I'm using npm to run a build and I'm trying to override my .npmrc config options using cmd line flags. However npm insists on passing these flags directly to my script rather than reading them as config options as described in the docs. What am I doing wrong?
From the cmd line I try to build a Tizen pacakge like so:
npm run package --tizen_profile myprofile
inside my package.json I have:
"package": "tizen package -t wgt --sign $npm_package_config_tizen_profile -- .buildResult/wgt -o .buildResult/wgt"
The result from running the command is:
package: `tizen package -t wgt --sign $npm_package_config_tizen_profile -- .buildResult/wgt -o .buildResult/wgt "myprofile"`
Where it should be:
package: `tizen package -t wgt --sign "myprofile"_tizen_profile -- .buildResult/wgt -o .buildResult/wgt`
It's like npm is merely appending the cmd line argument to the script command instead of plugging it in like a variable as described in the docs: https://docs.npmjs.com/misc/config
Has there been a recent update to npm which deprecates and removes this ability? I just updated to npm 6.x but it was working this way on 5.x as well.
you can try to rewrite your script within package.json without --sign flag like:
"package": "tizen package -t wgt -- .buildResult/wgt -o .buildResult/wgt"
and then pass it when you run npm command:
npm run package -- --sign myprofile
I assume that you can change the order of arguments, because --sign myprofile now will be at the very end of your command
here is another way to pass variables and place them in any place in your CLI command (without using npm config set). In my package.json:
"aaa": "ls $myoptionalflag && $mycmd"
this way I can pass any flag to la command (or not to pass at all) and I can pass any CLI command as mycmd variable. So, now I can run:
myoptionalflag=-la mycmd=pwd npm run aaa
which will execute
ls -la && pwd
mycmd=pwd npm run aaa
which will execute
ls && pwd
The documentation is flawed as it doesn't tell you the correct syntax for passing npm config properties. I had to use:
npm run package --mypackagename:tizen_profile="myprofile"
where mypackagename is the name property used in package.json. Also note the key value syntax is --key=value and not --key value as described in the docs. Again, --key would be packagename:key using the name specified at the top level of your package.json.
I'm using commander.js command like this ./index.js --project mono --type item --title newInvoice --comments 'Creates an invoice' --write, Now I'm using the command through npm run item newInvoice by setting some options in package.json file like this
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
"snapshot": "node --max-old-space-size=10240 ./scripts/snapshot.js",
"item": "./index.js --project mono --type item --title",
"config": "./index.js --project mono --type config --title"
But whenever I'm trying to get the --write option with npm using npm run item newInvoice --write it's showing undefined for --write
Source Code:
#!/usr/bin/env node
const fs = require('fs');
const program = require('commander');
.option('--project [project]', 'Specifies the project name', 'mono')
.option('--type [type]', 'Type of code to generate, either "item" or "config"', /^(config|item)$/, 'config')
.option('--title [title]', 'Title of the item or config', 'untitled')
.option('--comments [comments]', 'Configs: describe the config', '#todo description/comments')
.option('--write', 'Write the source code to a new file in the expected path')
.option('--read', 'To see what would be written the source code to a new file in the expected path')
console.log(program.write, program.read); //=> undefined undefined
Can anyone help me how to use commander js command with npm?
When you run your npm run command you need to utilize the special -- option to demarcate the end of any option(s) that may belong to the npm run command itself (e.g. --silent), and the beginning of the argument(s) that are to be passed to the end of the npm script.
Run the following command instead:
npm run item -- newInvoice --write
Given the aforementioned command and the command currently defined your npm script named item they essentially form the following compound command prior to execution:
./index.js --project mono --type item --title newInvoice --write
^ ^
The npm run documentation states the following:
As of npm#2.0.0, you can use custom arguments when executing scripts. The special option -- is used by getopt to delimit the end of the options. npm will pass all the arguments after the -- directly to your script.
and it's usage syntax is defined in the Synopsis section as:
npm run-script <command> [--silent] [-- <args>...]
Note: It's not possible to add the -- option to the npm script itself.
In an NPM project, I'd like to have a commit for each build version. This will allow me to go back to the current build version, fix a bug, without having to go through all the QA of a new version.
We can commit using npm scripts like this (see this answer):
"scripts": {
"git": "git add . && git commit -m",
Then invoke the script by running:
npm run git -- "Message of the commit"
I'd like to automate it to run after npm run build. For this purpose we can create a new command.
"scripts": {
"buildAndCommit": "npm run build && git add . && git commit -m",
This could be run using npm run buildAndCommit -- "commit for a new build"
The only thing left is that I'd like to identify this commit as one that could be linked to a commit. Is it possible to start the message automatically with "BUILD -" and to add to that the unique message which is passed in the command line? Something like:
"scripts": {
"buildAndCommit": "npm run build && git add . && git commit -'Build' + $uniqueMessageFromTheCommandLine`",
If it is not possible to template the string in package.json, how could I achieve it using a command line script? (Powershell is my command line tool).
Running on *nix platforms
On a *nix platform npm utilizes sh by default to execute the npm script(s). In this scenario you can simply use a shell function and reference the git message argument passed via the CLI using the $1 positional parameter.
Your npm script would be redefined like this:
"scripts": {
"build": "...",
"buildAndCommit": "func() { npm run build && git add . && git commit -m \"BUILD - $1\"; }; func"
Cross platform
Unfortunately, via Windows Powershell the solution is not quite as simple and terse.
When using Powershell npm utilizes cmd by default to execute npm script(s). Likewise npm utilizes cmd by default via other Windows consoles too, such as Command Prompt.
One way to achieve your requirement is to invoke a node.js via your npm script. The following provides two different methods that are essentially the same. Either will run successfully cross-platform (in your case via Powershell).
Method A - Using a separate node.js script
Create the following node.js script. Let's name the file script.js and save it in the root of the project directory, i.e. in the same directory where package.json resides.
const execSync = require('child_process').execSync;
const mssg = 'BUILD - ' + process.argv[2];
execSync('npm run build && git add . && git commit -m \"' + mssg + '\"', { stdio:[0, 1, 2] });
The node.js builtin process.argv captures the argument at index two, i.e. the git commit message, that was provided via the CLI. The git commit message is concatenated with with the substring BUILD - to form the desired commit message. The resultant string is assigned to the variable mssg.
We then utilize the node.js builtin execSync() to execute your given npm script. As you can see, the value of the mssg variable is used as the git commit message.
The stdio option is utilized to ensure the correct configuration of the pipes, i.e. stdin, stdout, 'stderr', are established between the parent and child process.
Define your npm script named buildAndCommit as follows:
"scripts": {
"build": "...",
"buildAndCommit": "node script"
Above node invokes script.js.
Method B - Inline the node.js script in npm script
Alternatively, the aforementioned node.js script (i.e. script.js) can be provided inline in your npm script instead - therefore negating the use of a separate .js file.
"scripts": {
"build": "...",
"buildAndCommit": "node -e \"const mssg = 'BUILD - ' + process.argv[1]; require('child_process').execSync('npm run build && git add . && git commit -m \\\"' + mssg + '\\\"', { stdio:[0, 1, 2] })\""
This utilizes the same code from Method A albeit it slightly refactored. The notable differences are:
The nodejs command line option -e is utilized to evaluate the inline JavaScript.
process.argv this time will capture the argument, i.e. the git commit message, at index one in the array of arguments.
Additional escaping of the double quotes is necessary, i.e. \\\"
Running the npm script
Using either Method A or Method B run the command via your CLI as desired: For instance:
$ npm run buildAndCommit -- "commit for a new build"
This will produce the following git commit message:
BUILD - commit for a new build
Simple one, but could not find the answer anywhere online! Installed sass globally (npm install -g sass) on my Mac.
This works as expected:
sass style.scss style.css
Then I try:
sass --watch style.scss:style.css
And get:
Could not find an option named "watch".
Usage: sass <input> [output]
--[no-]stdin Read the stylesheet from stdin.
--[no-]indented Use the indented syntax for input from stdin.
-I, --load-path=<PATH> A path to use when resolving imports.
May be passed multiple times.
-s, --style=<NAME> Output style.
[expanded (default), compressed]
-c, --[no-]color Whether to emit terminal colors.
-q, --[no-]quiet Don't print warnings.
--[no-]trace Print full Dart stack traces for exceptions.
-h, --help Print this usage information.
--version Print the version of Dart Sass.
What am I missing??
First create the SASS's folder, and in there create your SASS's file. Example:
In your project root folder, open the console and type the command:
sass --watch sass/styles.sass:css/styles.css
This command will create your CSS's folder and CSS's file. In addition to compiling your .sass content for your .css.
In the end, I gave up on sass as tried above, and went for a solution with webpack.
Another option I tried which worked was to use node-sass.
I solved running this command on your terminal
echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p
i hope that help
I have webpack use babel to transpile es6 files into es5. I want to compress these using uglifyjs. The method I used which worked till today was to have this script file be invoked with npm:
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
for file in ./public/assets/js/*.js
echo "uglifying `basename $file`"
uglifyjs --verbose --compress --source-map content=${file:2}.map,url=`basename $file`.map,filename=${file:2}.map,includeSources=true --output $file $file
And in my package.json:
"scripts": {
"uglifyjs": "scripts/uglifyjs",
Take the first file that gets invoked, links.js. If I manually type the command is works:
$ uglifyjs --verbose --compress --source-map content=public/assets/js/links.js.map,url=links.js.map,filename=public/assets/js/links.js.map,includeSources=true --output ./public/assets/js/links.js ./public/assets/js/links.js
INFO: Using input source map: public/assets/js/links.js.map
When running npm run uglifyjs I get the following error:
$ npm run uglifyjs
> jbuk-frontend#0.0.1 uglifyjs /home/jonny/git/jonnybarnes.uk
> scripts/uglifyjs
uglifying links.js
return binding.open(pathModule._makeLong(path), stringToFlags(flags), mode);
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'content=public/assets/js/links.js.map,url=links.js.map,filename=public/assets/js/links.js.map,includeSources=true'
at Object.fs.openSync (fs.js:651:18)
at Object.fs.writeFileSync (fs.js:1300:33)
at done (/home/jonny/git/jonnybarnes.uk/node_modules/uglify-js/bin/uglifyjs:516:20)
at cb (/home/jonny/git/jonnybarnes.uk/node_modules/uglify-js/bin/uglifyjs:324:39)
at /home/jonny/git/jonnybarnes.uk/node_modules/uglify-js/bin/uglifyjs:391:9
at tryToString (fs.js:512:3)
at FSReqWrap.readFileAfterClose [as oncomplete] (fs.js:500:12)
I don’t know why I can run the command manually, but not via npm, it worked before. Is this a known change with npm v5?
Title says it all. I want to be able to pass the argument to the middle of an npm script so that I may do the following.
$ npm run deploy -- <destination-path>
In package.json
"scripts": {
"deploy": "robocopy dist <destination-path> /E /NP"
Is this possible without using environment variables or npm's configuration variables?
Per Passing args into run-scripts #5518 it would appear that is it not possible to pass arguments to the middle of the script.
We are not going to support passing args into the middle of the script, sorry. If you really need this, write your test command using literally any of the command line parsers that anyone uses. (Minimist, dashdash, nopt, and commander all support this just fine.)
However, an alternative to this using the npm configuration block has been documented here. My implementation then looks like this:
"name": "foo"
"config": { "destination" : "deploy" },
"scripts": { "deploy": "robocopy dist %npm_package_config_destination% /E /NP" }
I can then override this on the command line and on my build server with:
npm run deploy --foo:destination=C:\path\to\deploy\dir
You can use an environment variable to set the destination path.
PATH=/path/to/file npm run deploy -- $PATH
export PATH=/path/to/file
npm run deploy -- $PATH
I have a different way to do that via shell.
If your npm command is:
"deploy": "robocopy dist ${1} /E /NP"
Where ${1} is the parameter you want to substitute.
Then wrap it in a function as follow:
"deploy": "func() { robocopy dist ${1} /E /NP";}; func"
then you can run a positional parameter substitution in shell as follow:
npm run deploy -- xyz
which would run
robocopy dist xyz /E /NP
And since this is a shell script, you can use default parameters as well:
"deploy": "func() { robocopy dist ${1:-xyz} /E /NP";}; func"
And you can use it as follows:
npm run deploy <==> robocopy dist xyz /E /NP
npm run deploy -- abc <==> robocopy dist abc /E /NP
You can make use of the arg structure of "sh -c". In my example below, I have to echo-feed the npm arg into a language parser. The argument for npm run foma <some word> will be in place of the $0:
"sayhello": "bash -c 'echo hello $0!"
A cross-platform solution I use is:
"arg-helper": "node -e \"process.stdout.write(require('child_process').execSync(process.argv[1].replace('$', process.argv[2] || '')))\"",
"sayhello": "npm run arg-helper \"echo hello $!\"
>npm run sayhello world
Levereging npm_config_* variables.
"scripts": {
"echoMyParam": "echo 'your param value is' $npm_config_foo"
npm run echoMyParam --foo=bar
your param value is bar
It's important to check the docs for other cases: https://docs.npmjs.com/using-npm/config