mark("City", GraphUtils.regexp("^[A-Z]\\w+$", Token));
Chunker chunker = Chunkers.pipeline(
Chunkers.regexp("Token", "\\w+"),
Chunkers.regexp("BoxPrefix", "\\b(POB|PO BOX)\\b"),
new GraphExpChunker("Address",
); can be written as btech, b-tech or
Lucene will let you do fuzzy searches based on the Levenshtein Distance. A query for roam~ (note the ~) will find terms like foam and roams.
That might allow you to match the different cases.